Gardening Supplies

This Home Garden Is Unlike Any I’ve Seen

I was visiting a home garden in Saigon Vietnam. The owner grows fruit trees, and medicinal herbs for herself and her friends.

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Espoma Garden Tone Fertilizer
Join me at the Klong Toei wet market in Bangkok Thailand for unusual fruits and spices to taste!

BioVast VermiCompost
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BioVast VermiCompost 100% Organic Soil Conditioner

GreenStalk Vertical Planter
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Bokashi (Bierkashi) Composting System
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Get Biovast Vermicompost
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BierKashi Composting System (with BierKashi Bokashi)

Forever Garden Beds
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Garden supplies:
Pocket Wall Planter
Mr. Stacky
Seaweed Extract:
Fox Farm Potting Soil:
Worm Gold Plus worm casting:
Bulb transplanter:
Boogie Brew Water Filter:
Air Pump for brewing compost tea:
Organic Solution Premium Worm Casting:
Rock Dust:
Dr Earth Fertilizer:
Dr Earth Liquid Fertilizer:
Boogie Brew Compost Tea:
Hori hori garden digging knife:
Worm Factory 360 :
Lotech Compost Crank
Uncle Jim’s Live Composting Worms:

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DJI Gimbal Mobile Stabilizer
Canon M50 Mirrorless Camera with 15-45mm Lens
Canon EF-M 22mm f2 STM Compact System Lens
Wireless Headset Lavalier Microphone System
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SNAPCHAT: Wendiland

Got we are going to take a tour through our friend’s Garden that looks nothing like I have ever seen the design of it is different I’m very intrigued by the different plants that I actually have no idea what they are and I’m getting lots of inspiration to start up a new Garden

That I’ll tell you more about later on later as in a different video but anyway check out these beautiful leafy greens I have never seen before these special peppers they even got coconuts growing in here what the heck this is a tropical garden but they have grown so much things that

I have never ever seen so anyway I hope you guys would enjoy I hope you guys would enjoy this Garden Tour we’re going to start the Video hey guys I’m in bunding right now not too far away from the main part of hoi Min City look at this F oh I got the no so just starting off we got these figs that they’re growing oh wow look at this fig off to a good start so far got some guavas ready to bloom the most popular variety they grow in Vietnam is that white the green outside

And white inside very crunchy more mild tasting look at this beautiful I believe this is a longan this should be a longan it’s just right now when you come in the winter around uh November and December time of a uh time of the year there’s not a whole lot of fruits and

Season they love these flowers especially during your New Year these figs are growing in pots about this size so they’re pretty good size pots maybe 20 gallon or so we got some Christmas decorations going in the back on this tree all right let’s keep moving wow another one of those really popular

They love growing these ornamental flowers they’re also growing aloe vera and I’m so sorry with the noise you guys I wasn’t expecting to be visiting this place so I didn’t have a mic on me I think this is an avocado tree this is a Star oh Wow look at this WOW let’s try this out just a little spoiled yeah a little fermented for so there’s a sweet and a sour variety this is a sour variety they they pair it with some um Savory dishes Vietnamese cuisine they have all sorts of flavors from sweet sour spicy

Uh sometimes even bitter and a stringent so this is the sour flavor of the pette look at that mango tree there’s mangoes look at that we’re now looking at the leafy green herb section of the garden actually I’m very curious what this is I don’t know what kind of leafy

Green this one is so this is pretty exciting for me it has like a little bit of that jera longevity spinach scent but it’s more bitter and it’s more like fuzzy here is the jera with the fuzzy leaves that I’m growing in California and I’m very curious if this one is

Actually the same as the one I tasted in Vietnam okay now let’s get back to Vietnam the jera actually happens to be this one right here uh this one is the one that’s good for you know your blood sugar and your blood pressure I grow a

Lot of this one it’s actually one of my favorite leafy greens that grows really well um in you know grows really well in zone 10 it has a slight sourness to it so I think it’s picking up something from the soil in general though this one does

Have a more spinning taste was very easy to um you know get acquainted to a leafy green because it’s so mild tasting oh look at these These are the fish mins so this one is good for your lung health and it’s just got this like

Rich I’d say more like a raw fish kind of a smell it’s not like a grilled fish or anything like that but it’s odd how it pairs up really well with some Vietnamese dishes they eat this quite often with the a lot of different types of

Herbs and um yeah it actually has a slight Tang to it so it’s pretty good if you can get past that raw fish yeah scent it’s like very lemony you got both sides of these growing so these plants do really well in um like muddy or actually really wet soil so these are

In very just moist environment here you can see all these greens are in a very moist environment this one here they do have a bit of some perlite in this mix so the janera likes some moist soil but it doesn’t like to stay consistently wet so a little bit

More well- drained soil is better for this plant oh and they look like they just got started growing some sort of these like mustard greens and looks like they’re starting out some watermelon there looks like they got some more Janea in the back there very beautiful patch and it’s

Growing in it is getting more like part shade in this area as the sun moves and it would start hitting um getting some the shade from the shelter right here they got some racks drying some sort of I don’t know is this a herb let’s try it

Though I guess it’s an herb has actually really good flavor so I guess they’re drying these out for tea you can see how these ones look it’s got like a little bit of like a lemony aftertaste but not so sour it’s just got that kind of um yeah lemony

Aftertaste in like in the back of my throat right now so these are the dried and look at these it’s actually quite beautiful wow so these are the Earth or the shrubs that they’re growing to dry out for tea and they got an entire row of this quite a pretty one so

