
I rescued this sweetheart from a garage where he was dying, now thriving and growing fast. What plant is this?

I rescued this sweetheart from a garage where he was dying, now thriving and growing fast. What plant is this?

by Great-Sky-7465


  1. Available-Sun6124

    *Crassula ovata*. Native to drier parts of Africa, and thus needs full sun and wants to dry out fully between waterings. Otherwise simple plant when those needs are fulfilled.

  2. ChiefCh3f

    If you treat it well, it can live for decades (often family heirlooms), and span meter heights!

  3. Troublemonkey36

    Jades are pretty hardy. If you’re new to succulents, read up on their care. If you keep buying progressively larger pots, it will fill each one of them. Jades can get ginormous.

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