
Was picking strawberries this morning and look who I found

Was picking strawberries this morning and look who I found

by ar00xj


  1. About 6 inches away from my hand before I noticed it

  2. Sensitive-Ask-8662

    F O R B I D D E N
    B L A C K B E R R Y

  3. HorzaDonwraith

    She is ensuring your harvest is bountiful.

  4. How dark is that spot? Maybe your strawberries aren’t in the sunniest location lol.

  5. Blueberry_Clouds

    At least your strawberries will be pest free

  6. Gilda_PersonaOnly

    She can have all the strawberries.

  7. Bhappy-2022

    Are those from last year or just planted this year

  8. 10133960iii

    Just in case you’re unaware; black widows are way less dangerous than popular culture would lead you to believe. Few people bit by this spider require hospitalization and none actually die. Bee stings cause orders of magnitude more hospitalizations and deaths.

  9. MacGyver0104

    Holy cow!! Glad you saw it b4 you got bit. They can make you terribly sick.

  10. RedBeard442

    “Look mom I’m going to be Spiderman”

  11. Just3Webbs

    I have pet black widows. They aren’t aggressive little beings, but they can definitely give you a decent boo boo if scared.
    Usually, the first bite is just a warning bite.

  12. The-Phantom-Blot

    Well spotted! On closer inspection, I see that trademark tangly web. I wonder if she will stay there, or move now? She may have noticed you noticing her.

  13. WolfSilverOak

    That gets a brick dropped on it at my house, depending how close to the house and where my dogs roams. I don’t mess with them and my pets.

  14. EveningSet7

    I live in Florida and we have many spiders. I look very carefully before I stick my hand anywhere. I highly recommend gloves.

  15. Struggler70

    Oh, dang! Please tell me you wear gloves. My concern is always brown recluse spiders when I am in the gardens.
    A few things I do not care for are snakes and spiders!

  16. Primary-Bat-3022

    Always wear thick gloves when doing gardening stuff 😋

  17. lifefindsuhway

    Terrifying! My toddler loves poking around the patch for berries. New fear unlocked for sure

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