Garden Design

A productive, cottage style SMALL garden in the suburbs – Garden Tour – Behind the Garden Gate

Step into the enchanting world of this small, but productive cottage style garden that features small garden design ideas a plenty! Breanna’s garden in the outer south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne is only 3 years old and although it is TINY it’s a wonderful example of how creative you can be when gardening in Australia, even on a very small block. If you’re stuck on how to landscape your small space then Breanna’s small garden landscaping ideas are for you – let me know which is your favourite tip or trick in the comments below.

If you’ve got a courtyard garden, balcony garden, small backyard or small frontyard space this video has LOADS of ideas that you can also takeaway and use!

As we meander through this garden I’ll show you the clever techniques used by Breanna to maximise space and cultivate a flourishing small garden sanctuary in the heart of the suburbs. The whole garden has a timeless cottage garden charm to it and includes vegetable gardens in raised beds, pots and planters, loads of flowering plants including perennials and Australian natives and LOTS of fruit trees and fruiting plants – all growing in pots or planters.

This garden has a number of tricky spots to grow in – including a narrow side garden that’s wedged between a north facing wall of the house and a tall fence, that creates a space with summer sun but winter shade.

A small TifTuf lawn wraps around the corner of the backyard, creating a comfortable space for the kids to play and it’s lovely to walk on too!

The small decking space off the back of the house is a private and tranquil space for the family to gather around the DIY firepit. Breanna’s got lots of raised vegetable bed planters on the deck too and she’s put them on wheels so they can be moved around to chase the sunlight. Don’t miss her top tips on how to grow vegetables in small spaces here either!

Breanna’s garden focuses on sustainability and family friendly design ideas that converge to create a thriving ecosystem teeming with life. This small plot of land, in a new estate has been transformed into a bountiful haven, where organic veggies flourish alongside fragrant herbs and delicate flowers.

00:00 – 01:20 – Introduction & small frontyard with cottage style planting of hardy plants
01:21 – 02:51 – Narrow garden down the side of the house – tricky spot!
02:52 – 05:01 – Backyard garden with flowers, fruit trees in pots and clever small garden design tips
05:02 – 06:37 – Back deck including a fire pit space and bamboo screening
06:38 – 08.35 – 3 tips for growing vegetables in small gardens
08:36 – 9:39 – Outro and final walk through

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Garden Design & Build by 🌱 Breanna

🌱 Chloe Thomson

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Bean There Dug That is an Australian gardening YouTube Channel created by Australian horticulturist and garden coach Chloe Thomson – aimed at providing gardening know-how and inspiration to all. Chloe’s also the founder of Sprout School an online gardening course designed to make anyone a better and more confident gardener 🌱

#cottagegarden garden #familygarden #GardeningAustralia #AustralianGardening #HardyPlants #perennials #fruitreesinpots #GardenTour #Landscaping #GardenInspiration 🌿🌼🌞

On a windy day in a newer State we’ve come to explore not a small garden but a tiny garden I’m Chloe from being there Doug bat let’s go behind the garden Gate we’re in Clyde an outer Southeastern suburb of Melbourne and this front yard is very different to the backyard that is full of vegetables and fruit trees here in the front yard it’s exposed and as you you can see it gets battered by the winds so the plants that

The owner Brianna has chosen here are Hardy ones but ones that have plenty of flowers this fountain grass is putting on a really good display in all this wind these purpley fronds just look so beautiful when they Sway in the breeze Brianna’s particularly passionate that this front yard is a space for bees

Pollinators and birds to come in so she’s got a bird bath and this one up the top is also perfect for bees to get a drink from because it’s shallow and it’s got the rocks in there that they can land On every inch of this backyard including this narrow access Corridor is used to perfect straight away as we come in that back gate we’ve got two compost bins here and here is the first veggie bed this one is full of watermelons little watermelons and there is some growing up this

Vertical trellis as well more vertical structures with archers everywhere and lots of spaces to grow in pots as well Brianna loves using these felt pots because they’re movable and she can change them up whenever she needs Narrow spaces particularly in small gardens can be really tricky and this is one of those examples this area here faces full North up that way so in the summertime it gets hit by really hot Sunshine but then in winter it’s in full shade now the good thing is that

Deciduous things like these plums the roses don’t mind being in full shade over the winter months when of course they’re bare the lavender weirdly is still very happy as well but over here Brianna’s struggled a little bit the only things that she’s found so far to that will survive in this pallet planter

