Vegetable Gardening

Harvesting Lemon Garden to the Market to Sell Vegetable gardening! Lucia’s daily life

Harvesting Lemon Garden to the Market to Sell Vegetable gardening! Lucia’s daily life

Experience the vibrant rural life journey through this unique video! Our day starts with scenes of harvesting fresh, delicious lemons from lush green orchards, with vivid and lifelike imagery that makes you feel like you’re right there in the garden. But it doesn’t stop there; we embark on a colorful journey together as we visit the bustling marketplace, where lemons are proudly displayed, bringing joy to buyers. However, this journey doesn’t end there! After completing the sales, we witness another aspect of rural life as we return home and enjoy gardening our own vegetables. With fresh new footage and the authenticity of rural life, this video promises to bring you unique and enjoyable experiences

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#Luciadailylife #Lucia #HarvestingSeason #FarmToMarket #FreshProduce #MarketDays #AgricultureLife #FarmFresh #harvesting #LocalMarkets


  1. Hai,Lucia,apa,kabar,kakinya,sudah,ada,perubahan,jgn,banyak,gerak,harus,banyak,istirahat,saya,berharap,semoga,cepat,sembuh,ya

  2. Boa noite meu anjo já está bem do pé se cuida não carrega muito pezo por causa da coluna princesa 🌹 guerreira 🥰 beijos no seu coração da senhora Edna Ferreira do estado do Rio de janeiro pais 🇧🇷 muito amado sou uma vovó que ama muito seus netos 🙌🙏 boa semana ❣️💞🌹

  3. Gostei demais do seu canal Lúcia Darly sou aqui do Brasil eu assistir seus vídeos todos os dias gosto de ver você vendendo na feira suas coisas na sua roça parabéns que Deus abençoe você sempre

  4. How many pounds can you carry on your back in your basket and your lemon Garden is so beautiful reply me in English please

  5. I can see you I'd rather have goats to feed but you say you can't afford to make you a table for the house that don't make sense reply me in English please

  6. You know them grumpy old ladies at the market is not going to let you weigh them stems that you had to climb the tree for😅😅 reply in English please❤

  7. Que vídeo inspirador! Adorei acompanhar o processo de colheita dos limões no jardim até a venda no mercado, mostrando a bela rotina diária da Lucia. Parabéns pelo conteúdo autêntico e motivador! 🍋🌿👏

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