
Shipping meat

We are thinking of expanding our market and possibly shipping. Anybody done this and have tips? Pic for attention

by Ill_Palpitation3703

1 Comment

  1. Paghk_the_Stupendous

    Paste from a recent post:
    To add to the discussion, I have a ton of foam in my shop from deliveries. I also have so many gel packs for freezing that I have called local charities to see if they needed any for food deliveries.

    Amos Miller ships in cardboard boxes that are lined with custom cut reflective foam sheeting (its got reflective foil on both sides), then they’ll have some dunnage (thick brown paper or waffle cut brown paper (around glass jars and such), with a sheet of small gel packs for cooling.

    Others typically use a cardboard box around a small foam cooler, which I’ll admit have been then taken camping or converted into chick brooders or stacked a bit too high in my shop. These are stuffed with the same brown paper but have much larger gel packs in them; there are a few different sizes from “lunchbox” to “I keep these in the deep freeze for deer season carcass cooling”.

    All of the paper is great for lighting my woodstove. Can post pics of stuff if needed.

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