Garden Plans

Douglas Macgregor: NATO Plans Intervention In Odessa, NATO’s Ambitions Are Clearly Evident

For pres and I’m very proud and very happy to welcome you again here in this show Colonel Douglas McGregor how is it in the United States at the moment in this turmoil of pre-election wars with stunning news almost every day well your your European audience may

Not appreciate this but the focus in the United States of of most Americans is almost entirely on the southern border and the massive uh invasion of a 10 million illegals who are being admitted without being vetted without any sort of security for the American people and everyone has concluded that these people

Will be repurposed as future voters for what we now call the unip party in Washington this conglomerate that rules us uh in complete uh absence of any demonstrated interest in the American people so one wonders how much longer this can go on I suppose much of that

Depends on the economy but that’s where people are focused that’s the danger uh people really aren’t watching very carefully what happens in eastern Ukraine they don’t care they never did and uh they look a little bit of what happens in the Middle East but as long

As we don’t become involved I think they they’ll stay away from it but isn’t that the good news in some sense that if the Americans lose interest in the war in Ukraine that means that the perspective for peace could become um more realistic no uh simply because we are irrelevant

To the government the people that rule America are not the American citizens who walk into voting booze and turn in ballots that’s kind of a joke at this point Washington is ruled by a political Elite that is in the pockets of oligarchs billionaires and lobbies whether it’s the Israel Lobby or it’s

The military industrial defense Lobby and any number of other interest groups but behind those stand billionaires and they effectively own the Congress and the White House so those institutions are not really very responsive to the American people on the other hand we see that um a former president Donald Trump is uh

Triumphant in the pre-elections um on the Republican side many people in Europe didn’t think that possible do you think that um Donald Trump has a true chance of becoming again American president and what would that mean for the geopolitical situation in Europe well there’s a chance that he could become president but it

Presupposes that there is enough electoral Integrity to ensure that if he wins he’s actually inaugurated that’s open to question uh more and more evidence has come out over the last several years about the the election in 2020 so Frankly Speaking first question is can anybody be elected in in the midst of this

Electoral Integrity problem and I don’t have an easy answer to that secondly assuming that he does get in there what does that mean for the rest of the government the last time he was elected every rally that he attended whenever he spoke to the American people

He was re he was greeted with these thund thunderous chants and the chant was build the wall build the wall in other words secure the southern border when he was finally elected what did he do he said he was going to address the problems in Obamacare a new health new health care

Legislation what happened on the border not much uh this is the problem uh you know I don’t know given what what he’s got around him in terms of people that we should expect anything different I hope so uh I’m not sure that the election is going to matter very much and there are

No easy solutions to the enormous problems we confront no one running right now with a possible exception of RFK Jr has offered any solutions now Donald Trump says I’m going to conduct the largest deportation operation in history and everyone thinks that’s impossible well uh we deported 9 million Mexicans between 1929 and 1930

Under FDR we deported another three and a half million under Harry Truman 2 million under Eisenhower 1.5 million so I think that could be done the question is will he be supported by anybody who matters in Congress and remember that some of the same oligarchs I like to use

That term now the billionaires who shape policymaking in Washington who are interested in Prosecuting wars in the Middle East and wars in eastern Ukraine aren’t really interested in securing our Borders or frankly in the American people so there’s no easy answer how politicized is the Judiciary in the

United States we are surprised when we read reports about this um verdict now in New York where they um said the former president Donald Trump had to pay 450 million US dollar uh because of a fraud case in which the banks are saying well we didn’t lose one cent I mean there was

A lot of in some parts critical reports reporting on that is the um is the the Jud judicial system in the United States politicized in a way that they tried to get rid of trump um in that sense yes yeah it’s you know the judicial system in the United States consists or

Is composed of people who were appointed to their jobs under several different administrations and frankly from 1992 onwards most of those judges uh who were appointed stood to the left of center uh there was some modest increment of more middle middleof the road politically Centrist judges under

Trump but frankly the majority fall into the leftist camp now some of that varies with geography you know I wouldn’t want to be tried for anything in New York City or Washington DC or I would fully expect whatever they accuse me of whether I was guilty or not I’d be found

