Gardening Trends

Social Security Disability GOOD NEWS March 2024

Resources Covered In This Video:

Experts Experts Interview About How To Work And KEEP Your Disability Benefits:

Upwork How to Supplement your Income Online (Freelance Course):

State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies:

Unemployment rate:

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Greetings this is Brian teron from the disability digest with my good news update in the world of Social Security Disability Benefits I’ve got three items that I’m going to cover with you I do these because in my 17 years of advocating for people to help them get keep and maximize their disability

Benefits most of the news is not so good delays denials Etc but there are some bright spots so that’s what I’m going to focus on in this video three things I’m going to cover is the resources that we have that are new that make it easier

For you to get and keep your benefits I’m going to cover that uh benefits are getting better this is my opinion you be the judge based on what I share with you and the last thing that I want to focus on today is in the area of supplementing

Your income or transitioning back to work um side hustles making money that’s what I’m going to focus on because more and more people here the trend is are being their their success is increasing um and supplementing their income that’s what I have on top and then I’ll give

You an action item at the end to prepare You For an upcoming event that we have with two disability employment experts that will be joining one of our YouTube lives so first of all here at the disability Digest we provide you with resources that help you get your

Benefits keep them and maximize them uh over 1,200 videos on our YouTube channel we encourage you to go through and check those all out we have weekly most Weeks live events on our YouTube channel at 12:15 on Wednesdays um and we invite you to come learn something connect with

Others you have the opportunity to call in get your questions answered by our expert panel um or you can submit your question via text and uh in the chat and we can answer it that way so that is one way then we have a membership where you

Can complete a profile and you can get a no cost customized approach to getting keeping and maximizing your disability benefits and it’s no cost because we’re supported by ads sponsors and different services so we can get the right information to you to help you get from

Where you are now to where you want to go so those that’s the first point second point is most disability recipients say 93% that’s my guess when I say most um are on a Medicare Advantage plan Medicare Part C and when I say that the benefits are getting better there’s new

Benefits that continue to come out with these plans and most people don’t review their plans you still have the month of March to do it we’ve taught you how to do it on this YouTube channel uh you can check out the videos but I encourage you

To be aware of what you’re on for a plan now and then what the options are um so that you make sure that you’re maximizing your benefits so that’s number two want to focus on this the op opportunity to maximize your benefits by supplementing your income is getting

Easier and there’s more resources to do it and trends that are driving it so I want to go through these with you so the first thing that I want to share with you is what is going on in that is driving the trend for uh in the

Marketplace uh if we look at this graph right here if you can see this this shows the unemployment rate we’re at like 3.2% right now so there’s a lot of opportunity there’s a lot of jobs that are out there there’s a lot of creativity that is driven from this

Trend that is partly fueling what’s going on and there’s some other things that I want to touch on as well I’ve just have a list over here I want to make sure I stay in line the the acceptance of back to work like here at the disability digest we’ve been

Remote work since we started really 2007 because a large part of our Workforce is disability recipients and they just are not able to go to jobs uh but they could work here two three hours a day from their home and there’s more companies that are adapting this type of strategy

This uh statistic that I have recently found from Forbes uh shows that um it’s 12.7% of the Workforce Now is remoted so maybe you can’t work full-time and or go out of your house but the trends are driving part-time work and also uh giving you the ability to do it from

Home so that’s what is uh making it a bit easier and more realistic for people next thing I want to talk about uh are some more subtle uh typee approaches job sharing flexible schedules and if you’re still working um and trying to make it

Work for a few more months or as long as you can uh you can ask for reasonable accommodations we’ve met many people uh that have been able to come in late leave early take naps at lunch have some of the tasks that are more strenuous offloaded from their work plans so that

You can sustain work in an economy like this with the unemployment the way it is and I expect that you’re really really really good at what you do and they want to keep you uh you can ask for those things um now on the disability side for disability recipients and the Ada and

