Gardening Supplies

Gardening Tips For Seniors: Learning as We AGE

Join us as we GARDEN at Pecan Grove this year:
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ENGLISH PEA MANUAL books written by Danny.
These books show how to plant, grow, harvest, cook and preserve these vegetables. The books include pictures from Deep South gardens that show step by step.
▶▬ COOKBOOK compiled by Wanda
From Garden to Pantry to Table in the Deep South Kitchen

PORCH TIME tshirts and CRAZY DAZES Tshirts are available too.

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vego_garden will be a great asset to our High Tunnel and raised bed gardens this year. Follow us as we fill them with dirt, compost, and plants. Let’s Grow together this spring. Check out the Vego Garden website No special code needed. This is our personal link

▶▬ HIGH TUNNEL KITS Greenhouse KITS promo code: DeepSouth This is a 10% discount

▶▬ Water Filtration System or LONG TERM FOOD STORAGE: Alexa Pure
MY Patriot Supply
Stainless Spigot:

▶▬ Harvest Right Freeze Dryer:

▶▬ EMP Shield

▶Visit HOSS TOOL (affiliate link): For ALL your Garden Tools and Seeds

▶ Visit GreenStalk Vertical Planters __ You get $10 off you order using our link. code word Deepsouth

▶▬ Renogy Solar Panel Kit 10% discount Promo code: DeepSouthHomestead
▶▬ *** CANNING LIDS***
For Jars Lids
▶▬Survival Garden SEEDS


A one of going to be candy candy will be the first or Miss Dixie will be the first there’s my girls come on Miss Candy come on Miss Dixie come on hand Dexter come On they ain’t never satisfied come on here Dexter come on here my boy come on here M Daisy come on here Oh A hello everybody this is Danny and Wanda from Deep South Homestead um we just taking care of our other herd of cows we actually have two herds of cows and uh we are looking at the creep feeder system here that we have set up we have

One set up over at Pecan Grove and I’m having to make a few modifications because I had two here even um but the the the babies are almost getting too big to go through this one here we’re going going to be moving uh the black one that you see out there coming

Through here and the little female and Miss Candy out yonder we’re going to be moving her over to pean Grove uh in the near future I’ve got some fencing to do I don’t want to put too many on too small of a piece of ground so I want to

Get a little bit more fencing done and then I’ll move them over there and we’ll only have the three right here left which at Deep South Homestead it’s been really kind of like overg grazed for a while so I need to take some of the pressure off here and move the others

Over to pan Grove and see if we can’t get a little bit of break here at Deep South Homestead because it we want to let everything rest for a while and have a chance to regrow recuperate and everything U because it’s been really used hard now for for for many many

Years she said who me mm- she said it wasn’t me I promise you it was you it was you we saw you rubbing your head on it look at watch her anything they can find they love to rub they love to what everybody likes to be scratched you

Know but anything they can find a scratch on they like to scratch on and it’s spring time and they got their winter hair on and all that kind of stuff they try to rub all that off too she looks back up to say it wasn’t me I

Promise but yeah him is dead he’s going over atep that pean Gro before long yeah he’ll go to pean Grove before long yeah him is a good baby boy yeah him is Daddy’s good baby boy yeah yeah him is a good baby boy come on I’m just going to

Rub you up under your bottom of your chin yeah him is a good boy him is Daddy’s man that’s for sure he’s been with us for all he since the beginning several years we got him from a petting zoo when he was a little baby

Boy we try to get our animals used to the uh load and shoot system before we go to move them that way they’re not too spooky um even though you get them in there they don’t like it uh they feel like they’re hemmed up or something now the little the little

Female seems like she’s doing a little bit better than the male is it’s been here what two three days uh yeah two or three days and they he’ll he eventually gets his confidence up he’ll come back but he’s getting to the age now where he’s getting a little bit you can’t trick him

Many more times yeah and you have it set up have it set up and this is a a ramp system going up into the trailer I leave the trailer sitting here so that that way I’m not bringing it in here it’s not banging around um of course I have

