Gardening Supplies

having a cozy hobby day! | starting my flower garden, reading, playing the sims, scrapbooking + MORE

cozy hobby day!! today we have so much fun doing my favorite things!!! we read a book, watch tv, start my garden, play the sims, scrapbook, and more!
my fav books:
my gardening supplies:
flower beds:
bird bath:


⋒my etsy: presets, notebooks, digital planners, etc 🙂
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⋒my amazon storefront!
⋒my like to know it!

Vlog Camera (Canon M50):
Vlog Camera (Zony ZV-1) :
My Tripod (Holds phone AND camera!):
Ring Light:
Handheld Tripod:
Favorite SD Card:
My MacBook Air:
My MacBook Pro:
My Pink iMac:

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Hey everyone and welcome to it I’m Julia R me before and today we are doing a cozy hobby day there’s this girl that pops up on my Tik Tok all the time she has like a cozy hobby room that she goes and does all her little cozy hobbies and

I just think that so fun so I thought maybe we should do a video where I spend the day doing all my favorite cozy Hobbies cuz I feel like I get a lot of requests to show me like playing the SS scrapbooking doing my Bret Journal

Reading all that sorts of stuff but I don’t ever want to do like a dedicated sins video I just feel like that doesn’t really fit with my channel I thought if I do a whole day where I doing all my favorite cozy Hobbies it’ be so fun so

That’s what we’re doing today welcome to it I have actually already been reading most of the day it’s 1: p.m. I’ve been up since 7:00 I’ve been reading and drinking coffee I’m currently reading the book powerless by Lauren Roberts I can’t sit far it did take me a while to

Get into it but now I’m hooked I really like it about halfway through it right now so that’s where I’m at you need to stay still go lay down all right I just got to a good stopping point in my book so we’re going to stop or else I will

Read that the entire day and then this will just be like a complete reading Vlog and I wanted to be all the Cozy Hobbies so I stopped for now but I’m sure I’ll pick it back up later I have this toxic trait where I pick up a book

Book and lately I’ve been wanting to just read it all in one sitting I’ve read like three books in the last week in one sitting like I’ll go sit on the couch at 7:00 p.m. and read all the way until midnight and I’ll finish a book

And I’m like this is great I am just chugging through all these stories that I wanted to read my TBR is just flying off the shelf but then it’s like toxic like I said because I can’t just read a book normally I want to sit and read

That all day but we can so I’m going to make a latte a cozy little latte and then I think I want to start first first with scrapbooking I’ve been meaning to start a scrapbook well I have a few that I want to do so I have one that’s like a

Wedding one that I need to finish and then I want to do a travel one and then I don’t remember maybe just like a life one in general anyways I’ve been meaning to work on those and I just keep putting it off so I really want to do it and get

Creative so I think we’ll head out to my office and do That Off Okay wow I did not realize how much stuff I had saved from all our wedding things there are so many cute little things in here like some of the cards we got literally so many Polaroids from both of our Bachelor trips the rehearsal dinner and the wedding day shells from

The honeymoon I’m going have to figure out if I can like hot glue those on maybe so many cute stickers little notes that Kylie had made like the days leading up to the wedding congratulations on your engagement card from when we first got engaged notes from our honeymoon place I’m so excited

To get creative with all this stuff oh my gosh I’m so happy I kept this our honeymoon plane ticket oh my gosh and these are dried flowers from our wedding bouquet that I kept and pressed myself and a wax seal in there there’s so many good things it’s almost like over

Overwhelming to me because I want it all to be perfect and I don’t want to miss a thing so I definitely don’t want to rush it we’re obviously not going to finish this today but I do have some pages already done or started at least I think

They need a little bit more on them and I had started this actually in this scrapbook but it’s one where the pages you like stick stuff onto each page and the pages are already sticky but they’re just not the size I want and I want to

Be able to have things that are on the page that are like you know like pop up like this so we’re going to switch over to this scrapbook back here here that I can actually like Slide the pages in all right let’s get cooking I’m going to

