
Pretty cool to see in the wild!!

Pretty cool to see in the wild!!

by Queef_Stroganoff44


  1. Tigger3-groton

    Indian Pipes, we usually don’t see them until August. They are plants without chlorophyll.


    what are these good for/do? I’ve seen them around my property a bit and didnt know what they were until now

  3. Background-Car9771

    The natural world is so freaking amazing. 

  4. WillieIngus

    surprised you didn’t ask how to kill it since it’s not a red tomato

  5. AlltheBent

    Lol first thing I noticed here was all the poison ivy around, hot damn!

    Anyways, so beautiful, have always wanted to see some here around my home!

  6. SeniorOldCitizen

    Should I remove these, A lot of these are in my Home Backyard.

  7. UnderstandingDry1241

    I found some growing in my yard last year. I thought some alien species moved in.

  8. Akaonisama

    Everyone says they are rare but they are all over the place in my region.

  9. Condescendingfate

    These have medicinal properties if prepared correctly. I’ve had them in a tincture before.

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