San Pedro Cactus

Is this San Pedro? No spines, 5 ribs. Sold to me as San Pedro

Is this San Pedro? No spines, 5 ribs. Sold to me as San Pedro

by Major-Nail-1334


  1. Major-Nail-1334

    Had a few previous San Pedros from a different supplier that also had 5 ribs, but all had spines. That one was shall we say, very active. This one is from a different place, sold as San Pedro – but doesn’t seem to be growing any spines (have had it for 4 months now). Has the little spots where the spines should be but non growing.

  2. thecactusranger

    I was gonna say this is a scop but the ribs dont seem to be as angled. What does everybody else think? Pachanoi?

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