Edible Gardening



bato dutch bucket
bato dutch bucket setup
home bath dutch bucket setup
hydroponic chilli plants
hydroponic system setup
step by step hydroponics
step by step solar hydroponics
Paul stingray solar hydroponics
aquaponic strawberry system update


solar garden aquaponics setup
solar hydroponic setup
hydroponic bato box
hydroponic dutch bucket
solar aquaponics setup
solar aquaponics
Aquaponics setup
aquaponics system
growing strawberry’s in aquaponics
wild blue Toung skink
growing strawberrys





How long will this last?
New apple trees
low chill apples
Growing apples in the sub tropics

garden update!



An update on what’s Growing!

Garden Tour! YAY
Growing CHILLI plants in pots
garden tour
pauls stingray gaden tour
Paul stingray egg plant video
weird egg plant
weird eggplants
weird egg plant video
peppers! lots of pepper plants
growing food in pots at home
weird YouTube egg plant video

MY WEBSITE: https://www.paulsaquariums.com
Paul stingray gaefdsen video
pauls rtingray garden video
pauls tingray gaedfdebn civdoe
Paul stingray gaedfdewn video
Paul stingray garden video
Paul stingray garden video
heh #dutchbucket
#hydroponics #batobox
#paulstingray #TOPYOUTUBEVIDEO #hastag #2024 #gardening

Look at that that is Australian native finger line wow apparently super awesome in drinks and welcome back to another video that is me growing stuff in pots there’s the stuff there’s the pot hurah and we are 5 months into growing food in pots if you haven’t seen any of

My other videos uh it’s gone a little bit crazy it started with nothing a few fruit trees Tre and now it’s collecting every single tree imaginable I’m on a Suburban lot there is Benji right there hopefully we will get to acreage and be able to plant all

These in the next couple of years that is the plan anyway we’ll see how we go with that it could be a giant disaster but these are all the plants currently it is what are we we’re March 2024 that is bizarre 202 24 yeah the last couple of months we

Have discovered all sorts of bugs and diseases and every single fruit tree has a different bug or different disease that destroys it I know so let’s maybe start we’re going to start over there and then we’re going to work our way all around here over there we will go and

It’s the solar powered aquaponic strawberry area I shouldn’t have plants in this Pond but I do have plants in this Pond but so far so good I think it’s been about 5 weeks and I keep disturbing these but someone has to it might as well be me look at the roots on

That that is a good strawberry plant so I think I had 14 plants originally three of them didn’t make it I haven’t bothered replacing those but all the ones that are there are going super well apart from some something lacking and that’s why we don’t have very big strawberries talk about something

Lacking holy crap I don’t know what’s happened maybe it’s the temperature or maybe not enough water not enough fertilizer but they are all ply little you wouldn’t even call that a strawberry sad berries we’re calling them so if you know why my strawberries are sad comment down below probably just

Needs fertilizer or something it’ll be interesting to see how these new ones go because they have got a ton of New Growth look at that strawberry flow potentially a strawberry there we’ll hope to see how that works but this is the strawberry section Brads whole lot of nightmare over there caladiums that

Are just dying off because we’re just getting into winter poor things but they did have a good bash this this time my bananas in my last video I think I had one banana there Benji W now I have one two three bananas I think they’re all the same yeah dwarf cabbage or

Cish I think dwarf means that they get like silly big don’t they yes they do I think it’s like 2 or 3 m or something silly I’m not going to keep them in pops long term but for now they going in pots that was an Impulse buy because it had

Two suckers I know in another year or so I’ll regret that and go yeah okay everything has thousands of suckers what am I doing but at the moment that’s fun this one is a what are you you’re a red red darker and I guess that’s 2 or 3 m as

Well it is super super windy today don’t get blown away Benji you won’t because you’re fat it’s a good boy yeah so that is my free bananas I have no idea what this is I think it is a as I look at the thing a boo a

Boo some sort of weird tree these are passion fruit Vines seem to be still going okay they have really really slowed down in growth there is a couple of passion flowers as you see on the screen apparently they’re psychoactive who would have fought but I don’t know if they die off

In Winter or not we will find out I’m incredibly new to all this what is this tree this this might be the chocolate pudding tree no it’s not it’s that weird don’t even know what that is I’m not even pronouncing that some sort of weird berry tree I may need to repop that

Soon is this the chocolate pudding tree I don’t even know oh that’s not good is it there is no tag is that a tag yes it is chocolate pudding tree okay hopefully I will watch these videos in 6 months after all these tags have blown away and be able to tell

