Gardening Trends

Urban Homesteading | Chicken Banter | Planting Onions & Pulling Broccoli | O The Weeds (Fam & Me)

Scratch & Peck Feed and Grubs: Use Discount Code “asia15”.

IG: @yellowdoorurbanhomestead
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Vego Garden Bed: 🌱 Use Code: msasiaspratley10 for 10% additional Off Our 17″ Tall 10 1 Modular Garden Bed Kit! 🌱

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Hello yep okay Okay hello welcome to Yellow door Urban Homestead I am Asia and I’m a urban guard growing in a small space out in my Backyard and it has been super rainy here so we have to clean out well we have to clean out the CP today um but we also need to put some bedding down on the ground for them because muddy is like a understatement and someone has decided

She’s going to lay her eggs on the ground which is not a good thing when you uh would like to eat them and I don’t wash mine I leave them on the counter someone asked me why I do not put my uh eggs in the refrigerator because chickens lay Bloom on the

Outside of their eggs and it’s a protective coat so with that being said oh my goodness two of them have decided to lay their eggs on the Grail we got to get that under control um so you don’t have to put them in the refrigerator um

For a certain amount of weeks I have to look that up cuz I don’t want to give bad information I’ll put it on the but you can leave them on the counter for a certain amount of time and you don’t have to wash them um so that’s why

I don’t put my eggs in the fridge If we’re honest the person did not ask me why I don’t put them in the fridge they said they don’t understand why I leave them on the counter but that’s why in in case it was you that left that comment I

Don’t want to misspeak you did not ask you just said you don’t understand why I don’t we’re going to get these girls taken care of today I um cleaned out the Quil toe inside today and the whole entire laundry room um because that needed to be done I’ve done a lot today

If I’m honest I don’t have half of the things that I need out here with me right now I need a basket cuz my daughter is absolutely not getting the chicken eggs like she is supposed to so let me go get a Basket why are you up there girl She is so nosy y’all this the one who always getting out oh she nosy she all in my basket there’s somebody back here packing me what in the whole entire world that is not nice get away from me not nice hey peace that’s my favorite

Girl right there ow stop it not cool cut it out no no go away y’all it smell like a whole Farm over here and at some point they started kicking over their food which we have in this which we always put it in something like this um we had the little feeder at

One point but it was easier for us to use this now they to start kicking this over in what world where is my gloves I’m about to get them some treats so they can stop holling somebody’s butt need to be clean again she didn’t hit the whole thing so

This company sent me these um they’re called scratch and pack feed um these are grubs they I’ve been I’ve been using them they seem to really love them that’s the name right there a little bit easier they also sent me some feed in time because I made a mistake and left

The top off of their chicken feed so I got to clean that out today too uh these are sustainably sourced grubs high in protein um for chickens and pets and I was looking this up online it was like for dogs and all kinds of stuff oh yeah

It does it says for dogs cats and birds y’all see that I ain’t gave my dog none I don’t know if it’s just me being weird or or what but anyway we’re going ready put this stuff down we going to clean the inside of the C out because I ain’t

Going to lie I had this in the back of my car I did not bring it to the back my son went to work out and his body was hurting him so now we got to clean the whole cop cuz it’s way too much poop in there it’s a beautiful day out here

Today though hey could you move I need you to come out come on NOP no NOP come on that’s baby not want to work with me yeah it’s a beautiful day it is March Sunday March what third I guess beautiful day out here but we going to get this stuff done while we

Have a beautiful day I’m also going to plan out my onions because I looked at the forecast and we don’t have any freezes um this week for the next I want I think it’s the 7 day that shows up on Apple so we don’t have any freezes this

Week and if you follow me on Instagram you know that one of my shelves in that new Greenhouse fell over and um some of my onions fail so they just kind of sitting on the ground I picked up what I could and put it back into the Container

But that wasn’t all of them and they’re not super big yet but we’re still going to ah got it attempt to uh go ahead and plant them out because they have been outside in that Greenhouse so they should be okay and I know everybody’s going to tell me make sure I put them

Mask on when doing my chicken stuff I never remember the mask I never ever remember the mask that’s not a good thing so I’m not telling anybody not to I’m not saying that I don’t need to I’m just saying I never remember it okay so making progress on this this is not one

