Gardening Trends

What spring gardening items to buy at Dollar Tree & latest houseplants at Lowe’s #plants #gardening

Here’s what you can already buy at the @dollartree store for spring and gardening items, and see the latest houseplants at @lowes

shop dollar tree spring gardening and home decor items:
shop @lowes plants currently on sale tagged in this video!

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🪴 SHOP Have a Plantiful Day JOURNAL: Houseplant Care Guide & Trackers

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Have a Plantiful Day!™️

Yeah hi everyone it’s Marian so today I’m going on an erand Vlog I haven’t done this in a while so we’re going to go to the dollar store to check out their spraying and gardening items that already out and then to Lowe to check out their house plant and you might

Think it’s a little bit too early for that but usually at the dollar store at least in my area if you want to get the really good spring and gardening stuff you have to go get them now if you wait until like March to do it or even late

February most of the good stuff is already gone and they usually have a lot of their spring and gardening items already out if not all already so let’s go and head to the dollar store all right so we’re here at the dollar store they have their Valentine’s snow lying

In the window really cute and they do have their Val valentin’s all the way to Easter stuff out but they also have all their gardening stuff out already so let’s go check them out and see what they have so first they have this wire wreath they have the circular ones and

Also the hard ones for Valentines and they even have the bunny and egg ones for Easter and this wheelbarrow which might create a good DIY and one of the things that I like getting in dollar store is their ping shears they’re always good and they also have this

Water globe that I never tried yet but I might get a couple sometime and they have their Nursery pots which is great if you’re propagating plants or even trying to grow seeds for the upcoming growing season and they have their Planters most of them are plastic and

You have a self watering one here they come in different colors they have the metal ones but I don’t really like them and they have this ones the only thing that I don’t like about their Planters is they don’t have pre-drilled holes they do have spots underneath the

Planters that I assume will make it easier for you to drill the holes or poke the holes underneath them but I wish that just came pre-drilled because I don’t think it makes sense for any of these spots to not have any drainage although I guess you could use some of

These especially the larger ones like this as cash bows if you’d like but I just wish they had pre drill ones as an option so you don’t have to do it yourself and that would be nice and they also have this trays and saucers for the

Plants which I think this only size that I saw and they have the smaller ones of three planter that is stackable and they have this hanging planters that is made of plastic with the thread or maccain wire for hanging and they have this plant clips and their gardening gloves I

Do like their gardening gloves they don’t typically last for more than a season though but they are $125 and they they have now potting soil at the Dollar Tree and this is the one thing new that I saw it’s not really a gardening item but it’s a candy jar that

Would make a great terrarium and they have this watering cans that come in four really nice candy colors like the yellow the pink the teal and the purple so they’re good watering cans and for $125 that’s a good deal they’re usually expensive in other places and some

Florals but honestly I rather get them at Hobby Lobby because for a little bit more price you can get really nice ones and this Macary thread the Coca cor liner planter for the wire hanging planters that they have and this things I guess if you’re into this they have it

But I do like the one that is paint by yourself like that gnome it’s white you can keep it white or you can paint it the colors if you want so I think that’s a good DIY activity and they have also that mushroom over there that honestly

Can be mistaken for an anthropology item if you’ve seen their mushroom stuff on their website and then they have this growed kits the daisy ones and also another one that can be used as a terrarium or hanging planter and they have a macroom made that’s already tied

Up for you to hang up plants which makes it convenient I guess and I like this one this is where you could hang plants outside you stick it on the soil and hang your plants there and got like rocks and Pebbles for terrariums or you can use as decorative Toppers on your

Plants and they have flower bulbs and seeds and they have different kinds in large packets like a mixed seed packets and I did grab some of those which I’m going to show you later which ones that I got and I do like buying my seeds from

The dollar store and when I saw this wreath I know it will make a great DIY but I don’t know for what and if you’re someone who likes to mount your plants there are some great options at the crafting section so I just got back to

The dollar store they did have the spray and gardening stuff out already and they have quite a lot but I didn’t see anything new and I don’t know if they still have something else to bring out they probably do cuz I didn’t see many seeds usually I like to get my seeds

