Garden Plans

2024 Garden Plans! | Plant and Chat with Me

Today is all about gardening! Join me while I share all the plans for the 2024 garden, including the methods of square foot gardening, succession sowing, showing all my seeds, and even getting the first few seeds planted! This episode is PACKED full so make sure to stick around to the end!

Hey guys and welcome back to our Channel today we are in the garden and today’s video is all about gardening finally um the weather is turning great and we are really getting started in the garden getting a bunch of things into the ground so I’m going to kind of show

Y’all real quick what her garden looks like uh talk a little bit about it we’re going to do some planting this morning and then I’ll take y’all inside in just a little bit and kind of talk about all the garden plans for the 2024 season so

We have a bunch of big plans there’s a lot to get into so I’m just going to jump in to showing youall everything so for those who have not seen our garden this is it in the current state we have five raised garden beds they’re all 4 by 8

Ft so we’ve got them all kind of lined up around here um last week we actually had a big load of dirt delivered to our house because these two beds were compl completely empty so we got those filled up we have not finished the rest of the

Beds my whole family has been uh fighting the flu for the past few weeks and so it’s kind of been a long and slow process getting these filled but we did get this one filled over here and I got a few poppy seeds uh planted in there

Which we are going to do more of today this bed we just finished feeling yesterday there’s my son but we still have these other ones to fill I don’t know that this one over here I’m going to fill any um maybe just if we have a

Little bit of compost left uh we’ll top it off but otherwise I think we’ll be fine in this one that one didn’t drop too much so like I said I’ll take y’all back inside in just a little bit and kind of talk about all the methods of gardening

What I’m planning on doing what I’m planning on growing this year but I am doing the square square foot garden method to where like every square foot you put a certain amount of plants in there I think as a pretty beginner Gardener that that’s really going to

Help me but because these beds are so large it’s pretty hard to just kind of know where each square foot is what I’m going to do is just uh tape some twine going down measure out each square foot that way when I’m planning the stuff um

I know exactly where I’m going with it so before we get anything planted that’s my first step is going to be just putting on that twine um across these two garden beds here and then hopefully get some stuff in the Ground if you had a glimpse inside my head you’d know I’m different than you well works for you might not work for me cuz that’s our Solid Ground I’ll build the life that helps me Thrive I hope you’re doing the same through my eyes I see different than you together we open new worlds different eyes lead to new heights new views together we color the World discovering self to know how to grow genius takes many shades so I just finished with this garden box um putting the string on there so each square is approximately 12 in by 12 in giving us a good kind of grid for our square foot gardening um so

Like I was explaining and I’ll kind of talk about it a little bit later too so each of these squares uh there’s an approximately a certain amount of plants can go in each Square um so we will talk about that once we go inside and talk

About all the plans I’m about to jump over and do the same thing to this box um I just held all these on by tape um they’re not supposed to last long I’m not even going to have it on there the whole gardening season it’s just a a way

For me to visually see what I need to plant where actually in this first garden bed right here we’re going to be adding a trellis system to that side anyways so this string won’t last too long it’s really just a tool to help me right now so I’m going to jump over and

Get this other one done real quick all right so I’ve got the second bed with the grid kind of place there that was the first one so what we are planting today are some poppy flowers and some chives these are the different poppies I’ve got I’ve got these beautiful mother

Of pearl poppies these American Legion some Iceland poppies and then some California poppies and then I just have my CH seeds also that will go in the other bed in just a minute and so if you look this is my the bed that I’m in currently this is my flower bed I have

Everything kind of placed how many needs to go in each one when I’m planting each specific Square so last week uh 6 weeks before my first first or my last average frost I planted this poppies this poppies and this poppies um those were 6 weeks before now it’s about 5 weeks

Before so I’m going to plant right here right here and right here so these three are the beds that I’m planting in for today’s poppies once I come over to the chives so see this is the bed we’re in now this is that first front bed I’ve got some chavs here that’s

