@James Prigioni

James Prigioni: 10 Crops You’d be Foolish Not to Plant in April

Here’s the crops you wish you knew to plant in April…

I am in zone 7a 😁

Thanks for the kind words and support 😁🐕❤️

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→ Seed Starting Bundle: https://teamgrow.us/products/standard-seedling-tray-with-bottom-and-cover

→ Metal Raised Garden Beds: https://teamgrow.us/collections/vego-raised-garden-beds

→ Raised Bed Add Ons:https://teamgrow.us/collections/metal-raised-bed-add-ons

→Neem Oil: https://teamgrow.us/collections/plantonix/products/neem-oil?variant=47481018679611

→ Coco Coir: https://teamgrow.us/collections/plantonix/products/coco-bliss-10-lbs

→Mykos Pure Mycorrhizal Inoculant: https://teamgrow.us/collections/plantonix/products/myco-bliss?variant=47481262702907

→Amazon affiliate link: https://amzn.to/2z7NIRQ

→ Sulfur Dust for Fungal Diseases: https://amzn.to/2VETaXP

→Garden Sifter: https://teamgrow.us/collections/metal-raised-bed-add-ons/products/modular-garden-sifter

→Coco Coir: https://teamgrow.us/collections/plantonix/products/coco-bliss-10-lbs

→Worm Castings: https://teamgrow.us/collections/fertilizer-and-soil-amendments/products/earthworm-casting

→Perlite: https://teamgrow.us/collections/plantonix/products/perlite-bliss

→ UV Resistant Marker: https://amzn.to/3oUevXb

→ 40% Shade Cloth- https://amzn.to/3vrAYNF

→ Garden Straw Mini: http://bit.ly/gardenstraw

→ Vermiculite: https://amzn.to/311woeH

→Perlite: https://teamgrow.us/collections/plantonix/products/perlite-bliss

→6 Mil Greenhouse plastic: https://amzn.to/39m1YCQ

→Row Cover: https://amzn.to/2GR12h5

→Insect Netting: https://amzn.to/2DbJ9I7

→BT Spray for Brassicas: https://amzn.to/3erdkss

→Pruners I use: https://amzn.to/2QsNCtT

→Tomato Clips: https://amzn.to/2YxoaGr

→Square Foot Gardening Book: https://amzn.to/3bUwCVo

→My Boots https://amzn.to/2NZq5Pe


→Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JamesPrigioniGardening/

→Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamesPrigioni

→Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jamesprigioni

→Contact: (Business Only) thefranchisse3@gmail.com


  1. Good afternoon fellow garfener from Jesus and me!
    How do i get in touch with someone who made a coment?
    @aname but how do i use it?

  2. So satisfying, watching you plant those carrots! The board will be super helpful again this year as we have a lot of cats… then the bed can get some netting or sticks

  3. I noticed what you are planting is about a month after when I plant. That means you will be ahead of me this fall. 👍🏼
    I enjoyed watching what you’re planting. I’m zone 8a Texas

  4. Interesting that you mention planting onion sets in April. I did this last year and they didn't get ginormous or anything but they were plenty large enough. I've seen so many YouTubers disrespecting and advising not to plant onion sets. I'm in northeastern Maryland, so maybe you and I are in just the right planting zone for this.

  5. Enjoyed your video. I am still working on improving my container garden and repairing my greenhouse. This year should be good for future years and all i will have to do is replace the top 6 inches of soil year after year. Tck is a charmer 🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. I have an idea. This is lazy, but instead of us having to back and listen to the video or stop the video and write down what we should plant, could you put it down in the description?

  7. Thank you so much for a great video, you are always very infirmity. Also, thank you for showing us the name of the seed so that we can buy them. You and Tuck rock!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥these hearts are for you Tuck, keep up the good work.

  8. ❤❤❤❤ for Tuck.
    I lost my husband this month. It's been rough. I will have a raised bed garden this year and pots. Love your videos. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. ❤😢😊

  9. I don't think beets, they grow in clumps and although they don't get huge, I get baby beets and enjoy.
    Carrots will grow in clumps, but limit to two. Radishes too.
    I make sure my flowers are started early, plant the cold tolerant ones out so they deter early pests laying eggs. Fragrance is a good deterrent for tender new plants.

  10. 🎵Tuck-A-Roo..We ❤you
    🎶You are Prigi's # Two
    🎼With a great big 🤗And a 😘💋 From me to you
    🎵Your favourite 🥕🥕🥒season's coming soon…🐕🐾💌

  11. Hey James, I always wonder how you do so well with weeds in your beds. I just started gardening last year and my beds were filled with weeds.

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