Container Gardening

Grow Container Sweet Peas [Container Garden]

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Ivans Garden UK
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These plants definitely need moving now these  are a sweet peas that we’ve been growing and   we’ve got three to four plants in each cell but  look how well they’ve come on really goodlooking   plants we have got a bit of a problem though we  didn’t want to put them on outside too soon for  

Two reasons rather the weather just keeps going  up and down we keep getting minus temperatures   and we’ve got another one coming tonight minus  one I believe so once again if you’ve got tender   plants cover them up with some fleece don’t start  losing plants at this time of year then there was  

A problem the Slugs because slugs really like  to attack sweet peas so we’ve kept him in a for   as long as possible but then that leads to his  next problem the rout Ro The Roots grow pretty   quick on these plants and they’ll start wrapping  around bottom they’ll get root bound so it’s not  

Good to leave them in too small a container for  too long and I don’t want to put them outside   in garden and I’ve got my own reasons for that  and I will explain why when that time comes so  

What I’m looking to do is move these on into a  container to keep them growing and I’m not going   to grow them to really tall plants either we’re  going to put them a container and we’re going to  

Keep them at a set height 3 to 4 feet tall and  we’re going to put Lots in a container so when   they get to the eye that we want we could just  pinch the tops off them all and make those plants  

Bush out so we can have really nice display of  color it’s better than just leaving them sat in   themselves because eventually those plants will  die so that’s today’s plan I’m going to use a   container like that it’s not a huge container but  it has got some nice decent sized drainage OES in  

The bottom of it and we’ve got some old compost  once again that I’m going to amend and then I’ll   top it off with some new stuffff we’ll give these  plants a Fighting Chance there is quite a lot in  

There I think there’s 24 separate plants we’re not  going to get them all in here but we’ll work on   moving them on into containers until that time  comes where we do plant them outside it’s just  

Not time for that at the moment everything else  looks all right my carrots are drying out a bit   I noticed we’ll give them a good watering today  just before we get started with these sweet bees   thank you very much to Miriam sigsworth for  making a donation to this channel massively  

Appreciated as it always is and is going to come  in very useful of the next few days so thank you   very much Miriam for your generosity now I’ve  put that compost in there I’m going to use some  

Of this just top it up with lots of nutrients this  is bone meal can get a good amount in there it’s   really going to help these little plant out  then I’m going to top that up with some new compost and once again I’m not sving that  compost cuz we’re already putting  

Quite big plants in there I’m just breaking  up the lumps it’s all we need to do it will   break down over time itself if you getting  a really big lumps in there you’re better   off breaking them up to start with and at  the same time taking away any Stones quite  

A big stone that one so we’ve broke all that  up nicely now I’ll just give bit of shake to   settle it I’m just going to use another  container just to level it out a little bit we’ve got around an inch between level of  that compost and top of this container that’s  

Plenty then I’m just going to use a diber to make  holes around this container try and get as many in   here as we possibly can and I’m just going to pop  one right in center that’s just to start us off  

You don’t have to be too fancy about this just  get them in and get them on the way and if you   press them down just a little bit deeper than they  were and then firm around those edges they’ll hold  

Themselves up you probably know that all these  plants they have little tendrils on them so as   they climb they’ll grab hold of anything they  can so they can keep going up so these plants   need some support as well otherwise they’re just  going to start flopping over and growing across  

Ground and that is too much of an invitation for  Slugs so what we’ll do is will create a little   structure around this container to support them as  they grow the most important thing today is just  

To get them out of these cells get them on the way  to becoming really nice plants full of flour so a   few canes from garden they’re not all exactly same  length but that don’t really matter I’ve noticed  

That once again it’s trying to rain outside so I  think if I can manage I’m going to put that 5 foot   carrot container outside it keeps drying out too  quickly in this greenhouse so they’re constantly  

Flopping over and since we’ve got a few days  of rain aren’t we maybe it’s time to try and   move it so I’ll do that first it’s quite a big  container so we need to be careful moving this  

Don’t want to be putting his biks out but I can  just about manage to pick it up I’ll be back in a sec and now we’ve got a bit extra room on that  bench and that timing we probably perfect cuz  

It’s just started raining so now we’ll crack  on with this and we’re not going to be too   fancy about it I’m just going to take one of  these canes if I got space and I’m just going  

To push one down Center like that trying to  keep it as straight as I can my plant’s then   going to cling onto that and grow up and then I’m  going to put them the same but all the way around

Edges so we’ve got like five canes in this  container trying to sate the longest ones   as well it’s going to just give us a little  bit more he something like that is going to   work perfectly fine then all we have to do  now is just arrange his plants around here  

And then we’ll add some string as well  just to give those tendrils something   to grab hold of you have to be careful with  these if you grow them so densely together to   start clinging onto each other and then they  become a bit of a pain to separate we don’t  

Want to be damaging any plants take this one  out you can see those little tendrils there   and that’s what’s going to be grabbing all  of those canes and that extra string that   we’re putting so a quick without breaking the  plant up too much just loosen those roots off  

They’ll find the way a lot easier then and then  we’re going to going to put two in between each cane they might start falling over and falling  apart as you do it but as I said before push them deeper and this is what’s going to  happen if you’re not careful they’re  

Going to start growing all over the floor  and we don’t want that so if I just put   it there you can see better what I’m doing  basically just making that all they’ll get   secured in a moment we’ll just put them  to one side so I’m just making a nice de

Hole so it can shove that plant right down and  pinch it together and that’s going to help it   stand up a bit more like that and then we go again  I can probably get three on this partic container

Just loosen them Roots bang them straight in  like that nice and firmly and they will start   clinging onto each other as they grow  as well let’s put another one in right there just a little bit or loosen  up on that Roots so they’re all  

Now dangling down brilliant and push it  down into that container firm around we   could also fill in with extra compost as  well if we needed to but I think we’ll be   fine once these plants get established  they’ll hold their own right down and

Firm so just a couple more  more and that’s that job done so now all I’m going to  do is tie some string to this   part nice and tight so it doesn’t  slip down and then I’ll wrap it around and keep it low so that these plants have  

Got something to grab all  so we’ll just tie that off now and we’ll start Clinging On to  everything and what we’ll do is we’ll   just tie another piece of string on  right there then I’ll just wrap it

Around as we go and just keep working as way  up as far as we want Sun’s come out glad I took   them carrots outside this Frame although not  the most professional looking thing at world   will soon be covered with these plants as they  start to grow up it and this will then become  

One big mass of flowers and it’s portable so we  can move it out to arms away but for the moment   that’s pretty much all those plants sorted  out and we’ll just keep as eye on them over  

The next few days so I’m going to give these  a bit of watering and then we’ll see how they   get on over next few days but they won’t be any  worse off than what they was when they were in  

Here and we’ve got a few left so that will be  container for another day at least now we know   they’re not going to get rootbound and we’ve  guaranteed ourselves a nice display of flowers  

Come mid spring and if you want to see how these  get on and what we’re doing next please hit that   subscribe button press that notifications  Bell and I’ll see you at next one take care


  1. Thanks Ivan, for the advice on temperature's tonight. Looking forward to seeing the sweet peas in bloom. Thanks for sharing.

  2. You said flowers, Ivan.
    Are they differnt from green pea flowers?
    Eight giant pea seeds came up from ten I sowed on paper towels in an egg carton. What do I do next? 😮

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