Front Yard Garden

Front Yard Delivery Driver Maze 1.0- Ninja Warrior Course

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Ross @CreationsRoss
Kole @kole.clark
Jacob @jacobedwardowens
Rob @robalatorr

I made an obstacle course in my front yard for my deliverymen if they want to deliver the package they have to complete my seven-part Ninja Warrior course whoever completes the course in the fastest time will win $10,000 but they don’t know this let’s see if any delivery drivers will attempt

Or complete the course and deliver their package and it all starts right here this is the only obstacle on the course that requires literacy and a legally binding signature so they can attempt the rest of the course if they try to begin any other way the cops will be

Called and they’ll be sent to jail so the first challenge is the podium of legal bindings now this may look easy but if they sign it I legally own their home next up is the monkey bars of death they have to place their package on this pulley system crank it all the way

Across and then cross the monkey bars now this may look simple but I’ve secretly wired the bars with 10,000 volts of electricity that I can shock them with at any time just kidding if they make it through that next up is the balance beam of Despair they must not

Fall into the pit of aggressive man-eating dogs while also avoiding stepping on dog poo next up is the Box Maze of a thousand corridors they must Place their package on top of the pile of packages left by those who perish trying to complete the maze they must

Take the packages of the deceased all the way through so their souls May finally rest next up is the gauntlet equipped with the four packaged pendulums app Peril if they don’t get stabbed by the razor sharp knives inside each box not kidding then they reach the package

Launch bonus round this giant mailbox is wired to open and close indefinitely they have to take these tiny packages and for every single package they make into the mailbox it’s $20 extra do and if they make it through all that they come to the world’s most satisfying warp wall

Here is where I place their favorite treat $200 cash at the end of the course they press this button here to end the timer and celebrate with a train horn and confetti yay why $200 cash I’m glad you asked I’m using cash because over the

Course of a week I put out a treat stand using six different tasty human treats and all four times I repeated the experiment $200 cash was always the one they chose first so to get started I ordered a bunch of things online with different couriers I scheduled them for

A specific day and put a sign out front to incentivize them then we invited some of our website members to come cheer them on now we wait for the delivery men to deliver defit after hours of waiting and no delivery men coming we decided to order some door Dash because it’s more

Predictable we got a few door Dash drivers to participate but still no real delivery men after waiting outside most of the day still no delivery drivers had come they ended up coming that night at like 10 p.m. it wasn’t really an option to wait outside all day with cameramen so I set

Up security cameras that record 24/7 connected them to the NVR turned on the stadium lights turned on notification a on my phone now I was ready at all times our first couple delivery drivers showed up but they must have not seen the course it’s easy to miss or maybe they

Spoke Spanish so I put another sign out front in Spanish with a clear cash incentive then I got my first Contestants he started to approach will he attempt the first obstacle come on come on he’s in another possible contestant arrived yes he’s doing it another possible contestant arrived SC oh just SEC doctor doctor he’s hammering he’s going into cardiac come on he’s got pressure more pressure all of the drivers were completing the first obstacle with ease I have five contestants all unknowingly competing against each other but only one one of them will be the next delivery Ninja

Warrior thought I was going to go home already as the timer began for each contestant some were more excited to get started than others now I didn’t hide a scale under the course and secretly weigh all of my contestants but it was immediately clear that Gus was the

Fattest which is probably why his name is fat Gus they approached the monkey bars of death and began their journey to $10,000 while Doug made sure to go through slow and steady Chris and Brandon got their packages through no problem Joseph had an interesting approach ignoring the crank altogether

Meanwhile Doug ended up losing one of his packages Chris had a rough start crossing the monkey Bars Doug managed to avoid falling in like his packages did and Brandon was in and out no Problem Doug went back and reclaimed his package and Chris was ready to give it another Try and he’s finally through but wait forgetting something Chris uh-huh what else oh good I lost my work F oh unfortunate there we go we’re good and then we have fat Gus who opted to ignore the pulley system and shove the package in his Pants bar after bar he slowly but surely but slowly very Slowly makes it way to the end now onto the balance beam which for fat Gus the hardest part was just getting on it the contestants shook with fear as they crossed a balance beam of Despair if we zoom in and enhance the image we can see the terror in his eyes

Not wanting to be consumed by the man eating dogs they carefully maneuvered their way across while also avoiding the dog poo then the contestants approach the Box Maze of a thousand corridors it is the most Twisted complicated mind shattering obstacle in the entire course the raw fear of the labyrinth shook Doug