Wonder with me this morning I normally feed them by myself and and they know they somebody different here but I leave the cattle Traer sitting here so that when I get ready to load them it’s not like I’m bringing something in here new that they don’t know is here they’re

Quite familiar with it being sitting there and and it’s where open where they go on in if they want yeah if they wanted to they could go on up in there um and when the when the time comes now I am going to try to go see if I can’t

Purchase a gate system to go at the end of this right here so that when they go in there I can shut the gate and they can’t come out you know I mean they their only choice them will be to go up in the trailer

And uh that makes it a little bit easier on handle them cuz since I messed my neck up I can’t I can’t wrestle with the animals anymore and I have to let them and so far you know what when we get ready to move one most of them walk

Right up in there they don’t even I take feed and just walk them right up in there but now he’s getting more he’s he’s got a little bit of a jersey in him but he’s a little bit uh more skittish than a pure red de hey baby boy my where my baby

Boy a good baby boy yeah he a good baby boy it’s okay it’s okay yeah he’s a good boy he’s a good baby boy yeah he’s a good baby boy he’s a good man so if I can keep them used to me you know being around me and stuff like that

Now the little girl she’s a little bit more skidish about being touched she doesn’t like it so much he on the other hand was with the brown one that we sold and he was a little bit uh he was a little bit gentler uh with the brown cow

That we Brown bull that we sold but he’s still not a bad he’s still not a bad animal he’s just got that little bit of Jersey in him and a jersey bull has a tendency to not be the best for handling you know uh she’s got

Jersey in her too so um she’s a Dexter Jersey cross and we’re not sure what we’re going to do with her uh I don’t need her I may sell her or do something with her we’ll see um butt heads yeah if someone had time right now you know be the time to work

With them but or she would definitely make a good milk cow because she I can look at her girth underneath her neck and tell that she may be A2 already um she just needs someone to spend some time with her cuz I’m I don’t have a lot of time to spend with

Her and she usually when we walk away she’ll come back up in here because he bullies her around a lot and she’ll come back up in there when there’s nobody here to bully her well guys this right here is what we’re talking about we’re going to let our land rest this year

We’ve worked hard for the last 15 20 years I have to keep grass out of this and now it’s just coming back up with a few little weeds and stuff like that but we’re we’re um we’re just going to let that go and then this summer we’ll just keep it

Mowed and let the land just recuperate now it’s not only going to be this Garden it’s going to be the one in the front up there also we’re going to let it rest also and and not do any kind of tillage or anything like that just let

The let the weeds come back and their Roots will go deep down into the soil and kind of uh mine up what’s down there and put it back into the top soil and then when we mow it the lead the the the blades off of everything falling on the ground we’ll put the

Uh nitrogen and the carbons back into the soil and stuff like that it’ll help to build the soil back up cuz even here I mean out in there you’re even going to see this right here the red crimson clover that we have here the red clover

Uh it’ll be coming up all out in here also these uh these Terraces they all come up with the red clover um all up in here the red clover comes up in everywhere around here so we’ll just leave it it’s a good nitrogen fixture to

Put back in the soil so we’re going to leave that for the this year another thing we’re noticing here Deep South Homestead is all of our fruit trees like our apricots back here our peach trees on the end down here um we have plum trees we have uh

Mayw we’ve got our um mulberries over here everything our crab apples everything is beginning to start budding and popping and blooming uh the pear trees are done starting to put leaves on they’re fixing to put some blooms on and if everything goes well and we don’t get that freeze like they said

We’re not going to get then it’s possible this year if the wildlife and the drought and everything doesn’t affect our fruit that we might actually get a good harvest this year from everything we’re keeping our fingers crossed because it looks like this year may be the year the

Blueberries are all popping over here looks like this might be the year that everything if the weather cooperates may come in and might be productive we’re in our first High tunnel here our grapes our white seedless grapes are just now starting to see some green

Starting to pop out on them down here so hopefully this year they’ll go ahead and just cover the whole tops of this thing up and we’ll have a massive amount of nice grapes in here now what we have decided is over at Pecan Grove where we have our chicken pen we really don’t

