
Watch This Before Planting Peas! World Record Gardener’s Secrets To Growing Sweet Peas! Tutorial

Dad demonstrates how to plant peas for abundant yields! Included are valuable tips of gardening wisdom on where to plant peas, trellising, soil amendments, planting method, water and fertilize as well! Listen to a World Record Tomato and eggplant grower share some of his organic gardening wisdom about planting and growing peas!

If you purchase products using the links below, it helps fund our channel at no cost to you. Thanks a bunch! (I tried hard to find the best product at the best price:-)
The North American Maria Thun Biodynamic Almanac: 2024 –
Organic Kelp 10 lbs. –
Organic Kelp 50 lbs. –
Azomite 20 lb. –
Azomite 44 lb. –
Organic Bone Meal –
Greensand –

Dramm Watering Wand –

Unlock the power of organic soil biology! Great soil health tips from Dan! His knowledge of soil biology, nutrients and amendments will help you understand how to have the best organic garden soil preparation possible! Make the your soil the best it can be by focusing on feeding the soil microbial biology, instead of feeding your plants. The reason this works best is because the soil microbes themselves are what actually feeds your plant’s root system through mycorrhizal symbiosis!

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Happy to see all of you here! We’re excited with the launch of our channel and hope to help you with all things organic gardening, homesteading and woodworking! I’m Luke and I have been wanting to make some videos to help others be successful gardeners, homesteaders and woodworkers. Together with my wife, our family, and my father and his, we hope our videos are a blessing to you as you learn how we put food on our table, take care of our homesteads and do some woodworking projects together!

Remember, God is Light and God is Love! πŸ™‚

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0:00 Intro
1:23 Planting Location Considerations
2:01 Trellises
2:20 Watering
2:31 Soil Preparation
2:44 Pea Variety We’re Using
3:01 Fertilizer
4:41 Amending The Soil
5:59 Planting The Peas
9:51 Biodynamic Moon Phase?
10:23 Watering In The Peas

The lovely guitar soundtracks are kindly provided with permission by ZENO. Check out his inspiring work here;

Minerals are very very very important for the plant Health as well as your and my health you know I’m kind of a fanatic and so I like to yeah I like to spoil my babies so they’re not a hybrid so you can save the pea seeds and not have to

Be buying pea seeds all the time the crops nowadays they don’t have near enough minerals in them because it the soil’s depleted it’s not like using synthetic fertilizers where you can really mess things up I putting too much on here we are hi welcome back to our organic gardening homesteading and woodworking

Channel nice to have you back again on the channel this time we’re going to talk about how to plant peas we’re going to go over how to plant them trellising them watering them how to fertilize them and a lot of other details before we get

To that we want to tell you uh what our next video is hopefully going to be about so what is it going to be about we’re going to be uh demonstrating how to bend conduit Hoops for a using for a roll cover for your brassas your cabbage cauliflower and broccoli plants and be

Planting those as well prepping the ground for those and so forth all that’s entailed in that so that’s the next one coming up hopefully yeah so it’ll be exciting I’m looking forward to that well let’s get to plant and peas here we go okay all right here we are at the place

Where we’re going to be planting Peas on this Tris first thing we’re going to you need to know is this is going to be a corn this is where I plant my corn it’s on the west side of the peach Tris so the corn will grow up and that’ll give

All afternoon shade to these peas peas are a cool uh crop that don’t like hot weather so with that corn growing up 6 Seven 8 ft here that Shades this this whole petol is really nice and keeps them cooler and they do a lot better

With a a little bit of shade and I’ve just used a stock panel for the trellis it’s I just cut a short section we kind of cut down the amount of peas we’re doing this year we don’t need so many we had a lot last year and uh so we’re just

Making a smaller deal this year and so we just plant a row on either side of the trellis and there’s a drip tape running right down along the base here oh yeah that’ll water there it is the uh two rows of peas and before we plant the peas we want to just pull

This Mulch off of here this has been on here for the winter just pull that back a little bit oh yeah and these are the pea seeds and those are saved from last year they’re not a hybrid so you can save the pea seeds and not have to be buying pea

Seeds all the time and these are the super sugar snap peas uh that we’re going to be using they they’re really sweet so what I do first is I just do a little prepping of the fertilizing you don’t really have to do the fertilizing but you know I’m kind of a fanatic and

