Front Yard Garden

The Rain Ruined This Video

Sorry gang, as the rain ruined the plans for this one. I was able to get out and do some spraying after completing this, but we’ll show you those results, if any, on Friday. Thanks for watching, catch ya next time! for all your herbicide, pre emergent and lawn care needs!

Speed Zone 2 4 D Herbicide:
Q4 Plus Turf Herbicide:

What’s up YouTube Welcome Back to Central North Carolina I am Mr Ferguson thank you so much for clicking on this video today we are going to be talking a little bit about mowing um the last video um I want to first off say a couple things number one I’m feeling

Much better uh today actually the day that I’m filming this uh I am feeling much better I woke up my stomach felt normal it wasn’t gurgly it wasn’t feeling like it has been the past week or so so I truly feel like it’s finally behind me and I give God all the glory

And praise and I thank those of you that set a prayer for me uh I really feel like somebody was praying because I feel so much better today so thank you so much for those that remember that secondly we are still doing the contest remember to share this out share these

Videos on your socials if you would uh we’re trying to get to 6,500 subscribers here on YouTube and we’re giving away some free things we’ll put it on the screen here we’ve got two backpack sprayers and we’ve got three bags of fertilizers we’re giving away free all

You got to do is like the channel subscribe to the channel like the videos we’ll tell you a specific video to comment on and more details will come when we get closer to 6500 so stay tuned I know some of y’all that continuously watch every week get tired of hearing me

Say it I get tired of saying it but there’s new people coming in because spring is finally coming today we’re going to be again up into the 60s and that’s why the last video though it was brief because I wasn’t filling well uh we put down I put down some Flagship

We’re going to show you what the lawn looks like right now in a second uh we put down the flagship we got uh over a half an inch of rain plenty to water it in and so with that Flagship we talked about how half of that is Ura

Half of it is slow release nitrogen so it’s not a big shot of nitrogen to my lawn I’m not looking to put tons of nitrogen in the lawn uh some of that Ura definitely got uh taken up by the plant you may be able to see behind me but the

Color definitely changed it darkened up and I can tell growth has happened which is fine because we are now in the 60s and 70s so far doesn’t mean that here in North Carolina we’re not going to have a frost doesn’t mean we’re going to have some dips in our temperatures but I

Really feel like Spring’s here we’ve got our pre-emergence down because we want to prevent any type of spring weeds anything new that wants to pop up in our lawn we’re not seeding that’s why we’re doing pre-emergence and now we’ve done a little bit of nitrogen and fertilizer in

The lawn just to kind of get it to wake up because we’re in early spring and as somebody mentioned like Mr Ferguson I just don’t understand why you’re doing F now in North Carolina it depends on where you’re at some of some people may not even got pre-emergent down they’re

Like Mr Ferguson’s already putting down fertilizer why is he doing this or whatever spring is a very limited window here in North Carolina and this is just my view you don’t have some people in North Carolina may not see things this way but our window for spring in North

Carolina is so quick and short and and fast uh we don’t have a lot of times where we stay in the 60s and 70s in North Carolina we we kind of zip right up to the 80s and 85 and we’re in stress mode in in a cool season lawn and we’re

Doing basically uh putting potassium down we’re trying to lower our nitrogen we have a small window in Spring to put nitrogen down and now is that time for me I feel for my lawn and the results look great uh for the fall it is more where I really go harder on the nitrogen

In the fall time with new seed or with the existing grass I have spring you’ve got a limited window and then it’s like temperatures just creep up so quickly we start slacking off on the rain and it’s just a different beat so where my location is and what I’m doing may not

Necessarily reflect where you are and what you need to be doing right now that’s why we need to follow a lawn care plan we follow our soil temperatures and what is going to determine where we should be in the stage of our lawn program so without further Ado I want to

Turn the camera around and show you guys the before pictures before we mow this thing today I’m going to get the mower out hopefully it starts that Honda’s been great for me um and so we’re going to mow This Grass I want to show you the

Before and show you the after of our first mow of this 2024 season so we’ve had a ton of growth and even just right here this Jonathan Green um Shady Nooks you can tell if I get down like this I don’t know if you guys

Can tell it is really shot up um the the uh the rain plus the the uh the flagship uh we got no Stripes it has been so long this is that first moow where um we’re going to lay down stripes in the lawn but it’s not really going to be like