Have any shade for the chickens so what we’re going to do is we’re going to take uh one or two of these pots I hadn’t quite made my mind up yet we’re going to dig up some of these Cavendish uh miniature bananas that we have here and

Uh we’re going to take them over there and plant them on the outside the chicken pen on the side that’s the sun’s hitting them at the worst and these things grow so fast that in the summertime they’ll grow up and make a shade for the chickens and then when the

Winter time comes and the first freeze comes they’ll die back down and the winter sun can get in there and they can come out and be in the warmth the banana tree is really a winwin for us when it comes to something like that because not only do the cattle you know chickens

Rabbits everything will eat the banana leaves so uh as they get bigger we can take the bottom leaves off and just feed them to the animals and it’s a winwin for us the chickens get a shade if they live long enough the trees we get

Bananas and then the cows if we need to we can give them a little treat with some of the banana leaves a rabbit would love them I’m sure but we’re just going to completely revamp this uh this High tunnel uh probably going to plant some sweet potatoes down that side Over

Yonder because we got the panels already up for the vines to grow all up on I think that’s probably what we’re going to do over there and these pots have been growing in now for I don’t even know how many years now been like three to four years now they’ve been growing in

And we’ve had some problems with white flies and I’m pretty sure that they’re harboring in the soil of some of these so what I thought about is just to take all of these pots and take them out to the back of the pond dam or somewhere like that um

Wherever or maybe just throw them out here and B we’re not going to be plowing the gardens this year just put them in the garden areas and uh K them under you you know what I mean or just let them lay out during the hot summer sun maybe to kill some of these

White fly problems here and then we’ll bleach these tubs down and we’ll refill them with some new soil and stuff like that so that when we get ready to grow in them again we’ll have all new medium and everything to startop start with because one thing that you don’t you

Have to understand about high tunnels and green houses and stuff like that is that they create the perfect environment for insects to raise in because they’re warm uh most of them are humid uh they get watered quite frequently I mean they have all the all the stuff is there that they

Need to be able to not only just grow but to explode in insect population so you have to be on top of it and we have look with white FES we have sprayed and sprayed and sprayed organic materials and it just keeps them at Bay it doesn’t

Really get rid of them so this year we’re probably going to let this the sweet potatoes we’re going to let them go in here but the rest of this we’re going to try to revamp it and try to get rid of as much of the white fly infestation as we

Can this is our strawberries now that we F them out a little bit they seem to be wanting to try to bloom and uh get ready to put on some more uh some berries this year for us now as you know if you watched us we took out a bunch of them

And we took come over to Pecan Grove and we put them in the Veo raised beds um and they are doing fantastic and guys on uh the Veo beds has worked out so well for Wanda I so far it has just been amazing and the strawberries that we put

In them they’re just now beginning to grow a little bit some of them are beginning to bloom already which is a an encouragement for us that they’re going to work out all right and plus in the uh the descript description down below if you’re interested in looking at them

We’ll put you a link there where you can go and check them out uh I think there is a uh there’s a discount there also if you go through us use that link if you’re interested in the Veo beds uh so far with us we have had no issues and

We’re loving them so far guys one and I were just sitting here laughing about these uh these blackberries here uh we were talking about an invasive species uh this is the freedom Blackberry uh we we’ve planted those things here years ago and honest to goodness every year we have dug these

Beds up and thought we had every piece of root out of these beds and uh because I spent so much time over at Pecan Grove we had these come back up in here and look at them I mean they’re just they’re taking over again uh you can’t kill

These things if you’re a bad Gardener and you think you have no green thumb get you a freedom blackberry and if if you kill that thing then you might have a might have a green thumb I mean because I’m going to tell might have a black thumb you might I say you might

Have a black thumb is one is right you might have a black thumb but we don’t do anything and I mean even down here we have we got some little asparagus is starting to pop up hand me that one and oh I see Miss Wanda Dum B in here

Look at here I love fresh asparagus look at that yep and the blackberries have made their ways down now into the asparagus bed so I’m going to have to I’m going to have to you see how far that is yeah I mean look look the original ones were planted right

