Garden Design

A New Garden Design And A 4year old Dollar Tree Bulb

Good Evening Family thank you for Stopping by, In today’s video I’m Sharing, Another Way I will be using my Katrina Bricks in my Garden, And One of my 4year old Dollar tree bulbs is Blooming.

#tnog #spring24 #dollartree #flowers #growingfood #fruittrees

Good morning family this is Linda I hope you’re having a fine day today I hope all is well with you and your families but today I’m out in my garden and I am cleaning all of the grass that has grown in the pots with my fruit trees yeah

Because family taking care of our fruit trees and our plants is so important because I I’m growing for food family that is my sole purpose for being in this Garden hours and hours and hours I’m growing for food so tonight on the live and the day

Is Tuesday I will be talking about yeah how I’m growing for food and many other gardeners here in our gardening community that I have visited and I’ve seen so many amazing gardeners so many beautiful uh gardeners out here um they are growing uh for food so sit back and

Relax so here we go with this video okay family look at those beans y’all they coming on up I got to get the trollis up because they’re moving fast this morning we got the sun back we got the sun back it is beautiful out here but let me

Share what I’m doing with uh this morning so this is one of my little it’s a tall little planter I I bought it um last year last spring and this is turmeric now my turmeric is not going to stay here I’m just going to let it start here

Because I don’t know where I’m a put her yet okay but uh I’m going to get more of um uh 17 18 gallon containers they’re coming uh but they won’t be here till the weekend so I’m just going to drop these turmeric here and just let them get

Started and I’ll take out the entire planter to get them out there right but I’m just GNA I’m going to plant them here now this is turmeric that I grew last last year so yeah you’re going to get them in and just let her fall fall in

There oh listen y’all there’s one thing I don’t like and I got gloves out here and I’ve been having them on but yeah see but I just took it off just to get this camera right so I can share this with you all but what I don’t like

Is soil under my nails God DT yeah but anyway there go my tur Ric all is done and um I’m just going to let that green up right here yeah wow y’all this is a Dollar Tree Iris yeah she is blooming this is a Dollar Tree Plant now

I have two of them growing here but this is a Dollar Tree Iris I’m going to put the true name of it up here but I know it’s Iris but look at her y’all she is amazing this morning come on girl show your stuff show your stuff

Beautiful what you doing Jodie I am just wanting to show Christopher what I did oh wow I know that he gave you the seeds but I kept a little bit for myself he gave me onion starts yes mhm and I did this all by myself she took some of them and brought

Them to her house and this is what she did and look at this you did that J you did that Judy they were purple at the bottom so they’re going to be purple yeah and they smell so strong they smell so good so I just want to tell Chris

Thank you I know you didn’t’t give it to me but thank you cousin all right they look nice they do and you showed me how to run my finger around and just to create space for them to grow and I do have to water them today I usually water them in the

Evening but I I did run my finger just around them so they could have room to grow but this is the ones that you mail in the mail if you could imagine they have grown yeah they’re beautiful so my black thumb baby done turn green it’s green

Jodie baby my black thumb ain’t black no more it’s green yeah I got a green thumb yeah so when you recognize me just say jod with the green Thum all right so anyway bye love you all bye-bye later later so this is my little Nikki bed and I’ve Harvest about

Four cabbages from this little bed thank you Nikki the OCD chick yeah this was a gift to me that she gave me H maybe it’s been 2 years now maybe but I’ve gotten a lot of food from this little four cell uh garden bed right but

Today I wanted to take up now I have a this is a dill I have it here now she is in the ground she’s in the ground I was going to take this one up but this is what I find on her you all see that wait a minute ah

There she is so there’s one here is another One there is a another one where are you baby wait wait wait wait oh boy wait where are you ah there she is there she is there’s another one right here somewhere wait ah there she is yeah so I’mma let it stay for a little while longer just to give them a chance

To get to their best life I hope you go fast but this one I have in the ground now I didn’t plant her a seed kind of fleu over year I guess and it came up but yeah there’s another one over here I’m already sure there’s more if I look

Around on this deal that you know there’s more of them here but I’m I’m going to have to get them up you know maybe in another week so hopefully you know they do their thing I’m going to harvest a lot of the deal from this one oh there’s another one look at that So this is a swallow tail this is a swallow tail butterfly yeah it’s a swallow tail yeah so and you know you know many may cut it away and get rid of them but many people love the butterfly but they don’t love the caterpillar so you know um I love the

Butterfly so I’m going to let her live because you cannot get the butterfly unless you deal with the caterpillar those are your choices yeah all right Guys I’m going to drop these seeds here I’m going to just drop about two of them and this is just where they’re going to start I’m going to move them also I’m going to drop my favorite uh eggplant it’s the Rosa Bianca so I’m going to drop these two

Seeds here but um they won’t stay I’m just going to drop them here right but this morning it’s about 11:00 this morning um Sunday morning and it is 58Β° out here but the sun the sun she’s sunning y’all she’s doing her thing this morning but let me drop my

