Container Gardening

Easy $3 pea/bean trellis for container gardening #gardeningtips #gardening #cheap

Today I have an easy $3 solution for trellising peas or beans in any space, heck this could even work indoors if you had lights set up. All you need are three equal sized bamboo stakes, garden twine, and scissors.

Take your twine and cut off an 18 inches (45.72 cm) length or so. Grab the ends of your bamboo and hold them together. Take your twine and tie one end to one of the stakes using a simple knot. I triple knotted mine to make sure it stays in place. Then you take the twine and wind it around the stakes, looping in and making sure to secure each of the three poles.

Now you have a tripod. You can place your trellis in the ground, but I personally love putting them into the salad bowl containers that I use for gardening. It’s pretty easy to place the trellis into the pot and push it down into the bottom. Then I just plant peas or beans at the base of the trellis, water them in and I’m done! This entire setup with the salad bowl and trellis only cost me about $25! Keep watching to learn how to create a $25 salad bowl.

This can be completely free if you already have bamboo stakes lying around from old plants like I do. Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more gardening and nature content. Subscribe here:

[Applause] It was just to lovers sitting in the car listening the blonde falling for each other pinking on Skies feeling super childish no Donald Clover this call from my mother like where you at tonight I know all about I was all alone with the love of my life she’s got glitter for

Skin my radiant beam in the night I don’t need know lie to see you shout it’s your gold day night oh

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