Are the geraniums but I’ve suggested she give succulents a go there’s a clever use of the Blu Stone steppers here in the Tiff tff lawn it’s a good idea to put steppers in high traffic areas so that you’re not wearing away the lawn this Tiff tff is a lovely

Fine Leaf grass that’s beautiful to walk on in bare feet and very family [Applause] friendly these big statement rocks do a wonderful job of defining the curved border back here and it creates sweet little planting Pockets here on the south side of this wall is a lovely Shady corner with highres eper mediums

And a budle I can even see a cycl in a pot it’s a really sweet little corner of the garden but it continues right around this corner now if you look closely you might notice that the apple trees and some of the other fruiting plants are in big

Pots but that pot is actually half buried in the ground Brian has done this for a couple of reasons number one it helps to secure the pot especially in heavy winds and it keeps it in place but also this isn’t there forever home with two young boys they’re going to need

More space eventually so Brianna wants to be able to pick up these Fring trees and bring them with her to their next place as we make our way towards this little back deck the number of veggies and fruit trees is increasing even more in this little area I can spot things in

Those felt Planters again and there’s a little veggie bed in here as well got rhubarb zucchini there’s a pumpkin down here a tomato and even a mandarin as well as some raspberries and actually growing raspberries in containers is a great way of keeping their suckering roots in check one of the things that

Brianna’s found in this smaller space is to choose varieties of veggies and things like tomatoes that are smaller growing and she uses vertical space as much as possible This temporary trellising acts as a divider between the deck space and the garden beyond the reason they have it there is because they’ve got two energetic dogs and two young kids and well sometimes you need to keep them separated even though we’re in the suburbs and there’s some pretty busy

Roads nearby this main living space has a really calming atmosphere spere including this water feature with a lovely soft sound and the lovely little rustle that you get from the bamboo swaying in the breeze Brianna’s Greenhouse here is a hive of activity at this time of the

Year and in fact year round she tends to grow a lot of things from seed because she wants varieties that are really heavy croppers but also great in small spaces this clumping bamboo does a wonderful job of enclosing this space and giving us some privacy from the two-story house

Behind us you’ll notice that Brianna’s removed the lower leaves to really showcase the bamboo stems which looks really really incredible but it also serves a purpose if these leaves were left on the bamboo low down we’d only be left with a really small space to sit but instead we’ve got the whole bench

Space to enjoy and sit back and have a fire pit with [Applause] Friends these are the biggest veggie beds in Brianna’s garden and they are crammed with plants there’s a few really clever tips in here to give you some ideas on how to grow veggies in small spaces let’s have a look at them so tip number one is to use as much vertical

Space as you can with got starbard Archway here that the tomatoes are growing over but then there are lovely handmade vertical structures over here that’s got a cucumber I can sport another cucumber a pumpkin and a rock melon behind you after growing veggies in this space for 3 years Brianna’s

Worked out that choosing the right varieties is also really important particularly when growing vertically here the Lebanese cucumber doesn’t have a lot of foliage but it still gives you fulls size fruit and a really Bountiful Harvest if you’re growing things like tomatoes that normally have a lot of

Leaves you can prune off any of the excess leaves to allow air flow and also for the sun to ripen those Tomatoes now there’s a trick here that I use at my place as well because my veggie boxes are also a meter by a meter if you look closely you’ll notice that

Brianna plants the largest plant deep into the corners so that they can spill out over the edges or she can train them up vertically and if you want to add things like herbs or pretty flowers like this Sweet Alice then plant it on the side so it Cascades over the edge and

You’ve got plenty more growing space in the [Applause] middle and tip number three would be to use raised beds here Brianna has actually put these on Wheels because over the last 3 years she shifted them around a little bit to find the sunniest spot thankfully she’s worked out that

It’s right here so the veggies are thriving but don’t be afraid to put things on wheels or grow things in large containers if you’re not quite sure you can always move them Around this tiny garden is Brianna’s happy space and she uses it as a spot to escape from the stresses of life particularly as a busy teacher she’s created this Garden as a familyfriendly space but also as a productive Garden to enjoy organic veggies growing at home

And I think you’ll agree that what she’s achieved in such a small space is really Incredible I hope you’ve enjoyed exploring Brianna’s garden with me today if you’ve got a small space a blank canvas Garden or you live in a newer estate don’t be a shy of planting a diversity of plants it’s amazing what you can achieve in a small space let me

Know in the comments down below what was the favorite part of this Garden for you don’t forget to like And subscribe and thanks for joining me on this very windy day I’ll see you next Time


  1. Love it! So many great ideas 🙌🏼 The raised beds on wheels to move to sunnier positions is very innovative 👍🏼

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