Garden Design

How To Draw A Garden Design Plan/PART FOUR

Today in part four of my series on how to design and create a Potager garden, I will be sharing with you the steps I take when drawing a garden design plan.

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Hey y’all Tracy here with just dig at farms today we’re going to be getting back to our little series on how to design and create your own poese garden this is part four and we’re going to be talking about how to draw your design plans for your Poe Garden do not be

Intimidated by this at all if you’re not an artist if you don’t know how to draw don’t be intimidated by this at all I’m going to give you some easy steps on how you can draw out your plan in part three we discussed a few things that you

Needed to do before we actually started designing and drawing out our garden plan so if you haven’t watched part three go back and watch it now and when you get those steps completed come back to this video and we will work on drawing up your plan once you have

Determined your style what you want and need out of your garden the best location for your garden and you’ve done a side analysis then we’re ready for the next step I always recommend that you put your ideas and your plans on paper first before you ever walk out in your

Yard and start digging or trying to plan out your garden put it on paper first make all of your mistakes on paper first this is going to save you a lot of time a lot of energy backaches and a lot of money because some of those choices and

Some of those mistakes might be the wrong ones and they can be costly so I always recommend that you first put your ideas in your plan on paper and we’re going to start with the Bas plan a base plan is a drawing like you’re looking

Down on your plan or on your map from a bird’s eyes view now this plan will most likely change when you start actually building and creating the garden but this is just a very good starting place it helps you to figure out where things need to be in relation with each other

And it helps you get a scale and a measurement of the size that this is actually going to be and what you have to work with so a base plan is always a great place to start there’s some wonderful garden and landscape design software out there that

You can definitely use uh you might could even find something for free that you could download and use but I’m old school and I used to do this for a living I used to do garden design and design plans for people for a living and

Um I always did it I always hand Drew everything I jean actually bought me a really good software one time and I just wouldn’t take the time to learn it I just love the drawing process of this so much that I would rather draw it out and my clients always really appreciated it

Because they said it was like a piece of artwork of their garden and to keep it very simple for you we’re going to be just handdrawing your garden plans there’s a few things that you’re going to need we’re going to start with a measure tape or a measure wheel if you

Have one when I did this for a living I had a measure wheel made everything so much easier but I don’t have one anymore so a measure tape works just as good and for this first step you just need a regular piece of paper notebook paper computer paper a clipboard is very handy

And a pencil we’ll go over the other things in just a minute but that’s what we need right now we need the paper the pencil and the measure tape for our first step something that’s very helpful in this design process you can go to Google Earth maps and pull up your

Property you can print that out and you can work off of that on your design plan the first step of drawing the base plan is to go out and get an overall measurement of the area that you’ve already determined is going to be your garden space the easiest way to do this

Is to find a starting point uh something that’s already existing in the area where you’re going to be putting your garden space find a structure or something that’s already there there it could be a fence post it could be your house it could be a shed it could be a

Tree just find something that’s existing that’s already there and start measuring from there so let that be your starting point get that overall measurement and then make sure you include in this measure any existing things any existing beds if there’s plants already there trees already there um your house like I

Said fences garden shed compost anything that’s already there that’s going to be a part of this Garden space you need to get those measurements as well we are adding an addition to our prote garden so right now we’re working on designing that laying it out and creating it so

I’m going to be doing that project with y’all so that you can actually see what I’m doing visually you can see these steps in action so this this new edition I’ve determined where it’s going to be it’s going to be right off of my Poe Garden as an extension of it and um

We’ve already started creating it but I’m going to start from scratch with y’all on my drawing plans and this Edition is going to be a fruit Orchard and a Market Garden style garden now when I say Market Garden we’re not taking vegetables fruit or anything to

Market to sale it’s not produced to sale this is just we just grow produce and food for ourselves for our family but when I say Market Garden it’s going to be laid out in the style like Market gardeners do we’ll talk about that style later as we develop it right now we’re

Just going out and getting overall measurements of our garden space and any existing structures plants trees we’re going to get those measurements as well and just put them down on paper We’re in my office now I would much rather be in the garden or on the porch drawing but it’s way too windy out there and it’s about to start raining so we’re just going to have to work in my office today before we get started I want to

Tell you about a couple of exciting things so today is Thursday February the 29th tonight at 6:00 p.m. central Time I will be a guest on the Texas Garden guys podcast and I would love for you guys to come over and watch us and join us it’ll

Be live and you’ll be able to ask questions and it’s just going to be a really fun time Jason at cogill introduced me to him his name is Destin and I am looking forward to this podcast it’s going to be a lot of fun it’s called The Garden Party um it’s going to

Be on YouTube Spotify and Facebook but what I’m going to do is put a link in the description of this video so that you can go over and start following him and then you’ll get a notification of our P when our podcast is live I would

Love for all of y’all to join us tonight it’s going to be a lot of fun the other thing is tomorrow is March the 1st and our March newsletter will be coming out in the morning if you have already went over to our website and subscribed for our newsletter you’ll automatically

Receive it in your email if you haven’t y’all go to our website just toet a little box will pop up asking you to subscribe for our newsletter just put in your name and your email and you’ll receive a newsletter at the first of every month I’m really excited about

This newsletter it’s free for y’all and I feel like it’s really going to be helpful for you as a gardener so if you hasn’t if you haven’t subscribed already go to our website subscribe for the newsletter and look forward to receiving it in the morning so now that we’ve got

