Gardening Trends

Kitchen Refresh and Organizing for Spring!

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Today I’m going to refresh my kitchen for spring and the new season that is coming there are a lot of things that are working great in our kitchen and there’s a few areas in some of my cabinets that I just feel could be organized in a better way so I’m going

To really put my thinking cap on and look and see where I can either declutter a few items or just move things around reorganize them in a way that will work better for our family about 9 months ago we refresh this kitchen by changing a few things around

And since then we’ve done quite a few little improvements so my husband made a pull out trash bin in one area he converted a lower um cupboard to a drawer and then he also added a spice rack for us so these few little projects that he did really changed the way our

Kitchen is functioning to make it way better and then because of that we moved our trash out of here here and I already had these two bins that I was using somewhere else and then when we made the pullout trash I decided to add the shelves back in and now these fit

Perfect in these areas when the seasons change I like to go through my home and refresh everything especially when we’re going into spring and I noticed a few areas in my kitchen cupboards that were looking a little crowded and we had some items that didn’t really make a lot of

Sense sense in our everyday use areas so I just gathered those items from the cupboards I went and looked through each one before I decided what I was going to do with everything pulled out those items that I didn’t think we needed in the cupboards that we use every single

Morning day and night and I gathered them into one area before I decided how I wanted to organize everything I was also looking to see if there were items that I didn’t need anymore more some things that could possibly be decluttered and so that is what you’re

Seeing here and I wanted to make sure that I looked through everything before I made my decision because sometimes you can see a space that you could use that you might not have thought about so I just went through that cupboard where we keep all of our food and I found a lot

Of space at the bottom which was the perfect place to stash all these water bottles that we only use if we’re going to go out on a trip hiking or on vacation or something like that there’re things that we do want to keep but we don’t need to have in the

Cupboards that we use every single day since I moved some bowls out of this lower cupboard over here I decided to just look through wipe it out and make sure everything was in a good spot down here I’m actually really happy with the way our kitchen functions there were

Just a few things that I was noticing that we had for instance the ice cream maker up here in the corner and while we do use it and I’m happy we have it I really like it I don’t use it enough to keep it out on the Shelf so I just

Thought I’m going to put it down there then we have things like this masks that I’m going to keep because you never know but there’s no need to have it in here anymore um this was a convenience thing we would grab one as we walked out the

Door but now I think we can put it up away with like all of our uh medications I might rearrange this a little bit but overall it’s all about function in our kitchen and since having Grant come and stay home now there are things that we aren’t using that we were before so

He used to take water bottles with him every day to work and he used to take a coffee little mug to go mug every day to work so we’re not using those things anymore so there’s no need to have them in our cupboards that are just

Cluttering it up but we don’t want to get rid of them because we may go on a trip and want to take a cup of coffee with us so I’m just rearranging things and organizing where we have things we use every day front and center and those

Things that we aren’t going to be using as often put away down below where it’s less convenient to get to I’ve had people question these shelves and you know how dusty they get and it just looks like a big job to dust these shelves but let me show you so I haven’t

Dusted these shelves in probably prob 5 months or something crazy and I just wiped it right now and there is really no dust it’s the weirdest thing I’m not saying that that’s how it would be in other people’s homes but there just isn’t dust in this area I don’t get why

Cuz there’s dust in our house but I don’t know anyway and we use these constantly so they’re this won’t really collect dust where I mean we’re it won’t collect any more dust than it would in a cabinet because we use these all the time um so yeah but I do wipe it down

Once in a while I also always get questions about this Frame it’s an aura frame and how people can get it so I’ll just link all that information Down Below in case you’re interested but I love this Frame because I can upload pictures from my phone straight to the

Frame and my mom can upload pictures from her phone to our frame so then all of a sudden we’re seeing all these really fun moments and yeah with not a lot of effort and it’s right there recently emt’s been helping me put the dishes away which I love and it just

Makes it a little bit interesting when I go to look for things because sometimes things aren’t put in the exact right order but I am very thankful for the help and I will never complain about that but I’ve found two things that I am going to declutter so this pan is just

Really really well worn and we’re not using it very often anymore some of you might remember my mom and I actually got this from a garage sale I think it was an estate sale and we cleaned it up and I was really excited to get it it was super affordable and

It’s um rever wear and I want pots like this but the problem is it’s misshapen on the bottom and so when we’re cooking something or boiling something it’s really unsteady and to me that is just not a chance I’m willing to take when it comes to having kids running through the

Kitchen and all that and also we haven’t used it very often I guess I’m pretty happy with all the pots I have so it was worth a try but when things don’t work for me I try to get rid of them right away we highly simplified this area cuz

This is where we were keeping a lot of our spices and then Grant put this in for me well for all of us but I asked for it so he put this in and this is where we keep the spices we use every day when we’re cooking

And we can only fit so much so we still have a few spices up here but I just want to reorganize this area a little bit we had thought about adding a shelf up here in this spice and baking cupboard but we decided just to keep the risers we already had because eventually