Myself what these trees are chocolate pudding tree apparently gets huge don’t know how big and I’m sure the fruit doesn’t taste like chocolate pudding but that is a chocolate pudding tree what else have we got oh that’s our avocados I need bigger steak for the avocados that one is shepher dwarf which

Probably means 100 m lots of bugs were nailing that one but so far so good and then our other avocado what’s that one RS good God dwarf avocado and dwarf probably means like 50 m or something stupid but we have about two avocados we have kept them live for months which is

Good oh my what’s it called dirt apple or something what is it it is a custard apple yes my custard apple it’s finally got new leaves it dropped all its leaves it was like discounted at one of the big chain stores it looked mingy but I impulse brought it because they’re usually 70

Bucks and I think it was like $30 there are little bugs there that the ants are eating stop that that’s probably why it keeps losing all its leaves we’re not really spraying with anything but I’ll come back with a toothbrush and you’re not going to harvest those little bugs little

Ants hopefully that will survive in here we have our mury section and they did get kind of wiped out by bugs just before but they’re coming back so dwarf red chatot I think there’s a white chart mury white chart and I think think that one is just a random normal mury if

There’s such a thing I probably need to get them out of those pots because yeah that’s another problem I’ve got with pots all the pots are not big enough and we have issues oh I’m talking about issues uh I think this is a banana was it passion fruit I’m pretty

Sure it’s banana passion fruit started losing all its leaves and stuff there was bugs in the pot so I had to take them out of the pots and plant them in the ground yeah it’s holding on but it’s still pretty mingy it’s getting a few new leaves but I think something ate a

Whole heap of its roots so yeah a few problems with potted plants when you don’t know what lives in the soil I guess it was some sort of weird Beetle now this I’m pretty sure hello Benji he’s a little boy don’t you eat my tree there cinnamon and apparently you use the bark

Off the cinnamon oh there’s a cool spider there spiders can stay so it’s just getting new leaves I may need to repot that into a bigger pot as well miracle fruit I don’t think this has grown since I’ve had it it looks mingy apparently if you eat the berry other

Things taste good or something like that I think that’s the miracle of it I should Google that you can Google that if you want think that there is another ch Cherry Rio Grand Cherry there a black one I think there’s different colors of them or something so not entirely sure

I’m guessing that’s a South American Cherry of some type a hog Plum ah it was a disaster we had hog plums on a hog Plum and then something came along at night and ate them all but there are new hog plums starting this is a dwarf hog Plum apparently the

Normal hog plums get massively massively huge this one only gets to like 2 m or something like that so not too bad but I do need to repot that one as well this what is this oh that’s one of those weird chonga kakaka tree grape yeah turns into a tree

Has fruit on the stem that is super creepy but I have one of those may need to repop that this ugly thing is what was it it’s a native something native Bush Bassel and oh God that stinks okay can’t yeah okay it’s getting stronger but that is a native Australian

Basil apparently I’m sure it’s not related to normal basil but you can use it as basil which would be I don’t know stinky plant we have a stinky plant that is kind of that section I think just some random succulents random Cactus more apparently a pond with a whole lot

Of tadpoles or something living in there I think there’s just tadpoles in there whole lot of Cirrus technically you can eat cus fruit not that we ever have they’re starting to get new shoots and stuff like that this is a bit of a disaster Zone this is just a mess biliards

Grasshoppers a giant monsteria yeah which does have fruit and you can eat monsteria fruit there they all are up there I think I saw a rotten one drop oh it stinks that is what people eat yuck no thank you you can practically smell it through the camera can’t

You yes I haven’t tried that oh look at the bug on on the monsteria that is such a cool caterpillar well that one can stay because he’s eating the monsteria that means it’s not eating my other plants and I think there’s a fair few of them anything on the other plants is fair

Game gets fed to our lizards but they can stay on the monsteria we are over this side now my grapes kind of suck a lot has been eating the grapes there was multiple caterpillar there was a bacterial infection or fungal infection I guess it’s a fungal infection I even brought some stuff and

Sprayed a few of them that stopped it for a little bit but I think the high humidity ah look at the caterpillar okay it is a super cool caterpillar but it needs to move away look at that that’s the cool thing about gardening you get to see really cool

Caterpillars that are going to the moneria I really don’t care if you don’t eat the moneria that’s where you’re staying bloody eating my grapes Benji so there’s probably multiple what on Earth is that is that a beetle it’s either a beetle or a spider okay whatever it was it flew away

I’m guessing it was a beetle spiders tend to fly anyway this grape here was was the white muskat it’s holding on I know they lose all their leaves in winter but it’s not really winter yet and it is trying to get new shoots I think oh there’s a praying mantis okay there’s bugs