Going to go in these two spots so I’m going to let my son help me here he’s super excited about planting all the flowers so he’s going to help me in this bed just kind of sprinkle them through uh I have where we’re doing about three spots for each

Of these poppies so that’s what we’re going to do Now Oh my child I know you’re hurt and you can’t let go it’s not your fault and you don’t Deserve all the bed in the Hurt o I know you tried so Heart I know you’ve done your part it’s not fair you did your time how much longer will you suffer in this life but don’t give Up Just Hold On Tight it’ll be your Right all your life you’ve tried to be a good man inside did everything that you thought you should so we’ve got the poppies and then the CHS for this week planted uh that’s pretty much it until next weekend we’ll do a few more poppies uh here in a few

Weeks I will be doing like my broccoli and then there’s a few more things um so like I said here in a few weeks whenever I plant like a lot of the stuff like the broccoli there’s some more uh random flowers that need to get planted I’ll

Take youall along then uh as well real quick I’m going to take y’all up here and show y’all the peach tree that we planted last year um it’s starting to bloom and it’s looking really great so here is our peach tree it’s little but it’s it’s it’s

Growing and we’ve got some really pretty blooms all over the tree which I’m taking as a really good sign so that is that for right now so we’re going to go in and I’ll kind of talk to y’all further about all the garden plans okay so we’re inside now uh I’ve

Got all my seeds that I’m planning on planting this year I’ve got all my plans for the garden this year so I was just going to quickly kind to talk yall through it kind of let yall know what the plans are for the 2024 gardening

Season um I am not a Master Gardener and so don’t really follow along if you’re trying to like really learn something but just kind of follow along if you’re just kind of wanting to see my process um if you’re starting out a garden too I may have some helpful tips who knows so

Um like I said I’m not a Master Gardener last year was really my first time like starting out gardening and even then it was kind of a flop so I had this big plan I planned everything out I knew exactly what I wanted to do when I

Needed to do everything well that’s when we ended up getting pregnant with our third child and I was super sick and so the gardening just didn’t really happen I was really sick didn’t want to even leave my bed for like the first few months and so

That was that prime time that I really needed to get like things in the ground so things got planted in the wrong season I didn’t really like I had a plan to start with but once it came down to it like once I felt good enough I just

Pretty much threw everything in the beds and it didn’t work out um even going through the gardening season it was hot I wasn’t feeling like going outside and so it had its moments uh we got a few things out of the garden turns out I’m was pretty good at growing flowers a lot

More than vegetables which vegetables are still my priority but you know flowers is something that I’m really going to jump into this year kind of try my hand at that again and see how that is but anyways so this year I’m feeling pretty good like I said we were fighting

The flu and so that kind of almost put us behind but I think we’re in pretty good shape so I’m going to run through real quick and show you what I plan on planting and then kind of show you how I’m doing the whole setup okay so I’ll also kind of try to

Tell you where I got the seeds most of our seeds are either ordered from so true seeds or Botanical interest and so I’ll just kind of tell you as we go along uh I do have these in the order that I will be planting and so I’ll just

Kind of show you that so like I said I have all my poppies that we talked about um then the chives that we also planted this morning um let’s see so next will be carrots I’ll be planting in a few weeks as as well as broccoli so this year I’m

Not starting any of my seeds inside I feel like learning I have so much to learn this year um I may try to start my own seeds next year but pretty much everything I’m doing I’m just direct sewing uh if there is things like like I know like broccoli tomatoes peppers

Stuff like that that really needs to be started before you move them to the Garden I’m just going to buy them at you know our local plant nursery and do it that way but other than those few things that I’ll have to buy like already

Started I did get my seeds for so here in a few weeks we’ll do carrots I’m not sure what kind of carrots these are I got the seeds last year at our plant nursery I guess just normal uh orange carrots but I’ve got some of those left

And then I also have these Cosmic purples and also these little finger carrots um both of these came from Botanical interest so that is what I’m going to do for my carrots I’ve got three different kinds there um also in a few weeks when I plant the carrots and broccoli I’ve got

