Gardening Trends


GARDEN TRENDS IN 2024 THAT NEED TO GO |DOES NOT WORK | PLEASE STOP WASTING YOUR MONEY!Subscribe and share my videos. off grid life,bush crafting, free life, country living, outdoor cooking Gardening,videos

Hey my lovely friends welcome to another
video today we are talking about
gardening yes we on the gardening Trend
the gardening bandwagon because spring
is around the corner and I really want
to give you guys some
information about the garden So today
we’re going to talk about five yes five
gardening trends that just needs to go
in the garbage in French we say in the
pel Okay so
there’s a lot of gardening Trends out
there that just doesn’t work and as
beginner gardeners I think you should
know about them so that it will save
your money and you don’t have to be just
wasting money wondering if this things
going to work trying these things and
getting yourself frustrated so let’s get
into the first one the first one is the
copper wire guys
the copper wire for Slugs hello this
copper wire thing does not work okay
take it from me it does not work the I
think it was like the second to third
year I was gardening in my oven space
before I moved to the country house I
had an in infestation of slugs why I had
slugs because I brought in some wood
like dead rotten wood in inside my
garden beds and they went there and make
their home so I just had lot of slugs
and I was worried that they were going
to eat up all my cabbages well they ate
some of them but I was able to rescue a
lot of them now this CA thing didn’t
work first of all the COA is expensive
when you put them down the Slugs just go
over it but let me tell you what works
okay the COA does not work take it for
me I tried everything for this slugs
didn’t work I put bear I put uh
um I put apple cider vinegar nther did
not work what work for me is going out
there and picking the Slugs out and
feeding them to the chickens okay or you
can feed them
to I mean just kill them that’s it or
just smashing them and killing them that
works perfectly something that work for
me is not watering in the night time
because at night time when you water
your plants ooh it’s nice and moist and
they come out and they’re going to be
munching on your plants so don’t do that
these things work for me copper wire did
not work for me just waste of money and
very expensive don’t do that no copper
wire don’t buy any doesn’t work okay the
second Trend I need to go is putting
eggshells down for snails and slugs
uh-uh that does not work also I put
eggshells down it didn’t work I put wood
chips down it didn’t work little any
little sharp things I could find I put
it down did not work the Slugs and the
snails they just go over it I mean I
didn’t have like a lot a lot of snails
but I did have quite a large amount of
snails I don’t think the snails did so
much damage but I think the Slugs did
more damage than anything else but that
did not work what worked for me was
putting epsm salt down and cayenne
pepper or chili chili pepper now this
worked for me like a charm they hated
the pepper I don’t know I think the
pepper did something to their body and
the Epsom salt definitely killed them I
just sprinkle Epsom salt all over and it
killed them and that worked for me and
I’m still using that method I put FM
salt down all over my plants when I just
PL them out and that works like a charm
I also mix a strong mixture of Epsom
salt and I water my plants mostly every
third or fourth day and this really get
rid of the Slugs and anytime I see like
slugs I just kill them
all that’s what I do and I do not water
late in the afternoon because that
moisture will cause them to come out so
yeah that’s what I do this thing work
the egg sh and all that stuff doesn’t
work doesn’t work at all doesn’t work
the third
Trend gardening Trend that needs to go
into garbage for 2024
is the compost only gardening guys come
on now I
mean compost
only what’s about if you living in the
city and you don’t make your own compost
where you going to get all this compost
to put in your garden this is not
realistic so you cannot do a compost
only if you not if you’re not living out
somewhere where you can make a lot of
compost like it’s a lot of compost you
know or you have to buy compost and
bring it in but the point about it is
the compost only thing got to stop why
you have to stop is first of all buying
compost is very expensive that’s number
one unless you’re going to get it for
free that’s okay number two I’ve been
gardening for years and years and years
since I was a small kid and I mean when
I was younger we just dig the compost
out from our banana trees where we put
all our scraps and things and we never
put compost only we mix the compost with
the soil that’s already there you know
and now that I’m in Canada and I’m
gardening I did try this compost only
method and my garden was a mess I had to
redo everything because when I put
compost only it kind of
makes the soil lumpy and the soil was
