Vegetable Gardening

Container Gardening Grow Vegetables At Home

Grow Fresh Fruit & Vegetables In Containers Small Space Container Gardening [Gardening Allotment UK] Please Like & Subscribe and join us doing Allotment Gardening Container Gardening plus more
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I also grow Flowers from seed and plugs its always a challenge to grow something new every year follow me this year as i will be making videos of everything i plant and sow & how to grow
Spring & Summer will be here before you know it
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Ivans Garden UK
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I’m just doing another update today on some plants that we’ve got going some are doing really well it is very cold today I could feel that chilling air as I walking up Garden so there is a chance we could get a frost later on so always good to come out keep

Checking on your plants we’re not in Spring yet it is on its way but we’re not there yet and even when we do get to what is officially spring we still got chances of frost but these are as lettuces and I do like to constantly update people on progress or as plants

That way you can compare to your own plants at the same time and see how you’re doing these lettuce have really come on there look at all that color beautiful plants that’s a cut and come again salad really doing well it’s not growing at lightning speed we don’t

Expect that but it is trying and as it gets lighter and warmer these are going to start to double in size really quick and that’s the point where we’ll start taking them out and moving them on into bigger containers so we can get a nice bunch of lettuce growing and there’s 12

Individual plants in that one very small area which makes it even better spring onion they’re coming along all right as well they’ll be staying in there until we can Harvest green tops we’re not going to wait for bulbs when we do small container gardening we have options

Where we can do cut and come again things like the lettuce and your spring onions are also cut and come again cuz you can take the tops and then they’ll grow back and it’s all confined to small spaces we’ve had some spinach going as well once again very slow but you need

To grow spinach early in year cuz if you don’t as soon as it gets too warm it will bolt and then you’ve got nothing and we’ve done multi-one spinach again in this little container and there early coming on as well we’re going to get a big nice bunch

Of leaves that once again we can Harvest and then let regrow for more harvests so once again small space gardening with cook and again vegetables works really well you don’t just take one thing you’re not waiting for a heting lettuce or a fully grown bunch of spring

Onions you take him little bits at a time over a longer period the onions have also Advanced a little more those green tops are getting bigger so we’re well on his way and I can just pop one of these out and take a look at it just to see what the roots like

And as you can see we have got Roots going on there but they’re not too dense at the moment so they can stay in there for quite a while longer until we’re ready to put them in containers or outside another thing that we’ve been doing is starting off peppers and we’ve

Done two lots of peppers we did as very early peppers a couple of months ago which we’ve repotted to grow on and then we sewed some fresh seeds of a different variety the original ones are long sweet bell peppers but we also wanted some regular bell peppers the ones that grow

Nice and big and round these are the ones that we poted on quite recently and we did have a problem with these because some of the leaves started to K up and we covered every reason why that would happen in a previous video so if you’ve

Got any Leaf curl going on or Leaf roll it might be worth just checking out that video and see all the different ways that you can fix that problem but these are the ones that had curling leaves on top and you can see now they’re all nice and straight and the

Really good size plants for so early in season and that’s because we keep them indoors I’ve got them under grow lights I keep them on a eat mat but I only do that because we can’t afford to eat a spare room that we don’t use I’m sure

Everybody’s in that position so we just pop them on eat M just to keep that soil temperature warm so these plants have a chance at growing but they’ve come on really really well I’m also seeing a little bit of root at the bottom it’s only a tiny

Amount at the moment but you need to keep the eye on that cuz you don’t want to let them get too root bound but for now they can stay in there and then we sewed some more peppers and what we did with these is we soaked them in tea

Overnight to soften that exterior shell and then we pop them on an eat M and we leave them and they’ll germinate in a week or so and we also added two seeds to every cell just to doubl as chances of getting something and they’ve come out really well that’s his new batch of

Bell peppers and you’ll see that most of these cells have got two plants in each in that situation we could take them out gently separate them and get twice as many plants out of this area but what I tend to do is if I’ve got enough I’ll

Just snip the tops off of one let the other grow on which is what we did with those originally so there’s actually quite a lot peppers in that tiny little area they’re coming along nicely but once again we can’t leave them outside they’ll not survive in these temperatures so although it’s really

Cold we’ve still got things outdoors that’s growing fine and we’ve not been fleeing these over the last week or so it’s not been that cold however today it does seem to have dropped quite a bit so you still need to have your fleas handy just in case we don’t want this plans

Getting it by minus temperatures when we put all that effort into get them to the stage that they are now we’ve got a container over there with his first seed potatoes and we’ll be doing quite a few more later on I’m not doing them all at once especially since the new potatoes

Or first eares so they don’t take that long to grow once it warms up and then when they are ready to harvest they don’t store very well either so we’re staggering all those pots this year between now and me we’ve also got some life from the strawberry plants these

Have been sat outside all winter no covering on them whatsoever because strawberries are virtually impossible to kill we’ve got a few bits of dead foliage on these plants which we just need to get rid of just break them off and then we’ve got all that new growth

There so we’ve got the start there some really healthy looking strawberry plants there and we’ve got quite a lot of these that we popped into containers so later in season we can move them into a larger area to grow on or just put them in big containers so there’s are lots and lots

Of vegetables that you can have just in containers you don’t need a huge Garden or an allotment to successfully grow fruit and veg all year long which is the reason why we’re going to concentrate a lot more this season on container and small space growing and on a video

Previous to this I did show you that rhubarb that I dug up at at Garden that had nothing on it all just a bare root plant which has now got around three steaks of rubab growing on it but there’s one other thing that I didn’t show you there was another plant in the

Garden that looked like it were rotting it looked like it was just going to die off so rather than give up on that plant I decided to dig that up as well even though it was quite small and move that on into a container and we popped it into one of

These Caravan wash bowls but this tiny little rhubarb plant that we popped in is so resilient and it’s decided to try and grow us a sticker rubar which is amazing for a plant that we thought we’d lost but even in such a small container as that you can still get something when

You put rhar plants in your garden they have quite big thick Roots so you would think if you put them in a tiny little container like that chances are you’re going to get nothing but it just proves that you can if we only get two or three

Sticks of rhubarb from this that’s still amazing from such a small area we’ve still got the Sweet Peas on go we put them into a bigger container the ones that’s in the smaller container that we had left over are still looking perfectly healthy so if you’ve only got a very

Small area to work with even just a few feet square you’d be surprised at just how much you can grow between now and end of season so if you’ve never done container gardening before maybe give it a try this year it’s a few minutes out

Your time a few pens for seeds maybe a couple of bags of compost for your container and in just a couple of months time you’re going to start harvesting your very own fresh homegrown vegetables and just before I go today thank you so much to his latest donators Dominic

Cullen and Melissa Cook it’s really generous of you to make donations to this Channel and we always pour every penny back into this channel to help us with costs of things that we do throughout season so thank you so much Dominic and Melissa for your generosity it really is massively appreciated if

You want to see what else we’re sewing over the next few weeks please hit that subscribe button press that notifications Bell and I look forward to seeing you on next one you take care


  1. Everything looks good. You're off to a great season so far. We are going to get cold again tonight and tomorrow night, almost freezing. Then back up into the 70's. Wishing both sides of the pond a great harvest this year.

  2. Hi Ivan I'm so sorry to bother you, but I think my seed starts have bolted. I put them 8n my spare bedroom on the floor the only place I could put them, when the green popped out off the top they were about 5 inches long with in a week. And I'm not sure if that means they bolted. If they have please could you advise me on what to do โค

  3. Thank you Ivan. Im new to vegetable growing and gardening in general so your tips and advice are being a great help ๐Ÿ™‚

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