Container Gardening


In this video I planted: Swiss Chard, Kale, Arugula, Lettuce, Lemon Balm, Collard Greens, Cilantro, Sweet Peppers and Cherry Tomatoes.

Here are a few people that I have been watching for amazing information on continuing my container garden. There are plenty of ppl and videos out here, those are just to name a few. So of course do your own research and figure out what works best for you. RUN YOUR OWN RACE!! Make gardening work for YOU!!


* The Thrifted Planter
*Ashley Honeywood
*Yellow Door Urban Homestead
*In The Garden
*The Gardening Sisters
*Faith Family Homestead
*Lasha’s Homestead
*Broke Farmer
*Veggie PHARMing



All right y’all happy Saturday so uh welcome back to the channel I’m speaking as if y’all know what’s going on but anyway this is sort of kind of like a continuation of a previous video um yes but no so anyway excuse me I’m outside on my

Balcony and I am getting ready to do some early winter SE starting and redoing some of my today I went to Walmart and I bought some um this is one and it was only $2 so I want to try to revive it it’s called a um red

Vein it’s an exotic angel plant so I’m G see if I can revive it and I got two uh fiddle leaves they look good but I was going to possibly going to repot those but anyway um I picked up some stuff from Walmart fish fertilizer and this this is also for my

Seeds for um you know getting my garden going or whatever y’all let me tell you something I’ve previously shown y’all my bathroom some of my stuff the roots or whatever here like this one this one was still out here it has I put some water on it the other day this was green

Onions when it got cold I just let everything di cuz I just assumed that’s what would happen so along beh as I’ve been doing some research green onions is something that I actually grow with in the winter so I watered it and y’all already there’s a little piece in there this

One as you can see that little green sticking up I put some water on it it’s already Sprout and growing up too so they never really DED off so I’m going to see what they do um my tomatoes of course they dried up but they’re still

The the stems or the branches are still available so I don’t know if I’m actually cut them off I’m going see if they come back so I’m not going to bother water but I’m not going to bother also yall I’m just learning you know I’m

Learning as I go so give me some Grace and talk to me nice I don’t mind you tell me anything in the comments but talk to me nice so um I’m learning that course like I say as I go so I’m picking and choosing you

Know how you eat the meat and spit out the bones sort of like what I’m doing so I’m going to pick and choose and do as I see fit um I appreciate all the information that of course that I have been learning from you guys but again

I’m going to do it how I want to do it so that’s just that um I met this man I was in Walmart today and uh we were just talking and I went to get some from n but I was I never used that last year I

Never even used any of this last year nor that I use this my sh and I grew some stuff but I figur to why not give it some extra it might do better and plant it in a little bigger pots and different things like that so we’re going to

See um we’re going to see everything is trial and error with me because again I’m still learning and I’m going to take the advice and the information that I get from here on the internet but I’m also going to do my thing too because I got

To learn and know um for myself so um how that is I showed you guys in previous videos from the Dollar Tree the soil that I bought so also too y’all for new gardeners like myself because this stuff can get expensive and I want to feed myself and

Feed my family but also on our budget because just like everything is so freaking expensive so get the information that you need and then do what you need to do with it if that makes sense because that’s what I’m doing because I’m just not gonna be able

To get any and everything and then some some of it to me my opinion is just not needed because think about it back in the days they didn’t have all this stuff that we have now and they grew everything and the garden was amazing so with that being said again

I’m going to take the meat and spit out the bones and I’m going to figure out what works best in my garden but I am going to use this bone meal and I am going to use this fish fertilizer and I’m going to plant some stuff so I’m

Going to do some winter sewing and I’m going to do some things I’m going to bring outside some I’m going to keep inside to get it a head start um and get things going so that I can you know of course have food already so anyway Y

What I’m doing now is I’m just breaking up the soil so let me show y’all bring if you see right here I’m just um this is that whole bag that I showed you guys so I’m just working it up and I’m going to add these two to it so I’m

Going to read and figure out how much I need I’m going to repot this one and then I’m going to plant some of the other things that I have I’m going to start PL it also y’all let me show you something keep some of your containers I think I

Got might have a water jug or something in there too of course I learn this off the internet and then this just came to my mind the other day when I had strawberries that I was throwing out so I washed these containers and kept them so what I’m going doing is perfect

Because they already got little holes on them for water drainage so I’m going to plant some stuff in it and then I’m going to close it down and you know we’ll see how how that goes that’s something that you can use also to you know star seeds in or whatever

Plus I told you I showed you guys the aluminum pan that I want and that has that Dome I’m going to use that the Winer stuff I’m going bring out here the other things I’mma leave inside and do a indoor garden um and just let mother nature

Take its course and um you know when it germinates is when it germinates and then when it’s ready to come outside then I’ll bring it out here you know I’ll gradually ease it out um and let it get acclimated to the temperatures but the winter stuff I’m going to just go

Ahead and leave it outside covered but I’m going to go ahead and leave it outside and U let it do what it do if it if it does something that’s fine if it doesn’t it’s no big deal either I’m still learning we figured out I have plenty of