So I like to yeah I like to spoil my babies so this is uh the dairy compost organic Dairy compost uh mixed with a little bit of kelp there’s probably oh in that bucket there might be a couple cups of kelp uh in there and then

There’s um a little bit of azomite in there probably maybe a cup of azomite and that’s for minerals same way with kelp it’s for minerals minerals are very very very important for the plant Health as well as your and my health uh we just uh the the crops nowadays they don’t

Have near enough minerals in them because it the soil’s depleted and so we want to get that back up there to a normal level they say in the last 50 years we’ve got uh We’ve drop the mineral content at least 50% of what it used to be in the food in the

Food that you buy in the store vegetables in the store so minerals are important so if this is mostly minerals there’s a little bit of uh just a little bit of bone meal here maybe a a cup of bone meal in here and uh there’s a

Little bit of green sand in there for potassium peas are fru plant and so you’re not trying to grow just greens like lettuce lettuce you can do more nitrogen but with something that’s actually producing fruit you want to have more potassium and the phosphorus for root development so that’s what I’ve

Kind of concentrated on this little mix I kind of make a custom mix for everything I do so I just go along and I just put a little bit of this where I’m going to be planting just sprinkle a little bit of this sounds like something else is

Sprinkling right now yeah starting rain a little bit of rain so here we go try to get this done before it downpours too much that be a short video no yeah so then I just take the hoe and I just kind of work that in the top couple inches

You don’t want to dig it in real deep you disturb all the biology in the soil so just kind of loosen that up so you can make a trench a little furl for the P seeds and gets that stuff down in there oops there’s a little root from a

Pepper plant last year here we go and so then I just take this along here make a little furl some people use strings and on that kind of thing to makx straight but after you done it a number of years you don’t really have to worry about such things

And so grab the P seeds and I like to put them about an inch apart just approximately it doesn’t care if they’re a little closer or a little further apart and just kind of sprinkle them in here and uh and if you look like you got a bad PC

That’s kind of shriveled up that’s not really fully developed just throw in another PE beside it so you have a a good crop of pece coming up so just something like that nothing fancy not hard and that’s all the rest of that and then grab the hoe and cover back up

There’s a little row of pea seeds and all right bring bring the dirt back around it on top of it just kind of put that on top and great big clumps or something you want to get out of the way you don’t want great big old dirt clot in

There and make sure they’re covered up good I’m probably just use my hand on this little short row there we go and then I like to tap them down so you have good contact with the seeds not an air pocket down there that’ll hinder their germination M there that row is done and

It stopped raining and it stopped raining what do you know yeah so then just go over this side and do the same pull the Mulch off same thing move the mulch out of the way these are chives down here by the way they just they just grow all year long

And we’re you see they’ve been chopped off we’ve been eating them they’re great for things at this time of year fresh greens so just put a little bit of this down here being that this is all organic stuff you don’t really have to worry about burning anything or it’s not like

Using synthetic fertilizers where you can really mess things up by putting too much on mhm so we never use never ever use synthetic fertilizers around here and maybe pretty soon I think we’re going to be uh able to supply you guys with amendments and stuff we’re getting a pretty EXC excited about business

Started up to supply that stuff to all you guys and uh hopefully we can beat the prices for everybody else so grab the seeds start plopping them in here again there we are yeah easy easiest can be and oh yeah it’s right to moon phase

For it too um the biod dnamic moon phase for fru and vegetables uh today and I think tomorrow is another maybe possibly Sunday I’m not sure but I think at least today and tomorrow we will put a link to the bodynamic Almond AC in the description

Down there so if you guys want to get a copy of yourself we’ll put a link to that so there’s the peas and once that’s peas are in I just give them a little shot of water get them on their ger way to germination is right now not really

Running the drip system yet we’re still getting enough rain and uh so I just do this to get them up and going and uh yeah that’s all this to it you can see around here there’s lettuce all coming up that’s all volunteer from last summer and and so it’ll be pretty

Shortly here we’ll be eating fresh green lettuce and red lettuce um yeah MH good stuff so that’s it for pee planting and uh hope that was helpful I hope all of you enjoyed those instructions on how to plant peas if you did please comment down in the comment section below give

Us a thumbs up like and of course subscribe and remember Jesus said I I am the way the truth and the life


  1. If you purchase products using the links below, it helps fund our channel at no cost to you. Thanks a bunch! (I tried hard to find the best product at the best price:-)

    The North American Maria Thun Biodynamic Almanac: 2024 –


    Organic Kelp 10 lbs. –

    Organic Kelp 50 lbs. –

    Azomite 20 lb. –

    Azomite 44 lb. –

    Organic Bone Meal –

    Greensand –

    Warren Triangle Hoe –
    Dramm Watering Wand –

  2. Do you feel that using a legume inoculant is not necessary for your peas? I always do for sugar snaps and beans out of habit, not from a knowledgable difference.