Everywhere Don’t Go Near the spider web praying mantises are good because they should be eating the caterpillars there’s probably hundreds of caterpillars and stuff here so this grape here is seedless mini mini mini so yes yet another white grape I think this one has gone really really badly oh

No yeah it’s holding on though I think I need to repot these because obviously the pots are not big enough I did repot that one when it was looking crappy still looking crappy so I don’t think that helped much um yes black Muscat so all these are subtropical grapes

Obviously you can’t grow grapes that live in the cold here because it’s subtropical look at our wasps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 that’s weird there’s always been around about seven or eight wasps their nest is a lot bigger than it was months ago these guys eat

Caterpillars and bugs so they are staying that one’s a big meaty one his little wings and stuff but yeah the Wasps are going well we are not spraying stuff in this Garden there’s enough sprays everywhere else so that is a red Glo grape also looking

Mingy but what I did notice I think it’s this one which is another red globe grape that’s my only double up I was going to say it was going so well because it’s creeping over here look what that is get your little paws off that it’s an another glowing green probably radioactive

Caterpillar wow why are there so many caterpillars what we’re doing is we’re growing food to feed the wildlife oh no there’s another one okay oh it’s wiggling and it pooed on me goody I’m pretty sure they’re the same species they just go from green to that brownie color before they

Malt and turn into a probably horrible butterfly moth thing swallow tail or something like that I’m not entirely sure I did Google them but there was so many that looked the same it wasn’t really much point in the end it’s was like okay you’re eating the grapes stop doing that but then

A seriously another one okay okay number four right these are going somewhere I’ll be back in a second and that’s much better that is a little tiny baby body thing praying mantis okay the bugs have gone apart from the prank oh no look at that that so there is someone

Else here we’ll have to find you later they’re very good in camouflage but what I was going to say is this grape was doing well because it’s actually growing into the pilad which goes all the way up there yeah that was just went where I was okay should be eating the

Caterpillars but you’re not a little bugger so along here I think I’ve just got more random plants Madagascar Palms adeniums giant mess there is Benji again hello he’s a little boy oh did you poke your tongue out you did can you just stay there we’ll walk

Over here I have no idea what this tree is it was a good tree can’t remember doesn’t have a tag who knows my Peppers keep getting mites these ones along here do driving me crazy the peppers that have fallen on the ground have sprouted and they have

Mites we’re just going to ride it out I think the humidity and the temperature is just a joke so now that it’s getting cooler maybe the mites will buger off maybe they won’t yes I’m touching all the mites now spreading them everywhere I will wash my hands but

Those are the variegated Peppers we could get lots of peppers off them before summer and then some has hit and they’ve just turned to rubbish my basil okay it’s got huge it seeded and then it died but like basil does there are little basil plants everywhere so cool euphobia Basel

Plants yeah so it’s seated and now there are basil I think that’s a Basel Basel everywhere This thing ah look at the mites on it what is that was my Pipino it has been fighting mites since I got it I even sprayed it no so I have no idea what to do with that nuke the crap out of it maybe but ah it’s frustrating it might not get enough

Water there as well I do water everything obviously otherwise there wouldn’t be anything existing here but maybe maybe not enough water maybe too much water it looks pretty dry but Pino fail that’s new growth there we have what have we got in the back there our parsley that we didn’t even really

Bother more denium up the top we have some super M troser cat catfish no they’re caus they’re not catfish catfish are wetter this this is kind of a m section just letting them grow out they had years of scarring and stuff years of neglect but all the new growth is

Looking good so I have to make sure I keep fertilizing them and they keep growing over our winter which is not very cold so they’ll still keep growing there’s a big mess here a big mess so that I’m pretty sure is our what’s it called Blue root thing

It’s a blue root thing I’m not going to touch it because I’ve been touching all those mites not that I think mites will grow on that H it’s like ginger but it’s not Ginger I’ve got the name on the screen because I can’t remember blue turmeric I haven’t got the name on the

Screen I remembered what it was apparently it is the Blue version of your normal turmeric turmeric so who knows iasa Vines which I need to replant something’s been nibbling them assorted cactus that one didn’t make it oh no that’s just a husk RP little buddy more Cactus more Cactus terrifyingly surviving

Cactus we have some weird psychedelic plants I think these were like sun goddess or something like that that is mud wart I think from the UK super super ancient plant it’s been knocked around a little bit with the wind so I may need to replant that soon what have we got in there

Ah I think there is fish mint all in there there is chocolate mint that’s completely overgrown and then what were they they are oh no that doesn’t work ice cream Bean that’s the ice cream beans which is that one that one and that one yes they’re lost in there which brings us to