Turn on some music or maybe a YouTube video or something and just have a good time out here I’m so excited to do This okay right now I’m trying to do like a little meet the Bridesmaids page where I think I’m going to try and trace this little rectangle and make little almost like heads of each person maybe I don’t know I hav I guess maybe I’ll have to print out individual photos of each

Person like a little head shot we’ll see but I think it would be really cute it’s going to be very cute so we’re going to do that Oh my gosh I just got on our wedding website and looked at the descriptions that I wrote for each person because I put everybody’s name and then a little description of them on the website and they are so cute so I think I’m actually going to copy and paste those all and

Print them out so I can like make the text super super small and then tape them right under each person’s name and then also pick out a picture of me with each girl and put that on the little spot here so it’ll be like the picture and then the little description and that

Is L going to be so cute but this page is so fun I’m having so much fun with this I want to St here and do this all day but it’s taking me forever I also organized all of the like random stuff that I collected and Sav in order of

Event so like proposal wedding dress shopping have a little piece of my dress Bachelorette bridal shower bachelor party rehearsal dinner one single photo maybe I’ll get the invitation out for that I’ll print that out the days before the wedding wedding day and then the honeymoon and then I even have a card

From our first anniversary that I’m going to cut up and put in there I think it’ll be super cute so I have High Hopes this is literally going to be so beautiful when I finish it but it’s taking me forever I’ve only gotten three pages and I’ve been out here for 2 hours

So but I’m glad I’m putting all this time into it because I feel like it’ll be so worth it at the end to look through it allll once I put all this effort into it like I can just imagine us and our future kids someday in years once day understand things looking

Through this and just like me crying over it because I loved our wedding so much that’s so excited so I’m happy to do this it’s making me think of the Scrapbook that my bridesmaids made for me on the day of our wedding where they each wrote a note and made a whole page

About me and like each girl’s friendship and that was just the sweetest thing I’ve ever gotten and I read through it like at least twice a year just randomly because I love it so much so I’m excited to have another nice little memorable scrapbook something about just preserving memories I feel like that’s

Just a huge thing with me like obviously doing YouTube I love that I could go back and watch my Bread’s made proposal and see everybody’s reactions in real time again just by looking it up like that is something I always cherish so much is getting to watch all this stuff

Back so I’m just feeling so happy and excited but I think I might pause on this for a little while and go start our garden is next on our cozy hobby this year I’m trying to grow a cut flower garden and it’s going to be so cute I

Ordered all the seeds a few eh maybe like a month go and I’ve been collecting all the stuff for it I think it’s finally time to plant them so I’m like starting the seeds inside so then they’ll grow and become little baby plants and hopefully be ready to plant

Outside when it’s done being cold and snowy here so I’ll have like 2 months of growing them and then I’ll get the plant them I think it it all just depends on what zone and where you live so ours is until like May late May that I can plant

Stuff in the ground but I know other people already planting stuff like down in Florida so I’m jealous of the people that already get to plant their things but I’m so excited to get this stuff started now so we are going to go start that let’s do it all right guys I don’t

Really know what I’m doing exactly but we’re going to learn together I have all these things the thing I don’t have are labels and originally I wanted to do some sort of cute DIY but now I just haven’t thought of anything and I want to do this today cuz it’s 72 and sunny

Out so we might just end up cutting the literal label off of the seat bags oh that might not be a good idea okay I don’t know maybe I’ll get a piece of paper so we can write them wow bug anyway so I saw you’re supposed to start with the mix and

Putting water in it so that’s what I’m doing so Kylie got me this cute little gardening bag for my birthday last year with cute gloves a little watering thingy sorry the camera died um but this little thing it’s so cute she painted it say Julie’s garden and then there’s like

A little log book in there Gardener log book so I’ll have to write in that anyways but I saw you’re supposed to mix this so let’s do that full St I thoughts I think about you all the time morning evening and midnight such a wonderful deight for go give up everything that I

Own yeah I’d give it all up now just to be with you somehow Unexpected Love was Found you’re the rose in a Garden okay I got this little for shelf futility thing but I think I’m going to put everything on and I think I’m going to keep it here in our guest bedroom right by these windows so that’s out of the way but also still getting sunlight and it’s like hey and it stays

