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Plants Growing Progress

A look at how this years plants are growing [Gardening Allotment UK] Please Like & Subscribe and join us doing Allotment Gardening Container Gardening plus more
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Ivans Garden UK
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Once again we’re taking advantage of that natural  light I just keep ringing these plants in and out   saves us using his lights as well and natural  sunlight is much better for them these are the   peppers that we’ve been doing I keep showing  you these peppers all the time I just like you  

To keep getting updated on progress of things  we had a couple of questions regarding Peppers   or at last couple of days some people have got  plants at a stage now where they’re starting to   produce flower buds and they will do that even  at this really young age but you don’t want to  

Let them do that I’m trying to find one on  one of these plants I think this one might   have one growing on it right in center Tiny  Little Flower Bard see if camera picks that

Up not sure if you can see that but there is  a tiny little flower board trying to grow in   middle and what I’ll tend to do with those is I’ll  just grab that Little Flower Bard and pinch it

Off I think these plants need some water it’s  difficult to show on camera so close up that   little flower Bud there needs to come off we’re  not pinching the tops off these plants we’re just   removing that bud so it doesn’t continue to grow  reason I’m doing that is when you plants are at  

Such an early age you don’t want them trying  to grow peppers it’s going to concentrate a   lot more on trying to produce a pepper and not  actually growing your plant so you’ll end up   with stunted little plants and then when you  do get your peppers they’re going to be really  

Small not really much good for anything so if  you start getting these Little Flower Woods   appearing at this early time at season just pinch  those off you’re not topping your plants you’re   just taking the buds away if you were topping  your peppers to be a different story you’d be  

Taking away quite a few reliefs from it which  is great if you’ve got Peppers that are leggy   cuz then you can force it to put side groove  on this one’s got a couple of old leaves at  

Bottom taking those off and then you can see  that we’ve got the true leaves we’ve got one   two three four sets of true leaves on that plant  there so if this pepper was really tall you could  

Just pinch the top out and to do that I’ll show  you on this one plant to do that you would just   take a section of those leaves whatever you  want to remove you could just take those top  

Bits there or you could go down a bit further but  what I tend to do is just pinch off that top bit there and that’s what we’ve removed so that  pepper is now being topped and what you’re  

Going to notice is it’s going to start to grow  little side branches and it’s not going to grow   so much on top anymore and it will carry on  growing upwards just at a much slow rate and   what that produces is a shorter but bushier  plant and then it will put out those extra  

Branches you’ll get more flowers and more peppers  and depending on the size that you grow your plant   too will determine what size Peppers you get so  we’ve Tau that one and we’ll keep following that  

Over the next couple of weeks and see how much  side growth we get from it but if you’ve got the   flower buds just take the flower BDS off don’t  top them if you don’t need to so we’ve brought  

A out to get a a natural light it’s going to do  them good and we’ll keep them at a full sunlight   because we don’t want to start scorching leaves  and while you’re out here have a little check  

See if there’s any aphids on your plants as well  just look under your leaves cuz that’s where they   will be and so far this year we’ve been lucky  cuz we haven’t got any they’ll be coming don’t  

Worry so every now and again just inspect under  your leaves and then you’ll see these tiny little   creatures which are basically geranium it sap  out your leaves which will ruin your plant if   you don’t do something about it but you can just  get a little pressure sprayer and just blast on  

That leaves and knock them all off and that’ll  get rid of them for now and you might remember   that as an experiment we said because we’ got a  few Peppers left after we potted these ones on  

I was just going to leave what were left outside  in Greenhouse no fleas no protection just sat on   bench and they’re over there they’ve been here a  couple of days now and them plants are perfectly   fine nothing wrong with them all just gave him  a little water cuz they’re still only in small

Cells but the plants aren’t suffering and that’s  the main thing so that’s good news and then we’ve   got the ones that we did move on and we kept  those indoors and if you remember we had the  

Little first true leaves appearing on these again  only a couple of days ago but now if you look at   that one there it’s got quite a big true leaf  on it so just for moving them on into this pipe  

From that tiny little cell the r is making all  difference already just a couple of days later   so everything is getting a bit a sun bath and you  also remember we looked at that pack that we put  

Us tomato seeds in and we got a tiny little tomato  plant growing the start of something once again   two days later we’ve now got quite a few growing  and some have even got two growing because we put  

Two SE seeds in each cell to guarantee we get  something there’s a couple that’s not come up   yet but that doesn’t mean that they won’t do later  but what you want to be doing is in this situation  

You’ve got three plants trying to grow in there  if you can see that I know it’s early but take   the small ones away straight away get rid of those  they’re going to compete for nutrients as they’re  

Growing and eventually root space we’ve got two  little ones there as well we only want one pinch   that top off and even those there two tiny little  plants but that one is slightly more advanced than  

This so that one can go and now we’ve just got one  tomato plant in each and we said we only wanted   six plants so I think we’ve about cracked that  already we will be planting some more tomato seeds  