Of my favorite things it really isn’t I absolutely I kind of dislike it honestly oh there’s another egg in there I missed it and then I don’t know if someone laid a soft egg or if someone pecked it and ate it I’ve never had an issue with them pecking

Their own egg so it might have been someone laid a soft egg now how did that work out for you why are you being like this today Betty is on a roll y’all that’s one of my black sex links by the way I put a link

To those grubs and the chicken feed if you’re interested like if you want to look it up or want to try it pretty sure there’s a discount code with it too so something I haven’t done in a while cuz I always always forget is nail camam I completely skipped February on the nail

Cam well on getting my nails done at all completely skipped it didn’t realize it until yesterday when I went to get my nails done any who nail Cam that red one she did something with a magnet and all kinds of stuff um to get it to look like that it looks like

Glass I think it’s really cute look at look at this one she is not being nice today she’s on a roll like all in my way girl girl girl and she was being mean early and kept pecking me she made me mad who is that girl if you don’t get

From over here you battle you’ve been trying to pluck my nerves since I got out here go on Now she going knock my camera over Oh on Somewhere So I got some of the chicken feed that the company sent me it looks good like it’s definitely grains I’m not sure oh about the F they seem to like it so far pecking scratch is what it’s called come on pie get you some girl yeah they seem to like

It definitely I I have to look at the ingredient show you the bag I don’t want to say something that’s not in there but they seem to like it okay so we are done with the chickens and the quail care but it looks so much better over here and I know they’re

Going to be so much happier look at them they are eating that food y’all they must really like it we G to see how it goes but like I said it’s going to be a link um and I’m pretty sure they gave me a discount code they offered it to me

But also gave me a discount code in the link so if you’re interested in trying it by the way let’s go look at the bag real quick it’s up on the porch because I need to dump are we fuzzy I feel like we’re fuzzy because I need to dump the

Feed that got wet but I’m not going to worry about that tonight for one my trash can is full but I probably could put it in the compost pile either way I’m not doing that tonight it’s getting a little late but I’m going to show y’all the

Bag okay so you got the feeding guide and it’s got feeding for chickens layers broilers turkeys goats sheeps and pigs um apparently you can Sprout it it’s whole grains that’s what it is so cool right um born from clean born from the need for clean quality feed scratch pack

Feed cool right all right let’s see if it tells us so basically it is a soyf free whole grain raw organic feed grains um from a family farm so yeah that’s what it is okay next thing we need to do well what I want to do like I said if you uh

Follow me over on Instagram you know my onions fail so there are some still down here if you can see there’s still green so there’s some down there that I want to plant anything that’s left anything that’s left we’re going to get those planted this is the cenda that fail um

Anything that’s left in the onion thing back there we’re going to plant those out there’s some more Cinda uh oh by the way these are the ranunculus they’re looking good I don’t think we’re fuzzy but we might be fuzzy if we’re fuzzy I’m sorry y’all those are

The nerum which I’m not doing anything with the these fell over too and no Ginger just yet which I probably should take that Ginger back in the house cuz Ginger likes heat and even with our warmest days I don’t think it’s like that warm for it so I’m probably

Going to take the ginger back in the house but and also probably the sweet potatoes cuz they like heat and I think having them out here is not my best option but anyway we’re going to start planting some stuff I didn’t get anything in the uh turmeric either but

It’s okay um I am loving this greenhouse and I know people were saying you’re G to have to do something to hold it down I might I haven’t had to yet it did knock over one of the shelves like the shelf that was over here and I think

It’s cuz this is full of water so when it did move with the wind it knocked the Shelf over which is how I lost some onions but it’s [Applause] okay so we’re going to plant one like little uh we’re going to plant like one tray at at a time because I’m going to

Plant in the bricks today um we also need to pour the broccoli which I am going to do because I’m going to give it to the chickens but I wanted to clean their area out before I put this over here cuz it was pretty gross so matter

Of fact let’s go ahead pull the broccoli first throw that over into the chickens um and then we also need to do some fertilizing to the soil to revamp it but we’re not going to uh plant anything in it right now we just need to go ahead

And fertilize it so it can start to break down so when it is time to plant we can plant in it um but I am also going to put some onions in these beds so like I’m going to have onions everywhere I want all the onions they want it now my daughter is