Guilty and end up in jail that’s how serious the problem is so yes again everything that we Americans have taken for granted for 200 years has fallen apart the institutions are facades behind them stand almost nothing and public trust and confidence in these institutions is at an alltime low what was your

Impression as a military man as a high officer of the Armed Forces of the United States what was your impression of the interview doer Carlson with President Putin what’s the essence I think most of us view Tucker Carlson when I say most of us I’m talking about Americans in general not

Just people in uniform and when you talk about people in uniform you always have to distinguish those at lower levels from the people at the top and the senior ranks of the Armed Forces have been politicized for years we can go all the way back to the Vietnam War and

Until Kennedy was President uh Eisenhower and his predecessors seldom have ever appeared in public with anyone in uniform and when the various Chiefs of Staff of the army or the Navy came over to testify in front of the the hill either the senate or the house they wore

Civilian clothes because it was it was made very clear don’t wear your uniform and try to intimidate members wear civilian closed and speak to them as American citizens all of that went away in the 1960s and since the 1960s officers have been appointed to very high levels for the purpose of strengthening the

Political hands of the various administrations that have held power in the White House in other words if you stand next to a four star and say well I’m here with General so and so and you see all of these decorations even though 90% of them are meaningless the

Assumption is oh he must be right or he wouldn’t have this General with him the general is backing him up and of course people were eager to be used as props for politicians that helped their careers that that got them appointed you know Millie was a wonderful example of

That and so is his successor so were most of his predecessors they they were people that were userfriendly to whomever was in political power so that’s an enormous problem so when you say as a former professional Soldier how do I feel I see Tucker as a voice for

Freedom of speech as someone who is a voice in the wilderness right now in the media in the United States and for that matter in the west I’ve read a number of German reports that are just over the top they make no sense at all describing Tucker Carlson as some sort of Putin

Agent they don’t realize the numbers of people in their governments that are bought and paid for by people like Soros and others Tucker isn’t bought and paid for by anybody and neither am I and I’m happy to list my sources of income and compare those with the retired generals

That they bring onto the mainstream media and gosh you’re going to be surprised where their money comes from so suddenly their message is very predictable so no I think it was a wonderful exercise in freedom of speech and I would say that 90% of what President Putin said I agreed with

Completely it was accurate it was not an attempt to fabricate anything where he fell apart in my judgment was his discussion of the outbreak of the second world war that was unfortunate I wish he’d have left that out completely because that was a blemish on otherwise excellent discussion interesting was that um

President Putin was somehow that was my impression trying to convince the West that first um he’s not this crazy Invader who wants to conquer the world but that this is a conflict with the Ukraine which has very old roots ancient Roots almost and that he’s still focused

On negotiating that was for me um the essence of this interview um what is it for you what was the most interesting thing you took out from that conversation no I think you’re right uh as I said what he said was truthful the amazing part to me is that he continues

To hold out hope that there will be a negotiating partner and I would have thought that after his experience in 2022 when Boris Johnson showed up and destroyed the agreement that both sides had reached it would have been clear to him that he wasn’t going to have a

Negotiating partner the second part is I’m I’m surprised that he is still open to doing business with us in any form because we have lied to him repeatedly for years and his predecessors now here’s something your viewers need to understand Mr Putin has always been known as friendly to the west and he’s

Probably as a Russian senior leader an individual who understands more about the west and appreciates it particularly because of his years in Germany that almost anyone else in the in the Russian political Elite and I would be very concerned about what happens at some point when President Putin is no longer

In charge because others around him and many many others who aspire to be in his place are very hostile to the West in ways that should frighten everyone so no I agree with you I think he did a wonderful job on that score but of course it doesn’t make any difference

What he says because the media is in the hands of his opponents and and frankly our opponent the people that are oppressing us who are keeping the borders open who are rewarding millions of people for coming to the country passing out cash uh phones T plane tickets bus tickets whatever they can

Get and dumping them inside our country much as you experienced after 2015 thanks to Mrs Merkel and others this is what faces us and it’s going to I I think it’s going to blow up in everyone’s face but it probably won’t blow up dramatically until the downturn