Warm so we need to build this real Fast slow ped you in my arms won’t let go all right this is all set up I’m trying to decide if I should get shop lights to like hang eventually but I don’t know I’m excited my only fear is I hope I didn’t put too many seeds per sell I

Kind of was just doing whatever so we’ll see but I’m excited going be so good all right everyone my next cozy hobby of the evening is going to be making cookies and baking I’m so excited I tried making chocolate chip cookies from scratch like a month or two ago and they turned out

Horrible like the the cookies were just flat melted butter it was awful it was terrible I’m hoping for Redemption on this one I’m following the instructions to a tea this time and we’ll see how it goes ooh you o ooh you ooh ooh you ooh ooh ooh Ooh okay I just put the cookies in the fridge to chill for half an hour so I’m going to go back out to my office and I’m going to turn on The Bachelor because that’s part of my other Hobbies is I have like certain shows that I

Watch and each day is the week that are live so Monday night’s our Bachelor Wednesday is Survivor and then soon to be the Amazing Race and then Thursdays right now is the Traders but that’s almost over unfortunately so I’m just having the best time on those week

Nights because my shows are out so we’re going to go out there and maybe scrapbook a little more or read while watching The Bachelor my decision this ambition everything comes so BL look for mystery if you kiss me I throw my fist in the air and I what right you need to make your life really tight yeah all this this my system Lord I wish it made sense the

Difference my wish and me wishing it end so okay I feel like we get a good stopping point on the Scrapbook I could go all night but I can’t because don’t have all night so I am going to go back inside now and we’re going to start the

Cookies because this can finally go in they’ve chilled long enough bachelor’s still going on so I’m going to turn that back on I want to get inside and I might read while watching we’ll see I don’t know I’m just having the best day ever

It’s not often that I have a day where I just do all the fun things that I want to do because I want to without doing any cleaning or feeling the pressure of needing to work or clean so this is just been so fun getting to do this today and

Just completely do everything that I wanted for as long or as little as I wanted to it’s just so fun and the day’s on over I still have some other things to do I’m thinking about maybe playing The Sims I don’t really know Of course Maria asks to just chat right before the rose ceremony again that’s oh girl going to try these they’re good I think I definitely should have used a different type of chocolate like different chocolate chips but still pretty good A ni by hello everyone sorry this Vlog like took a very long pause but we’re back and I’m so excited to show you guys some of the updates so it’s like two weeks later I’m so sorry I meant to edit this Vlog and get it up and then I ended

Up getting the new Macbook so it came out and I wanted to post all that content before I posted this so here we are finally posting this Vlog but it’s been like 2 weeks so we have some some Garden updates to show you oh my gosh I

Did not expect these things to grow so fast I don’t know why but I ended up getting some lights oh shoot it fell down okay here’s an update the top row we have our baby’s breath Cosmos Cosmos and they are growing like crazy I’m not sure if I’m doing this right I’m not

Sure if I put too many seeds per cell you guys if there’s any Garden experts watching this please let me know if I need to like rearrange anything but it’s all growing so fast I’m feeling so excited about it but since it’s growing so fast I’m like oh shoot did I plant

These too early because our like last frost or whatever isn’t until like the end of May I’m hoping maybe it’ll be earlier because we’ve been having nice weather so maybe the snow is gone but we’ll see I don’t know you never know with Indiana so that’s the top row

Second row we have Queen ant’s lace and forget me nuts some of these flowers I’m not even sure I definitely should have read the packages because some of them take much longer to grow than others obviously like looking at these compared to these so I don’t really know what I’m

Doing but we’re just winging it chaos gardening over here then down here we have some Snap Dragons more zenas more Snap Dragons more zenas and then Yaro I don’t I don’t know Paulo loves so Garden he comes in and checks on them anyway so that’s how those are looking I don’t

Know if I should follow keep the humidity Dome on any longer if anyone has any tips that’s what it’s looking like down here hello really um but yeah so that’s the garden update how it’s looking right now L just in our guest bedroom we had people

Staying over and I was like well you get to sleep with my plants tonight and then I’m thinking of putting it right there my whole garden set up right there so my two options are right here having my whole Garden or back there through like behind our fire pit in that little area