Putting the feeder block out so I did grab my book where I have planned out my gardening I will put a link to that video if you are interested I hope you can see this it’s kind of bright out here but anyway I grabbed my book so

That I can see where I need to plant some of these on onions if we get all the blocks planted and we have more left um that’s why we only do it one at a time anyway I grabbed my book we’re going to go ahead and pull this broccoli

Out give it to the chickens so theyve gotten some new feed today they’ve gotten a feeder block and they about to get some broccoli they they eating good today nope it’s that BR Allen all right so I do pull mine if you have been here

For a while you know that I pull my plants out at this point because my beds seem to have been root bound I don’t ever want to have to dig up a root bound garden bed ever again so yes I do pull my plants by the way there’s a lot of

Little broccoli Sprouts on here so once you get the broccoli head if you keep it in you can get this tiny little broccoli off of it and you get a few of them if I see something that’s big enough I’ll go ahead and take them

Uh you can put them in some ranch eat them raw or you know I fry mine you can also make a small pot of broccoli whatever you want to do but um the leaves are edible I don’t eat broccoli leaves that’s why I’m going to give the

Whole thing to the chickens and let them enjoy it and then get eggs from it girl look at her in this chicken she went to give him the chicken block she left the plastic in the CP the block is sitting in the middle of the run I said if you

Don’t fix that you better anyway look at her all right let’s get these out of here let’s get these out here so we get to working it’s like 3 something in the evening so you know we going to end up running out of light soon but these plants don’t owe

Me nothing y’all I mean don’t owe me nothing look at the root wow oh she going she going to go I need to grab my gloves so I can get as much of the soil off of the roots and back down into the ground oh wow look at all of these worms

Y’all how you probably won’t be able to see but can I get can y’all see puppy get down worms are good in your soil if you see worms that’s a good side and they’re also helping to uh break up the organic matter in your soil so that’s a

Good thing I’m about to go find my gloves no hey hey BR um she eat broccoli puppy eat broccoli no oh she don’t like broccoli no all right wait as I don’t know do all right no that was oh here see if she want this she took

It spit it out spit out oh she spit it out don’t you waste my hard grown food puppy my dog does not eat broccoli I thought she did she does not let’s put all of that b she right there too puppy you don’t like my broccoli she terrible sheing on the

Ground very nice root system so we got off as much of the soil as we could it’s mostly root left um I do see some worms I’m going to try to put them back it’s not a lot but this was like my best performing plant this

One did good got a nice big head on it but coming to the end of the season at It All right so there is broccoli over in the bed by the compost pile we’re leaving that because it started to actually produce a little bit later those broccoli plants were pretty much spent and eventually they were going to flower and there’s nothing wrong with allowing your plants to flow um it’s

Actually really good for the pollinator I’m going to let some of my other things go to flour um because I’m trying to get these beds ready um and so the things that are leafy greens I’m going to let them flower the bigger plants um I’m going to go ahead and pull them out

We’re going to leave all of this cabbage for now cuz I’m very hopeful I’m very hopeful that we’re going to get some cabbage like an actual cabbage head if not we’ll eat the cabbage leaves but anyway we’re going to leave those um we’re going to go ahead

And start to plant the onions in the holes um and we’re probably going to end up ending this video I’m just happy to be outside y’all already knew I was going to say that she had that chicken in my house y’all I thought she was about to tell me

That chicken pooped in my house about say now you wait one good minute ma’ your she didn’t poop in my house apparently listen in the next few weeks we about to like bump it up right we getting potatoes planted out in bags which means we got to clean these bags

Out but um cuz there’s a bunch of weeds that grew in them and my my thought on that is yes is going to use some of the nutrient and stuff that’s in there but also at the same time um it’s covering the soil so that’s my look of of it in

In the bags the beds also have quite a bit what is happening what is happening anyway the beds have quite a bit of weeds in them too so you know we about to get who is that it’s puppy trying to puppy no puppy no thank you um so anyway we going to

Move along to just start dropping these onions in the hole that’s pretty much all we about oh girl puppy stop I’m talking the okay so we’re going to start in the holes over here um and I have learned that you don’t have to and this

Is in my garden in my backyard not sure how it works you know for other people but I’ve had way more success planting my onions less deep so these are my onions these are are the Texas Early Gro so glad they didn’t fall I’ve had really good somebody’s riding a motorcycle I’ve