All of that the awareness is definitely increasing um and I see a concentrated solid viable movements that are making it realistic for people to achieve success in this area we’ve interviewed several uh and had them on our live uh events that have gone back to work

So one of the other trends that is driving the realistic um ability to make this work is is what’s called like the gig economy or um also the ability to do self-employment what you see up on the screen right now is a job board from upwork um and we’ve did a

Three-part session that I’ll put the link around this video that teaches people how to take certain skills that they have and go out and look for people that are looking for service work or support work and here’s the thing folks I expect that this audience here if

You’re from the US and you speak really good English or English that is you know uh not uh doesn’t have an accent that can be detected in it that’s going to give you a great um advantage in competing against others because many companies do uh prefer this so you and

This is all something that you can do at no charge you can go into upwork you can set up a profile uh or other job boards and do this and I’ll put the link to that um around this video as well because that could help you get started

And get back to work at least if for anything else you would be able to learn and in addition to this there’s a lot of U information you can get on Just with a Google search that will teach you how to get started and do this uh type of work

As a freelancer uh so um the next thing is and you’re going to learn more about this in a few weeks in April when when we have a focused event on this is there are now job boards that are specific for disability recipients or veterans that are uh permanent in total and they’re

Not able to work that are invite only invite only I said it so you get invited in here and your and this is a situation where you’ve got an extra layer of support and you can increase your chances of getting placed uh the employers that are in there are Big

Brand companies as well as small to medium ium large uh companies so there’s 38,000 people in this one specific job board that I know of now um but in order to get invited you need to meet some certain criteria which you should be doing anyway and I’m going to share with

You before you go back to work and here’s what it is uh in order to get invited to this and other like situations is a benefit planner from Vocational Rehabilitation is required to get you in the door it’s kind of like if you’re an author and you want to have

A book published and you’ve got to go through and find a publisher right or if you’re an athlete and you want to get a contract then you get an agent uh same in the music industry it is becoming that way in this space unless you’re going to do something totally

Independent on your own which is fine but still there’s advantages of going and seeking um a benefit planner one is it’s free and two is they can tune you up and help you with skills that maybe you need and you’re not proficient at or if you want to do something in the

Trades or something that requires a license or a certification they could help you do it maybe it’s insurance which is a wonderful way to supplement your income or maybe it’s some other certification that you’re looking for so getting in touch with your local Vocational Rehabilitation agency to help you with a

Plan and get you the right tools and resources is a free step that you can take you don’t have to go back to work if it doesn’t work out you can do something part-time with them but for this particular situation to get into a job board where you have a higher

Probability of getting a job even a part-time job than is invite only and that’s how you do it so the key links I’ll put around this video I’ll put the link around uh the video so that you know how to do um the Contracting work through

Upor and I’ll put the replay to the Mike and Cathy interview that we did over a year ago who will be coming back in April to updating you on the employment what’s going on what the trends are more so than this um and I’ll also put the link how to contact your local

Vocational Rehabilitation uh organization the one key takeaway that I have for you if there’s one that I could say is get a benefit planner uh pursue that get a plan in place again it doesn’t cost you anything and you could learn from the process and it can set

You up for the next step and what we’re going to be able to teach you and work with you here uh in the next few months or so all right hope you found this helpful for the good news join us in the comments or if you’re doing something

That’s working for you like maybe you’ve got a side hustle that you’ve got going on gosh we’d love to hear from you success stories are truly helpful to share with others make it a great day stay tuned for more thanks


  1. I really need to talk to 😢 someone I only know I became homeless and Social Security only wanted to take away my benefits, I came homeless. 😢 My depression has increased a lot because of this. 😢😢

  2. I greatly appreciate this as I have been Denied I do have an attorney but im not understanding why all of my symptoms were not addressed. I spoke with her assistant and she said she is going to look into it and I'm starting to get more pain besides my severe lower back as I have DEGENERATING Disc Disease.
    Austio Arthritis and carpal tunnel issues

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