Just because there’s a tree there so I don’t know how much sunlight and like right there it would be direct sunlight almost during the day so I need to like research and look at what I need but yeah right there I would at least be

Able to see them all like over here it’s kind of hidden by these big bushes I don’t know let me know you guys’ thoughts and opinions on to where to put my garden beds but that’s the vision so far and I just got the garden beds in

Actually here they are in their boxes I’m not going to set them up today but I will link these below I feel like they’re pretty good deal they’re from Lowe’s I think they’re going to be so cute I can’t wait to paint or stain them they’re just like a garden B they look

Like that I’ll attach the picture but yeah I love them I’m excited and then I also got a bird bath I’m so excited about it let me know if you guys think I should like paint it I thought it might be fun to like paint these flowers but

So cute also from Lowe’s I’ll link this below too okay literally one last thing in this like grassy area right here outside of my office I’m thinking of planting some more flowers along the side you guys think I should do like the chaos gardening where I just like

Sprinkle a bunch of seeds and let them grow or do like a trellis vibe thing that like goes up the side I’ll in a picture Allison bicker step I think uh is her name she has a really beautiful one on like one of her walls of her

House I think is so stunning something like that or just planting I don’t know some sort of flower bushes I don’t know what do you guys think I just feel think it’s the perfect spot okay enough with the garden update so it’s time to play

Some Sims I know I said I would play Sims so I am very excited I’ve Got The Vibes right we are going to play I think I’m also going to set up my laptop and play the AOS tour movie that just got onto Disney plus while I play so it’s

Literally The Vibes are amazing so I’m excited we’re going to have ourselves some time I’m going to show you guys a little house tour of my Sims and you guys are going to be very impressed does anybody else have rotten little sisters that change your photos on any streaming website that your whole

Family shares to one of the worst options while they get all the cute ones y just me oh my God I was there okay guys I’m going to show you my house but preface with this I had a much cuter house it was pink I called it the

Barbie dream house and it was like decked out all on the inside I spent so long decorating it and then we moved because I wanted to decorate another house but I didn’t realize it was going to take all the stuff out of the old one

Because I was got done and show you the old one because I was so proud of it but it’s like empty so I can’t show you that one so I’m going to show you the half done one that I’ve been working on right now I think my favorite part of the Sims

Is just building houses and decorating them okay so um if you guys don’t know the Sims you can like download a bunch of custom content is what it’s called into your game so so you have more cute options of clothes furniture and like literally everything so that’s what a

Lot of my stuff is and a lot of it I’ve just downloaded off of Pinterest I like look at Pinterest to find the things and and then go click the links anyway so just wanted to preface with that that’s how I got all this stuff this is the

Sims 4 and you download it by going to you look up like origin download on your normal Safari or Chrome and then you download it for your Mac and then from there you download the sims so if anyone has questions about that that’s how you

Do it but let me show you okay again it’s only half done don’t judge okay we have the living room it’s partially done with our cute Furniture cute rug cute little fireplace okay then we go into the kitchen oh look like people are gathering in the kitchen there might

Sims outfits are adorable kitchen table okay we’ll do okay not all the walls are done adorable okay then we go to the kitchen which literally is not done at all but I have some of the appliances oh it’s so cute I want to live here look coffee machine okay again liter I see

None of these rooms even have stuff in it because I’m not done I started on the office we have some computers a cute little rug now we’re working oh my God there’s a child just sleeping there okay and then we have our garage our fancy cars little bathroom action oh my

Gosh there’s someone walking in our yard over here fun little modern bathroom and then oh looks like I started on our bedroom some purses Chanel candles going cute bed the plant oh see that’s just the the cutest thing had to have the Leaning Arch mirror of course um oh yeah I literally

Haven’t done a single thing upstairs and then the front yard which I’m going to do a bunch of landscaping and make it all cute sorry it’s like literally night time eye masks the bow in the hair just Peak comfort for her bedtime outfit okay I put a lot of thought and effort into

