Japanese Garden

Why You Should Have a Japanese Maple in Your Landscape

At MrMaple.com we are passionate about Japanese maples! You can support our channel by shopping on MrMaple.com

The best information source for Japanese maples on the internet are the MrMaple Files on MrMaple.com. These photos and descriptions are written by the MrMaple brothers who love Japanese maples and have a lot of experience with these trees. The MrMaple Files are best information on Japanese maples on the web!

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Buying Japanese maples has never been easier! Japanese maples are a living piece of art for the garden and landscape. At MrMaple, you can buy over 1000 different cultivars of Japanese maples. Buying the right Japanese maple for your garden has never been easier. Buy the perfect Japanese maple for your yard today!

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Hey guys Sean here with the Mr Maple show and today we’re going to talk about why you should have a Japanese maple in your Landscape so JC Ralston the creator of the JC Ralston Arboretum a research Garden for the Department of horticulture science at North Carolina State University once said you should be able to see a Japanese maple from anywhere in your garden so why are Japanese maples great for a garden here

Are top five reasons why you should have one in your landscape number five Gardens are getting smaller with properties getting smaller a lot of people are left with smaller Garden spaces to plant there’s a huge variety of cultivars available you can choose from to fit your space at Mr

Maple we offer over a, thousand different cultivars so that means if you want a blood good style tree but you don’t have the space for it there are other styles out there that can give you that same look for example a Rhode Island red you get the same red color

Same Leaf style in a condensed dwarf if you have space in front of a window you can plant a low graph War giola it’s a vigorous Japanese maple tree that typically grows about 4 foot by 5 foot wide in 10 years so there’s no need to worry about that window it blocking your

View and be gardening also became more popular during the pandemic and one such hobby that took off is patio and balcony gardening you can add a Japanese maple even in these small spaces Japanese maples do great in containers and you can use something like a maawa yatsa in

A pot in your sitting area they’re just so versatile plants for any landscape number four Japanese maples are noninvasive Japanese maples have a noninvasive root system if you have a walkway or a Hardscape you won’t you won’t have to worry about the roots growing into them this means you can

Plant them closer to structures now you still need to be mindful of overhangs and planting too close to a house because you don’t want to grow into them but a Japanese maples root system won’t cause damage if you plant near a structure and Japanese maples yeah they

Can have seeds and it can vary from year to year and cultivar to cultivar but they are not invasive like other plants and trees that are found in many Landscapes you won’t have to worry about Japanese maple ceilings taking over your garden or your lawn number three Japanese maples make

Great companion plants Japanese maples simply look good mixed in a landscape if you want to contrast color and texture in your landscape pair the them with conifers it’s just one example of adding immediate contrast and color to your garden and Japanese maples are also great for adding vertical interest in a

Garden along with other plants in your garden there’s a large variety of Japanese and Maples available when it comes to size Leaf color and habit that there are endless possibilities of pairing Japanese maples with other trees and plants in a garden landscape number two Japanese maples are easy that’s right Japanese maples are

Easy they make great introductory plants into landscape for people who don’t have a lot of experience growing Woody ornamentals as long as you provide good drainage and proper Sun conditions you really don’t have much to worry about once a Japanese maples gets established they typically take care of themselves

In the environment also keep in mind that Japanese maples established themselves very very quickly compared to other trees Japanese maples are easy to grow in containers too keep this in mind if you want to have a Japanese maple but don’t have the space in the garden bed or proper Sun conditions containers

Allow you to move the tree into a space for proper conditions if putting it in the ground is not an option number one Japanese maples perform all year long the ultimate goal with plant and tree selection is to have your garden performing all year you want to have a

Selection of plants and trees whose interests are peaking at different times so there’s always something happening in the garden landscape from the new spring flush growth with amazing pinks and reds flushing out to the trees turning darker during the summer and pushing out secondary summer flush and the changing

Of Seasons with the amazing fall colors that Japanese maples provide with the large varieties of Japanese maples there are so many different growing habits barks colors that you can shoes fall during this time of year we call this stick Season Winter but during this time of year you can get something that’s

Performing during the winter months a great example of this is a coral bark M Maple like a sangu Kaku during the cold weather winter months the bark turns a bright coral color so Guys these are five different reasons why you should have a Japanese maple in your garden and

Landscape I hope this helps out a little bit and and makes you want to get a Japanese maple here at mrmaple.com we have over a thousand different cultivars to choose from so remember whether it’s that small space whether it’s for that vertical interest whether it’s for those winter months we have something that’s

Going to fit any space for your garden landscape and remember what you should see a Japanese maple from anywhere in the garden y’all thanks for watching Mr Maple show please if you like this hit that like button share subscribe y’all take care God bless and have a great Day


  1. Hi Mr. Maple I have collected a bunch of ginkgo seeds and I’m going to donate them to donate them to a park and I would like to know how big do they get?

  2. I need a video explaining what mental condition caused me to buy 200 trees this year. Mr. maple is my favorite dealer

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