Backyard Garden

Backyard garden early March 2024

The tomatoes are planted and I’m working on filling in the rest of the garden and setting up the shade cloth.

These are SEO pups that are about 2 years old now that I just probably not going to plant them anywhere and I’ll probably end up giving these plants away so anybody lives close by and you want some come get them um that’s a rosemary I started last year and these are um Snap

Dragons and there’s a rosemary another time plant in there but these plants have kind of struggled through and they continued since last year I had to pull them inside during that real cold snap we had but anyway they’re blooming now and they look good those they’re pretty blossoms and lots more coming

So seem like they’re all the same color which is weird but I think this one might be white ones so we’ll see how they turn out so anyway those are just kind of limping along keeping them alive this is a rosemary plant that I need to find a permanent

Spa for or when we move which we’re going to eventually I might bring it with us and plant it in the new place let’s go into the big Garden see what’s going on in there so yesterday I uh drove some staks in the big cedar log garden and uh I’m setting

Up some trellises cuz I have a lot of tomatoes going this year and uh the indeterminate ones are going to need to be strung up to a trellis cuz they get huge but first before we look at that let’s look at some of the pot potted

Plants U this is a 10g uh smart pot basically it’s not actual smart pot but fabric pot which works pretty good here um and that’s got some parsley in it that we plant for the benefit of the uh butterflies although I did use some parsley yesterday making dinner uh this

Is some carrots um this is a variety of different color carrots I believe there’s white and yellow and orange and red and maybe some purple carrots can’t remember um and here’s a pot of spinach these are just getting to where I can probably do the first harvest on them

Anytime now and these are some lettuce plants these will be done pretty soon and these Planters are going to have like one of them I’m going to put Sano peppers and one I’m going to put jalapeno peppers in um another pot of parsley some more lettuce this is a a

Red rain and then there’s one red something or other I don’t I forget what the name of it is actually there’s two of them there a little right there too but anyway that’s good stuff that we’ll use to make salads with and I have two pots of radishes here that are just about

Done and so I planted some squash in these pots knowing that the radishes are going to be done there’s one so far we have one seedling that came up uh they take a long time it seems like that this is a one’s zucchini and one’s U yellow summer squash so we’ll

See what happens with them and this is another pot of those varieties of carrots so they’re they’re going along pretty good we’ll get some carrots out of that uh and so I just want to step back for a minute here and show you our shade cloth

This is what we put up yesterday and after Uh putting these trellises in when I did this before I did it differently I put these trellises in it and it’s got a PVC top on it so that shade cloth rests on the PVC and so as the wind kind of whips it around when the weather gets

Hard we’re going to have a support that won’t tear the shade cloth hopefully and so we’ll see how that goes um we have a lot of crane flies this year they’re everywhere and so yeah and we just tie it off to the fence this is like a a

Rope just a regular rope that’s 100 ft long so it goes all the way around the perimeter and then it ties off to different corners of the fence and I actually hit these are the post that I put in yesterday um and that they were predicting a

Possible hail storm last night so all these plants here were covered up with a buckets and laundry baskets and whatever we could find to cover them up with 5 gallon buckets to uh prevent them from getting destroyed in the hail storm so uh it didn’t help so it was it ended up

Not being needed but you you you never to be too careful I’ve seen a lot of hail storms destroy a lot of my stuff so cars house um but anyway these went in and uh those I ordered another shade cloth that’s going to go over these the sun is

Very intense here even in the spring so we’re going to have some shaded uh areas for these plants to grow and uh see if that gives me a little bit better production than without shade there’s a this is a compost uh I mentioned that I bought a load of

Compost which is I mean that much right there would be like three bags you bought it loads it’d be like 30 bucks and I got like a load that you could get six wheelbarrow full for 25 bucks you just need a truck so this is where I’m going to

Plant some more sunflowers here too I’m going to have to mend this soil I already tilled it a little bit and have it covered up to keep the dogs from stepping on it and the squirrels from getting the seedlings so I’ll have to protect those pretty well this year cuz

