Garden Plans

Should We Be Flower Farmers? Garden Plans for 2024

Join me today as I bust out the pen and paper and make lists and diagrams of our garden plans this year. We have some big goals and I can’t wait to get started!

Hey guys thank you so much for joining me today I’m busting out my paper and pen and I’m going to be doing some Garden planning for this year 2024 I’m so excited to be thinking about the garden I’m so excited to be making my list of seeds that I’ve bought seeds

That I’ve already had on hand and just dreaming big about what the garden’s going to look like this will be the first Garden that we’ve had on our Homestead we just moved in at the end of August so we didn’t get a chance to have

A garden last year so I am super excited to get one going you’ll notice here that I’m making a big list of flowers that is because we decided to grow a cut flower garden this year so My Big goal is to hopefully open up a upic

Center where people can come in and pick some fresh cut flowers and bring home their own bouquet but for this year we’re just going to keep it small just kind of dip our toes into things and see how it goes but I’ve always wanted to grow flowers but I figured in my little

Small lot in the city I just didn’t have the space for many of them and so we didn’t do a whole lot of flowers we mostly focused on vegetables and what could feed us you know but this year we have the space for it so I am fulfilling

Another one of my dreams and I’m going to be growing all different varieties this is just the start we’re going to see what works for us and then what um what we love and what we can add to hopefully over the years now of course I can’t forget about my vegetables of

Course I’m ordering more vegetables even though I have a ton of Veggie seeds already which you’ll see here in a minute but this is a list of just things that I placed in a new order I ordered from two spots this year I ordered from Johnny’s Seeds I haven’t ordered from

Them before but I heard that they’ve got pretty good reviews and pretty good geration rates so we’ll see how they go and then the other place that I ordered from is Baker Creek seeds uh are Baker Creek’s Heirloom Seeds here’s my old seed bag um you can see a mouse got into

It so that wasn’t very cool but it looks like mostly everything’s still there so we’re going to salvage what we can but here’s some of the seeds that I had purchased over the years and um I’ll be I’ll be growing a few of these things

This year I like to just grow a big variety our main goal with vegetables and our vegetable garden it for the first few years it was just to figure out what I’m doing and figure out what could grow well but now it’s getting to be more okay what can we

Do that uh is going to feed our family what’s going to get us through the winter what’s going to really decrease our grocery budget so this is a lot of stuff that we eat already I don’t want to be growing anything that we don’t eat um and then

Some stuffs for like medicinal purposes like the cam meal uh the Cula stuff like that so cucumbers cabbages caul flowers Peppers obviously Dills will be for eating and for our cut Garden um and then these are just some really old seeds that I don’t even know how

Many years I’ve had them but we’ll go ahead and try and grow some this Year so here I’m just adding to my seed order some of the seeds that I just went through and know that I’ll be putting in the garden as well um I like to just make a big Master list so I just have it and I can reference it and kind of know

Okay this is what the plan is this is what we’ll be growing and then of course I always go go back after I’ve planted everything and usually plant more just to just just for funsies just to see what else I can fit in the garden so it’s definitely not a

Beall and all this list it’s very flexible very just for my own reference um us I mean i’ I’ve only recently started making lists anyway usually I’m very much just to throw the seeds in the ground and hope that it works but this year we’re getting pretty serious so I

Mean the garden’s going to be a pretty good size so I just wanted to have a reference list just so I’m not missing anything and just so I can look back and see what worked and what didn’t work for us okay and now the fun part is going to be

Planning out exactly what we’ll be planting I have a 100t space that I’m working with by like 180 ft I think but I’m just wanting three rows of flowers this year of 100 ft long so I’m going to be putting 3 ft in between these rows and each

Little section is going to be 10 ft long okay so my first row is going to be my Zas I’m trying out a bunch of different varieties this year to see what grows well to see what I love there was just some really pretty ones that I wanted to

Have and try out so next to my zenas I’m just putting everything else and I went ahead and orientated this so that way all of my really tall plants were going to be facing north like on the most northern side and then the shorter plants are on the southernmost side so

My rows are going north to south orientation but I also noticed after I did this that I included some perennials in here which I’m wanting these to be all annuals so I’m going to have to do a little bit of reconfiguring before I actually get the seeds in the ground

Because I want all of my perennials to be up closer to the house so they’re just a little bit more permanent and then here I’m just showing exactly how I’m going to be planting these out again it’s going to be a 3T Space by 10t space

And then each little section is going to be about 1T now sometimes that’s goes against what you know the package says but I’m a rebble I’m going to do what I want here I’m just very very roughly planning out my veggies we have 8T X 6t raised beds

That will’ll be using this year I hope to do an inground Garden in the next couple of years but this is where what we’re using this year and I am not into companion planting I would love to be into it but I’m just not there yet I

Haven’t had the time to really research so I just have a very very rough estimate of what I’ll be doing this is probably going to change I will keep you updated if it does change and then of course I’ll give you the full tour once we actually get the plants in the ground

Or in the dirt but for now this is just a very rough rough design and who knows know if I’ll even plant all of this or if I’ll just want to plant more than this so yeah these are my garden plans let me know what you guys think let me

Know what you have planned for this year I’m so excited to get my hands in the dirt I miss it and I’m so excited for spring it’s coming so thanks for watching and if you liked this please go ahead and subscribe have a great day

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