To his core they made their way through the twists and turns of the maze nearly losing all of their sanity in the process this is genuinely the coolest delivery I’ve ever done and then we have fat Gus who in an effort to make up for lost time ignores

Basic Direction and finds a much faster path than the intended one now in regard to The Gauntlet the distance between two boxes is about 26 in across whereas fat Gus is clocked in in at 35 in wide I know this exact calculation because I guessed despite the delivery driver’s clear love of

Boxes they avoided them at all costs even fat Gus did an exceptional job and I should mention that the delivery drivers were most active every morning between 6:00 and 10: a.m. so every morning instead of getting up before the sunrise like some glitterbomb NASA nerd I’ve been sleeping in and letting my

Cameras do the work for me as Gus exited the gauntlet he had a wait a second play that back and freeze Zoom x-ray ultrasound oh my god well turns out fat Gus is not a dude and he’s pregnant so I was suddenly feeling real uncomfortable about all

Those weight comments after a bit of a pivot to smooth things over they soldiered on to the package launch bonus round and even though this obstacle is easy in theory it proved difficult for most of the contestants you can see missing the shot took an emotional toll

On Doug in the end only Joseph and Brandon were able to secure an extra $20 the contestants approached the warp wall still having no idea that $10,000 was on the line as instructed they threw their packages on top of the wall effortlessly well except for fantastic Gus there we go the Warriors prepared to climb the warp wall the final stage of their Journey but who would deliver oh yeah I dropped my work phone I can’t take thisy off for Joseph and Doug made their way to the front door and delivered their

Packages I was hoping I’d be home to accept the delivery because what they didn’t realize was inside their packages was a metal for completing the course so I put a sign on the actual front door telling them to open their package and wear their

Metal come on ra the note ra the note ra the note he has the metals in his hand put it on your neck come on yeah you won how are you feeling right now exuberant this is going to cover my whatever I need now I just had to give

Him his secret $10,000 prize but hang on you’re probably wondering how fantastic Gus handled the warp wall here it Is A Proving once and for all that size does matter thanks fantastic Gus I felt bad that fantastic Gus was the only contestant who didn’t make it up the warp wall I did want to send him something for his effort so I sent him a free t-shirt none of these are going to fit

So I had to hire a company that makes bed sheets to tailor a shirt specifically for him I also included an official certificate of incompletion remember Gus if at first you don’t succeed always give up you came in at 3 minutes and 57 seconds that’s easy work now you didn’t

Know this out of time but you were competing for first prize of $10,000 no way it’s all yours right here no way $10,000 oh my God how do you feel now I’m feeling extremely exuberant holy crap thank you this is going to go towards my freaking car wait a second I

Thought you drove a delivery vehicle I Do now it’s worth mentioning that Chris could have gotten second place instead of third but he took his sweet time pressing the button on top of the warp wall so oh well either way there’s no constellation consummation PR constipation PR he wouldn’t want anything anyway now I have three new

Ranks for you on the website you can only see them there so the first one is filling a couch with concrete and then hiring movers to move it the second is going to a dealership to test drive a new car driving it to another dealership and test driving another new car and

Third is a giant dog walks a human at the dog park and then Cole’s going to poop and I want to welcome another Creator to the website no one safe we have over 70 members only videos there it’s $12 you can start anytime stop anytime go become a member or I’m going

To roast you for 10 minutes straight just like Gus


  1. Genuinely so surprised that Ross was just being mean. Just openly and without shame, very disappointing. I remember when his pranks were harmless and fun. In a way, some of them still are but I couldn't even sit down and enjoy this. What is there to enjoy about negativity? Gus (the innocent amazon worker) is your content Ross. He agreed to your silly terms and conditions, played your game, and you fat shame him as a response? Never unsubscribed so fast because I really thought I knew this YouTuber. Wonder what else I've been missing.

  2. Seems funny you all probably got picked on in school but now that your youtube famous and you feel you need to use this as a platform to mock others and show your viewers who are kids as well see it as being okay to treat others like that. You all are total dicks

  3. Ive never been so tempted to get a subscription from a youtuber before.. No ones safe being added is making me seriously consider it lol.

  4. Nah u didn’t have to do Gus like that he participated in a little fun event without doing anything wrong and was constantly degraded for what?

  5. Ross do you feel some type of way about black people cause you been making some off putting comments on twitter too and now you here making all those jokes only on Gus. Very weird

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