Seats all right let’s see here here is one and I don’t want them close together because I don’t want no problems when I am pulling them apart and we’ll do a fourth one here so there’s four seeds here yeah get in that Mama what a fourth one at

Y’all oh there there it is right there all right all right now we got to drop two of these that’s all I want is to the walking stick kale now really y’all I don’t want it to get like that no I don’t need it all like that

Baby all right so now I’m just going to drop four seeds on this side I got to cover those up right now because I’ll never find him I will never find him again y’all so that’s F this is one I’m going just cover up all in this

Area and I have one more seed here let’s see I’mma put her right there all right there she go all right so this is my potatoes I planted maybe last month or so and I’m thinking I put two potatoes in here yeah that’s them they’re looking good yeah yeah there’s another one right

Here yeah she’s coming up so now I’m going to drop these potatoes so these are some potatoes I purchased from a local Nursery of course Rosies and I am going to get them in the soil just like that me cover them up maybe I get some more soil and put on here

Yeah let see we can get some more soil here cool beans if I don’t move it all right so now we got two containers of potatoes but I do have another one but I want um I have three more potatoes but I won’t drop them until maybe next month or so

Yeah so I’m sitting over here by my um this is my black Mission fig and a young lady she she emailed me and she asked me um she said she saw my video about the olive trees in the flowers she said that in that video I said when you’re looking at the flowers

You look looking at the fruits right so she said that she’s going to look for her flowers on her fig tree so I told her there’s one thing that the fig trees does not do the Fig Tree does not produce flowers a a matter of fact the Fig is

The flower so when you get a a fig if you open it up and turn it inside out you will see that it looks like a flower so this is the black m I’m sorry this is the uh black Italian and she already have some figs on

Her yeah let’s see there was another one yeah here’s another one right there see that but the fig trees does not produce flowers no no fake tree produces flowers all right as I was speaking of a swall tel there is a big swalla Tel butterfly she’s flying All Over the Garden maybe I

Could catch it but we’ll see but of course this is my pomegranate and I shared this with you all that that is her flower so I’m looking to see if I see more they are hard to to to see but there is more there is many

More on here I know I can’t find it on here but I’m going to go over there but there is many more and the flowers are bright and Beautiful on this variety just gorgeous gorgeous I’m looking forward to them yeah and this is the first Bloom on my um my

Blackberries yeah the blackberries she got her first balloon oh yeah baby we about to do this thing here Today so um Ben is he put down this he’s putting down this G Garden fabric over there and that is going to be for my melons and over here he’s going to do these bricks I’m going to put some Katrina bricks and just line them up over there I’m going to drop some

Um some flowers in some but I’m going to plant some other uh vegetables in them just going across uh the yard like that yeah yeah yeah Ben perfect and over there there that’s going to be of course wet a watermelon is going to be so I’m going to drop those seeds probably

Tomorrow um but I wanted to make sure that we have some fabric down because I didn’t want to be out there I don’t want all that grass growing over there yeah so right here this is just from another angle y’all uh I’m going to drop

Some seeds in um we’re going to put some soil in them and we going to drop the seeds in these Katrina bricks they working again these are anyway yeah it is about 7:30 and it’s still you have some daylight left out here you done Ben I’m done over there

You done oh but I mean you you could do the bags tomorrow Ben oh okay okay man 7:30 at night and we’re still outside uh-huh put it in there okay Ben okay I’ll do that so what what what Ben is going to do now he’s going to fill up 10 of my uh

Grow bags and uh I’m going to put them all against the fence but not this fence uh another fence on the other side and that is um half of them 10 is going to be for tomatoes and 10 is going to be for Peppers now I’m going to put peppers in

That bed and tomatoes is going to be in another bed I have another raised bed that I’m going to put a lot of H I’mma SK around my head y’all I’mma put a lot of um herbs and and celeries and stuff like that in it but that’s

What we’re going to do all right guys so I’m going end for tonight then is still working but I’m not I’m done all right Guys


  1. 4:02 beautiful iris.

    4:37 nice Jody

    5:47 awe Nikki bed πŸ’œ

    πŸ¦‹ coming

    Ohhh fried potatoes. πŸ˜‹

    I will get my potatoes into some soil this week.

    Lovely night view of the garden.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I’m trying to grow for food too. I’ve had some setbacks. It’s felt good not to purchase produce. Thanks for sharing your lovely garden and all of the lessons you’ve shared.😊🫢🏽

  3. Good job
    Ms. Linda your garden is coming along nicely. Thanks for sharing. I love the butterflies too.

  4. I got that Rosa bianca after hearing everyone say how much they like them. That shadow of you in the sunset would make a beautiful picture.

  5. Auntie you are wearing that hoodie!!! Come on tumeric. Yeah Jody!! You are so welcome. Your onions look great!!❀❀. Your Nikki bed is doing it. We need to try growing dill. We learned something about figs today. What's up Ben?? Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your day ❀️

  6. I love that you're always planting food, that is great.πŸŒ±πŸŒ³πŸƒπŸ₯”πŸ₯¬
    For the soil under the fingernails, I use a toothbrush while I'm washing my hands. It gets the job done.πŸͺ₯😊

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