In the economy really really really hits home because we can’t afford them what is interesting in the reactions we had in Germany and in Switzerland a lot of people pushed this interview aside saying well you know Putin he can say what he wants is this crazy dictator is

This aggressor is this ruthless autocrat and just one week after this interview we have the incident in this Siberian camp where alexe naal died I mean it’s very hard to say what the the reasons what the uh uh the the the the circumstances are we have heard voices

Now from the Ukraine the the the the Spy Chief budanov said well I have to disappoint you Naval died of natural circumstances it’s very hard to say but um here in the West in Europe in Switzerland people say why do you listen to Putin he’s a killer look at Naval

Look look what he does to the opposition what would you counter um to the concerned voices who think Putin is this um Maniac this killer on the throne in the cramin well even a broken clock is right twice a day and budanov too can occasionally tell the truth I think he’s

Telling the truth we shouldn’t be surprised by that he’s been through some very tough times he’s been through extensive surgeries his health hasn’t been good so that’s not impossible I know that he was under consideration for some sort of trade with the West in the United States of yes and it appears and

This is certainly substantiated by I think his wife’s Presence at the Munich security conference he he was always seen as the future zalinski of Russia as the man who would take over and sell his country out to the West uh and I think MI6 and CIA both viewed him in the those

Terms I can’t prove that because I’m not on the inside but that’s what reliable sources tell me but again it doesn’t make any difference because the the media in the west is going to say what it says the difference between incidentally you and us is that we have

Alternative media I don’t know how much alternative media you’ve actually got anymore I mean the stuff coming to me from Germany is absurd I mean the descriptions completely F you know fatuous nonsense I don’t know what to say but we do have alternative sources of media although there’s an on ongoing

Effort obviously to suppress it and this is a sort of uh idea of theory of complicity that anyone who doesn’t conform automatically to the mainstream narrative is dangerous and disruptive uh which means he’s telling the truth so I think Tucker told the truth to the extent that he could I

Think the interview is a success it had a big impact here more so probably here than in Europe one has to stress the point that um I haven’t followed all your statements during this war but when I heard you for the first time I was always struck by your views and your um

Predictions which in my eyes seemed true it came out as you predicted and you were one of the very few voices prominent voices who said from the beginning that the Ukraine is fighting an unwinable war and then this fog of propaganda which is foaming out of the media

I would like to ask you again now looking at the current situation on the ground in the Ukraine what are we seeing now what is happening in the Ukraine um at the moment in your eyes I think the zilinski regime is falling apart uh they’re beginning to engage in uh Mutual recrimination

They’re attack the key people in the structure are attacking each other blaming each other uh the forces in the field which have been crumbling slowly for many many months are now really falling apart very quickly uh there is no appetite anywhere in Ukraine to send more men into action there’s great

Resistance to it the secret police the sbu is rounding people up and shooting people but it’s not enough at the same time the population lives in Mortal fear of the seninsky regime in fact I spoke with someone who came back quite recently within the last couple of days

Who told me that the population in Ukraine is far more afraid of the sbu and and his the ziny regime than they are of the Russians and they all would like this to end but you you’re never going to hear that to the mainstream media but that’s where it is as zinsky

Seems to be very busy trying to close deals selling off as much of Ukraine as he can to various Agricultural conglomerates and uh black Black Rock headed by Larry and s uh I I don’t think it’s going to last much longer what’s amazing to me again is that the Russians have exercised so

Much patience and at some point I think their hand will be forced Putin’s hand will be forced he’s going to have to close up the distance to the river to be sure they are going to retake Odessa they will retake kov th those things are already in in planning and execution in

The case of kov they’ve got about 110 120,000 troops moving towards kov right now of Kon they have 90 to 100,000 headed to denpro we’ll see those things up the question is what do you do about this cancer in KF if if you’re if you’re

Putin you’ve got to get rid of it it would be nice if the if the Ukrainian military itself took took things into hand and did something but that hasn’t happened so at some point their hand will be forced I know that the Russian general staff is currently considering the mobilization of an additional

