Garden Plans

March 2024 Cottage Garden Tour & Plans ~ Zone 6 Spring Garden Tour~

Signs of spring are emerging in our Connecticut cottage garden. The heather is in bloom, the daffodils will be blooming before you know it, and perennials like Jacob’s Ladder are breaking dormancy! What a wonderful time of year it is in the garden. Come join me for a quick look around and let’s discuss some upcoming garden plans!

Hey everyone it’s Laura welcome back to the Garden we’re just going to have a quick look around today at the pre-spring cleanup situation that is happening in the back Garden I’ll try to do a front garden tour very soon but let’s just have a look at how things are

Are looking and what the plans are coming up and before we get into it don’t forget to hit that subscribe button if you are new here we just passed 500 subscribers and I am so grateful to you guys thank you so much so let’s get into it let’s have a look

Around the back Garden so I don’t know if I mentioned it is midm March right now usually this time of year is still pretty cold but it’s been rather mild for us so thank you for that this area right here I’m planning on turning into

Um a perennial herb bed right now I have a couple things in here that are perennial there’s this Rosemary that actually I think is going to make it over the winter it still has green I think it’s alive so that’s exciting and I also have this little red Sprouts here

This is a um chive that comes back every year for me and then in the front I have an oregano plant and I plan on moving my uh sage plant into this herb bed and I don’t know what else do you guys think I should put in here for um perennial

Herbs I am in zone six so there’s also a uh penamon and a Autumn Joy Sedum in here that I’m going to be taking out and moving in that pot right there is that uh black lace Elder Berry that I have talked about many times in my videos I’m just uh starting

To harden that off so I’ll be moving this Sedum and the penmen the tree I think it’s going to be okay last year I moved it up here from a really bad spot and I think it likes this spot better it is starting to fill out a

Little bit more in the back where it was really dry and brittle before so we’ll see how it is in another year but I think I I think it’s going to make it and then in the purple pumpkin uh right now I think I just have an ivy

Plant and that’s it I’m not sure what I’ll put in here we’ll see there is a Claus that’s planted in ground right behind it and there’s one on the other side as well but I am thinking I’m going to move that Claus as well as this little makeshift Arch thing that’s happening

That’s connected to the greenhous house I don’t think I like it there anymore so that’s going to get switched around and this bed here is kind of where I like to put like my favorite things so it I don’t necessarily have a plan for this just yet but usually I

Like to put things that smell good here things that are super super pretty just stuff that I really want um to be close to me and then moving into the fairy garden I do have a little bit of a plan for this I have a couple of blue star

Junipers which are like really petite little Evergreens and I was thinking that I wanted to keep the plantings around this ruby slippers hydrangea I want everything over here in this fairy garden area to be kind of low to the ground so I think I’m going to pop in a

Couple of those little blue star junipers and and then I’m going to fill in with creeping flocks I have some down further into the bed of the fairy garden it really likes this area so I am confident that it will do well and I think it’s going to look really pretty

When it fills in and it’s just all going to be kind of really ground hugging and adorable so the fairy garden is coming along nicely I like the updates that I made if you didn’t see my fairy garden video from a few weeks ago I changed it

Around quite a bit so it’s just like a little bit more subtle than it was before but the creeping flocks is starting to uh come back to life as it does in the spring and very soon I will be putting some uh pansies and violas in

The fairy garden as well because I think they look so cute in there and just on the other side here is is my witchy Garden so I’ve got my cauldron planter my new little frog that I got at the at home store he is adorable and I love him this auga really

Filled in quite a bit I think I’m probably going to be splitting some of that up soon and moving it around I have a hearty geranium in here I think I have a couple in here and uh like I said this is pre-spring cleanup so I will be cutting back that that creeping

Jenny and then I have a little Arbor VY over here that should start to green up soon it gets pretty Bronze in the winter and this beautiful Climbing Hydrangea if you were with me last season you know I had the whole dug for this for like I don’t know 2 months

Before I actually bought the plant but I finally did get it and I am super excited excited to see it this year how how it does cuz I got it pretty late in the season last year all right and let’s swing around into the moon Garden

Area not a whole lot going on over here just yet and I actually don’t have that many plans for the moon Garden because it’s pretty full uh but I do have one thing I want to ask you guys about so hang on one second um the this dianthus

Is basically Evergreen this has stayed green pretty much throughout the winter and it actually looks like it might want to bloom soon this is a spooky dianthus with white blooms and behind it is an ailia I have a little cryptomeria Evergreen there a Blue Star juniper I have a couple white hydrangeas

In here and then all this like pale green Frosty green these are all Rose camp in when I grew them from seed I thought that they were Lamb’s Ear I did not know better um and I don’t mind I I don’t mind Rose Campion but I’m not sure I love it I

Think I might pull these out what do you guys think they look kind of Ratty they put up a pink flower they did not flower last year this that was their first here I’m not into the pink flower I don’t care about that at all but I actually

