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I also grow Flowers from seed and plugs its always a challenge to grow something new every year follow me this year as i will be making videos of everything i plant and sow & how to grow
Spring & Summer will be here before you know it
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Ivans Garden UK
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Can’t believe just asked on it yesterday really  nice and bright it’s so brilliant if you got   plants in your Greenhouse that you’re trying  to bring on a little bit because we have had   quite a few weeks of low light levels so it’s  going to help these onions put a bit size on  

You can see that although they’re growing ain’t  growing very fast and they’re spring onions and   that beetroot is pretty much the same as it were  when we looked at it a couple of weeks ago so we  

Welcome any amount of sunshine that we can get  at this time of year and apparently we’ve got   five continuous days of sunshine on way next  week but that comes with a price because it’s   going to be nice and clear and sunny at day the  temperatures are going to really drop at night  

And the latest update is that between Monday  and Friday they’re going to vary between minus   two and minus four so although we appreciate  that little bit of warmth that we’re getting   in greenhouse and that extra brightness  to bring us plants on we got to be very  

Careful at night because Frost is going to wipe  a lot of plants out if you don’t protect them so   we’re back on fleece again today unfortunately  which is why I said don’t put your fleece away   just yet I’m not going to cover anything up now  because we’re going to take advantage of that

Sunshine but it’s there when I need it later  on and I’ll just cover everything up just to   be safe I noticed that one of these strawberry  plants started to get new growth on it already  

We still got a little bit of old stuff  on here which I just get rid of as I see   it but if you look inside there we’ve got all  brand new growth there and there’s a couple of   little strawberries on there as well which  is pretty amazing for this time of year so  

Although P did say don’t rush into seed sewing  don’t mean you can’t come out just do a little   bit maintenance get lots of weeds in these  little pots you don’t want it taking up rot   space Little Flower on it as well down here  so I’m just going around today since it’s not  

Raining for a change and I’m just doing that  job I’m just going around and I’m pulling up   any weeds in these little strawberry plants that  looks a lot better for the sake for a few seconds   we’ve got a nice strong healthy plant aren’t  we same thing with this one lots and lots old  

Leaves that are not good anymore you’re better  off cutting these off they can be quite tough   to get off and you don’t want to be pulling  your plants out now they’ve got established so all this can go this one’s also got a little  flower on it so a dry day it’s  

Not windy that’s all encouragement  I need to come out and do a bit of something it’s just getting yourself prepared for   spring rest of these are a bit tough  so just going to cut those away with scissors and we’ve now got another  nice plant fresh growth aren’t we  

And get all these done in no time at all  I never th those carrots are either I’ve   just left them I could still thin a out  if I wanted to if I just take one out

There’s nothing on it they’re just tops so we  can still thin these out if we want to try and   get some Bigg carrots out of it just find it  makes it that much easier if you just push  

Everything back and you can see a nice line to  work to so as you can see lots of carrots in   there they’re a bit too close together there’s  a bunch all there so just taking some away you  

Don’t have to pull them out if you don’t want to  you can just cut tops off and just give yourself   a bit of space like we’ve got a bit of a gap  there now right there if you can see that I’ll  

Take some of this away them two they’re way too  close together you’re not going to get much or   anything so even though you don’t really want  to because they both look like really healthy   plants it’s just a case of taking one away I’m  going to take this one and I think there might  

Be a bit of a carrot in there there you go we’ve  got carrots on way and look how straight that is brilliant so it just shows you that we are  definitely getting something from this 5ot  

Container that we filled up with carrots but if  we want something a bit bigger than that we’ve got   to thin them out and again it’s one of them jobs  to get done while you can’t do much or anything  

Else two very close together there basically  side by side so i’ just take away the smallest one there’s also one behind as well so  we’ll get rid of that and then we can   start and see that we’ve got a few weeds  that one sting out as well so now that  

Carrot has got plenty of space to grow on  and so is the one next to it so that’s all   we’re just going to keep doing just going  along selecting the biggest one getting rid   of another and that’s quite a bit of length to  it already considering how deep that container

Is that one was doing quite well but we  some bigger carrots than that so it’s just   something you’ve got to do and it don’t hurt  to do this and be weeding at the same time again they’re all bunched

Together so we’re just going to keep thinning  and thinning and yeah we’re going to get a lot   less carrots and it’s a shame to be pulling  them up when they’re like that but I just   want want something a bit thicker from here  that’s a small one again but we’ve now got a  

Really good Gap from there to there it’s  a pity they weren’t a carrry in between   because there’ be plenty of space but either  way we’ve got a gap another Gap and so on and   we just need to do that all way down that  container and what else you’re going to do  

On a Saturday morning except just get that  job done but apart from that there is some   carrots behind as well they are spaced  a little bit better so of next few days   we’ll work on that entire container and get  it all completely thinned out I hav checked  