Some of these purple cone flowers from Botanical interest as well as these blackeyed Susan flowers that will go out there and those two I’m just going to kind of mix up uh like they won’t go in my flower garden bed they’ll just kind of go out

Through through the rest of the stuff um lettuce I I’ve got just this lettuce blend I’m going to plant uh that will be for our bunnies for the chickens we’re not big lettuce eaters but it’s pretty easy to grow and so I’m going to grow that for our animals and then I’ve just

Got this purple butter crunch lettuce here again both of those are from Botanical interest uh for my flowers uh something that know I said earlier I did really well with last year were like zenas marry Golds Cosmos and so I’ve got a few of those to

Plant well more than more than a few I’ve got quite a bit for my zenas from Botanical interest I’m doing these really pretty kind of peppermint stick zenas and then I’ve got the Senora zenas um this I just got from like tractor Supply it is an Envy maybe Zia

Just thought the the color was really pretty there uh and then just two from Lowe’s these kind of mixed colors and is uh so that’s for those I’ve also got a mix of dollas there’s no picture on it it’s just a mixed blend there uh Cosmos I’ve got again two different kinds

From um lows the packaging in kind of rough shape cuz it was from last year we have just got a mix of colors there also for my Cosmos I’ve got this rubenza which is a really pretty red color and lastly the seashell blend Cosmos that kind of look like

Seashells and those two were from Botanical interest as well I’ve got just some colula and then some merry Golds that I did last year they were really successful all this from Lowe’s um I’m going to try this amaranth if that’s how you say it just a kind of a

Vining plant I thought that would be really pretty um on the back side of our trellis got some lemon balm and then for green beans I’m only doing pole beans uh like I said we’re going to have this big trellis so this is where we’re doing our beans I’ve got

Just this normal Blue Lake stringless got that from Tractor Supply and then I also got from so true seeds these uh rattlesnake green beans so they are green with just some purple streets in them the Orient wender yard long beans from botan iCal interest looks like that so they are

Like in the name a yard long so those will be fun and then these purple green beans as well let’s see if it’ll focus there we go um I also am doing some butternut squash uh some Lua which I’m excited about to try this let’s see

It’s not really loading there we are and then I’ve just got some yellow squash uh green zucchini I’m doing a few different pumpkins I don’t have all my pumpkin seeds currently I’ve got these Jack belittle pumpkins so the real small ones just decorative the small sugar

Pumpkins that I’ll be doing uh for like recipes pumpkin pie stuff like that and then Dutch Fork pumpkin there’s no picture on here but they are really large um the only pumpkins that I wasn’t able to order just because they were out of stock whenever I ended up placing the

Order were just like the normal Halloween pumpkins that you would carve I wanted to do some of those for our animals like our pigs I thought that would be really good U nutrients for them and there was one more type of seed that I wasn’t able to order that I can’t

Remember right now if I think of it I’ll let youall know but that is all my seeds for this year um so I’m going to quickly show y’all kind of our garden plans how I’ll have everything set up and yeah I’m excited to get started so let me kind of switch

All over to show y’all this sorry if this is a little shaky but this is going to be the best way to show y’all so this is the flower bed that we kind of talked about so right here we have like north south east west kind of showing

You the layout of the beds so I am going to be six session sewing my plants um so like sewing a little bit one week and then a little bit the next week little bit the next week just to kind of like make them last a little bit longer and

That way it’s not just a big Harvest at once so that’s kind of what I’ve done here up in this corner we’ve got Cosmos dollas uh Zenia do and then our poppies down here and then like I showed y’all earlier with the poppies like it’s like

6 weeks before um the last frost 5 weeks before 4 weeks before and then jumping up to our other plants we have like one week after the last frost 2 weeks um 4 weeks 6 weeks you know things like that so this is my flower bed when I planned

It I didn’t make any room for marry Golds or the culas because honestly I forgot about them so I’m just probably not going to do as many like dollas and then put some like throughout here I tried to do it also by height what’s going to be tallest in the back besides