800,000 troops now given that they’re well over that number right now what would they need an additional 800,000 troops to do well if you get no agreement from the West if no one will talk to you if you cannot negotiate an end to this you are

Compelled to March West you will have to grudgingly cross the Napper River and hope that once you cross and start heading west that people will take you seriously I mean the the recent uh photographs and news about tactical nuclear weapons being moved further west inside Russia that’s not designed to frighten

Everybody per se because they have no interest in using those things it’s a demonstration of resolve and it’s telling us is if you contemplate attacking us we will deliver Total War and you will not win I mean that’s the message we hold a very weak hand there’s

A reason that uh Chancellor Schultz and his colleagues have all laughed off Mr macron and his ridiculous statement about sending European forces or NATO forces into Ukraine we certainly won’t we just cut 24,000 spaces out of the army the US Army is now 450,000 that’s a smaller number than the

Number of Ukrainian soldiers killed in the war and now that number is out it’s I’m told now it’s over 500,000 approaching 500 30,000 but for years for for months people kept saying oh no that’s not true now people are beginning to admit the truth it’s harder and harder to conceal

These things a 500,000 plus have being wounded you know we’re talking about a generation of ukrainians whose lives have being destroyed it’s not going to last but you would think if there were a shred of humanitarian interest in hum in people in Ukraine that Schultz and his

Colleagues would stand up and say enough is enough I mean it is striking when this war started even the most renowned War correspondence wrote this war Russia will lose within several months their Armed Forces totally outmoded ancient they’re using tanks which are totally out of fashion um people were ridiculing the Russian

Armed Forces making fun of it I mean I remember colleagues of yours or you would say you know professional soldiers generals like General betros but others saying well in the February 202 um three Mar Paul will be reconquered all these scenarios what would you say after these two years now

What is your assessment of the Russian army from a military standpoint how competent is Putin as military leader and how competent are these armed forces of Russia uh a successful military commander always knows the limitations of his Force as well as its potential without understanding limitations you

Can’t hope to be successful because you will demand either too much or too little of the force you command uh he is someone who I think from the very beginning wanted a limited war and he went in with very limited means only to discover that those means were inadequate he corrected that

Problem and today the Russian military is probably stronger with higher morale better discipline better equipment and better leaders at every level than it was in the 1980s so I think it’s probably the best of its kind certainly in Eurasia no question about it and contrary everybody’s expectation you know Mr

Putin has been strongly supported in what he’s done of course there there’s always a 15% sometimes 20 that doesn’t like what any government does but over 80% I I would estimate 85 based upon what I heard just within the last couple of days 85% of the Russian population excuse me strongly supports

What he’s done and he’s he’s been very he’s very reminiscent this is going to sound strange to some of your listeners he reminds me of field Marshall Montgomery who commanded the eighth Army in North Africa remember the eth Army had been beaten to a pulp you know two over a

Quarter of a million men could not stand up to 34,000 Germans and 70,000 Italians he understood he had a morale problem he understood that he needed new training new leadership he needed new equipment he took his time and he built a better force and then once he launched the

Force the force was very successful all the way through to the end of the second world war with a few minor exceptions that’s exactly what Mr Putin and his generals have done they built a very good Force but they never pushed it too far too fast they avoided unnecessary

Casualties and they took advantage of this we call it the revolution in military Affairs which very simply is the links between space-based surveillance intelligence reconnaissance uh surveillance and strike systems from mortars all the way up to Tactical ballistic missiles and he’s annihilated the ukrainians who played repeatedly

Into his hands and attacked the the absolutely impregnable defens of forces that were built to cover the flank so to say of this force that was being built up it’s worked brilliantly we we still haven’t figured it out we don’t understand it we haven’t learned it and

People like Petraeus and others gave the ukrainians terrible advice because they they treated the Russian military establishment as some sort of backward World War II an rism that could be defeated by a modernized World War II Force it’s failed miserably but again you know they are on The Winning Side

These retired generals and and politicians because they’re well subsidized they’re well paid for having said what they did remember it’s the truth doesn’t matter that’s the sad part it’s it’s the message The Narrative is what counts and if you supply The Narrative and you pay people to repurpose and and repeat The Narrative

