Front Yard Garden

Garden Vlog | Adding Gravel | Daddy-Daughter Time

Hey there! I’m a dedicated gardener in Zone 9b (FL), aiming to inspire everyone to dive into the world of homegrown goodness. In this vlog, join me and my dad as we jazz up the garden beds, adding gravel to elevate the aesthetics. Let’s transform our outdoor space into a beautiful haven where nature and nurture coalesce. Come on this journey with us and let’s cultivate more than just plants – let’s grow a community of garden enthusiasts

Garden Beds by Vego Garden
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Good morning so we’re up early getting ready to do some landscaping for the garden we’re going to be buying some gravel to put down on the garden like under the garden beds to keep them nice and beautiful because grass keeps growing I’m going to show y’all real Quick All right so we did our measurements this is what everything is looking like so we’re going to go from here all the way over to where you see the girl bags and then we’re just going to do um from the round bed back to the longer bed

That way when our lawn um service comes they can still get their machine around and still manicure the yard well but we’re going to head over to the landscaping place now and it’s a little cold out here so we need to get Daddy let’s go get some coffee first yeah

Let’s go get some coffee first we’re going to get some coffee first and then we’re going to head over to the landscape business so I bring you guys with me BR all right so we are at the place and we’re going to go inside now um we measured the garden like outside

Before and so we’re going to go inside and pick out some gravel and see how much we need but uh we are going to get four yards of salt and pepper granite and they were really nice here um four yards of salt and pepper granite and we think that

That’s going to be enough we did some math we subtracted we so we did the length of the area and the width to get the square feet and then we uh calculated how much um what the square foot of each garden bed was and subtracted did that from the total so

That gave us about four yards we’re going to start with four yards if we need more we’ll come back um so we’re going to get it filled up in my dad’s truck right now this is big red big red can fit everything in it cows is up on

Big red big red can fit anything so we going to fill up now one yard time H get one yard time so we’re getting loaded up now that is the shoot so they’re going to put the gravel in there and it’s going to load up into the truck you can hear it

Now so we’re back at the house and um my Dad pulled the truck all the way back they can only load one yard at a time um because it’s a lot so he’s starting with the first load um I have some work to do so he’s going to go back and get the

Next load we’re going to unload that now and I will show you guys the process or the progress as we [Applause] finish listen y’all playing better than I plan okay I’m all over the place today but y’all playing better than me okay okay all right

Y’all look at my daddy daddy you got to say hey to the camera when you see it okay so y’all let me show y’all so far what my dad has done um okay one second so he uh moved the composter so we could get this cut back

Here and then um this is what it’s looking like so far this is only a yard so it looks really good y’all right like it looks really good I’m stepping on it I really like it y’all don’t judge this bed I got to get that but it looks

Really good yeah I like it so uh we still have um some more truck load this is what it looks like so far my dad doesn’t think we need to uh when I F in this I’ll see all I got to do is fill let this

Come around here fill that in fill this in yeah see he’s thinking we’re not going to need all that we bought so this is just a yard and he’s not even done yet so we might um end up we’ll see if the place um how they do things um we

May just need to get like one more truckload and then that might might actually be enough so uh we’re going to see how that goes but this is really good it feels really good to step on I’m so excited cuz it’s going to look so pretty and aesthetically pleasing and I

Cannot wait uh to just be sitting out here and giving you guys content from look at that it’s looking good daddy M it looks really good y’all I cannot wait and if you’re interested in what this is this is salt and pepper isn’t it salt and pepper Granite Granite Granite Granite um 38

Um 38 is the size The Rock size and we got enough so it can be 2 Ines deep and I think that maybe we don’t need it to be 2 in deep and that might be why we probably feel like it’s enough where it

Is but um I keep you guys posted on the progress the Ed this is all you need right here see how see how W I went out about that wide yeah that look good Daddy I went out about that wide very precise I was going to go down the line

I was going to fill this in go down the line square that up and then go in between and just see how much more we going to need oh you say you want to try to go on and do this so I wish I wish that weed on back my