Had really good success with these so I’m glad these aren’t the ones that fail and they came up and they look really good so excited about that um onions don’t mind having their Roots disturb there goes their Roots they’re looking good so we’re literally just going to

Start pulling them apart so that’s one onion sprout right there and I’m going to put them back in the container just because I don’t want them to get uh smooshed or anything all right so right here is the onion and I’m not going to plant it that

Deep like that I’m going to make sure the roots are down so I’m going to make a hole big enough for the root to go down but I’m not going to plant the onion very deep I just found that this is what works best for me um when I

Planted them deep I hardly got any onions so so um this is how I’m going to do mine also the holes of the bricks they dry out much faster so I now going to have to make sure I come out here and water cuz in order to ensure these uh

Seedlings survive they have to be moist in order to settle into the soil so that’s what we’re doing so many onions in that one little flat and I am so excited and I’ve also found that I do better starting my onions from seed If we’re honest all of these holes right

Here they already had onion seeds in but I just don’t do well with coming out to water and so this is what happens when you don’t keep seeds wet they don’t they don’t grow I’m throwing that over there into the asparagus bed for now but we will absolutely be moving that these are

Some weeds that was in the holes of the brick cuz the weeds be growing the weeds don’t care what time year it is they going to Grow so we just putting it all around the garden y’all look at all these weeds this is crazy oh puppy you like the broccoli she not eating that pupp is playing with that I mean weeds for days y’all and they grew huge if it and you know what it could be

Something that is useful to me but you know me if I don’t know what it is I ain’t eating it anybody know what this is if you do tell me I don’t plant in this block because I don’t know what what that is so I don’t plant in this

Block but and I’m sure somebody going to be like but you plant your food inside of it you right but I don’t plant my food in the holes of it so that’s just my personal thing and then there are already um garlic there’s already garlic in some of the blocks so we’re gonna

Have garlic and onions going all the way around all the beds pretty excited about that go puppy go puppy go my daughter is getting the dog to eat broccoli she’s pretty excited about that and then I think this is berock it’s got a very

Deep root but I always pull it out cuz I didn’t plant berock but I could also be wrong about that which is why which is why I don’t eat it it’s giving the verock look I mean the weeds took over and the flower bed look terrible but we

Going to clean this out cuz this is I want to put some of the Cinda over here by the way I meant to tell y’all I think I realize the motorcycle must be on this street but anyway I think I realized what I’m going to do with the flower bed

A lot of herbs medicinals and stuff they uh can live in poor conditions just like these weeds are so I’m going to make this my um herb slash manal B bed instead of trying to always only have flowers in it that’s my plan I’m pulling these weeds out completely

Got off track something smells like cilantro I had cilantro in this bed before it may be some cilantro somewhere out here cuz oh I’m ridiculous I planted cilantro these look terrible but we just need to get them in the ground they fine those the ones that was in the house that I

Told yall we won’t doing the normal hardening off process still alive still fine oh my goodness all right let me get back to work cuz I done found these weeds and I’m just all on pulling the weeds right now where you going to be able to pull these

Cabbages the cabbages ain’t heading up baby can you give me my stool not what stool the only stool I use she said what she said what stool girl my hom and garden trans St can I get it please which by the way a few people have asked

Over on Instagram where where I got that stool from um it is home and garden Trends and there is always a link there is always a link Down Below in the YouTube videos if you were also you can hand it to me right here I’m just on my

Knees and I would rather not be and if I don’t have to be because I have a stool why not thank you yeah we love this stool we love it we literally have gotten super duper off track right now super duper off track we are out here pulling weeds at

This point look at all these weeds y’all that all came out of the flower bed good gracious a lie yeah so this is the stool y’all seen it before but I love it still still pulling weeds that’s one thing about gardening you come outside and do one thing you going to see other

Stuff and people say like don’t spend all day out here I love being out here I love it especially now that um well since we had to go through that winter it’s still winter so I’m saying it like it’s over but it’s not but yeah

I need I need to do this anyway because I’m very much rambling I’m sorry y’all you can skip past this but I’m going to plan out the rest of them onions eventually but I need to do this because I definitely plan to put quite a bit of

Cinda over here I was going to have to do it anyway and the unfortunate part about like gardening and when it’s not yet summer is that if you work a a full-time job you don’t have time to do it in the evening so I’m making I’m