Over and over and over again uh then you eventually convince everybody it’s true and and remember most Americans were never interested in Eastern Europe and so when you step forward and say well all of these retired generals were wrong people look at you sort of with a Blank Stare uh

Really oh they’re generals aren’t they I mean this this is pathetic it’s tragic same thing’s true in Great Britain we have lots of blowhards who are senior officers over there predicted the same nonsense will NATO accept a Ukrainian defeat I mean all these leaders have talked so

Much into demonizing Putin as kind of a new Hitler as this uh some kind crazy Alexander the Great who wants to conquer the whole world I mean can NATO just let Ukraine drop and say okay we were wrong sorry you sort out your own thing do you

Expect that there will be some kind of well counter reaction by the West is the West even capable of countering this has put in out the control of the situation what would you say you know that’s a good question uh and I’m not sure that I’m in a good

Position to answer it frankly uh as I said before I know what Americans are interested in I know where they’re focused I I don’t know precisely in Europe what most European populations think I do know that in Scandinavia Germany Austria the Netherlands in the Germanic countries there is still a willingness

To March without much question in the direction that the government and the media tell them to move it’s disappointing so I guess there are two possibilities one is that we uh after the fall elections get some sort of of change in Direction and that change in Direction results in an American

Decision to essentially end our participation in this debacle I don’t expect anyone to stand up and say you know we were wrong we’ve done enormous damage it’ll be like Vietnam suddenly ADV vanishes from the airwaves our forces leave they just pack it up and go away it’s what I keep trying to tell

Europeans we’re a commercial power but we’re primarily an air and Naval power so when things don’t go our way we leave you know that’s that’s the simple truth that’s one possibility and then the Europeans say oh the Americans have abandoned this they’ve left maybe it’s

Time for us to do the same that’s one possibility I don’t think NATO Will Survive friend be very surprised if it it survives this whole crisis eventually it’ll go down on the other hand there’s another disappointing possibility and that is you end up people you remember this uh film called

Unang and at the end of the film The Man Who was playing Bruno Gans who was playing Hitler you know says uh goodbye I’m going into my office now to shoot myself or something and you have the women standing out there andur you know what about

The you know and he looks at them like what are you an idiot I guess I guess you know it took a lot of Germans time to figure out that Soviet forces were really on the outskirts of Berlin they couldn’t believe it uh and i’ say that our media

Has done an excellent job of misleading everybody in Europe and to a lesser extent here because as I say we do have alternative sources and people aren’t really interested in it and you still have a New York Times which astonishingly brought out this report last Sunday where they said there are 12

CIA secret bunkers more or less at the Russian border since 10 years I mean it’s amazing that our newspapers didn’t even quote the New York Times times and the New York Times had to say well Putin was not so wrong after all when he said that the Americans were

Really interfering were really you know on our outskirts in Ukraine I mean the Putin narrative was somehow confirmed by these reports I mean at least even the New York Times brings these kind of reports this is a silver lining of some kind well that really indicates because

We’ve been down this road before where reports are leaked deliberately from the intelligence committee because the decision has been made to end everything to to basically begin the gradual Retreat or withdrawal we had similar experiences in the last year or so in Afghanistan now we always knew that

Everything that was being said about Afghanistan was a lie but again it wasn’t confirmed until near the end when it became clear well we we’re going to get out and you have similar problems in the Middle East right now we did that in Vietnam it was only towards the end that

You began to see the truth emerge so I’m sure that the New York Times probably said well what do we lose by publishing this because it’s probably gonna happen anyway they’ve leaked it if we don’t publish it somebody else will and uh we want to be able to say that we did tell

The truth at some point because you would say this is like a mental preparation for leaving for giving it all up I think so yeah I think so we always end on optimistic note in these um not so optimistic times and I want to

Ask you as a final question um I have a theory an optimistic Theory and I I just will present it to you very shortly um and you have to counter it or probably you find it’s it’s somehow corresponding to reality I think it’s a god feeling probably it’s wishful thinking I don’t

