Vegetable Gardening

This Works as Fertilizer and Pest Repellent in your garden #gardening #viral #plants

This is how to use used coffee grounds in your garden. as for fertilizer and pest repellent..

As coffee grounds are close to pH neutral, acid-loving vegetable plants will benefit the most. This is because the grounds lead to better harvest by providing extra nutrients. Cabbage, carrots, potatoes, radishes, turnips, squash, and soybeans all like used coffee grounds,’ says .

What Vegetables Like Coffee Grounds? Coffee grounds as a fertilizer can be used when growing vegetable crops such as potatoes, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, radishes, and beans. Root crops need magnesium and potassium, while nitrogen is indispensable for green crops.

#garden #potato #coffee


  1. Hello, love ur videos ❤I have a question….Ive got cabbage n collards still growing from fall ( been eating plenty too) but they have bolted n are floowering now so are they still good to eat now? I'd sure like to know the answer and I THANK YOU, ✌️💜

  2. So true. Love coffee grounds in my garden. But it's Raining again tonight Thrusday/Friday. A million gnats dove into our lettuce that were hardening off. Did some checking. Wood ash deters gnats and the ash get rained into soil and will kill gnat eggs and larvae stopping the next generation. I put it around transplanted onions today. ;). I'll be okay. lol

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