Fire Stripes that comes probably like three or four or five Mo later we still do have some grass that is a little tingy over here that almost looks like it’s fungus but we know that it’s not it’s just from dormancy is from the frost it’s just from the colder temps we

Had a while back uh but most of the lawn doesn’t look like this at all most of the lawn looks just a a green Healthy Look to it I just wanted to show you guys this is like a looking the best right here where it’s really started to

Grow I don’t know why this section looks the best but it’s you can just see the richness of the grass just the uh the how the blades are looking there just that color it’s just that Ura from the flagship just has made it look pretty awesome and uh after you know that rain

Come and I look outside the first day there was a little bit of a change but not a major change but man I can tell I don’t know if you guys can tell it just looks bushier it it is definitely given it a little bit of surge of growth which

Is fine uh again it’ll slowly release over time uh what has not been taken up already but definitely uh ready to go ahead and start mowing it waking it up for me here in my location um we still are deal look at this we’re still dealing with like poetri I haven’t

Gotten out here this winter and been messing with this stuff but poetri is still an issue still a problem um and I look it’s just a big bush of it this will die off if you’ve got poet Tri like me it’s not the end of the world it does

Need to eventually be dealt with uh but it will die off with the heat as spring comes in this will go away so don’t fear um but it’s super annoying super annoying some will choose to uh uh deal with it some won’t but you just see that

Just the the the landscape right here the bumpiness right it’s like we got some triv that’s shot up fast we got some regular grass that’s kind of dormant and we got some weeds that we hit with speed zone over here that probably need to hit again um maybe

After a day or two after I mow this thing we got some after all the rain it looks like up here on the you still got some other Tri that’s just popped up out of nowhere right here look at that big thing that’s how you know you got po a

Tri it just stands out like a sore thumb I mean you can’t miss it um it’s just a big bush right and so it’s yeah that that is that may be in the fall what we may do is try to identify some of these areas and kill this off with um with

Roundup or something but any anyways we’ll deal with it later I’m I’m just not in the mood to deal with it now our new seed that we planted is uh actually in the winter time uh has come up some of this transplanted this is some of the transplanted grass through here that we

Took from the backyard and put over here we’re still dealing with some broadleaf weeds here um like this I think I just missed this guy right here uh this one got hit but it hasn’t fully gotten demolished yet but you can see the results of speed zone right

There um but but it looks like what I was going to say is it looks like we had some onions or something pop up up here it’s got a little de on it it’s still squishy too so I definitely can’t mow now yeah little onions like this now if

You’ve got these things in your yard these little onions uh speed zone just just hit them and they’re going to just they they they fear speed zone uh or a 24d product let me say that doesn’t have to be speed zone that’s just what I like

So it looks like some of these little onions have just shot up but the growth up here on the bank is really picked up and again remember guys if you’ve been around my channel this will start to uh peel back as the heat from the pavement

Over here we got rock under some of these areas so right now you can tell with this video that our grass is pretty thick and looking good on the bank but as the heat comes this will start to peel back Bermuda starts to come in and

We start to have a few problems but for now that’s why we’re uh more onions over here that’s why we’re looking good and thick right now and it’s ready to be mowed more onions it’s just like the rain that we had definitely brought out the onions color looks great we still

Got weeds this is this is probably the nastiest my front yard has looked in a long time not over seating it’s not thick I believe the fact that I’ve not overseed for a couple years now has led me to why we have weeds in the lawn

Because we’re not thick and uh and so we’ve got some Invaders here plus obviously my pre-emergent has worn off that we did from the fall so we’ve got weeds popping up so and also I know that because not only do we have some onions coming up here but I’ve have seen a

Little bit of Poa Ana over here on the edge but I’ve not seen any POA anua in the middle of the yard so ultimately what we tried to stop germinating was POA annuel we were successful in that besides a little bit on the edge here and a little bit more triv right here

Just man I really hate that stuff it is so difficult to battle and then just quickly showing you guys over here just the bushiness it’s just to me in person uh it’s just thick and bushy and it’s got that Ura green color you can see compared to the neighbors of the

Property line there it’s just a healthy nice looking green color and mowing it is really going to jump start it get the roots going um this is what two or three year old grass so it’s you know it should be fine we got a little bit of

Yellowing on the sides um and again it’s mushy I may not actually I may have to save this and we may not be able to mow today if it gets too bushy um but you can see the side here uh no more um no more stripes the stripes have faded away