A dwarf Peach pretty sure it’s Peach super dwarf dwarf Sunset Peach it has grown it looks like it hasn’t but it’s a dwarf so I guess it doesn’t grow like a normal Peach Tree I don’t know we have a peach tree we have our first fruit what are you you

Are oh lemonade lemon so apparently lemonade lemon is like a normal lemon but it’s sweeter hopefully that one will survive it is the only one on the plant we’ve had everything eat these plants and oh let me find Let Me Find the main issue we’ve had lately where is it it’s here

Somewhere it’s here somewhere you think I can find it there we go see what those ants are doing those holes are wasp eggs so the WASP lays eggs in the actual soft part of the tissue the eggs develop and then the plant grows a huge cyst around the eggs

And it looks like I’ve got one somewhere here there there there looks like that then that gets bigger and then wasps hatch out and they do the same thing again so we’ve cut those ones open so you can actually see the little holes and that kills them and then the plant

Will actually grow back over that all going well I know so now we have wasps eating plants as well as oh look there you go you can see some there which is pretty obvious that is ridiculous I was like why are you doing that to my fruit trees

But people are not the only ones that like eating fruit trees apparently well not that you eat the tree but you know what I mean there’s bingi again oh it’s spy okay this was a sad sad tree this is my Santo yeah notice the tiny little leaves apparently when you replant these

They lose all their leaves and they not only lose their leaves but all the branches yeah I thought it got sunburnt but no apparently they are just temperamental and they do not like to be replanted what a pain I actually brought it because it had awesome leaves that

Type of grain but the leaf were like bigger than my hand not anymore it is growing new shoots but apparently when it gets colder in the next month or two it’s going to drop all those as well so that’s my new twig it’s my $70

Twig I’m sure it will survive but a what a pain there is my native Ginger I think it’s only called a ginger plant because it looks like ginger it doesn’t have a ginger root or anything like normal Ginger which is not the root but whatever it is the ryone or whatever

The hell it is yeah this one grows little blue balls apparently so it is grown heaps since I got it thank you Maddie for this very cool plant that I haven’t killed it was only tiny when I got it a lot bigger now I probably need to repot

It into a bigger pot soon as well my eggplants there they are one of the first ones I grew and harvest they do not like the Heat so they went much much better initially now they’re just rubbish but I think they have taken all the nutrients out of the

Soil and the pots so I will repot them I’ve just been letting things eat them obviously because there’s so many bugs here it’s just not funny well it is kind of funny really when you think about it but they are surviving I think there was

Like seven 1 2 3 4 5 six yeah there you go there was seven different varieties of eggplant I do have about a th eggplant seeds of different varieties I need to plant but not until I do the cage thing over there which I have not done yet but those are the

Eggplants now that’s not going well is it ah the wind has kind of destroyed a few things we need to get more dirt in there or a steak or something that is a random pepper plant what are you yeah not pronouncing that poano poano whatever the hell that is pepper

Plant we had so many issues with mites and things eating all the pepper plants they’re kind of coming back kind of not some died some have got Peppers other things are eating the peppers the only thing that they’re not eating is this pepper which nothing will eat that

And I did cook some of those last night in a curry nearly killed me still feel a little bit ooh cuz it is a that chili and I’m pretty sure that chili they use in capsican spray I don’t why they call it capsican spray call it chili spray there’s some weird mushrooms

There probably some sort of weird toxic mushroom that would have come in the substrat but yes that chili is going well because nothing going eat that all the other chilies as soon as develops at chili it gets munched for some reason my blueberries okay I have doubled up on

Blueberries like I think I’ve got two of one species and then five different ones the one that I got last does not survive in the subtropics Apparently that was that one Northland blueberry according to a few people it is still alive and it’s got new shoots so I don’t

Know what the go is there maybe it just won’t produce blueberry that’s probably all that it means the other ones have grown heaps they are one of the few plants I’ve got doesn’t seem to melt in full sun 35° C days but they’ve all stopped producing

Blueberries and I’m not too sure why I’m guessing maybe it’s a seasonal thing I have no idea haven’t bothered Googling it maybe it’s a seasonal thing but my first one whever it is pretty sure it was was it this one might have been that one I think

That was the first blueberry I got produced tons of blueberries and then stopped so I’m guessing it’s got to do with just the temperature and so on and so on of the Season there’s another one sunshine blue blueberry they all seem to look fine um

Yeah I don’t know if the pH of the soil has changed and that stopped it but I’m guessing because they don’t have you know really any sort of blueberries on them and they look fine that it’s probably just the seasonal thing those our blueberries probably need bigger