Everybody’s outfits so I wanted to show you okay and the way a baby it’s like hard to see but he’s wearing a little like his little sweater has sailboats on it it’s so cute okay and then this guy stunning love it so good okay and then let me show you the two little

Girls outfits so Cute okay my hair is a mess but anyways wanted to show you guys one last Sims World I love this one so look I have a cow and there’s foxes that roam around this fox wants to play with the cow a but you can like come out and complain

About being in a bad mood I named the cow bell so I have a cow and then I also have little chicks look at the little chicken and the chicken coop it’s so cute a they’re adorable also why is that like the cutest chicken Cube I’ve ever seen I

Want to live in there this is just a house that was already pre-existing so I haven’t gotten to decorate this house yet and there’s so many people in here okay but here’s my SIM girl in this world I love her outfit I love her hair

It has like flowers in it isn’t that so cute she lives my dream life look at this place so pretty oh my gosh there’s a fox just running around in our house a it’s kind of cute oh it’s sing oh yes oh she’s scaring him Oh well guys this has been such a successful cozy hobby video let me know if you liked it I love doing my cozy Hobbies so I’m very excited about that scrapbook that we started it’s looking so good I need to get some more filler paper I think just different colors

Other than white so I’m excited to keep doing that though I printed out a bunch of pictures and it’s going to look so good that’s going to be it for this video make sure you guys like and I want you guys to comment what your favorite cozy hobby is whether that’s like

Knitting or drawing coloring playing The Sims playing your Nintendo switch I want to know cuz then it can give me more ideas for more cozy Hobbies so that is going to be it though thank you guys so much for watching and I’ll see you in my next one


  1. I clicked so fast when I saw "starting my flower garden"! My husband is currently out getting supplies for our first flower/vegetable garden

  2. Dear Julia,
    your a huge inspiration to me and have changed my life. I've been subscribed for a year and you give me so many tips on tech, video ideas etc. there's seriously no other YouTuber like you. Also hate to be rude but pin?? You're one of the the best people in the world and I'm so happy to be one of your subscribers! Ilysm Julia. Keep up the WONDERFUL work!! Love you
    sincerely, Eden (a huge fan)

  3. What great hobbies you have, Julia! I love seeing you bake, how you make coffee, plant, and play the video game, Sims. At first I thought it was the Simpsons video game lol! Now I see that the Sims is a house video game right on the computer

  4. Garden beds would be better in the open space away from the tree. The sun can do its thing and you can add shade at times of the day if needed.

  5. I love your house garden out your house what can have garden outside of your house what can if cookie are you making for your relaxing day outside your inside your house

  6. I always look forward to your videos! Always inspiring for me to do my weekly resets! You’re so positive and relatable and it’s so encouraging!! 💖

  7. STOP THIS IS ADORABLE!!!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷 the scrapbooking is SOOOOOO CUTE OMG 🥹🥹
    I think this was my sign to start scrapbooking aswelll!!!

  8. Girl I just realize we have SO many things in common!!! I love sims too, you are an artist at decorating your houses, the first one is just stunning! How you do all the decoration?! ❤❤❤

  9. Love this!!! 💖 It’s SO important to prioritize ourselves sometimes and just relax and enjoy what makes us happy. Being back in my reading era has done wonders for me since the New Year started!!!
    Your garden is so cute so far!!! Can’t wait to see the progression!! 🪴👩🏻‍🌾

  10. I looove this video 🌿💕 it’s so good to make the time for hobbies🥰 I like to do Cricut crafts, started my garden this year and I love to bake all kinds of stuff💕

  11. Love this video! The scrapbook is so cute. My hobbies are more like watching tv or reading, i also play the sims 😅

  12. loved this video! i’m a book girlie
    do you watch rachel catherine i feel like her content is up your alley

  13. I started growing my veggies in the same containers last year and i definitely planted them too early and then they died bc I couldn't plant them 🙃

  14. ahhhh you should do this type of vlog every once in a while! i love it!! and seeing your wedding scrapbook🥹 i just started my wedding planning journal & im loving the vibes so far!!✨

  15. The heart in your coffee cup looked like Mickey ears, and I should know, been in Disney for the week! Looking forward to catching up on your videos when I get back.

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