not like
soft and it wasn’t irrated it was just
Compact and it was just very dense and
my plants was not happy with the compost
only but when I add other things like
top soil when I add like
peite I add some other different sauce a
little bit of sand you know all these
kind of things that I mix up I coconut
core I add Pete Moss you know when I
make my mixture this saw works really
well and my plants love it I add um my
warm castings my plants love it so the
compost only guys don’t fall for that
trick that doesn’t work okay it does not
work it messes up your soil it makes
your soil clumpy and it’s just too dense
for the soil and it depends on the plant
that you’re growing it doesn’t like that
some of the plants I grow especially my
spinach when I had compost only the
leaves were kind of um burnt at the edge
and some other um plants also they
wasn’t looking too good and it made them
a little bit instead of being bright
green they look a little bit yellowish
like and once I figured that was a
problem and I fixed it everything went
back to normal but let me tell you if
you’re going to use compost
only on your
maybe maybe you have some I don’t know
what kind of soil you have but if that
works for you do what works for you but
as for me that doesn’t work in all my
time of gardening and I think that one
should go in the garbage I think you
should mix your compost with other soils
you should amend it you should add all
kind of things to it depending on the
plants that you’re putting in there the
veggies the trees the this the that you
need a mixture you need your salt to be
soft you need your salt to be ired The
Roots need to go down there on compost
only n that doesn’t work okay garbage I
put nothing in the garbage garbage for
me the compost only in the garbage
compost is beautiful compost is lovely
but it’s not meant to be used alone okay
sorry guys that one goes in the
garbage fourth gardening trend for 2024
that needs to go in the garbage is the
sifting of the compost guys who has time
to sift compost not me
I’m out there to work in the garden and
enjoy myself sifting compost is not one
of my enjoyment thing it makes a lot of
dust and I just don’t want to be sifting
compost honestly guys I don’t want to do
that okay that’s not something I want to
do I think it’s just a waste of time but
each to their own
so did I have a sift compost before yes
yes yes yes I sift compost before now do
I like sifted compost yes sifted compost
is nice if you’re just going to sprinkle
around your plants you know that’s
already planted you want to boost them
up great but sifting all your compost no
that’s a no no for me and personally I
do not like to sift my compost why I
don’t like to sift my
compost I have used the compost both
ways sifted and unsifted I find that
when the compost is UN sifted my soil is
much better it’s more coarse it’s more
dense I find the roots they tend to go
through the soil better and I find my
plants love it better something else I
noticed with my compost is when it has
all its bits you know of unbroken D
material like the wood and stuff like
that I find that I get this bacteria
that grows on top of
it and this bacteria is called saet
bacteria and this is a good bacteria or
fungi if you want to call it that and
what happens is this satic
fungi this is a good fungi that works to
break down organic material wood
shavings and any organic matter like
your food scraps it likes it’s there
breaking it down so when you leave those
pieces of of um when you leave those
pieces of compost that is unbroken you
know it’s not fine into tiny soil this
little fungi gets into there and they’re
they make colonies and they start living
in there and it’s better for the soil
composition it’s better for the the soil
environment and so it makes a stronger
root system because they are in there
they’re multiplying and they are killing
off those bad bacterias that are in
there or those little neat toes and
stuff like that is there very very very
small fungi that are not supposed to be
there so they’re overpopulating and
they’re just making your soil rich and
they’re continue to break down the rest
of the compost that is not completely
fine and it’s not completely like in
soil form so that is why I like to leave
my compost as it is and do not sift it
but if you want to sift yours you can
sift it so as for me this sifting of
compost strength
poel garbage for me I am not sifting any
compost and I think as gardeners we
should focus on getting good quality
food having soft soil that the roots can
go through having soil that is Rich and
not focus on giving ourself extra work
cuz gardening is supposed to be fun you
know it’s supposed to be work less and
it produce more so sifting compost
nope sifting comp compost no no garbage
for me this Garden Trend got to go no
sifting compost plus I don’t want to be
another Garden utensil which is a
sifting thing and I don’t want to spend
more money buying the mesh to make the
