Gardening Supplies

5 Dollar Store Garden Hacks That Will Save you Hundreds! 🌺 πŸƒπŸŒΌ (Plus one bonus hack!)

With prices going up on everything, it’s harder and harder to garden without breaking the bank. Here are 5 great hacks using items in the dollar store to imitate much more expensive items. I saved $517 with these hacks!

Make your own olla:

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: SU4TB3G3W1WFEBLT

welcome or welcome back to the eth
concession my name is Natalie well I
think spring is here to stay we did have
a few flurries the last few days and
below freezing temperatures but it’s
supposed to warm up now and I think it’s
going to stay fairly warm so it’s time
to get a bit of start on my outdoor
gardening chores now I know a lot of you
are facing the same thing I am here and
that is the rising cost of everything
really and gardening supplies are no
different so it’s pretty hard to try and
still you know garden and save money at
the same time so I wanted to share with
you today my top five hacks from the
dollar store for some things in the
garden so the first one I want to talk
to today are these These are coconut
core and these I found at the dollar
store they’re to go inside um hanging
wire pots so they’re like a liner
they’re about a foot in diameter and I
got these two for 250 at ourcal local
Dollarama here in Ontario now I don’t
want to use these to line wire baskets
although I do have one what I want to
use them for today is as a mulch around
some of my plants namely my roses over
here by the pond I like to use these
because I can set them and forget them
and then when the mosquitoes get really
bad I don’t have to come over and weed
all the
time now you can mulch of course around
any plants but these in some ways are
even better than Mulch and that’s
because when they’re down they do still
allow air to go through mulch can
sometimes if it’s on really thick it can
almost uh you know smother the ground it
can be a bit of a breeding ground for a
mold or mildew um these allow the roots
still to breathe and of course the water
to go through the other good thing about
them is most Little Critters and pests
don’t like them they don’t like the feel
of them so you can use these even in
planter pots and if you have problems
with say chipmunks or squirrels digging
into your Planters these will help
prevent that because they don’t like the
the feel of them and apparently insects
as well don’t really like to go in so
they’re good in that respect now at the
dollar store as I said I got two for
$250 and I saw online that some that
already have the hole in it so that you
can put it like a collar around plants
they can go for two for $14 or something
like that and I mean the cost Savings of
Simply cutting these yourself is
enormous so I’m going to save over $10
because I’m going to use four of them
around the plants here that’s a huge
savings all I’m going to do is take a
pair of scissors and I’m going to cut
into the
mat towards the
center and then I’m going to just cut a
hole here roughly the size I need to go
around my plants and you can tailor this
to however big the stem might be on
yours now my first rose there has spread
a bit so I’m actually going to make it a
bit bigger than I did last
you can see my lilac bush over here even
has a little bit left of the one from
last year and that’s the other thing I
noticed some of the ones you can buy on
Amazon although they are cheaper if you
buy bigger packs there have been some
bad reviews saying that they’re pretty
thin and they break down within a couple
of weeks you can see this one has lasted
through the whole winter and it’s still
offering some protection so I do think
that perhaps you have to be careful when
you order from Amazon you’re not quite
sure of the quality you’re going to
get at least in the dollar store you can
feel them and touch them before you buy
them there they’re all ready for the new
season to keep the weeds down and the
my second hack is something that those
who’ve been following me for a while
might have already seen me use and
that’s using paper cups as plant pots
now here on the eighth concession we
really try to avoid plastic as much as
possible I’m not a fan of it so I mean
it’s virtually impossible to get rid of
all the plastic in our lives even the
housing of the camera that’s taking this
video is plastic but where we can make a
choice to use something other than
plastic we will try and do that here and
that is for me starting my plants in
paper cups I also have soil blockers
which I like to use but these are great
if the plant has to stay in for a longer
time or if I’m going to end up it’s
today or if I’m going to end up gifting
them to friends or family they’re just
easier to transport in these now this
package here is 50 these are just
bathroom cups from the dollar store they
they are 50 and I think I paid $150 for
them so I was looking on Amazon for
other um biodegradable types of plant
pots and I found those sort of pressed
cardboard ones and they were 100 for I
$18 so I can get a hundred of these for
about $3 that’s a savings of $15 right
there and I love the paper pots you can
plant them in the garden they will break
down within a year but you don’t even
have to take your plants out of them if
you don’t want to and that’s really
handy for some plants like lofas where
they don’t like their roots to be
disturbed and they can shock if you take
them out of a container and then plant
them in the garden even that much
they’ll have a temper tantrum so being
able to put the pot directly in the
ground is super and if you want and
you’re worried about the roots having
sort of easy access to get out when the
cup is still very intact you can always
punch a few more holes in it just before
you plant it in the ground so paper cups
and and you can use the larger drink
cups for larger plants as well say
pumpkins or zucchini or tomato plants
and they’re fairly inexpensive too so
here’s a a little pepper I’ve started in
one of my paper cups and you can see
that this cup is a great size and it
will serve its purpose right until this
pepper plant is ready to go into the
garden so another $133 saved you can
hear that the frogs are very happily
croaking the chickens not so much but I
wanted to come down here to share with