Here or the original ones and we dug this bed up down like a foot deep twoot deep almost what to the bottom of that thing right there turning this soil trying to go through it and get every piece of root out of it and everything and they still came back up

And I told one I said you know what and they’re putting on and just let them go I don’t know if they’re blooming but they’re putting on I saw yeah right here right here right here see I mean you got to get you got to look for them in there

They’re getting ready to pop put some blooms on up in here so we’ll have blackberries in here probably within month within the month yeah right here we will have some blackberries in here yeah right up on the tip up here look at that that one’s there get ready to open

Right there they’re everywhere so we we’ll have blackberries yep and we actually had some right right here but the freeze I think right there there was actually little berries on it and the freeze came and and got them uh so we get them off of there we

Got blooms all in all these well I guess the the the biggest kick I got out of these things is when uh CZ Strickland was here from Mossy Oaks uh hunting the country uh in his podcast um a fist full of dirt uh cuz

Has been like an icon for me since I was a young man and uh he came in matter of fact he was standing right here somewhere go back and watch that video uh he was uh he was standing here and he turned around he looked at me cuz these

Things were hanging with the big old these Freedom blackberries are huge I mean when I say huge they’re really really big and cuz was sitting here and he looked up and he said man he said this is like being in Planet of the Apes now I didn’t

Watch plantet of the Apes but I’m pretty sure there must have been some berries in there or something or some vines that had huge berries or huge grapes or something of on them for him to make that comment but these things I’m telling you they’re awesome you know

They got they got a good taste and they’re very prolific and you get them in an environment like this in a tunnel and they just they have no thorns on them so you don’t have to worry about them punching the plastic or anything like that and they just made their way up on

Tops of the pipes and all this stuff up here and I I imagine by the time this summer is over with if I don’t mess with them or cut them back they’ll probably be all over in here everywhere seedless grapes over here that’s going to probably take over before by the time

This Summer’s over with and then you got the freedom blackberries over here that’s growing up and what can I say free food that’s the way I look at it well we’re over in Miss Wanda’s High Tunnel right now and uh we’re trying to make some executive decisions here about

How and what we’re going to do with Deep South this year as far as growing we’ve pretty much decided that the outside beds will be sweet potatoes because it I’m just being honest at pean Grove the deer the deer problem is just so bad so I I don’t know we don’t have a

Place fixed up just yet to be able to grow our sweet potatoes like we need to be able to grow them so we’re going to try to utilize both of these high tunnels to try to get some sweet potatoes in them so that we’re assured we will be able to

Get some this year now these middle two beds in hers we were just sitting here talking uh this High tunnel is not near as old as mine is and we’re talking about coming in maybe re amending this soil here and putting in some good nutrients back into it and

Maybe taking the panels down and once we take down these panels we’re thinking about planting the white okra in here we had such good look and success with the white okra that we might want to just try it in here because okra loves heat and there’s no deer pressure in

Here and okas doesn’t have a lot of enemies you know other than wildlife and white flies do bother it quite often and aphids will come to it but in here I feel like these both of these beds right here if we planted them with the white

Okra that we would at least be assured some Harvest out of here we’re going to try to plant some over at uh pean Grove but the the problem over there is deer once again and we’re trying to give ourselves a little insurance this year by using the high tunnels and letting

The fields rest using some of the high Tunnels for our growing over here so that we’re not just doing nothing over here I mean we want to make sure we’re doing something and we’re probably mainly over there this year going to be trying to utilize

The Veo beds because as one to I age we’re trying to make sure that we can continue to Garden as many years as we possibly can uh and if we get the infrastructure in now and get the Veo beds in now and get them set up

In a way that we can use them very comfortably and figure out while we still can what grows best what does best in what situation in what environments whether inside the uh the high tunnel over there whether we do some outside the high tunnels you

Know what is our uh what is the end goal for these and we need a little bit of time before we get you know much older to be able to figure this out so that we can at least be able to be a little bit more knowledgeable as we age about what we

Can grow and what we cannot grow so that that’s our that’s that’s our goal right now and guys I’m I’m telling you check out the Veo beds so far uh I’ll be honest with you I went to their site here the other day I did not know up