The poppies the poppies they are going to bloom earlier get done earlier in the season and so I wanted this spot open that way I can plant more things here once all the poppies die back and it won’t be you know covered by the other flowers cuz this is the direction of the

Sun kind of coming up this way so I put the taller in the back so this is the flowers here is kind of the whole garden if you look at it kind of from the front here so where we were working on those two beds earlier right here this front

One is going to be tomatoes in this bed I’m going to have like my squash butternut squash um let’s see I think that’s it for this one the one back here I’m doing a few pumpkins we got broccoli lettuce um this bed gets the least amount of sunlight it still

Gets a pretty decent amount but it does get the least so I try to put my cooler crops like broccoli and lettuce back in that one again we’ve got flowers and and then this one up front that we worked on earlier you know we planted our chobs up

Here but we’ll also have like lemon balm carrots peppers and then right here we are going to be doing two cattle panel trellises going across there so on the trellis we’re going to do loofah um a few flowers all of our green beans so pretty much this whole thing’s going to

Be green beans from the other side that’s not in the garden box I’m going to do a few more flowers um just to make it pretty cuz that is the direction of the road and then back in this little corner here that is not in a garden bed

I’m going to try to do some pumpkins just in the ground um we’ll see once it gets time to plant those exactly how I’m going to do them but this is the current layout plans of the garden so like I said the sun kind of comes up from this way and then goes

Right across the garden so pretty much everything’s going to get pretty good accurate sunlight for what they need uh nothing’s going to block anything that needs more Sun than something else so like I said I will be succession sewing um so I’ll do a little bit of

Like green beans at a Time come back do a little bit more um this whole bed like I said is for tomatoes and so I’ve got them spaced out really I can do them closer than this I just didn’t want to be completely overwhelmed with tomatoes and I might do

A few flowers kind of throughout there um let’s see but you can kind of see how I’m doing that square foot gardening like for the squash you need two square ft per plant so I’ve kind of got 2 square ft 2 square ft kind of going through like

That um let me think lettuce I think you I don’t remember what I did you have like eight or four for square foot something like that lettuce can be pretty close so I’ve got those in there broccoli they need quite a bit of space um carrots I didn’t draw because I’m

Just going to pretty much sew a ton of carrots throughout there and then Peppers so yeah this is the current plan of the garden so now that y’all have seen kind of the plan uh drawn to scale maybe y’all kind of know what I’m talking about once I start actually like really

Getting into the gardening like I said every weekend I pretty much have something different that I need to plant um this weekend was chives let’s see here I’ve got it right in front of me yeah so chives and poppies sorry uh next weekend I’ve got poppies I probably

Won’t take you all along I’m just Gathering a few more poppy seeds throughout the garden um March 16th I’ve got broccoli carrots those cone flowers black eyed susan the next weekend I’ll be doing lettuce um our last average frost date here is April 2nd so kind of

An earlier last average frost um so I’ve just based everything off of that like WEA like I know like the poppies and the CHS needed like four to six sweets before your last average frost so I’ve just tried to plant it accordingly to that I know personally for me I’m going

To plant most of my stuff about a week and a half after our last average frost so again that date was April 2nd April 13th is when I have plans to do like my big uh plant with like tomatoes peppers a bunch of the flowers um so

That will be a really big plant date that I will definitely take you along with but I hope this wasn’t too rambly I just wanted to show or share with y’all all of my garden plans show youall what we’re planning on doing um here in the

Next few weeks we we will need to build that cattle panel trellis I don’t want to get too much planted in that garden bed and then have to disturb the roots by plant or like putting that in so that will be coming up pretty soon so yeah I’m really excited I’m hoping for

Another year year of learning from the garden um like I said last year wasn’t the most successful uh but this year I’m hoping for some good things to come out of it uh I’ve got plans I’ve just got to stick to it and hopefully learn how to

Grow everything so yeah thank you all for watching today’s video and I will bring you all along again next time Bye w

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