Airy I’m seeing a lot of these little herbs so here is the called ra gangu it’s a type of um uh like a cover crop and I see a lot of places out here that have these as cover crop they’re edible they’re good in salads and they put them in soups as

Well and yeah they just grew all over the place here like weeds and they really liked any kind of like moist environments in the Shaded area this is where you would find this herb and then right here I’m seeing these like all over the place a lot of places they grow

And they use this I just newly started to experiment using this for grow pots and they’re actually quite expensive in the US the idea of this kind of container is that it comes in the sheet and then you can line it like this in a square and you tie them together because

There are holes or you can make it round like a pot the idea behind this is that it would help to air prune your the root system so that your your plants would constantly you know they won’t get rootbound and it’s so much better health

Uh for your it’s so much better for your plant’s health I’m seeing a lot of these in Vietnam just using these for like big trees and then over here looks like it’s just such a simple way to line the little border to add a little more height to uh your garden

Space this is I believe it’s a a pomelo which is related to grapefruit lots of orchids orchids grow really well in the tropics they’re just it’s really easy to grow because they like the warmth and the humidity and then adding this shade ploth on the top would you know would get them some

Filtered light this is exactly just this is just the perfect place when you find the right location and the right environment for your plants the plants would pretty much take care of themselves so make sure you buy the right plants with the right space it’s there’s really not a whole lot of work

Involved so this is the butterfly pee looks like they’re starting out a bunch to plant it’s going to look so beautiful here once these are in bloom so that’s the the blue flowers that would give uh that would turn your water blue when you just soaked it in the

Water wow I wish I could take a couple hes so I don’t have to start them from seed what is this I’ve never seen them flower before it’s pretty neat it looks like a bamboo of some sort or a nerve wow more pomelo look at the coconut wow T

Wow so I’m seeing that coconuts do not always have to grow by the water they can grow just in this sort of just regular uh soil with some other plants but they’re growing so healthfully but of course the soil does have to stay moist since this is the you know tropical

Plants and I love how just orchids naturally well looks like they are giving it a help in tying the The Roots these Arrow Roots up eventually they can remove these uh these strings and it would just be stuck to like attached to the the tree just like

This one here you see how this this is in dead this is a dead tree and they just got these orchids climbing all over taken over it’s just such a great use of um something that’s no longer living they got a little canoe they have

Not been on the canoe for a while it’s got the algae or little like duck weeds I think they’re called or no or are they baby tears I’m not too sure but they’re growing all over looks like they practice for a while all those leafy greens that we

Were seeing they were drying for tea they drink the tea and it helps for muscle aches or be a more potent version is to smoke them in alcohol to drink it as a tinure wow come on Jo this is um mustard greens I believe they got some new ones

Stared this is a more Pilla and also known as the seashell it’s shiso it’s very popular you use this a lot in uh Vietnamese cuisine lots of fresh herbs even like with the basil the uh fish mint even like different types of uh tender leaves from the fruit trees like

The mango and the amarilla they also use to um pair with a lot of Vietnamese dishes Ginger now the ginger leaves are also edible or actually you can use it in a tea or Infuse it in soups it’s very fragrant not only the roots are edible although we mostly just eat the roots

When it comes to Ginger so this is the tea they package up at after drying oh oh for detoxing for the liver and Kidneys okay I’m okay I have to get this to try they even make these in capsules oh okay they said that the round ones are extremely hot oh it’s so cute look at that I’m going to take this with me I guess they’re coming home what this is a Vietnamese uh a medicinal

Herb it oh it’s bitter wow it’s strong it’s very strong bitter I think if you’re really thirsty that’s what they say to to eat is something very bitter cuz it kind of constantly makes you produce a lot of saliva hopefully you can hear me okay I

Know it’s pretty loud out there with all the noise going on and the dogs but uh yeah I hope you enjoyed that Garden Tour be sure to check out more videos of Vietnam right here see you right back here in the next one


  1. Love the big variety of edible plants. Thanks for sharing that garden with us. What's the name of the herb they were drying for use as tea or tincture for muscle pain? I could use that one today! 😢

  2. Love the nose and the content great video. Hopefully more to come. Hopefully next year il get to this city foods outstanding 🌞❤️🌱
    Where exactly is this place. Thanks Thomas ❤️

  3. Reminds me so much of South Florida, coconuts, star fruit, mango, avacado, ginger, orchids. We have monsoon season in summer, so lots of water, and subtropical climate.

  4. I love your sunglasses! Great garden tour!! The homemade fence gave me some ideas. I love to learn about rare herbs and veggies because I will definitely try to grow them here. 🌱

  5. This is a really great video–inspirations for container gardens for those, like me, who live on rock. Thanks!

  6. Thank you for sharing that that's very interesting to listen to all the different plants are you living there or just visiting seems to me it sounds like you're living there

  7. Videos are great, just be aware that some fruits are toxic to kidneys, such as star fruit or carambola. Your friend in chilly Florida

  8. A fun video with subtitles to learn Vietnamese and Gardening !!! Cảm ơn bạn, bạn của tôi … 🙂 (I hope google translate is correct)

  9. Sharing to everyone of Jesus Christ, He is coming back. We are spiritually saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord God and Savior.

  10. I havent had good starfruit, we called it 5-Finger, since small kid time in Hawaii. You look so happy and at home with good fruits and vegetable plants.

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