Vegetable Gardening

Onion Seeds to Seedlings #gardening #seedstarting #vegetablegardening

Onion seed update. They are now seedlings. I started the seeds on February 25.

Leak and onion update so these are the leaks leak and onion seeds I started on February 25th and you could see they’ve all sprouted right here all looking pretty good so what I like to do and these are under my grill to right now I like to keep this baggie

On there so they don’t dry out until they get a little more established then I’ll go ahead and pull that baggie off I haven’t had any problems doing this I know some people might but I have never had any issues but uh yeah pretty good update they’re doing pretty good they

Did get a little leggy cuz they sprouted and I forgot to check on them and they uh hit the top of the baggie and got a little long but that’s not a big deal they’ll be fine first Leaf is always their their uh first Leaf is always the

Original leaf and then the other ones will come after that so it’ll all be fine their onions they going to get planted deep too so anyway that’s it for now if you like gardening a plant content do me a favor and click that subscribe button thanks for watching everyone

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