Gardening Supplies

Be prepared! Learn a skill! Homestead, garden, preserve food

Self sufficiency and sustainability are our goals. To be prepared for the unknown and unfathomable, we have learned necessary skills to thrive. skills like gardening, food preservation, canning, freeze drying, fermenting.

Growing animals for food is also an asset to our wellbeing and nutrition.

#farmjng #homestead #canning #fermenting #gardening #freezedrying


  1. Then provide support with a "oops" and MRE'S
    Bread, water and sugar for the unhoused and low income.

    The food supply unable to be properly broken down breaks them down to disabled and addicts to the convenient and "their" medicine verified by misinformation. The big money makers are sick , dying and the dead.

    Crohn's survivor 25 yrs.

  2. Er… yes? But starvation isn’t usually what kills. What kills is the spread of disease through unclean water, lack of sewage treatment, and pests. I love to garden, and preserve, but I can’t make my own antibiotics. Even off-gridders and homesteaders find themselves going “into town” now and again for things. Having a 2 week supply of fresh food and water is a good idea for natural disasters, but there isn’t a way to completely future-proof life. It’s a cold comfort.

  3. I know things are getting crazy but no government in their right mind is going to launch a land based attack. Knock on wood tho. 😂

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