
The garden must expand!

The garden must expand!

by benuntu


  1. After a much needed wet winter in northern California, Spring is here and the garden is going off! Added a new bed for cucumbers and zucchini/squash to climb on the trellis, and will plant some dill, marigolds and some other flowers along the left edge. Hopefully this will tame the usually chaotic cucumber plants this summer. Hope everyone is out enjoying their garden, cheers!

  2. Dont-U-Ever-Leaf-Me

    Love the minimalism ❣️
    •^(Join **r PlantDoctor** for plant care secrets from master gardeners in your feed occasionally)•

  3. Just-Like-My-Opinion

    Oh I LOVE your trellises! How wide is the pathway between the beds?

    I want to do this, too 💚

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