Later on we’re not just doing Money Maker we’re  going to do some container cherry tomato ones   as well and maybe some shirlees I haven’t quite  decided yet still plenty of time to start growing  

Tomatoes so we don’t need to rush spring is almost  here by the end of this month the clocks will be   going forward an hour we’ll get an extra hours  daylight and that’s going to help your plants  

Grow even faster and hopefully it’ll start to warm  up a bit too we’ve had a bit more advancement on   this rout our plant quite a bit really considering  it’s early they grow really fast I’m going to pop  

It on this bench I’ll let you have a better look  at it so that’s our container rubab and look how   much more growth we’ve got all this is new we’ve  got some fresh little stems coming up there but  

These have really put some size on there’s another  one at back then this really big one just here so   for a container rhubarb plant that’s doing really  well but you might also notice something else in  

This container and it’s not a rhubarb and that’s  this that’s a potato plant there must have been a   tiny little potato in bottom of this container and  of course this is what happens even from last year  

They’ll still try and regrow but we don’t want it  in with this rhubarb so unfortunately we need to   take it out and I could dig down try and get the  potato itself which would be a lot better but I  

Don’t think it’s going to have it so I’m just  going to break that top off we’ve got most at   root out as well and that’s that potato plant got  rid of cuz if you’re growing rhubarb in containers  

They need plenty of root space so you don’t want  anything else in a container with those and we’ve   got more onions that are growing there can see all  these green tops now starting to come through so   for early in year that rhar plant’s looking  amazing even though it is in quite a small  

Container it’s managing perfectly fine we’ll just  give it a bit of feed every couple of weeks and   see how big we can get that plant to grow and if  you are doing the same thing we are growing the  

Onions in trays like that just popping the sets  in to start them off don’t continuously water   them they don’t need it if you do you’re going  to start running risk or rotting Roots when you   don’t want that not once you’ve got them started  so just let them dry out even completely dry out  

So this tray is really light and then just give  them a light watering and that will do another   thing about these as well is you need to keep your  eye on Roots these have only got little shoots on  

Top at the moment but if you look underneath look  at all those roots quite a bit of root there for   a tiny little plant so you could move these on  if you want to you can plant them outside if you  

Want just put them outside in Garden but if we  do get a bad Frost it could affect the growth   so you’d have to flee them maybe double flee them  for now but we don’t want to get into a position  

Where we can’t get these out so far these will  still pull out but we’ve got a nice little root   system these are all right for now but we’re going  to use these as container onions so at any point I  

Can now move them to The Container where they’ll  stay until we’re ready to harvest them for the   moment I think they’ll be all right we can give  them a couple more weeks in there and then start   setting his containers up because this year we’re  going to be doing mainly container gardening and  

There is a reason we’re not planting things  outside at the moment and I’ll have more news   about that after this weekend so I will update  you on what’s Happening and I’ll probably not be   making a video tomorrow because I’ve got quite  a few things that I need to sort out and Julie  

And John know all about that and we’ll see what  happens come tomorrow afternoon and we’ll text   you probably around about 5 or six o’clock when  we get back so if you’re interested in seeing   what else we’re going to be doing on that lead  up to Spring which is almost here then please hit  

That subscribe button press that notifications  Bell and I’ll see you next time and if you do   this make sure you take them back indoors  afterwards just in case we get a frost take care


  1. I an so excited…. I have a beet. Not just the greens but a round root that is growing. I have tried to grow beets for 3 years and never had any luck, I know now I have to grow them over the winter here.

  2. Brill everything is looking great Ivan, my peppers look slightly leggy are they still ok, they're to young to repot yet. Yes I'm doing some hanging cherry tomatoes also this year as well as my normal tomato plants. I had a lovely suprise yesterday, I had a closer look at my few cauliflowers I've got growing in containers & I couldn't believe there is tiny white heads beginning to grow lol, fingers crossed they carry on growing. Another thing I found out as well is although Wilko is shut you can order on line, I was surprised actually I didn't know lol. Thanks for the updates Ivan always interesting to know….

  3. Hi Ivan.
    Speaking of my beloved rhubarb…
    Can I split the crown now, or should I wait till the end of the year?
    Its 3 years old now, nearly died last year, but somehow survived, so I was intending to just pot into a much larger pot, but it might be better being split.
    What do you think?
    Many thanks.

  4. Your rhubarb is much more forward than mine – but I'm happy with the progress of mine, given his age and situation.

  5. Just to mention that the clocks going forward does not result in an extra hour of daylight!! The time between sunrise and sunset gradually lengthens until the Solstice on 22 June this year. The clocks could go forwards, backwards or sideways but it would not affect the length of the day!

  6. Morning Ivan going on your onion sets with you mentioning not to water would this be the same with onions from seed my tops are thin and about 6-8" long.

    Thank you

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