
What is this?

This was found in my backyard, southeastern VA. Just curious what it is. My kids found them and thought they were strawberries, and I told them not to eat things they find. Luckily they didn’t, but just trying to get an ID on it.

by Accomplished-Door366


  1. Dramatic_Accountant6

    Looks like a wild strawberry. Taste it, you can always spit it out

  2. Small-Issue-3193

    It’s a faux strawberry. I had a patch on the side of my home. Googled using lens and it identified it. Non poisonous, every thing I read, they grow in yards in the south and taste like wet grass, no one found them good to eat.

  3. sam99871

    Looks somewhat like Potentilla indica, mock strawberry.

  4. astasodope

    Mock/faux strawberry. Edible, tasteless, mostly seed. Not harmful if eaten, just doesn’t taste anything like strawberries. The darker ones are slightly sweet but they usually just taste like grass water.

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