Vegetable Gardening

Harvest Vegetable Garden With Your Children Go to market to sell | Buy New Clothes For Two Children

Harvest Vegetable Garden With Your Children Go to market to sell | Buy New Clothes For Two Children

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#TrieuThiThuy #harvesting #lýthịca


  1. Comprale zapatos a Emma y un andador al bebe no le das comida ni jugos naturales al bebe cuando lo llevas al mercado el niño llora porque tiene hambre solo de apapachos no se crian a los hijos hay que alimentarlos. DIOS TE BENDIGA SIEMPRE Y CUIDE DE TUS HIJOS❤.

  2. Chį Ngoan Läm Ö Nhà Chöi 1 Mình & Biët Tröng Em Giõi . Chúc 3 Më Con Nhiëu Süc Khoē & Mai Män ❤🎉😢🎉

  3. Being a Mommy is a learning experience. Shes doing a great job. We all can use guidance at times. Being kind is very important. Emma and the baby love her as she loves them. I think she cooks great meals. They look yummy. A lot of Parents feed their children right from the table, I actually think its good. ❤❤🙏🙏🌹

  4. Кто нибудь воспитывал чужих детей,нет никто, надо сказать спасибо этой девушке, что детей не сдала в детский дом , а смотрит как умеет ,ничего страшного что не показывают как она их моет, ведь это не смертельно, главное детей чужих накормить, и одеть, а девушке желаю крепкого здоровь, и выдержать все нападки на ее.

  5. nossa você vai ao mercado vende e deixa ela sózinha perto da floresta tem pessoas mal caratê 😢😢😢😢 não estou de acordo
    gosto dos seus vidios mais essa altitude não gostei 😢😢😢

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