Pots I think that size pot is a lot better than those but I don’t think they need repotting anytime soon H blueberry section peanuts that is a peanut plant that is a peanut plant I nearly killed them but they’re coming back I know that’s that one day I didn’t water them

At a 35° iest day and they just went and some of the leaves came back and some of them did not come back I don’t know how long it takes to them to grow peanuts but apparently they flour and then flowers get pollinated obviously then they droop down touch the

Soil and then they grow under the soil so the peanuts grow from the top of the plant not from the bottom like you would think they would which is kind of bizarre I know but that is where peanuts come from on hopefully it wouldn’t keep them alive yeah I’m

Trying my papaya seeds I do still have heaps of them I’ve just replanted these last night yeah they’re for our little seedlings I think there’s still about 100 of them or so maybe 80 of them there’s another one in that little pot there that I need to

Replant I don’t know what half this stuff is C banana what is a c banana I think it’s a climbing thing and I think I need to get it out of that pot but it’s been sitting there quite happy I have no idea what that is Maddie can

Comment in the comments if she watches this video but it is a long video so who knows she’s probably missed that if you know what that is comment in the comments that would be wonderful I think that’s called blue tongue I’m guessing it has some sort of berry or something that makes your

Tongue blue no idea that’s what I’m guessing Benji’s guessing too over here in the messy section we’re not even going to look in this section apart from these I think that is my Blackberry it did not like the heat forless Blackberry that’s Chester so Chester did not like the heat

That is my raspberry also did not like the heat but it’s starting to come back everything eats raspberries and blackberries but my Bo and Berry is going super super awesome we’ll show you that in a second this fruit tree what are you oh I remember what this

Is look how many bugs it’s got It’s got Leaf curl it has got things eating the leaves the amount of bugs it has no new shoots to it I got this one on the internet with a few other ones obviously I didn’t pick them out and it turned up

Mingy like really mingy and it has not perked up like a lot of the other fruit trees have it is some sort of grapefruit I think I brought four grapefruits so whoever picked this grapefruit out for me shame on you it is rubbish but it is now my grapefruit one

Day it should turn into an awesome tree we hope I have these are little native finger lime things this one ow is Prickly it’s all hell it is a red Center lime there’s the tag there I don’t know how long this take to grow oh my God look at that

Caterpillar it looks like Bird poo that is like the best camouflage ever uh well we’re going to leave you there because you’re cool looking but if I see see any of your buddies your buddies are not staying look at it that is bizarre oh that’s one of the ones with

The little weird whiskey things that come out the top yeah that’s like that Pokémon we had Pokemon that’s like the Pokemon one we had I think a month or so ago interesting that it’s on the finger line well no that’s not a finger line that’s a red Center Line This is a

Finger line so that is a chus finger lime and oh my God finger lime actually came off the plant so that should be ready let me break it open with two hands look at that that is Australian native finger line wow apparently super awesome in drinks I’m going to taste some will I

Die oh oh oh that is weird definitely lime like little bubbly lime bits don’t know okay I’m neutral on that oh as I go back more wow that is strange okay so that was the green one there was the red champagne I bet it doesn’t taste like champagne oh they’re actually turning

Red though look at that there’s a dead leaf leaf it alone what a weird plant so if you’re watching from overseas and you can find some of these try and find some finger limes I’m sure they’ll survive the cold the Heat everything they seem pretty bloody

Tough there is another one there what is this one I don’t even know that’s another one yeah black to Maroon fruit with a clear light orange I read that as testicles it’s not is it no h okay so there’s another one you know I’m going to just

Collect the whole set but so far we have three and that of a weird one what is eating that another disease cool that is sugar canane there that’s where your sugar comes from I think they get kind of huge being sugarcane but it’s in a pot for now and

It’s growing so so far so good uh my yakon which is like a dirt banana potato oh okay I think that’s the yons okay I need to put more dirt in there because the dirt was up to the top and it’s sunk down I definitely need to do that before

Something comes along and eats them but yakon dirt potatoes interesting this is my giant mess that I do need to bulldoze move to beads move those annoying plants and then I’ve got this area as well so I was thinking of the shade area along here or maybe a big dome thing and

Then I can grow all my fruit and veggies once that Fran Japan has lost all its leaves then there’s a lot of sun here obviously they have leaves in summer which Shades everything which is great and then in Winter all the leafes bugger off actually make a giant complete mess

Everywhere but that gives us more sun so they’re actually a really good plant for the garden if you live in the subtropics and stuff my por pores they are much bigger how good that so still in pots still doing their thing bisexual poor yes what what you say bisexual pole

Bisexual red the only reason I brought it was because it was bisexual and I’m like okay that’s hilarious let’s just give them a thing but the PO are going well oh the figs we missed it figs where are the figs okay I have no idea where I’ve moved my figs to but