Front that They carried as many products as they do uh y’all saw on the live stream the other night if you watched it we showed the new plants that they can ship to you now uh I didn’t know they shipped live plants and Miss Wonder one wanted some for the kitchen Garden type

Area so she got her some tomatoes and peppers and stuff like that okra I mean a cucumbers and I had no clue they could do this but the plants arrived they looked fantastic they was not messed up the soil was intact they were just beautiful plants

And we’re going to be growing them over there also so if you’re interested in any of this kind of stuff go down to the link below and the description and in the description you will find a link to the Veo beds and you don’t necessarily

Have to buy a Veo bed they got a ton of other stuff if you’re interested I mean we’re we’re actively going through the thing right now looking at what might benefit us the best as we age because there’s a lot of stuff that we’re seeing a positive benefit out

Of and not only that you know they’re going to be inside a high ton the high ton we got we purchased from or Solutions and uh there’ll be a in the description down below there’ll be a link for that also there’s a there’s a Code uh you can save money on whatever

You buy and guys I tell you what these high tunnels has been a lifesaver for me and wonder I mean they have allowed us to be able to do things all year long that we normally would not have been able to do so go check out grower solution also thank you

Guys from Deep South Homestead


  1. Hello Danny and Wanda. I’m asking u to pray for my brother and his wife. Their both in the hospital my brother had his foot amputated because of diabetics and while he was in his wife fell and wound up in the hospital. Then she had a heart attack while in there. They say it doesn’t look good for her. Please pray for them. They have been together all their lives. Their in their 80s. God bless u guys.

  2. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  3. Are you just loving your vego beds? I've hit my 60s and am really thing hard about investing in them. One at a time due to the price.
    Stay safe and God bless you my friends 🌱🐖🐄🐓🐐🌱 Lisa

  4. Wishing you great success with all your fruit trees. Dump those containers in your garden area. You can amend those areas for free. After a nice rest they should be ready to go next year.

  5. An Jesus said go sell all of your possessions and give to the poor people and then you will have great treasures in heaven.
    For it is easier for a camel to go through a eye of a needle than a rich man enter in to heaven.

  6. They heard that food and came a running 😀
    It's nice everything is starting to bloom and pray no freeze and continues to go forward and give you a good harvest.
    Good thinking on the banana trees for chicken's shade and you get bananas. I don't think those welfare cows will mind the
    banana leaves lol
    Those Freedom blackberries want to keep thriving lol
    LOL berries like from Planet of the Apes
    I do believe the vego will be good for ongoing growing as time goes on. I think that is definitely wisdom.
    Sow right seeds has a lot of great stuff and plan to order when I can from them.
    Not sure I can get the vego beds but if the Lord provides I definitely will.
    Thanks for sharing. I appreciate your wisdom as you go forth and planning ahead. It helps a lot.
    Rich blessings to you both as you go forward.

  7. Can you do a video on the cab tractor you recently obtained. I’m interested in what you like about it and what accessories it has. I have two Kubota tractors already but no cab. I like your information on positive and negative views. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  8. Mr Danny and Mrs Wanda thank you so much for today's tips we sure do appreciate it we had an announcement after you announced on your Saturday night live last week or so about Miss Libby getting her trademark well we were talking about that also and we took that as a confirmation to go ahead with our plans. We have started raising Mille Fleur D'uccles chickens and would like to begin selling pullets and fertilized eggs. We have applied for our trademark and have bought two mini pigs for our expanding farm and we are looking into mini cows also. Please keep us in mind we are looking for a milk 🥛 🐮 cow also. We are also working on a website for our new farm. All Glory to the Most High. Continued prayers for Mrs Wanda's complete healing 🙏🥰 p.s. have you given any thought to buying a large dog run to put your sweet potatoes in at pecan grove?

