@Garden Answer

Garden Answer: Fun Antiquing/Garden Center Shopping With My Mom & Sister! 🥰🙌 // Garden Answer


Proven Winners – https://www.provenwinners.com/
Espoma Organic – https://www.espoma.com/
Power Planter Augers – https://www.gardenanswer.com/collections/power-planter
Hartley Botanic – https://hartley-botanic.com/
FELCO – https://www.gardenanswer.com/collections/felco

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Garden Answer
680 SE 13th St
Ontario, Oregon 97914


  1. A perfect girl's day out! Thanks for bringing me along. I had so much fun!! I think I laughed as much as you'll did.😂 What a loving and delightful family you have.What a blessing. And thank you for blessing me with all your videos.❤

  2. This is one of my favorite types of videos of the three of you shopping together. The rain sounds amazing on the roof when you were shopping in the greenhouse.

  3. Whatever happened to the rusty/whitish arbor/gate you had in your driveway??? Will you ever use it??? I thought it was beautiful….

  4. Ah!! For you to mention Christianson’s made me happy!! I live up here and it’s one of my favorite places!!

  5. I love to see the three of you hanging out together and having fun. I have no family left to do that with, and I can truly appreciate the experience , so thanks so much for sharing… let the good time roll!🥰🥰🥰

  6. Monica with her googlie eyes n those glasses….I got such a chuckle. She’s a fun gal!

  7. Oh gosh, I keep laughing! I am having allergy fits and laughing makes my ribs hurts. Fun day with the girls. Wish I could tour Boise with you on theses days.

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