Truck would work oh there you go yes let’s go all right so y’all this is where we are almost done this is just a yard so we’re going to go back and see what we can do cuz we don’t need as much as we ordered so stay tuned all right y’all so

We’re back um getting our second load of rocks so we realized we only need two yards because we don’t want it to be piled uh 2 in so um they refunded us for two yards and we’re only going to get one more yard and that should take care of the

Garden and Daddy just getting the the truck in position and they’ll be putting the rocks in here he comes let me show y’all there’s the guy with the Rocks coming around and now he’s going to put them inside of the green thing and they’re going to fill into the truck and then

We’re going to scoop them out and this is another yard so we had a little bit of space that still needed rocks and then we’re going to just fill in um other parts to kind of make it a little bit more um some of the little

Patches some of the parts that were like patches we fill that up we’ll be done you good you good you good appreciate you man oh you need so we’re done um I so appreciate my daddy y’all y’all I told y’all I’m a daddy’s girl I think

But anybody that know me know I’m a daddy’s girl my dad got six turn and we all his favorite so um but I appreciate having him cuz he always come through he a tourist and if you know anything about tourist they like things to be beautiful

Right so he wanted the garden to be very beautiful for me so thank you Daddy you’re welcome baabe you’re welcome for all your help and we got our last load and we about to head on out all right y’all so we’re on the last yard my husband is over there helping out now

And it looks so so so so good um I’m so glad that the people were um willing to let us return well we didn’t have to return it they just gave me a refund for the extra two yards that we didn’t need and so we’re just getting um we just

Ended up needing two yards if you’re going to do a project like this I recomend recommend that you take your time and do your math um especially if the place where you’re getting your supplies from especially if they’re delivering it number one or if the place that you’re getting your supplies from

Is very far from you and you’re only going to be able to do like one trip do take your time um use your um square foot calculator online and make sure that you do your length of the area and your width but subtract anything that’s

In side this is kind of where we went a little wrong um we did we did subtract the um square feet of the rectangle beds but we could not do it for the round beds and so that’s kind of where our calculation was a little off and also it

Was off because we thought we wanted it 2 in deep but we realized we don’t need it to be 2 in high basically and so that’s why our measurements were a little bit off and so if you don’t have that opportunity um to go back and forth

The place is very close to us so we can do that definitely take your time and do your calculations right and maybe even ask like a landscaping person that uses these type of materials to help you to make sure that you get the right calculations [Applause] He He N He So I have a few tips about adding gravel to your garden so tip number one is going to be to remove any grass or weeds that’s already on on um the ground around where you’re going to put your gravel right now what you see me doing is spraying vinegar and water because we

Did not do that and the grass and the weeds are growing up through the gravel you can also use landscape fabric a heavyduty landscape fabric to lay down to kind of kill the grass and weeds my second tip is if you get your grass cut by someone or you use a

Landscaper um tap into their resources so we were doing this on the day that um our landscapers came to cut the grass like in the front and they were like oh we could have got you a discount on those rocks so to save you guys money if

You’re listening to this if you get somebody to cut your grass you have a landscaper check with them because they can probably get discounts and they may even be able to help you with measuring everything out and those are really my biggest tips I’m very happy with how

This came out we’re not done yet we’re going to add some borders around to really clean it up and make it look nice and beautiful but until then thank you for watching don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel check me out on Instagram Tik Tok and Facebook and also my website at happy gardening sh


  1. Love it!! I’m thinking about adding gravel to my new garden! Have you heard about the black lining to prevent weeds from coming through? Might be a little late for you.. lol. But do you know if the weeds will continue to come through?? Otherwise I’ll save my coins and not get the liner.

  2. The gravel added that extra umph to ur garden. I just wanted to input that a cheaper route to kill weeds and keep them from emerging through the gravel is cardboard. I have a stock pile of boxes thanks to Amazon lol. I broke them down and use them at the base of my raised beds as well as ground cover before I place my gravel and paver stones down. The small area I placed gravel without the cardboard, the gravel eventually disappeared due to settling into the ground.

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