We do want to redo this kitchen and we don’t want to waste money then I saw this bottle rack that I had been using to dry all various different things and I know we weren’t using it very often anymore so I’m going to be decluttering that as well so I’m just walking around

And looking for items that I am noticing we don’t use as much and things that we can live without that are adding more clutter to our home and like I said before I like to do that seasonally every season if possible but when spring comes around I just get inspired for the

Warmer weather that’s going to be coming and it just makes me want to have our home feel light and bright and not have a ton of stuff in our house and it’s going to rain even though it’s spring we get a lot of rain here in California in

Spring especially lately so we’re I’m just covering the furniture and getting ready for That I decided to get a new rug for in front of my sink this just matched the colors in our kitchen so well it has the mint and the yellow which is Our Vintage kitchen and so I thought let’s lean into it it also is lemon pattern so it can’t

Be any more perfect if you’re interested I’ll link it down below in case I get a question I’ll have it in the description box but I tried the anti fatigue mat that so many of you suggested and I liked it but the there were two problems

For one the color I picked out was the exact color of our floor which was not good for people walking through here also we were tripping over it all the time the kids people would come over and trip over it I was even tripping over it

So to me it just wasn’t worth like the safety hazard of that whole thing as you can see with the colors of the rug and everything else in this kitchen lately I’m leaning more into working with what we have so our kitchen has the mint and

Yellow and I feel why not lean into that quirky vintage Vibe more and more and I’m doing that with pretty much everything in my house and my life just leaning more into what we really love and trying to avoid what could be trendy you know I I do like Trends but I also

Just feel why not work with what you already have in your home so thank goodness we covered the furniture out here because it started to rain just like it was forecasted to which inspired me to make some candied pecans I had the peon sitting there for a while and I

Have this recipe on my blog Shannon I will link this recipe down below because it is delicious and I like to fool myself into thinking that that it’s a little bit healthy because it’s nuts but really I’m just kidding myself because it’s covered in sugar and it’s

The most delicious thing ever even though it may not be on the healthiest side as I’m refreshing our kitchen we have everyone here so I’m just working around everyone you’re going to see Levi come scootering through all the kids are home my mom is over so of course the

Kitchen is not going to look picture perfect as everything is happening but I tell myself the refreshing is still getting done the projects are still happening even though we are using the kitchen as it’s all going down and now I’m doing a task that I tend to put off

More than it should be and it’s very easy to do we’re replacing the filters on our reverse osmosis water system and we’re meant to do this once a year and it’s been more than a year so we’re doing it now [Applause] Now if you watched my last refresh the kitchen video I can link it down below because I did a lot of projects but we added a screen to this door here and it quickly started to fall apart which had nothing to do with us using it or the

Way we installed it it was just a really cruddy screen I guess so Grant took it down took it back to Home Depot told them that it was junk and we decided to get this screen instead we have this same screen on our front door that we

Installed and it works great so we put it on this door as well so don’t you love when you have to do projects twice because the thing that you bought is just not a quality product who would have known but he’s now putting this screen on and so far it’s been working

Great and he got it done just in time for the rain she’s making muffins the boys wanted muffins so I’m making some blueberry muffins not scratch now this isn’t really a kitchen project but when I look out my kitchen window this is what I look at one of our

Hop seed bushes died you see it right there it’s dead so we decided to finally do something about that I’ve had to make an executive decision we are going to get rid of this pot with the lemon tree in it and the hopseed tree next to it

This hop seed Bush actually is pretty dead it’s about half dead and it just looks terrible bunch of sticks and then this is a lemon tree that I planted over 5 years ago from a lemon seed into this pot and it’s actually cracked through the pot and we’re afraid it’s going to

Plant itself there and we don’t want to have Lon tree here so that is all finally going the root actually did go through the pot and was in the ground that’s why it was hard to move this and I had to get a shovel and break the root

And then dig that out once we were able to move this tree away from this area I have a full video on how we transformed our backyard I will link it down below but we didn’t really work on this side area very much we had put these hop seed

Bushes in when we first moved here done a few things but we do have it on our list to do this area and just finish it up Grant has this uh garden box here and we had put flowers in there last year cuz we weren’t sure what we wanted to do

And this year he is going to pull all that out and we are going to be having some food growing in there herbs and things like that and then we will focus on finishing this so make sure you’re subscribed to my channel if you like all of this type of content because we’re

Going to be adding a lot more DIY and home updates that we’re going to be working on this year we got rid of the lemon tree that I grew from a seed which I’m a little bit sad about but Grant is over the moon happy about cuz he’s

Always hated that then we got rid of the almost dead hop seed Bush and because I looked look right out my kitchen window right here and this is what I see I want to get a really big pot there where I can put geraniums and some flowers around there and maybe even something