Here’s one fig that’s a brown turkey fig it is growing stupid look how stupid it is growing yeah I would expect it to grow up but it’s growing out but that is the Fig carob trees how cool are they finally starting to grow and look like mini

Trees thank you again m for some cool cool plants but there are free carob trees that’s where your fake chocolate comes from I wonder if you can grow chocolate trees here I’ll have to Google that I should probably get some chocolate trees I got chocolate and

Carab that is oh can we get around here and this is just a weird Cactus area all L of tros serus not tros serus a whole lot more you can technically eat these but oo you get some interesting effects talking about interesting effects we have another iasa Vine it’s

Just a little cutting that I had from down the back and while we’re on the screen that is my big iasa Vine I think I’ve had this for about 10 years now maybe a little bit longer it is the size of a small house if you don’t know what

An iosca Vine is Google that it is a very cool Plant so when I do move to acreage I have no idea how I’m going to transplant that but it’s coming with [Laughter] me yes that was my other iav Vine which is pretty much the mother of this one we

Have over there that is our Bo and Berry it is growing up over on our roof here so if we move over here I’ve just got it all pinned up there it is coming down here little spiky bugger but that’s my boisenberry it is going well didn’t like the full sun but it’s

Coped and it’s still alive so that is good oh this which is also creeping up here which you think it would just wrap back down or something maybe it all droop down pretty sure that is my African Dream Bean is it oh where the euphobia are dream bean that is an African Dream

Bean so I don’t know I probably should repot it because it’s only in that tiny little pot down there but that is an African Dream Bean H don’t ask me you’d have to Google what it does but I’m guessing it’s a bean that makes you dream one could only guess our Ginger

Look how good our Ginger is Benji you looking at the ginger there’s the ginger there yeah Benji’s like whatever but that is our Ginger going gingerly figs that is another fig something’s been eating this fig they do have names somewhere we’ll just call that one fig lots of different types of

Figs that there is a Thai King mango or King Thai mango did I just say it around the wrong way I think I said dwarf so that only gets like 100 m tall there’s my other mango flum I don’t know 7 m yeah that’s kind of crazy isn’t it so

They will need to go in the ground eventually oh this is one of my newer plants Cosmic Gold jackf Fruit how pretty are the leaves I don’t even know if I’ve tried jack fruit I’m pretty sure I’ve tried it in one of those vegetarian roll things

And it just tasted like it supposed to taste but the fruit is huge if you’ve never seen a jack fruit before they’re like 2 foot they are massive they probably kill someone when they drop off the tree how to the trees get oh 15 M yeah okay let’s pray for

Acreage oh bloody grasshopper look at it okay I have to catch that little bugger gotcha we’ll be back after we dispose of that at least with these videos I can find all the bugs if I sort of take my time and look at every single plant that is a big thing with gardening

If you want to get into gardening look at the plants otherwise if you don’t look at it for a week you’ll come back there’ll be no leaves because something has decided to eat your Apple Tree I think that’s my Anna yes Anna Apple so apples in the subtropic are right pain

These ones are a subtropical Apple so low chill most apples need to be freezing cold in Winter to actually produce fruit a lot of these will cope with our temperature here because it doesn’t really get cold like yeah winter we don’t get snow hardly ever get Frost

Here some parts of Brisbane gets Frost but we don’t that is another Apple Tropic sweet I don’t know something about a Sweet Apple sounds wrong but yeah I don’t think we can grow Granny Smiths here because it’s just not going to work and that is my other Apple

What are you you are a golden Dorset I set it back to front again Dorset golden they’re going well so I think they’re going to start losing their Leaf soon now that we’re getting into like autumn in that but um yeah a lot of new

Shoots oh this is the one that I cut the top off that is the top there that has not grown even though I’ve planted it just in case cut it off there and now we’ve got Heap new shoots didn’t bother with these ones because they already had a shoot there already got shoot

There yeah we’ll see if that one catches up to those ones before winter hits which is probably not oh I’m not liking the wind I might need some bigger steaks or something like that [Laughter] horseradish everything eats my bloody horseradish what I didn’t know about horseradishes and this is actually

Growing in a rubbish bin what I didn’t know about horseradishes is they take absolutely ages to produce the horseradish which is the root apparently it’s like almost a year but keeping it alive without everything eating it for a year is fun because caterpillars love it bloody grasshoppers love it everything

Loves it I don’t actually love horseradish but wanted to grow one and I am growing it God damn it this one’s going well look at that that is a fig Leaf if I’ve ever seen one I can’t even read what that says on a pan that is a pan apparently there are

