
What is wrong with my peppers?

What’s wrong with my peppers and what can I do to help them recover?

I’m a novice. Before planting, I mixed in-ground soil and Black Kow Manure to the original soil. I planted 4/1. I water daily with the soaker. It gets lots of sun.

Today I added earthworm castings.

Please help me help my peppers!🫑

by AnhedoniaLogomachy


  1. gentlemanplanter

    Maybe pulling the mulch away and letting the soil dry out some. Some plants (for example summer squash from my experience) don’t like to be mulched. I have better luck with peppers later in the season and don’t put out plants until late June. I’m in zone 8.

  2. Too much water… Do not water daily.. try watering once a week or if it wilts.

  3. WildYeastWizard

    Looks like you could’ve burned it with too much fertilizer

  4. I agree with other posters but will also add that I’ve found peppers get fussy when leaves are soaked. Try to water only at the stem if possible.

  5. teatsqueezer

    Too wet, maybe too cold. They like the roots to be warm.

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