  3. Just subscribed. Long time gardener here, but I have the hardest time growing peas and beans. I'm beginning to think I don't have enough minerals in my raised bed.Your information is amazing. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Thank you for the links on the minerals, however I was THRILLED to hear that you are going to be making your own for sale! When will that happen? I was just thinking, it would be nice if I could buy an all-in-one bag of minerals that you are recommending for peas, and another for tomatoes, etc…

  5. I have been bing watching all of your videos. They are all great. "Dad" is a joy to watch & it is a pleasure to listen to all of his wisdom. It really makes me miss my grandfather. He taught me so much about gardening, farming, and living more sustainable. So I am really enjoying watching you & your father!

  6. Baby my babies, get the nutrition we neeed plus supply the right blend of minerals and beat the prices ….words of love I'm grateful to hear, woo! That's the bomb❀

  7. I never had much succes germinating my peas directly in the soil.

    Normally it should work, but i think my soil is too moist (clay) so they rot away before they can sprout.

    Now I germinate them inside on some vermiculite and transplant outside the minute the root has formed

  8. I have been curious about a plot mapping my garden but not sure what plant likes to be together can you explain this.
    Or suggestions

  9. @GardeningHomesteadingWoodwork What is the minerals recipe? Do you cover the peas with the straw mulch again once they've grown a little bit or if there's a cold snap?
    Thank you! This video was so helpful.

  10. I love that song you put with the end of the video! Day by day and with each passing moments strength I find to meet my trials here. Help me then in every tribulation so to trust thy promises oh Lord! Great song! Where do you all live?

  11. Looks like I'll be ordering some peas. Never had great luck with peas, I usually started too late and it gets so hot in summer. NOT THIS YEAR. I think Dan reminds me of my dad and grandfather growing up and help them plant as a boy. Great Family!😊

  12. Good to know about the minerals! Ive heard so many people say not to add too much, but I always wondered about it since my soil seems to be getting healthier.

  13. Much love from Ukraine! About to plant peas for the first time in my life) Thank you 😊!

  14. lol. when I plant my pea seeds like that, they'll all be gone before tomorrow afternoon .. eaten by mice and voles. Have to pre-germinate them in, e.g., a rain gutter and then plop that out into the trench. But raw seeds .. not a chance.

  15. My goodness I have been looking for this nformation… No more of synthetic fertilizer or you know "that brand"…
    My peas…were so sad because of lack of minerals… Thank you so much..
    I didn't have a grandfather… but I can listen to dad for some goooood guidance… Thank you…!!

  16. Just found your channel, I could see Jesus in your eyes. Even before you quoted Him I knew you both must be full of His love.

  17. I plant my peas intensively – 3 inches apart in all directions. I fill the bed fully. I put 2 or 3 peas per hole. I get a huge harvest out of a bed that is 4 x 10

  18. We are all so Divinely Blessed to have a garden, a farm, animals and our love of God! I hold my seeds and visualize the Christ Light infusing them before I plant, and I always have huge harvests. I am SO grateful to have found your channel, thank you so much for the recipe of the amendments you use…it's the only thing I'm a little dim on. God Bless You!

  19. PS I think it's a fabulous idea to have a business selling soil amendments online. If I could just buy one for beans, lettuce, tomatoes, corn and etc., I'd love it since every gardener says something different about what to amend, how to feed etc. I love your channel and I did buy all of the soil amendments and the book.

  20. Thank you for sharing your expertise. These videos are concise, informative, and presented with endearing humility. May God bless you

  21. Can't wait for your amendments becoming available!!! You both are great and thank you for great content!

  22. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I just found your channel and love it! God Bless you both and your family!

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