Making all the use of this day all the use here’s those them Sweet Spanish Onions I mean just sitting in water y’all this terrible I’m probably going to go ahead and um plant these out today too as well as these remember we had planted some and it didn’t have good

Germination those are some of them too Lord the weeds then started growing in here yeah look that’s weeds started growing in the container so we going to go ahead and make sure we get these planted out too cuz they are much older than the ones that we have already been

Planting now all of the blocks I planted on this bed we going to move over to some of the other beds soil is looking good right now it’s not it’s not giving root bound see I could take my hand right down in there and this is where a broccoli was so that

Makes me happy because last year o well yeah last year after summer when I didn’t have good luck well I didn’t have the best luck I’m not going to say good luck cuz things did grow in my beds I started trying to figure out what was

Wrong it was the soil I do believe the soil was pretty much root B so we got so many weeds to pull and I put leaves over this this year and the weed still came through I’m not saying anything about doing uh mulching I’m just saying they still definitely came through last year

I put my onions in a lot earlier so we’ll see what happens cuz onions grow based off of the day link so we going to get them planted and see what happened cuz I always say even if they don’t grow to a bulb you can use the green and make

A onion powder I did that last year um I had I used the green but I also used the small white uh the small bulb worked really well let going show y’all this leak that’s been in here in this hole for I don’t know how long I forgot about

It and it is nice size leak I should have put some leaks in the hole cuz we got a bunch of them to plan out too the way I look at it onions and leaks garlic they can go in pretty small spaces and still grow so these are red burgundy onions

These are some that we had planted out together okay my battery is going dead so I’m going to get these planted out I hope you enjoyed this video if you did don’t forget to like share subscribe don’t forget to visit me over on Instagram where I post about the things

Going on in the garden almost every day bye y’all


  1. I ran soaker tube along the pockets since none of the emitters sizes lined up well enough. Works wonders for keeping the pockets watered

  2. I think that weed you pulled was chickweed. It is edible for people but chickens love it though. You should try giving any weeds you find in your garden to your chickens, they will eat what’s edible for them and leave the inedible stuff alone as long as they aren’t starving. I do it with my chickens all the time, they’re pretty smart.

  3. Hey Ms Asia, I'm glad u do u. I seeded onions a few weeks back and they weren't so sturdy like someone else's vid I watched and I thought it was a failure. They're kind of limp some of them, didn't know I could still up plant them. 🌱. Thanks for sharing #Learningeveryday

  4. My onion started wilting! I forgot to close my window last night and it was cold. I’m hoping they get some life back into them!

  5. I just found your channel with this video popping into my feed, so glad it did. Having a homestead where I can raise chickens is one of my bucket list goals, so I had to sub! Maybe you can put a brick in the bottom on the pail you're using for chicken feed? Then they can't knock it over, ornery chickens!

  6. I saw you on another channel and almost cried from excitement, honey. I don’t know how long ago that was when you were interviewed but I’m a big fan and was braggin to the family as if you were a cousin lol. Love your content and your lovely nails.

    So much LOOOOVE from KS!

  7. Girl the chipmunks are wreaking havoc on my raised beds right now!!! Have you seen/heard/know any tips on getting this controlled???

  8. you can also waterglass your eggs to give them an even longer shelf life too in case yall don't know 😊

  9. Loved this video! I'm in Virginia too, so your channel is really teaching me a lot! Your daughter holding the chicken and the pitbull behind her in a pink tutu dress was too cute! 🥰

  10. So glad for another new videos they are the best❤ I’m sticking to this your daughter needs a worm farm 😁I love my worm farm

  11. Great video. My girls(hens) are the same way…doing the most 😂 Serious question though, i am a woman who since gardening hands look like im a mechanic lol. How do you garden with those nails? (This is really a serious question)

  12. I just found you from YouTube suggested— I love you immediately!!!! So excited to follow along!!!!!!! My chickens peck at me when they think it’s food or a bug had one peck at a piece of straw stuck on my boot 🙄😂

  13. I love the block idea I have a pile of them and have been wanting raised beds…… hmmmmmmm may be a good spring project! 😊

  14. Hey Asia! I love the style of your videos, it’s more like a vlog , very relaxing for me before bed. You seem like a very nice person too, I enjoy your channel.

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