Garden Design

Jurassic Jungle Garden The Garden Design PART 2 ‘Marking Out’

Gardens, Gardening, Garden Design, Jurassic Jungle Garden, Exotic Tropical Garden, Jungle Garden, Botanic, Botanical Garden, Plants and planting, plants with large leaves, plants for a shady jungle garden, wildlife, springwatch, wildlife pond, garden pond, pond life, how to mark out your pond,

The link for pondkeeper:
The (PAID LINK) link for marker spray paint:

Hello welcome back to Mark’s House and Garden UK if you’ve been following my channel recently you’ll know that I’m about to make radical changes to my Wildlife Pond it is going to remain a wildlife Pond and this is going to be still the wildlife corner of my garden

But on reflection I realized it was a little bit open and exposed and a little bit two-dimensional and as I said in part one of this series of videos I was watching a channel called George’s jungle garden and I realized that I want to make this a bit more of a an enclosed

Space more of a garden room so I’ve come up with an idea and you’ve just seen me marking out the path that I want to retain around the edge of my Wildlife Pond I want to retain this path so that I can get around it with my ride and

Mower and mow it but to the outside of that path I’m going to dig a moat and tomorrow my neighbor is coming around with his mini digger I dug that by hand using a spade and a wheelbarrow I’m going to cheat on the moat I’m going to borrow the services of

My neighbor Mark and his mini Digger so there are one or two considerations I’ve had to take into account there is a slight slope on this Earth on this ground it goes from a high point up here to a low Point down there it is relatively flat but over this

Distance that slight slope is noticeable so if I were to dig this trench in one big go a complete uh horseshoe or a complete semicircle going all the way around the water level here would be about a foot beneath the surface of the the soil if

It was to be at soil level over there I hope that makes sense so my solution to that is I’m going to make it a series of ponds which will give the appearance of being one pond because where there’s a break I’ll make a bridge across that

Will look the the water will go underneath the bridge and it will look like that the water continues around so there’s going to be a gap somewhere here here with a railway sleeper Bridge coming in it’s a fake bridge because it’s going over Earth well that pond

Will then look as if it’s joined on to this Pond similarly there’s going to be another Gap here because I want a path to come in from the house through here a diagonal path across the garden towards the pond so there’ll be another kind of Railway sleeper Bridge here and then we’ll have

Another Pond that comes around this side which will end here so now you can see there that I’ve got Pond Pond Pond Pond Pond Pond Pond no Pond but disguised by a bridge Pond Pond Pond Pond Pond Pond no Pond but disguised by another bridge and then

Pond I hope that’s making sense it will make sense tomorrow when you when you see a video of be these being dug these Boulders have all got to be moved but again I’m going to ask Mark for help with that and they will be used in this

Design scheme and I’ve got to say thank you to everyone who contributed so far for the ideas for this because I’ve had so many plant ideas and every single one of your plant ideas I will be including so I’ve had things like RS and um tracky

Carpus um I’ve got some tree Ferns and several other plants which I made a list of and all those will be included and if you’ve got any more ideas I want large leaf plants to make it feel like a jungle so the next thing is I will just

Now Mark out the pond size so there’ll be a pond here all the soil that’s dug out of that pond will go there and will create a mound and all the soil that’s dug out of this Pond will go here and create another Mound so that you can see it developing now

Into a circular Pond surrounded by a moat surrounded by a mound and into that mound I will plant all these lovely large Lea jungle type plants which will grow up and this will eventually in the fullness of time become an enclosed jungle Garden that I can walk into and

Be inside and by doing that I’ll lose that kind of open aspect exposed two-dimensional feeli that’s the theory anyway so let’s just Mark these big ponds out it can go around here like this and Mark my neighbor can use these lines as a guide tomorrow I’m going to ask him to

Stay off the path but it doesn’t matter if he does any damage to the turf there cuz that’s all going to be dug up similarly there’ll be another Pond here going around here soil there will go in a mound to the outside of it I’m also going to ask Mark

If he possibly can to try and make these ponds have a flat bottom so that I can put plants into them in pots and the pots won’t topple over but to do want them quite deep the deeper the pond the better in my opinion and whilst I’ve got

The services of a three mini Digger to hand I might as well use it and make these quite deep so there we go that’s part two of the series keep your plant ideas coming and watch out over the next couple of days when I publish a video

Where you see Mark and his mini Digger in action digging out these ponds and creating these Moes hope you found that enjoyable and interesting I’m really excited you can probably tell by the tone of my voice and before we know it this time cuz the pond did take me 12

Months to dig before we know it we’ll have three ponds three mounds and a jungle area now I will now have to go away and buy three new pond liners I’m going to go to ponke keeper. probably going to buy them this time Pond keeper were very supportive last year they provided

Me with the pond liner for that pond so I’m always going to be uh biased in favor of pwn keeper and have a look at their website I’ll put a link to their website in the description box below this video I’ll see you soon for some more Jurassic jungle Garden Adventures just

Going to do a bit more Mocking


  1. You’ve already got a few very tiny Gunnera growing in the pond in the background haven’t you ?πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ So you’ll be ok to move them to new ponds. As you’ve already got them growing. πŸ«‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘

  2. Ooh, this is gonna be so cool! Will it be kind of a hidden garden, so you have to cross the bridge to see what is tucked away? Love your energy!

  3. If you have the service of a mini digger , why separate the ponds?

    Use the rocks and a solar powered pump to make a waterfall, the sound of running water in a jungle glen is very pleasing 😁

  4. Great stuff, Mark – and (as one Mark to another) you've missed an obvious title for this "thread" – "Jurassic Mark"!! Unless, of course, you haven't missed it at all, and I'm just very late to the party…

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