Vegetable Gardening

Buttercrunch Lettuce. Zone 10b.

Buttercrunch Lettuce. Zone 10b.

by NoLimit3548


  1. NoLimit3548

    This is one of my favorite varieties. Which are your go to lettuce varieties?

  2. ElectricTomatoMan

    I’d recommend Sluggo if you have slugs or snails. They love lettuce. They’re beautiful!

  3. kroephoto

    I love butter crunch it always seems to do well for me in zone 5b!

  4. Sad-Professional11

    i’m growing this, i’ve never tried it 🤭

  5. Davekinney0u812

    Due to some shade issues I never had luck with romaines or any lettuce that forms a head . I did have luck with those cut and come again leaf lettuces which I love. I cleared some trees this year and now have a sunny location for Buttercrunch and Romaine – very excited!!

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