From the Dollar Tree they work just as fine as any other seeds in my opinion but I did get a couple of seeds which are the first one is the Wild Flower blend for the Shaded area this one is for the hummingbirds and this one is for the

Birds and Butterfly I’m pretty sure they’re all kind of the same but I want to make sure I did get the shade area cuz I’m using it for one of my garden beds maybe two in the backyard that is in a shaded area and I just want a plot

That is just for like wild flowers cuz like when I go to like Urban Community Gardens especially in New York City like in the Highline area all they have are just like native plants that are like wild flowers even Chicago I saw that so

I kind of like want a plot in the garden that are just wild flowers and with this one these are perennials so I don’t have to worry about that garden bed every single time spring comes along I have to figure out what to do with it so I would

Just have like one plot that is set every year that would have wild flowers for the birds and butterflies and everyone else to enjoy if you want to go get seeds go get them from the dollar store I think they’re worth it they work really well grow really well and these

Are the first things to go among your spring and gardening items you might still see the Planters and all of the rest of the stuff that I showed you in this Vlog but the seeds are definitely the ones to go first so make sure you grab them right now don’t wait until

Like spring to get them CU they’ll be gone by then and so now we’re going to head to hose to check out house plants and I haven’t been plant shopping in a long time so I’m kind of like giving myself a Grace if I find a plant that I

Like in this close I would would buy it but I’d have a budget of $20 and I also have a limitation of the plant cannot be bigger than a 4 in pot because it is for one of my hexagon shelves my beehive plant shelf in my home office room that

Doesn’t have a plant especially now that I’ve taken out like the Christmas decor it is missing a plant in there so I want a plant for it so we’ll see what house plants they have it has been snowing as many of us have experienced here in the

US a lot of snow the past couple of weeks and everything has just melted where I figured within like the last couple days especially yesterday when everything has pretty has melted the weather is finally like almost spring like actually today is like about 70° I imagine the plants they were supposed to

Get over during that time they didn’t get delivered or they held off on it and now it’s delivered and hopefully unpacked and we’ll see good house plans in this L and let’s see what they have so their Garden Center is still closed but their house PL section is

Indoors so we probably see some plants so this the Lo that I typically find the good plants whenever I share with you like great finds is usually from this low so let’s see what they have right now so immediately they have their large potted plants the snake plant the rubber

Trees oh they have a cat and there zzy plant monsteras and this alocasia huge ones and the rubber trees they have multiple plants and one plot which is great if you want to separate them out this large zzy aoca but a different kind or like elephant ear and this one cost about like

$40 which I believe before it was only about 30 so that’s inflation for you and they have birds of paradise as well they do have two plants in the pot like I said so it might be like worth it for you to pay that price and separate the

Plants so you can have multiple plants and here are more more of the aliccia majesty palm and more birds of paradise so let’s check out the rest of the house plants they do have seeds here too can get them here too as well this about like a

Little bit over $2 some of them were $3 but like I said the dollar store ones work just as fine they grow as fine at least in my experience but of course those have more variety and here in the clearance section let’s see if they have anything good I’m not seeing any really

There’s the stratus Cana oh and they have this shingling plant which now is in clearance it used to this used to be such a CED plant but I don’t know I was never really interested in it and even though that’s in clearance I still H I don’t really like like it and there

Calia there dras and I don’t even know what that is but those are the prices in clearance typically it’s around 50% off for those L and here’s a remad and here we have some more Majesty Palms bird of paradise ZZ and this Drina I really like this one this variegated

One it looks very pretty I like how variegated this is and they have like the green and Green version as well but I do like the white variated ones a bit more or a lot more than green ones and more Brad who buys these Brad be honest

Cuz I always see them and I don’t know who buys them and this one are on sale usually for $20 they’re now priced at around 15 so you have here the not the tetrasperma maybe this a tetrasperma or it’s the blue Baltic I get them confused

Now and here’s another type of Drina it is the year of the dragon so if you want to get a Drina plant this is the year to do sell and I like this one this one’s really good especially when they grow really big and cycl for for any occasion

Cying are pretty I’m not going to lie but I don’t have good trackers for them but I really like them especially the pink ones that look like a recet like that one I really like those so they were great for Valentine’s Day so I might have something coming up with