Seeds and I’ll just plant some also with the coconut core I learned some of my stuff with the coconut core that’s all I used in it last year was just the coconut coil no wonder it was so dry I was watering like every day cuz I’m like what the heck I

Wasn’t understanding but that is good for yes SE starting according to you guys what I’m learning and also you can mix that in with the soil so this year because I have a lot of it I’m going to be mixing it with the dirt with the

Soil and plant like that so yeah that’s what we’re going to be doing so now what I’m going to go ahead and do is get this dirt broken you know mixed up or whatever add my ingredients in here and then I’ll come back and show you guys what I have going

On all right you guys so so far I just mix in the the bone meal and I did like two uh spoons of this y’all it’s hard for me to actually know for real if I put enough prayerfully I hope that I did because um it’s it’s yeah again do your

Own thing cuz I’m just doing my own thing and I’m winging it so I’m trying to make sure that I got it mixed up really good and then I’m going to add the fish fertilizer and then we’re going to about to say plate everything up and then we’re going to start putting everything

Inside of the um buckets and y’all do you know I should have known this but crazy me didn’t bone meal is nothing but dried up bones like I watched a video on it and people just save their bones dehydr well you know as they sit up they’re going to dry or put

Them in the freezer however then then boil them crock pot or instant pot whatever dry them out um after you dry them out and then they um blend them and that’s it bone meal that’s why I say this stuff can be so cost effective once we learn what we learn

And learn how to do it and what to do it can work for you so to me my opinion do what works for you all right y’all so let me get this um this going a little bit more and then I’ll add my fish emotion okay all right so far as this

I’m only going to do it says one tablespoon so I’m just going to use one cap I’m going to take that as a tablespoon and it’s dark brown in color don’t smell too bad if y’all can see what it looks like and that’s what it looks like and then I’m going to add

This to this bucket of this thing of water prayerfully that’s enough I’m going take this inside and rinse it off and then I’m just going to Stir It Up and then we’re going to pour it into the dirt let’s give it a little bit more for good measure just looks like cloudy muddy

Water y’all so let me get that poured in the dirt I’m me show yall what it’s looking like mud hopefully y’all can see it and actually I think I did me like CU this bag according to the bag size and according to what I originally put one C full that’s all you

Need and so this kind of smell like I can smell the fish smell y’ smell like wet dog a little bit to me but yeah according again like I said according to the bag size and according to the instructions on the bottle I put enough mine is the extra

So I might add something else cuz this is real I know it probably shouldn’t be this way I may add some more dirt or some coconut cor to it cuz it shouldn’t be this wet when we add the seeds I do know that so yeah let me go ahead and add some

Um coconut por to this and like I said come back and show yall what I got going on all right y’all so I’m tired several hours later I don’t know could could be two I’m not sure but I’m tired um I plan it let me just turn yall

Around and show y’all what I did so this is collar greens I need to cover it um those are the two I didn’t do anything to those um these this is Swiss chart and this is kale I just got them sitting sitting here the S chart and the

Kale in this I still got to plant something in this I use these little grow pots right here originally I was just going to plant everything just dirt and put the seeds in here but since I had bought these from Dollar Tree I figured I’d do that so um let’s see

What this is lettuce arugula I think this is lemon Balb sweet pepper cherry tomatoes and cilantro yeah that’s lemon balm I’mma put a little water on them and keep them covered up I did repot this this is the one that I got from um Trader Joe’s allocation Morocco is what it’s called so that is that um what else I did I did

Repot this this is a piece Lily I did repot that and I did repot this hope and pray that it picks up this the one I got for $2 I hope it do something y’all and uh the red vine is what it’s called and I put some things under it so

Fingers crossed that it does something um I did the rest of the fishy motion that I had left I just poured on the plants and I’m going to go get some wrap and color cover up these collar greens so that they can um you know get some moisture in them

And germinate and we’re work on these another day as of right now they’re okay I put some fish fertilizer on them so I need to put a thing up under it so right now they are fine so yeah y’all I didn’t record and let y’all see me doing um like planting them

Because I mean you get the gist of it hope and pray y’all we’re going to cross our fingers that um the bone meal works with the fishy motion hopefully I didn’t do too much of either but we’ll see I mean we got more seeds we’ll start over I’m early starting

Anyway so even if I did that’s fine we can just start over so we’re going to get um we’re going to get off here we’re going to end this I’ve straightened up outside I’m going to put these seeds in a ziplock bag and that’s the end of that y’all

I fried some oyster mushrooms y’all so good they do taste like chicken I’m going to insert a picture probably right here or right here but the fried o i mean the oan mushrooms I fried them they do they’re good to me 10 out of 10 I I’ll take that

I’ll definitely take that so we’re going I’m going get off here y’all um thank y’all so much for watching let me know what y’all growing or if you going to grow anything let me know y’all the way this food so how we to do something but

Anyway let me get off y’all let me know what you’re going to do and I will talk to you guys in the next video bye


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