So many different types of figs and thank you Maddie for giving me like four or five different ones there’s two of them more around the other side we have some awesome euphobia like a cactus but toxic look at the spikes on that how cool is that plant another one there I think

This is called grander fora or something I don’t know we have more Cactus some cus some tro cerus some non- Trico cerus that’s another Cirrus we have some golden barrels which are 100 years old and haven’t grown we have another very very cool fig what are you look at that

Maddie your pen doesn’t work that is Jenny I need to get some proper pens because we’re going to forget what these are does it really matter if we forget what they are probably not there’s Benji hello Benji ignoring me this one looks like it’s got a

Disease it’s got a leaf curl and losing color H probably mites on that so we’ll have to tend to that one my Rio I’m pretty sure that’s another Rio Grand cherry or something like that cherry of the something something I always forget that one but it is growing

Awesome it is a South American Cherry in saying that something has eaten that leaf off but that is my cherry going well oh and we have another issue okay pretty sure they’ve got mites that is another fig with mingy leaves so I have to tend to that more

Troser dodgy troser look at them no these were cuting that I had undercover and they started turning their little knobby bits up now they look hideous hopefully they’ll grow in we’ll find out more Cactus more Cactus down here is just a nightmare we have assorted things I don’t even know what they

Are yeah lime basil which is just holding on some sort of gold thing I don’t know I just don’t know we need to do something about that same with this section here I have not done anything about that assorted weird herbs and vegetables lots of euphobia how cool is

That yeah more things like that this is a tea bush this is where tea comes from black tea if you dry the leaves green tea if you don’t apparently so yes we have a tea bush plant thing there it is tea yeah how bizarre in here how cool is

That euphobia one of my favorite euphobia I need to move it because we’ve got too much crap on the roof now and there’s not enough Sun here that I will easily move that soon assorted things more of the POR pores oh and we have our bet bucket hydroponic system

That I haven’t actually planted anything in yet this is all solar powered with the solar panels on the roof going to my Sump there it’s working fine I just need to get more per light so once I got more perite for those I need to do those mesh

Buckety things or mesh to go in the bucket not mesh buckety things to make sure that it doesn’t drip down and I’d lose all my water but yeah that hopefully will be growing all those Peppers that are down there which I need to move soon my coffee plant that is

Where coffee comes from when it gets a bit bigger obviously but that will grow little berries that you bake into coffee I know that’s where coffee comes from bizarre my little tiny C cucumber look that’s a baby cucumber I don’t think it’s getting enough water I did water it last night

Probably needs a bit more water I don’t think it likes the Sun the mother of these two which I grew like 3 months ago which just produced Z cucumber I was going to say cucumbers zucchinis they’re not they’re cucumbers It produced huge huge cucumbers within like a week or two

This one no so I think it’s the temperature but it is starting to get a bit cooler so maybe it’ll start kicking in soon hopefully they’re a super cool Plant just going to let that creep up all over here this is my other psychedelic and this is not coffee but

If you brew it up you see something a little bit more fun than you do when you’re on coffee oh listen to that oh look pump is running out of water so we do have a leak somewhere where I’m going to undo that pump and

Undo I’m going to turn that pump off and be back and that is much better much quieter okay we have our lemongrass I need to move that somewhere as well it got a little bit too much sun so I just get I just got cut on lemongrass oh

Wow ow see look it’s red it’s not blue yeah okay so you can get grass cuts on lemongrass that is a joyful thing moving along he’s a boy wolf you look at you do Li downs we have H lots of lemon dwarf lemon plant here plant is a tree there’s

Our lemon there’s another lemon we have two surviving on that talking about lemons though wow things eating them hopefully these will survive this is our first batch of lemons what type of lemon is that Maya lemon that one is that weird type of lemon which apparently you can’t eat

These lemons is that a spider good that’s a spider you can stay yeah that’s another weird lemon look at that look a bug in there bug eating my lemon before I can eat my lemon old that’s bizarre it’s like a brain lemon don’t know what that one is but it’s

M oh my low quat low quat trees that one is oh good God whatever that is apparently they have lots and lots of fruit when they mature so I got two of those that one and I think the Honeydew one that one there they just look nice I don’t know

If they lose all their leaves in Winter or or not we will find out my peir that I cut there has now got tons of new shoots what type of pair are you you are a Pacman’s pair it keeps getting aphids on the new leaves so I have to continuously hunt down the

Aphids apids are starting to be fun I tell you what’s that one that one looks like another lemon oh no that’s a lime tan lime so we have a Tian lime not one lime on you very cool spikes on you though and then this is the variegated Maya lemon I’m pretty