Due to growth and uh we just got unevenness and uneven growth but uh man it so mushy we may have to just come back and just say hey this was a lawn walk video and do a moow um do a mow on Friday but we’ll see what it looks like

This afternoon so that’s the pre that’s the before and uh depending on man it is mushier than I thought walking on this thing we may not we may have to postpone the mowing today guys unfortunately and call this something else maybe uh you know um a walk through but we’ll come

Back this afternoon and we’ll see um are we able to put a mow on this I don’t want to put tracks and mud all through the lawn so unfortunately guys uh it’s just way too wet to pull the mower out and to mow this I would fully anticipated I was

Going to be able to do that today and we would show you the before and after and how big you know difference a mow makes but it’s just even looking over here uh where our JP Maple is you can just see how wet the ground is and there’s no

Need to to to get the the mower out and do all that when it’s just too wet there’s still water in the ditch up front so it’s just it’s not the day so uh we’ll just have to do our first modow later on that’s what I anticipated so it

Was more of a walk through um if anything you can see that um applying nitrogen uh somebody said this correctly you’re going You’re Not only applying nitrogen to your grass you’re applying it to any weed you got as well so we’ve seen onions shoot up um and and what I

May do we’ve got 100% chance of rain tomorrow so I may this afternoon take some more speed zone just do another walk through and hit the weeds that I got because I hopefully have time before tomorrow for it to absorb and this time add a surfactant the surfactant a little

Bit of dish soap or a labeled surfactant is great because it sticks to the weed we don’t want to water that in we want it to stick to the plant begin to that 24d go to work so I may spray some of those front yard weeds uh one more time

Before it rains tomorrow being it’s just too wet to mow thank you for tuning in give the video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and hopefully we’ll be able to mow it soon God bless You


  1. It's strange that my poa triv is just as dark/darker than the surrounding fescue (prior to fertilization). Like you, I'll probably deal with it in the fall.

  2. Nufarm coming out with herbicide call Velocity PM to control Poa Triv and plus other weeds, but it’s pricey in $500.

  3. Glad you’re feeling better. I was in the middle of my reseeding project and it started pouring rain after I raked the last bit of thatch from using my Sunjoe. I was hoping to get the seed and mulch down before the rain. Perhaps since it rained so much and so hard, my seed may have washed away (my yard is quite sloped). So maybe it’s a good thing I hadn’t put it down yet.

  4. Great to hear you are all feeling better. Our household got hit with some sort of stomach bug in early February, but it only lasted 3-4 days. I am seeing both what I believe are Poa Annua and Poa Triv. Even though I did a full renovation last fall and sprayed Tenacity when seeding. I put down prodiamine in early February and still getting clover coming back where I killed it off with Glyphosate last fall. It is raining in the Concord, NC area today, but hopefully it will dry up enough to get Speedzone sprayed before it rains again and get fertilizer and some biostimulants down as well. I also need to put down the JG Mag-I-Cal Plus to lower my PH. It isn’t terribly high, but around 7.17.

  5. That's a new for me, after watching your videos for years, Onions? what's up with Onion's? Started off (initially) with Poa Annua then progressed to Poa Trivia, ever figure out how that happened? Mow the yard, how about mowing the Jungle, lol.

  6. I hate the wild onions or garlic. I dont have any speedzone but i think sedge product works. I think its still a bit early for fert in ky. I think the app said 29th

  7. I love these 6 minute videos….
    (I'm a New Yorker. I have no problem using 2x speed on your laid back style of speaking!) 😉

  8. More rain!!! and Mowing looks like its not going to happen til maybe saturday now…GL Brother…..Looks same here…same rain here. Im even considering a fungicide app now because of all the rain in such a short period of time. Its like 4 to 6 inches we have had which includes tonight

  9. And I have maybe like 6-10 of those limey green things popping about lol….be digging those up soon as well, while the entire back yard gets Killzall to prep for landscape and faLL throwdown. plus I need to dig deep in my inner caddyshack to rid myself of these V O L E S !!!!

  10. I’m in Charlotte NC and have been on the same schedule as you as far as preemergent, first fertilizer and first mow. Keep up the good work!

  11. Hi Mr. Ferguson. I have been watching and learning quite a lot from your experience in the lawn. I live in the Winston-Salem area so not far from you. Please keep the content coming as it speaks to what I am experiencing and working through as well. Thank you

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