Suance so watch out for that and yes there’s some more down here some more Cactus and look at this one this one’s actually really pretty it’s very prickly but I like the icy blue color of it and burrow tail and I think I found one that

Has a snail on it so I don’t know if that’s considered a house plant pass but I don’t think it’s good for it either so it has like some more of the extra varas succulents and this yuku plant and this is the Baltic blue this is yeah this

One’s the Baltic blue I’ve always see this also I don’t think that PO off the way people thought it would so I always see them and this paos and this really nice planter this is the bson Jan paos and this one is a mortha I believe I

Never really got into this plant and the strany which is still stand by is a lot better or looks better than a pink princess fenon and this one a heartleaf fenon always a good plant to have like the golden paos and it also come in this really nice planter life Trends has been

Really like killing it when it comes to their Planters and also Urban Jungle this is also all from Urban Jungle this hanging planters so the plants in them is often common but honestly the planter alone makes them worth it and here’s a marble Queen paos very variegated almost

Like a Snow Queen paos and here you have some more plants in nice Planters and hanging plants I don’t know who buy just creeping plants to be honest but here here are some more SEO Palms I actually like those SEO palms and some 4in PLS a

Lipstick PL that I haven’t seen in a while people often mistake this for a ho but it’s a lipstick plant and here you got the fendum Bazil one in nice planer and one in just in a regular pot but with more plants and here’s the kitty

Again I got an ice Machel latte from Starbucks and I just left those check out the house plants they were restocked and they had some pretty good plants but nothing really new or exciting but when I was about to leave like resolve I’m not going to buy anything I did see the

Plan did I didn’t want to get which was a saalu paos and if you didn’t know I lost my siuu paos last year I did throw it away because it was just suffering from past infestations the whole year that for me it wasn’t worthwhile keeping

It so I was just like you know throw it away buy a new one and this is the second time I saw a SAU blue paos in store when normally it is quite rare to see a SAU blue Pathos in my local low so

I was tempted to get it it’s kind of the right size it did come in like a really nice hanging planter and it’s for $15 but I was kind of like since this is the second time I saw the boo blo paos maybe I’ll Lo out again and see another

One and maybe find it for cheaper Maybe just in like a regular Nursery pot that didn’t come in a hanging planter it’s like I said I’m just going to put it in my hexagon planter my hexagen plant shelf and I don’t need the hanging planter that comes with it so I feel

Like it’s a waste of money to get it with the planter even though the planter was nice they also had like a myin f dine which I also no longer have which that one was actually pretty nice but I have a fenon melan crym growing at home

So maybe not and then they also had like a synapsis plant a Exotica and they even had silvery and but it was kind of like or maybe just a nerious but it wasn’t looking too good so I didn’t get it plus I still do have the Exotica granted it

Is staying with my sister but I still do have an Exotica and I do have the silver lady so I didn’t feel like getting another synapsis plant so that’s why I kind of like pass on them but I feel like cuz I kind of like want to if I’m

Going to get a plant it got to be something that I really really want not just because oh it’s a good deal or it’s a good price or I found it when I normally don’t see it always cuz that’s how I used to buy plants before but now

Since I have a more smaller plant collection and super curated plant collection at this point I mean through by choice and also not by choice cuz I did lose a lot of plants from last year either you know died sold or what or whatnot so I’m just trying to keep my

Plant collection small and also very manageable just so that I can still enjoy my plants and not be stressed out about them so but yeah I’m going to hun for a new plant but I just don’t know which one to get so if you have any

Suggestions of what is kind of like the latest creas plant nowadays cuz I’m honestly out of the loop if you want to let me know what is kind of like your favorite plant at the moment or your wishes plant at the moment let me know

Maybe I’ll see it maybe I’ll like it as well and add it to my plant collection and that’s it for this Vlog thank you so much for watching and if you like it please give me a thumbs up and comment below and if you’re new here please do

Subscribe I come up with Home and Garden content as well as the occasional travel Vlogs personal Vlogs here and there and if you haven’t seen it yet go check out my Hawaii Vlogs until next time but until then take care of yourself and each other and have a planful day bye


  1. You are adorable!!! How about a (small) Plumeria Tree? I loved seeing all the plants at Lowe's! 🪴🍃🥬

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