Know I think that the Russian president who has now the upper hand militarily he wants to as he said demilitarize the Ukraine he doesn’t want nato in his um Garden um he wants to create a buffer zone with some kind of militarily nonth threatful whatever kind of rest state of

Of Ukraine but then he will from a position of relative strength stretch out his hand to the West because the Russians and the Chinese are not very easy bet fellows and the alliance of China and Russia is not really an an alternative from the Russian perspective to the Russian

Relationship with the West because my God feeling is the Russians think and especially Putin they are some kind of Europeans they want to have the um the Western respect they want to be respected by the West so the good news is when Putin wins this war he reaches

His goals then he has a position of relative strength and then he will try to build a bridge again to the West is that realistic or is it this total Wishful optimism well I think most of what you’ve said is accurate and again I go back to what I said earlier about Putin

Let’s hope that Mr Putin remains in office for the foreseeable future because he’s the one who does share your orientation towards the West particularly towards Germany uh he’s someone who knows history and he knows that the two world wars were anomalies those were exceptions in the history of

The German and Russian speaking peoples the majority of German were always doing business with Russia and vice versa the two benefited from each other he sees it in those terms and would ultimately like to see that happen again having said that he would like to have good

Relations with Poland uh and he’s made that very clear on numerous occasions so that much I think is true it’s a mistake to attach too much significance to this Chinese thing in the sense that there’s some problems there China and Russia are perfectly made for each other why

Because Russia has all the resources the abundance of minerals you you name it and the agricultural products that China desperately needs China needs oil it needs coal China consumes virtually all the coal that it mines for itself it needs millions of tons more than that just to run its Industries it does not

Have vast natural gas pipelines all over the country but it can distribute coal VIA trains and Rail and and Road there are a lot of things things that the two need from each other but that doesn’t mean that there’s hostility neither is interested in fighting the other and

Remember that they both share similar views in terms of who is a future possible opponent and that possible opponent is right now us though I think that will diminish in the future because we’re losing interest in this nonsense there’s no reason for us to be in Asia with

Military power that’s all nonsense the Chinese are not an aggressive military power so what are the Russians and Chinese share in terms of a view of the future it’s called Japan Japan is a juggernaut Japan is unlike any other country in Asia Japan is a hugely powerful scientific industrial state with

Excellent armed forces that could overnight defeat anything sent against them now the Japanese don’t want to war either okay let’s not get confused but if you’re Russian and you’re Chinese you worry about us but you say well the the Americans they may pull out anyway they’re not in Asia but who’s here to

Stay who do we worry about that’s Japan there are a lot more reasons for the Russians and the Chinese to cooperate than uh to struggle with each other so I wouldn’t attach too much significance to that but everything else you’ve said is true and I don’t think that’s a new

Development in Russian history and I I hope that someone someone in Berlin wakes up smells the coffee and recognizes is nonsense by the way you know if you look at what happened with the northstream two or northstream one back in the 50s and the 60s the United States went to Great Lengths to

Ensure that the EU did not buy natural gas and oil from Russia to the extent that we could we obstructed it then we’ve obstructed it again uh recently during this Russo Ukrainian War why because at the time it was the the Cold War and we were trying to isolate the

Soviet Union which represented an existential threat to us in the west it was real that’s not true today there’s no reason for it the Europeans need to wake up and figure that out the Russians by the way if you were sitting in Moscow and you looked West and you look at

What’s going on in Germany uh Sweden uh France my God why would you want anything to do with managing those countries those societies are in trouble those countries are in turmoil the Russians aren’t interested in that they they want to ensure that their society survives and flourishes so the whole

Thing the whole business about Russian offensives aimed at the West is just nonsense it’s got to go away it’s so interesting so fascinating I mean I had so so many associations when you were talking or us thinking of a very provocative question to to end our discussion and the provocative

Question would be you can be put into prison probably in Germany for asking this but the longer I look at it and of course it’s very difficult to make a a final judgment on current events but I just thought of a statement by the American director Oliver Stone who said

In an interview with many years ago seven years ago probably he said we asked him what do you think about President Putin after he had this very long conversation and Oliver Stone said well to me he seems like probably the most reasonable man in this mad house of