  9. I'd love to get 4 of the Vego beds but Scott won't let me spend anything of any amount! Just because he can't/won't make a effort to garden doesn't mean i can't! I need to have a tree trimed to garden more than 5 or 6 five gallon buckets! It's just so overgrown. He can't do it anymore but won't let go of any money for me to get it done. I'm in a catch 22 right now to keep the peace! Do those blackberries need full sun? I'd love to plant some along my fenceline. It sucks getting older and the body wearing down. I was always one that just worked through the pain but that's not working anymore! I don't have enough room to plant much but it does supplement our food in the summer and i do enjoy it so much.

  10. I was listening to the book of Jasher In part 4 at 49 minutes into it the story of Joseph in Egypt how Joseph commanded that the corn in storage be covered with some kind of soil to keep weavals out of it.
    Do you think that might have been something like diatomacuous earth?

  11. I love seeing the cows come in for food.
    Blackberries can be merciless LOL Our raspberries do the same thing in ref. to spreading quickly.
    Thank you on the pest info. We had some cabbage moths overtake our greenhouse last year, as we were cleaning out hubby's father's estate. so I need to figure out what I can do to clean it out in hopes to deter them for this summer. Basically change up what is in there.
    Yes…our youthful hearts require us to create options so that we can enjoy our geriatric years with less stress on our bodies. Enjoy with God's blessings!!!

  12. I have a friend that bought up galvanized roofing a sheet or two at a time. We all got together last year and drove “T” posts in a line for 50 ft. Three ft. Apart. We left them up to 42 in. tall. Then cut the roofing at 36 in. Filled with large stone to 18 in. and dirt top. He raised his whole garden in it last year and is excited for this year. I forgot to mention that he is on a walker due to bad knees. He and his wife did most of their canning out of it.

  13. My Husband made me a raised bed and I love it. I’m starting some of my food garden. And some Container buckets. Thanks for the video

  14. hi mr danny and ms wanda 🤗
    except for a few fruit trees, my entire garden is mini/narrow raised beds and containers. it works best for my small backyard and mobility. tfs

  15. Too poor?? Use five gallon buckets. One right side up sitting on one upside down. Or sit your bucket on two cinderblocks upended side by side.Look around. There's always a way…like an old small kiddie pool up on an old table. Who cares when its full of radishes and/or romaine lettuce? Thyme, basil, oregano, tom thumb cherry tomatoes all work well. Start composting and get discounted dirt (torn bags at Lowe's are 10-50%off…just ask)Dollar tree is selling seeds right now 4 for a dollar and they work just fine, but get them Now. I'm cheap but my food is definitely worth my time and every year my cost seems even less because I save a few seeds for next year and save my crazy containers and even reuse my unwashed styrofoam cups which I used to start my seedlings. Im in year 6 and only spent about $15 this year and have at least 150 seedlings growing(9 cups to each dish pan). Yes Im crazy…. Crazy like a fox about growing flowers and food!!💐🇺🇸❤️🤗and I'm a 69 yr. old major surgery 2 months ago cancer survivor out in the yard already. God IS great!

  16. We are in our 60’s plan on downsizing our house. We love to garden want to make sure we can continue as we age

  17. I have two greenhouses from Grower's solution, and I love them. I grow peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet corn, popcorn, okra, lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, kale, peas, green beans, strawberries, sweet potatoes, beets, turnips, herbs, onions carrots, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, eggplant and broccoli in them. I tried cauliflower but that never worked out too well.

  18. Ok I haven’t watched much in the last year as we were selling our house & moving. What is pecan grove? I caught that y’all were talking changes…but my goodness what have I missed??

  19. For us, it's what yields the best. I get plenty of butternut squash, Cherokee tans, beans, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, garlic, celery, oregano, sweet peppers and flowers. LOL I wish I could get my sweet potatoes and white potatoes to yield more. Morels are occasional. I dont do corn because the farm behind mine grows gmo corn and he sprays. Many of my plants suffer from over drift of his poisons. the years he grows soy beans tend to be better years for my garden. I received the sage seeds and I am so happy and ready to start them in trays as well as in the ground. I am mailing a little something to you. Thank you again!

  20. Just watching you and Mrs. Wanda is a blessing all within itself. The both of you keeps me gardening because you do not sugar coat anything and I Thank you for that keep sharing the truth we need more people like you.

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