Vegetable Gardening

🥬 COVER YOUR GREENS (Brassicas) | #gardeningvideos #vegetablegarden

Always COVER your Greens in some way ! Whether it be with plastic/fabric or some sort of cage.

This was filmed at Better Options Farm, so be sure to check out [Other Peoples Gardens] playlist !

#gardening #brassica #gardeningtips

Peace Z here quick tip so if you’re growing brasas and you’re not companion planting you need to be using some sort of covering some sort of tunnel of some sort this one is made of metal chicken wire and reinforced steel but if you do not use covering this is what will

Happen to your brassus they will get chomped up by deer and if you live in the south you know deer and deer know you especially if you grow so Pro tip cover your brassus peace


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