This beetroot for a while we kept outside either  let me just take one out see what we’re looking at well we’ve got the start the something they’re  not very big but we multi soed loads into that   container because we’re after Baby Beats more than  anything and as Lamb’s lettuce is still trying  

To grow away in those pots got a couple of those  just starting to Art up a little bit in the center   there got some damage leaves on them but we can  expect that this time of year I’ll just take those

Off but we’ve got a few bits and Bobs going  on so I’m basically just going to let this   container keep growing until everything  dies back and then see what we get out   of it there’s one down there that looks to  be a bit bigger so they’re doing something  

Anyway we didn’t get much from these  though unfortunately those are those   Florence long red onions and they didn’t cope  very well I think I should have left these in Greenhouse they got plenty of roots on them  but they’ve not amounted to anything and  

They’re certainly not red so I think those  being salad onions would have benefited by   being left in that Greenhouse it’s too late  for that now but we are growing some more of   those quite soon I hav cleared these  oop tunnels out yet they still got a  

Couple of cabbages in but they’re no good  now those they’ basically gone to seed so   as it starts to get warmer we’ll get these  oop tunnels cleared out ready for some fresh   stuff going in but obviously I’m not going  to be doing a lot outside at the moment and  

These strawberries that are outside as well  these are now starting to put on some fresh growth so it’s very slow but the  hardiest things that we’ve got are trying maybe at some point I can  get around to fix in that   Greenhouse door and get in this Garden tied it

Up maybe we’ll get some compost this year as well don’t hurt to have a bit of a  digging here now and again just to   see what we’ve got we just keep putting  cardboard on any grass cuttings and then  

Just aerating it a little bit just give it  a turn that’s just going to help it a long   way but you can see that we’re starting to  get some it just needs to break down a bit  

More and then that one is the one that we  filled so this is the oldest stuff hoping   to get a bit of Summer after that in Spring  so a little bit of Maintenance goes a long way rather than concentrating on sowing seeds  now we know that we’ve got a full week and minus  

Temperatures AR way it’s not worth your while at  the moment you might as well just wait just a few   weeks until it starts to get lighter and warmer  for us normally we don’t get as less Frost until  

Mid May and that’s quite a way off so the more we  can do in here the better anything that’s outside   that’s still alive as elit home so they’re going  to be perfectly fine we haven’t got a lot outside  

At the moment the strawberry plants we don’t even  cover those up and the minus temperatures don’t   seem to bother them so we’ll just concentrate on  thinning that carrot container out so we can get   some bigger carrots out on it in a few months  time keeping his eye on that garlic and those  

Broad beans and just enjoy the fact that although  it is going to be quite cold this coming week   we’re getting a nice amount of sunshine which  is going to encourage these already established   plants to grow that little bit quicker so if  you’ve got any plants outside get your fleece  

Out and make sure that they’re all covered  up by Sunday night if you’re not already part   of the channel and you want to see what we’re  doing on that lead up to Spring please hit that   subscribe button press that notifications  Bell and I’ll see you next time take care


  1. Ivan, plants are confused and trying very hard to please. I have 2 strawberries looking like yours, 6 month old beets and cilantro doing well. Did you say I can pot up the beets?
    I have only 15 minutes at a time to garden, concerned that my spouse will need me so stated to garden on the front porch.
    Can you tell I'm eager to garden again? Oh, scissors are a good idea, thank you.

  2. Yes lovely bright day Ivan but so cold at night, thanks for the heads up, I'll make sure my fleece is on this weekend, not much to cover but better safe than sorry aye..

  3. Your carrots are looking great. Mine are still very small and we are suppose to get down to 6F next week. They are outside. Do you think I should cover them?

  4. I use the carrot thinings for cooking. The baby carrots are tender and sweet lightly boiled and the carrot tops can be added to soups, salads, pesto and also sauted. Very informative video's.

  5. Great to turn your compost, Ivan.although it will decompose more quickly if you add the cardboard shredded or torn into small pieces, but I expect you already know that. Your carrots are doing well and how amazing that you have strawberries and flowers on your plants- fabulous! happy gardening 😃

  6. Ivan we have an ice storm hit , it's dark cold and wet , i have a big pot of stew on so we would have something hot to eat when electric goes off ….. you all stay warm and you all have a good day !

  7. Thanks Ivan for this great update, I wonder what type of strawberry they are as it's amazing that they're flowering and fruiting at this time of year. I bet some of those little carrots would be nice in a stir-fry or even a salad. Take care and all the best. Stevie

  8. There's ALWAYS something to do in a gardeners day. This time of year the list is usually the less desirable and not so rewarding jobs. We have to look at them as an investment….. For our upcoming gardening season.👍👍🇺🇸

  9. Thanks Ivan for another great video. I have some strawberry plants in my greenhouse and one plants has two strawberries on, one is nearly ripe, although I doubt it will taste very nice. I must get my fleece out, thanks for the reminder.

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