Sure not Eureka variegated Eureka lemon it has all sorts of issues with bucks look at that even got those wasp things a but it’s such a cool tree as these mature and you actually get lemons off them the lemons are variegated as well so they’re like yellow and green stripes

Lemons very cool I may get some more of those just in case this one gets completely wiped out by bugs oh that’s a cool little fly thing hello fly thing and we just jumping a little bit because I completely missed my light Shey tree how lovely is a light Shey tree apparently grow

Huge very awesome very light chy very tree also I did Miss under the stairs and Under the Stairs is the nightmare area there is actually baby water dragons somewhere living in here so I can’t really disturb it I have a little Pond down there for them cuz we’d like

Water dragons roaming around everywhere free range water dragons these are the tomatoes that we had huge problems with but now that it is a little bit cooler there aren’t any Ms or anything on them and there are tomato look tomatoes everywhere if you missed the Tomato incident we had hundreds of tomato

Plants then mites came along and then bugs came along and then everything came along and destroyed everything I have a few chilies that have survived here little bit of mites I can still see M damage but they seem to be surviving so we’re just letting it do its thing without nasty sprays and

Stuff pretty sure that wasn’t a wasp that does all that uh what have we got here oh this is that weird plant it was the guava strawberry yeah some sort of low growing tree I don’t think it’s grown since I’ve had it oh wait I lied there we go we got

Some new shoots guava strawberry whatever that is we have another Citrus here another lime tedan hold on what’s the other one a tedan lime if I got two limes the same oh my God I do okay how did I get two limes the same oh that is bizarre there’s got to be a

Difference there’s no difference wow I did not know I had doubled up on limes Jesus naval orange with no oranges on it and lots of things have been eating it oh we have some fruit there let me guess what those are maybe lemons maybe what are they no they are lime they’re

Are sweet lime lemons limes they all kind of look the same don’t they what is that one at the back that is a West Indian lime with no limes on it I need to repot some of these there is another one here what are you you are a star rub star rub star

Ruby grapefruit bugs and all sorts of stuff no grapefruits on you there’s a giant Cirrus that goes all the way up there the roots are obviously gone through the pot into the ground yeah my cool little toxic palm trees love euph phobias they are awesome awesome plants look at that there’s a

Closeup so cool that one there which we saw from the other side lemonade my one lemonade will it survive who knows what is this one that’s the orange we just saw oh we squish in here we have another lemon lisborn lemon this one is going well look at the new

Shoots it has new shoots doesn’t have any lemons to it uh it’s got bugs on it look at that those ants are harvesting little bugs bugger off that are eating my plants wow not entirely sure what one that one is there’s a poor chili plant that’s

Been blown over in the wind there’s an orange seedless something okay orange but there’s no orange so not only is it seedless it’s oress ah but this one grapefruit Rio Red Grapefruit has a grapefruit although I think it’s got bugs inside it I think something has attacked it

There who knows we may get a grapefruit this season if not I’m sure we will in the next future Seasons I’ll look another grasshopper thank you for eating my plant little grasshopper we’re going to grab that and be back unbelievable this was another grapefruit look at the Carnage

Wow that’s only in like a day or so as well at least we don’t have any swarms of locust here because there wouldn’t be anything left I’m sure the trees would survive eventually but yeah that’ probably set you back a little while but that is a I think it’s a marsh

Grapefruit yeah the Tag’s down there another grapefruit we have what are they oh that’s a jalapeno jalapenos I keep missing them they keep dropping on the floor yeah I have no idea I think that’s a Bulgarian carrot missed that one chilies are just not going well here

For some reason I’m talking about not going well there’s some chilies I should probably rescue those before something else eats them oh and there’s some more chilies there some neglected Cactus some more euphobia another euphobia that is a cool euphobia look at that yeah that’s a decent decent plant more euphobia

And I think that might be the basics of where we are with this update lots of cactus lots of bits and pieces if you did like this video and want more chill videos like this one just comment in the comments or click the thumbs up thingy and we will see you

In the next one thanks heaps for watching that


  1. Your garden is gonna be a mini forest soon,love the greenery with its own mini eco system, sir Paul😍😍💜.And I pray that it indeed becomes a forest area one day with all types of naturally grown fruits and veggies 😍😍😍

  2. I think strawberries will also do better if you put them together in a big pot. Small pots are just not conducive to good production.

  3. A finger-lime plant is on my wish list – much harder to grow here in Wales though! Love what you’re doing with all your pots. I’ve just subscribed and look forward to seeing your garden and your channel develop. I have a gardening channel too that you might like – check it out! Great thumbnail by the way!

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