you my third dollar store gardening hack
and that
is a make your own Oya now for those of
you who don’t know an Oya is a very
ancient watering technique it was
basically developed in very dry areas
probably New Mexico Arizona IA and the
indigenous people figured out that by
using terracotta pots they could water
plants from underground so OAS that you
can buy you can see they have a big
bulbous bottom and a a long top so you
fill the oil with water you bury it
underground so that the top is just
sticking out where you can water it
easily and then the roots of the plants
can actually draw water right through
the Terracotta so it seeps out slowly
you don’t lose a lot of water to
evaporation or the Heat and the plants
have access to it as quickly or as
slowly as they need but true OAS while
they’re lovely and I’d love to have a
whole bunch of them they’re really
expensive so an OA of about 7 in by 9 in
is roughly
$110 my make your own oil though not as
pretty uses two terracotta pots that I
got at the dollar store so one shaped
this and a flatter one shaped like that
I used a bit of silicon to put them
together and the little pipe you see
sticking out the top is just somewhere
for me to put a funnel to easily fill it
underground my OA the clay pots or the
terra cotta pots were
about $4 for this one and 350 for this
one so 750 for the pots a little bit of
money in Silicon to seal them and close
them and hold them together and the end
of a a hollow broom
handle let’s say a
dollar so my OA costs about $9 $10 if
you want to be generous so I am going to
have three of them this year I did make
this one last year
and I you can see by the look of it that
I put it underground but we had such a
wet rainy summer last year that I didn’t
actually need it and I couldn’t see how
well or poorly it was doing because it
rained so much I I don’t think I ever
watered the garden I didn’t need to this
year it might be a dyri or hotter summer
and I’m going to give it a try again to
see how I think around my peppers and
tomatoes really heavy waterers I’m going
to try the OAS again this year this year
I’ll have three and at $10 each that’s
about $30 in OAS rather than
$330 a $300 savings right there dollar
store Garden hack number four is the
easiest of all no DIY needed and that is
these I found these little wire Waste
Paper Baskets at the Dollar Tree for
$150 these make the perfect wire lashes
to put around your plants if you have a
certain plant that some Critters like to
nibble on and the perfect example is
right behind me here these are some
tulips I have coming up and they’ve
already been nibbled on a little bit by
the many rabbits we have here at our
house so for
$150 and a few Garden
Staples and I got these at the dollar
store 10 of them for $150 so 15 each I
can protect my plants from nibblers now
I saw I was looking on Amazon for some
similar wire cles and there’s some very
nice ones with chicken wire but then I
saw this listing for what looked like a
pack of these exact same Waste Paper
baskets so they wanted $65 for 10 of
them and at the Dollar Tree they 10 of
these cost me
$150 that’s a $50 savings you can’t beat
that a few pennies for some Staples to
keep them in place now I did see some
other wire Waste Paper Baskets at
Dollarama here in Canada but they had a
solid top and or I guess bottom it’s
it’s a garbage can um but these are what
you want you want wire all the way so
that sunlight and rain can still come
down through the top you don’t want it
uh solid here so Dollar Tree is where I
you can see on this Bunch all the leaves
have been nibbled here and I certainly
don’t want the blossoms to also be
nibbled so here we
and when the Tulips get big enough that
they’re at the top of this um they won’t
be eaten by the rabbits at that point
anyway I’ll just take them
off my fifth dollar store Garden hack
has to do with having some climbing
structure for your plants I really liked
the metal obelisks that I would see all
over the place but they’re so expensive
I mean one is about $30 and if you want
multiples well it adds up quickly so I
found a way to make my own climbing
supports and to make them look a little
bit pretty too because we want to have
Beauty in our garden as well so here are
my garden obelisks you can see that I’ve
used tomato cages uh the other way
around to the way you normally put them
in their ground and on top I found these
really cute um drawer knobs at the
dollar store four for $5 the tomato
cages were
.75 and then I have some more of the
garden Staples 15 cents each just to Peg
down this will be perfect for my peas
and maybe even my polish pea beans and
give me something pretty to look at in
garden they were fairly simple simple to
make I just use pliers to bend the
prongs one I bent so that it would stick
more or less straight upwards once the
ends were tied together the other two I
bent down then I took some wire wired
them all together and then the drawer
pole will be held on with some nice
there are my garden obelisks that I paid
$3.50 for each time 4 it’s
$14 compared to $30 each or
$120 that’s a savings of1
6 my bonus hack isn’t exactly a Dollar
Store hack it’s more a thrift store
Store hack unless you can find something
like this in the dollar store I haven’t
had any luck but that is this my mini
Greenhouse glass claes now I went to the
thrift store and I found I think this
was a fruit bowl and I found some other
ones that were punch bowls or any sort
of glass that doesn’t have too much cut
work on it and it mimics the glass claes
that they used to use especially back in
French Gardens to keep a little mini
Greenhouse to help plants on the
shoulder Seasons when it gets a little
cool either in the spring like I’m doing
now over my lettuce or in the fall to
extend the garden
season $2 or $3 for a CLA I’m not even
sure you can buy the glass ones anymore
but if you can find them they’re about
$40 or $50 so this was $2 or $3 so
there’s a big savings right there and
they’re really great just to keep
especially the lettuce growing when
you’re in a colder Zone like I am here
in zone 5B um just to have lettuce a
little earlier and a little longer in
season there you go five great dollar
star Garden hacks to keep you gardening
without breaking the
budget bye for