Idiots crowding our political arena is Oliver Stone so completely wrong with his statement No and the problem for us is that if you look at president Modi in India look at president XI in China President Putin in Moscow those men have been around for years they all know each other very well

How many people do we have in power today who have any real experience of wielding power for more than a few years very very few and what kind of a structure did those those three men emerge from words you don’t get to the top in India or China or Russia by being

Stupid get there by being extraordinarily intelligent well informed and of course ruthless determined all of those things what have we got uh it’s uh it’s sort of Amateur hour in the west this is the most unimpressive collection of people I can imagine uh it certainly in my lifetime

When I go I remember visiting for the first time in the early 80s the German foreign office in Berlin there were still people in that foreign office whose fathers and grandfathers had served in the German foreign office you’re talking about people that went back before World War I these were these

Were products in that line they were highly educated very thoughtful people they could they could quote in great detail uh GDP figures for every country uh they spoke multiple languages brilliantly they they knew everything that was happening around them and there was none of this hostility or hatred it

Was all very objective uh very matter of fact and fact-based no emotion and see that’s the problem we we tend to appeal to emotion over reason all the time and it seems to win and perhaps this is one of the unfortunate downsides of Republican government I I don’t know but

I think we are at the end of a disappo pointing era the West it’s C certainly in terms of leadership has reached entropy we have I think as you say in ger lots of the professionals and the amateurs to quote one of your favorites I guess Johan wol said famous saying

N nothing is harder to bear in a series of successful days and this decadence you are describing so eloquently in the west is somehow the product of the success of the West and of these um Eternal circles you always always see in societies but isn’t Modi shiing pin in

Putin and Putin at the end of the day this kind of blow of reality The Knockout of reality that could wake up the West to remember its own strengths and qualities I think yes I’m still optimistic about Europe Europe has been dead so many times fallen so many times

Now we are at a certain low but these enemies so to speak as they say could be somehow the punch we needed to wake up you agree yeah could be uh but interestingly enough uh I don’t think they’re interested in punching us they they are building on the foundation of

This thing we call bricks they’re developing new goldback currency uh they’re getting out from under our financial system uh we’re we’re going to be left alone now whether or not anybody comes to terms with the reality that our living standards are falling that our Industries uh are kaput uh I don’t know

I mean I would certainly hope so so but there just isn’t a whole hell of a lot of leadership on the horizon right now uh so it’ll it’ll have to come from someplace we never expected I just don’t don’t want it to be the kind of leadership that emerged after 1789 in

France well Colonel let’s hope that bad times bring out good leaders thank you very much for this discussion again always fascinating always enlightening all the best to you the United States thanks very much


  1. I would say within about a year of the United Nations is going to be burnt to the ground and the reason I say that is because crime is going wild in America and it’s bad in New York. The United Nations used to be good and helpful, but over the past 20 to 30 years the United Nations has been in the state decline so what good that came out of the UN after World War II up until the late 1990s or early 2000 was positive and then mediocre but over the past 20 years it’s just gone straight downhill and pure globalist and when they think Chinese communist is the best country in the world than we know something serious is wrong.
    Take America out of the equation, and I still say that India is a better country than China and Russia is as well, but Russia’s got issues of their own like men are dying, prematurely, young and I think a lot of that is drinking

  2. the best interview I have heard since a long long time. McGregor is one of the smartest straight forward outspoken and realistic General. What a wake up call.
    He is 100% right and every politician in the west should listen to him carefully. Thanks

  3. The migrants are a mercenary army brought to the US by the dp st. I think there goal is to wipe out our constitutional democracy, get rid of the constitution which limits their power, and take out their political enemies aka the red pilled and unvaxed.

  4. NATO is definitely going into Ukraine soon. They deny because that's what Russia did just before the invasion. The insane amount of military help testifies how invested they are in this conflict. Russia winning would be a humiliation of epic proportions to them. I am afraid things will escalate soon.

  5. To bih voleo da vidim više nego 'leba da jedem! Al' reći će neko to je propast sveta! Citiraću stih iz Srpske pesme: "Biće skoro propast sveta, nek' propadne nije šteta!"

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