Like trellising up the back just to see something pretty when I’m doing the dishes in the kitchen as you can see here we have the kitchen window and the direct sight line is that we had done flowers in here so we’re going to take these geraniums that are doing really well and these

Patunas that came back from from last year and they’re about to flower so hopefully we can transplant those into the box or bin whatever we get and get something big right there my mom and I ran out to Home Depot and we found this container so we’re just drilling holes

In it so there’s a way for the water to escape and not kill the root tell me do you like my hat here it’s in a half show when we redid our backyard a lot of the dirt had to go somewhere so we stuck it in the front yard because eventually

We’re going to be working in the front yard and there’s a lot of holes in there but now we’re taking some of the dirt from there to use in the pots back here that we’re planting so it’s a mix of the soil that is from our ground and some

Potting soil as well and then I’m taking the geraniums out of here and I’m going to plant them in here and I’m also going to add the patunas this turned out so pretty I’m so happy that we were able to reuse the flowers that we already had

Then Grant is going to take this box and do a quick compost pile a hot compost pile that will hopefully break down really quickly and we’re going to be able to use that compost in all of our garden beds and our flower beds around the house here in the backyard and then

That is when he will plant his food that he wants to plant in here last thing he told me was he wanted to do a salsa Garden in here so I’m really excited about that and I will share everything with you in case you are interested in

How that turns out my mom and I are taking a gardening class every Sunday for fun and we are starting our garden so that will be a video coming very soon but we have all these uh seeds and something we might do later today is go through these and figure out what we’re

Going to plant where in the garden beds but for now I’m just going to put them all in this bowl so they can be coralled on my counter here this is something fun that we made in our garden class which is just a piece of paper towel and you

Tack down the seeds that are really tiny so we did carrots and then you plant this in the ground and they sprout through this and then the paper towel just becomes part of the compost so we’re excited to plant all these things and that video will be coming very soon

And I’m just really excited to get out and work in the garden and we’re going to be redoing our front yard and adding a garden bed there too so so many exciting things for spring another way I like to refresh our kitchen is to touch up the paint so we painted our cabinets

Quite a while ago and of course over time the paint tends to chip off or we have marks on there so one really quick easy way to make make our kitchen look great again is to touch up the paint then I like to wipe out and clean our

Oven I definitely don’t do this often enough but I thought because it’s spring I’m going to dig a Little Deeper when it comes to cleaning and it does make the house smell a lot fresher because of course when we’re cooking we don’t have that burning smell from Little crumbs

That have fallen down to the bottom of the oven so our oven was relatively clean but I just wanted to give it a deeper scrub than I normally do I recently purchased this new mop system it was recommended by quite a few people that I follow online and then one

Of my friends bought it so I was able to ask her what she thought she said that it worked great I do like it this is the first time I’m using it my only uh thing that I didn’t really love was that it seemed to leave quite a bit of water

Behind I’m not sure if I just didn’t ring it out enough but you can see I’m using my uh junk towels just to dry off the floor a little bit better and now it’s on to cleaning off the top of our refrigerator this is something again I

Don’t do very often I should do it more but my husband stores his basket of things up here because he’s really tall and this is the best place for him to have his own little space and I don’t mind seeing a pretty basket up there along with our plant we also don’t have

Cupboards or anything above our fridge which means it’s kind of weird looking when there’s just nothing up there but I did pull it all down I am cleaning my plant I have quite a few blog posts on Plants so if you’re interested in any more information about that I will link

That below and I’m just adding some nutrients to it and cleaning it up putting it back up here and then as far as my husband’s basket went we decided to switch all his stuff into this larger one with the handle I I think it just looks better and hopefully it will help

To keep everything coralled I’m adding some videos here on the screen so if you would like to continue watching just click those videos if you’re new you can hit the Subscribe button to join my community thank you so much for being here and I’ll see you in the next video bye


  1. I love your kitchen but I understand that the resell value would be better if you redid your kitchen – but anyhow its lovely in the meantime!

  2. Your little one is simply adorable. And, your husband is extremely handy and innovative. You are the sweetest.

  3. Love the spice rack ot seems like always something in the kitchen needs reorganized congratulations fantastic job ❤

  4. What are trends anyway but someone's opinion. Your kitchen is adorable. 🍋 The 50's vintage look is always chic.

  5. I love my mop. It’s from Home Depot. It’s a Libman Microfiber Wet Tornado Spin Mop and Bucket Floor Cleaning System

  6. Shannon I love your videos. I also love that you’re embracing the mint and yellow in the kitchen. The lemon rug is perfect. Say hi to your mom for me ❤️

  7. Hello, Shannon! I still always enjoy your videos…It's just that the last comments I've tried to leave over the last few months keep getting deleted as soon as I post them. YouTube probably doesn't like my verbosity , LOL So if you get to read this, know that you're still my favorite for simple living, minimalism and wonderful everyday tips to living a clutter free peaceful enjoyable life. Happy Wednesday from southwest Missouri! Love the new beautiful lemon painting❤😊

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