sifting thingy no no no no that’s not on
my budget so that got to go in the
garbage and the last
Garden Trend in my opinion that needs to
go in
garbage is the no dig method now I am
not knocking the no dig method because I
do the no dig method in my Greenhouse
but if you’re big in a garden and you’re
just starting off your garden the no dig
method does not work depending on your
soil when I started this no dig method I
was like didn’t I see this popular
YouTubers those Gardener people will do
that how come mine don’t work
well the no deep Garden
works over a period of time you need to
put the soil down then you need to put
layers and as these layers break down
the soil becomes soft the soil become
very pliable and very irrated and it
becomes amazing but when you Dr start in
your garden the soil is not like that
you need the sot to mature so after you
saw mature for two seasons three seasons
the no dig works and it depends on the
vegetables now when I plant potatoes if
I don’t heal them up you know that
doesn’t work I need to dig it up on the
sides and put and heal it up or else I
get less potatoes I tried that before I
was very upset because my potatoes
didn’t do well all right tomatoes the
same thing I find when I heal my
tomatoes and you know dig up around it
they do much better than if I don’t um
cucumbers the same thing Peas I don’t
have a problem the no dig method works
really well corn works really well also
but I do find that if I you know dig up
around the corn I mulch it a bit it does
better you know give it Aid the soil it
does better so it all depends on what
you’re planting and it depends on your
Sal but I personally think this no dig
thing got to go because when I need to
fertilizers to my garden I also need to
dig it up dig up around it to add my
fertilizer when I in at my farmhouse I
put leaves all over my bed at the end of
The Fall season so when I remove the
leaves I need to kind of dig up the soil
to make those dead leaves that are on
top to go down inside so for me no dig
method doesn’t work I need to mulch
just my soil and I need to dig it up to
incorporate those things inside and for
my bed I have four beds in the
greenhouse the no dig method worked
because those beds have been there for 3
years and they’re very beautiful because
when I started them I started them with
compost leaves mulch dead wood all kind
of stuff and this it soil is beautiful
anything you plant in those beds they
just does amazing so every year I just
do my compost and soil mix and I add at
the top and I just you know just gently
gently put my fingers through it but the
vegetables the Tomatoes The Greens that
come out of there it’s amazing and it
retains a lot of water a lot a lot of
water so I don’t even have to worry too
much of the watering that green that
part those four beds in the greenhouse
but I also have another bed in the
greenhouse which I didn’t do that with
and it it doesn’t it does fine it does
fine it it doesn’t it doesn’t have a
problem but this bed I didn’t do the
same method with it so I cannot do a new
dig last year I tried no dig in it it
didn’t turn out well it didn’t turn out
well so for me the no dig got to go in
the garbage because it doesn’t work for
me personally in the in the greenhouse
yes in the beds it
works in some of the beds like I said um
but in the garden in ground Garden the
noig doesn’t work for me because of my
soil I have a lot of clay soil and so
each year I need to you know dig and I
need to break up this clay soil that are
way down in the bottom bring it up to
the top and add things to it and amend
it so it can you know continue to be
soft and break down but if the no dig
method works for you go ahead and try it
but as for me doesn’t work the no dig
method got to go in the garbage for me
so these were my
five Garden Trend that need to go in the
pel the garbage for 2024 in my opinion
you can have your own opinion and if
there’s anything that you think needs to
not be used this Garden season because
it’s cost it you bu and this thread
doesn’t work for you put a comment down
in the bottom and tell me which things
you find doesn’t work is it grow bags is
it fertilizers what are these Trends I
mean there’s many of the trends that are
out there which I didn’t talk about
which one of those trends that are out
there which doesn’t work for you you as
a season Gardener you as a gardener who
been gardening for a long time so thank
you guys thanks for watching thanks for
coming back welcome back to all my 48
subscribers that I just join this
channel thank you very much for watching
I appreciate you guys and chia Chow I’ll
see you in the next video Mah


  1. When you mentioned the slugs and snails, i immediately thought “salt”! Cayenne 😅wow! It’s all a learning experience! Hydrogen peroxide is something that I’ve used to treat my plants and cinnamon. Both revived my plants and got rid of whatever was infecting them.

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