
Mulch 2 Soil! One year progress ‎@TheMarkhamGardens  #gardening #gardeningtips #mulching

Watch as organic mulch transforms into nutrient-rich soil in just one year! Experience the magic of nature’s process!


Hello Markham Gardens family Daniel Markham here you guys know that I like to grow fruit trees and things that are edible in the garden but this year Miss Markham has asked that we please plant some flowers she wants to see some color so about a year ago I plant I created

These raised beds I built them out of logs on the outside and filled it all in with wood chips and twigs and leaves of all different kinds so I started digging into it over here guys let me show you the soil that this has created in one year’s

Time yeah there’s some twigs and there’s some branches and some stuff still left in it but guys look at that soil can you imagine what this is going to look like in a 2-year period if you guys are not using mulch guys get on it it works and this is one year

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