Last year I had squirrels tearing my stuff up and these These are this is a cucumber bed these are a new variety named Ashley that I’m growing and uh there’s a whole bunch of cran flies inside there I’ll let them out in a little while but we’ve got good

Germination on this and they’re starting to take off I have them covered up because the Rens like to get in there and eat the seedlings when they’re small so I got to let them get big enough to where they can’t do that there’s some pea plants back there too but they’re not they’re

Not growing very well same as the other side peas just don’t do well here so anyway this is my onion bed talked about that before we’ve got some uh leaks on that end and then there’s some shallots in the middle this is a shallot plant right

Here and then there’s a row of shallots there’s kind of some of them are laying over sideways some people say to trim your onions but I don’t doesn’t make common sense to me to trim something if you have that’s like taking the motor out of your car to make

It go faster because it’s lighter right you’re having photosynthesis happen there if you cut leaves off it you have less photosynthesis give me a comment tell me if I’m wrong about that but I think I’m right cilantro plant in the middle it’s starting to bolt uh so cilantro doesn’t like heat or well

It does it bolts and makes seeds so and I usually collect those seeds too that’s where the seed for that one came from then on this end here these are Texas 1015 onions actually I thought they were purple onions but I must have got my seed packets mixed up um because they’re not

Purple there’s a nice Dill plant here and these are my leftover seedlings which is sad for me cuz they’re beautiful and I don’t have anywhere to put them so anyway that’s that’s that over here we have another this is little grate it’s like a fire grate that I use to protect these

Seedlings those two look a little sad but hopefully they’re going to recover these are National pickling cucumbers so we’re going to make some pickles okay and then we have the other tub this is the tub I pulled out of the bathroom I remodeled that last year and

Same thing here I have these covered up to keep the Rens from from destroying the seedlings so everything’s looking good in there I’m going to pull this back because there’s a bunch of look at all those crane Flies some people think crane flies eat mosquitoes but that’s just a wies tail they do not they don’t have mouth Parts they don’t eat anything they’re all only here for the breeding anyway here is the uh cucumbers got to thin some of these out that’s a late late germinator there

And I’ve tried peas in here too Peas Just they they make little plants but they don’t make any peas so it’s frustrating but that’s the way it is so that thing just doesn’t want to stay where I put it frustrating okay so that’s open now any let let those breathe a little better

That stuff actually does hold moisture in on the plant so don’t really like having it on there but it’s a necessity all right then let’s like look at rais Bed number two here we have some I’m staging some pots in here because I’m not sure where

I want to plant everything at but those are tomatoes I already did a video on that those tomatoes have been in there for a week and they’re doing good and I spread about probably an inch and a half of compost on this bed which before I plant peppers I’m going

To till in a little bit and these are beets here and over there and uh we make some pickled beets that are really good and there we haven’t decided what we’re going to put in there yet probably a pepper plant that’s a bell pepper plant right there that’s looking pretty

Good and there’s some banana peppers and more bell peppers and jalapenos and sanos and Anaheim chilies um and some New Mexico chilies and a new variety actually that’s in a different bed so main thing I wanted to show you was the shade cloth that’s kind of what this video is

About over here I’ve already done a video about this these are the three bhn 589 which is a tomato variety that puts a lot of nice tomatoes on it and I also put my I put the compost in that here and there’s some more staged Peppers there’s some anchos in there and some

A new variety called beo B I think that’s how you say it it’s a Mexican chili pepper it’s supposed to be in the mid to spicy type kind of a narrow long skinny pepper so I’ve never grown those before we’ll see how they do and I have my

Bunching onions and a there’s a golden nugget there on the end and uh okay so that’s this is raay bed number three um so there’s how’s how the garden’s looking so hope you enjoyed that um really did a lot of work on the garden this year and it’s looking good uh I

Haven’t killed too many plants yet this year uh so uh it’s kind of a patchwork and uh you know we’ve gotten a lot of food out of this little Garden area and uh it’s going to be a little bit sad when I leave cuz I put a lot of work into this but

Um it’ll also be fun to start a new Garden somewhere else

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