Don’t think I like the foliage anymore either it’s just kind of Ratty looking I don’t know I’ll make a decision later but what do you think now these Heather are in bloom right now and they are looking gorgeous they have a very pale pink Bloom I am excited that they lasted through the

Winter cuz I heard that they can be iffy in my zone six and I really like Heather and I only bought two last year with the plan that I would wait and see how they did and if they did well I would buy a million more for this year we’ll

See that Holly is going to get moved this year and I don’t have a whole lot else going on over here right now it’s mostly just deciduous stuff so I’ve got a couple lilacs there’s a for CIA that I’ll probably come in bloom soon and then over here I have a beautiful

Jacob’s Ladder that’s just starting to emerge and this one is The Proven Winners Heaven Sent Jacob’s Ladder and look how gorgeous this new foliages so dark I’m like obsessed and I also have over here a couple of hooka I have a little boxwood and there is a Pieris here that

I am hoping is going to bloom soon it looks like it wants to bloom soon and if you saw my last video you probably heard me mention that I am hoping to do a shed makeover this year on this blue shed because I’m sick of looking at

It over here I’ve got a couple of hydranges and there are quite a few um daffodils coming up they will probably bloom in the next like 2 weeks so I will keep you guys posted on that they’re mostly just naturalized I’ve never bought daffodils I’m not a huge fan um

Because they’re yellow and I’m just not a huge fan of yellow but I like them because they are the first things that come up in the spring and they’re happy I have a couple hearty geraniums in the front of these beds and then I

Think I’m going to fill in with a lot of um pansies and violas in the these beds this year um they get mostly par shade when when this tree here starts to fill in so there’s a couple hydranges in here and I am thinking of putting one of I

Have two more blue star junipers left I think I’m going to put one in the front of this bed because you see I have like a red red and a green and a yellow I need something blue here over in the main Garden the pumpkin tunnel is coming

Along I need to get a couple more cattle panels in order to finish it up but that project is coming along great I am grateful that pumpkins don’t need to be started for a while now because it gives me time to work on the pumpkin tunnel it

Is a huge huge project a big undertaking but that’s okay I like projects I love them actually what do we got going on over here not a whole lot going on over here I’ve got plenty of seedlings to fill in this area though um I do have a

Plan this year to remove all of my foras I have these back here you can see they’re kind of just not very pretty right um they look pretty when they first Bloom they they bloom very early in the spring they should be blooming very soon and then that’s pretty much it

The rest of the year they don’t really do anything for me they grow super duper fast to the point where they are almost invasive uh they’re super aggressive so I think I’m going to take them all out because they do not bring me joy and um you can see I

Planted this hydrangea like right next to this little for cyia that’s because I’m going to just yank that out as soon as it uh is done blooming and then this tree here I have kind of lined up with my window and the path that’s going to go through the

Pumpkin tunnel it’s all like in a nice straight line and then this tree is when it gets nice and big will block the view from my uh neighbor’s kitchen window so it’s kind of like all lining up and I like it it’s beautiful over in this bed is mostly

We’ve got hydrangeas and lilacs there is an Elderberry in here um now these two posts they’ve been stuck in the ground for a couple years now since we um pushed that fence line forward just a little bit and my husband’s tried to get them out many times with different by

Different means and we haven’t been able to so I think I might just put a couple of like specimen Evergreens um maybe like a weeping something that needs support in the these areas and then that will just kind of camouflage those posts that’s my current plan but if you have any ideas

Please let me know in the comments uh again the pumpkin tunnel coming a long I’ve got quite a bit of cattle panel on here but there’s still a lot more to go so hopefully in a few weeks this will be complete so far so good so this will have pumpkins planted

All along the both sides on the bottom and then I’m going to have corn planted over here in this little square I’ve got my spiral herb bed that will turn into just annual herbs because I’m going to pull that Sage out and put it in the uh perennial herb

Bed and then this little section here is uh just more flowers and stuff that I keep in here and then I have more Rose Campion on this side I do have a lot of bearded iris that are starting to grow quite a bit and that is pretty much the current

State of things so things are starting to get crazy in March lots to look forward to I hope you guys will stick around don’t forget to like And subscribe if you are new here thank you so much for watching this video I’ll be back with a look at the

Front garden in probably just a few days so thanks for watching see you in the next one bye


  1. THYME! (My favorite.) You could also add lemon balm, fennel (there's a bronze variety) and maybe lavender, if you have a dry spot in your perennial herb bed. Also keep your eye out for garlic chives; I have spring- and fall-blooming varieties – one has pink flowers and one has white, larger than chive flowers – which have a nice, mounding habit. And I can't believe your rosemary overwintered… As for the rose campion, I would keep it for pollinators, but move it to a less formal area where it can blend with other early summer perennials or even plant them in a few masses for a nice flow; the flowers are not spectacular but they are a brilliant pop of color.

  2. Really liking your long-term vision for the garden. The pumpkin tunnel is crazy cool even now! Congrats on topping 500 subs!

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