
My new plant friend does this. Is it mold? Anthrax? Is he growing a beard?

My new plant friend does this. Is it mold? Anthrax? Is he growing a beard?

by videostuffprofile


  1. AdinaEspada

    Honestly im also interested to know 😅

  2. floschlo

    These are just root hairs. They help taking up nutrients, by increasing the surface area of the root.

  3. WitchOfLycanMoon

    They’re cold and have knitted themselves a sweater. 😊

  4. Internal-Test-8015

    Rot hairs , they take up water and nutrients.

  5. ICanBeAnAssholeToo

    When a root hits puberty it grows hair in special places

  6. duh_nom_yar

    It isn’t Anthrax because Scott Ian is currently touring with Mr. Bungle.

  7. Masked_Daisy

    Happy, thirsty root hairs drinking moisture from the soil

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