  1. Great ideas !!!!! I will stock up on those mats that you put around the plants. I can't do much weed pulling anymore so whatever I can do to stop weeds, I will do.

  2. Those wire trash cans are something I use but epic gardening sells them for so much money. Another thing I like to use from Dollar Tree is there mesh laundry bags… I put them over my tomato cages and pepper cages.

  3. these are really smart hacks! I wanted to share that I save the green plastic strawberry baskets to protect my sunflower seeds when I direct sow them, so the birds don't dig them up and eat them.

  4. You can save even more money on your wire stakes… Buy a roll of wire at Home Depot and maker your own either by bending them yourself or take a scrap piece of 2 x 4 and hammer then into shape.

  5. Your channel came up on my feed, glad I watched it, love your tips! Hi from Australia πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί , just subbed

  6. How so you use the coir mats in a flower planter? Do you put it around the edge or cut holes?Because I have a problem with squirrels digging into my pots. The mesh garbage can is genius. I’ve bought several for me and family and friends. I just wish there were also taller and wider options!

  7. Hello from Texas! These are great ideas!!!!! I am going to the dollar store today to see what I can find. Have a blessed day and thanks for sharing your ideas!!!

  8. I've used the wire baskets the past two years and they work great. Glad other people have suggested other uses for them also.

  9. I am from Houston TX and somehow have never heard of an oya. Our last 2 summers were rain-less and I should try this. All really great, original ideas

  10. I use egg cartons to start my plants. Holds the water and it’s free and when done we burn the cartons in the woodstove πŸ’œ

  11. I love how gracefully you explain things and how beautiful your way of expression is. It was a pleasure to watch.

  12. Just came across your channel, and I subscribed. Great video! I'm in Eastern Ontario near Ottawa. Excellent hacks and info! I've used the upside down tomato cages in the last couple of years, but I love the upside down wire basket ides! πŸ™‚ ~~M~~

  13. I love these! The coconut coir, the baskets, and the obelisks are awesome. Guess I’m going shopping, lol. Thanks!

  14. Going to check out the dollar tree and see if I can find those coco cores I am wanting to plant 2 dwarf peach, 2 dwarf apples and a plumb in my front yard that idea will keep weeds away and the ground around my trees shaded it gets hot down here in texas

  15. Dollar store hack videos don't have anything for me so I kept ignoring this one when it kept popping up in my feed. I finally decided to click it and it actually has some that I can use. It was worth the watch.

  16. So weird for us Aussies hearing about you can have a problem with chipmucks and squirrels πŸ˜… we only have possums .. how cute to have chipmunks and squirrelsπŸ˜…

  17. I just found your channel! I love finding cheaper ways to get things done!❀ Thank you! Love your style too!❀

  18. You have wonderful ideas! I'm going to try several of the things that you mentioned. I found another hack last year for cloches and it worked very well. Dollar General sells large plastic party bowls (clear) that work great in this way. You can drill small holes in the top as well to let the hot air escape.

  19. The wire baskets are also good to bury about 90% in the ground, put shredded cardboard in bottom, worms on top of that, than cover with food scraps. The worms wil give you free castings. When the food scraps get low, just add more. Constant fertilizer.

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