All of our measurements and this is mine that we just just did outside this is the overall measurement here from here over is the poet garden and this is what’s existing that’s going to uh be part of this Garden area so I drew those in with those measurements I’ve got the overall

Measurement and you can see it’s just a messy drawing not to scale or anything like that now we’re going to take this and create a base plan that is to scale you’re going to need a couple of supplies we need graph paper now when I was doing interior

Design and landscape design I used an architect scale and I didn’t use graph paper I just used this to uh do my drawings to scale we’re not going to get into this today because probably most of you don’t have one of these so we’re going to just use graph paper you need a

Good pencil and a good eraser and you need a straight edge so these are my straight edges but you can just use a ruler whatever you have just to draw that straight edge and this is optional you don’t have to have these but these are templates you can order these online um drafting

Supplies I think is what they’re under but you definitely do not have to order this you can just draw circles or shapes and just freehand it but I have all different kinds of templates here I have landscape templates interor design templates that I also use for this

Because it has nice squares and circles and tables and chairs and this is a circle template and these are uh plant templates there so if you have templates you can use them if not you can just freehand draw the shapes super easy it doesn’t have to be anything detailed or

Hard to just a circle to represent a tree would be fine and when we get to our final plan you might want to use some colored pencils or some markers just to make your plan pretty or to use colors as a symbol to identify different

Things on your plan you don’t have to do this it’s not necessary it’s just something fun now what we’re going to do is we’re going to take these messy measurements that we just took outside of our garden space and we’re going to put them on graph paper to and get it to

Scale on our base plan now that I have my eyes on what I mean to what I mean by to scale is if you take this graph paper and you say one square is going to equal 1T 0 in or you can say 1 square = 2T or

1 square = 5T if you’ve got a really big Garden space that you’re trying to fit onto this little bitty paper one square is going to need to represent more footage so you might want to say one square equals 5T or 4 feet or whatever you want to do

Just know that if you have a smaller Garden that you’re working on it might fit well on this graph paper by just letting one square equal a foot but if you’ve got a larger Garden space that you’re working with and you’re using this little 8 1/2 by 11 paper here then

You might need to make your squares represent more footage like 1 square = 5 ft and I believe that’s what I’m going to need to do because my space out there is pretty big and my graph paper is not my squares on my graph paper I’m going

To do 4T 1 square = 4 fet now I’m going to write that down on my paper it’s called a scale bar so I’m going to put scale is 1 squar = 4T 0 in you want to make sure you put this on here so that you’ll remember what your bar is what

Your scale bar is now what I’m going to do is I’m going to take these messy measurements right here and I’m going to put them on this graph paper to scale so my starting point I’m going to start it right here on my paper and this is my starting

Point that I measured from right here that’s a fence post so I’m going to do the same thing on here now from this fence post to this end this is going to be the overall L uh width of my garden here is 112 ft I wrote it down there so I’m

Going to go from here up here 112 ft so four will go into 112 28 times so that’s 28 squares so I’m going to count that this is my beginning Square 1 2 3 4 5 6 25 26 27 28 just right so that is my measurement from here to here represents 112

Ft because that is 28 squares at 4T per square equals the 112 ft now I’m going to take my straight edge and I’m going to draw that straight line of my garden beds of My overall Garden measurement Okay so we’ve got that measurement now we’re going to get the

Next measurement which is going to be from here we’re going to go back to this same beginning point the same fence post from there this length of the garden space and it is from here to here it’s 87 ft so now I’m going to go 87 ft divide divided by my

4 is 21 and 34 so now I’m going to go 21 squares 1 2 3 4 5 19 20 21 squares and then 34s of a square which would be right about there now I’m going to take my straight edge and I’m going to draw that line okay now we’ve got this measurement

And we’ve got this measurement now we’re going to draw in this measurement from here the end of this line to here is 56 ft so four will go into 56 14 times so that’s 14 squares 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 squares right

There now I’m going to take my straight edge and this is not right on the line because that was a 34 so I’m going to go straight up right there all right now we’re going to get this measurement from here all the way back to the end up here

Which is exactly 100 ft and it’s on a curve so I’m just going to do my best to draw that curve here to here should be right at 100 ft on a curve now we’ve got our overall measurement of our garden space that’s what the garden space is going to look

Like now I’m going to come in and I’m going to put the existing things that were out there so what was existing in the garden was this fence post which a fence runs this way and these garden beds right here these are the pige garden beds so

The end of the pige beds is going to be part of this new Garden so I need these measurements so this is my fence post here my beds are on the back end so I’m just going to draw I’m just going to draw them on here they’re really longer than this but

We’re just going to draw them and then you can see I wrote even the measurements of how wide this was so that’s 11t so 4 8 9 10 11 would be about right there and then it was 7 ft wide so let’s say say 5 six 7 that’s about where the

Pathway is that’s a new bed okay so that’s the pathway there and then we go 17 so 4 8 12 16 17 that’s how wide that bed is they’re not all the right the exact measurements Okay so we’ve got our overall measurement here of our garden

Space and it is to scale we’ve got anything that was existing that’s part of the garden and it’s to scale we’ve got our SC scale bar Road on our base plan now we want to put our uh Compass rows and what that is is that’s just your directional Compass so you should

Have already figured this out when you did your side analysis which way from this Garden SP spot which way is north south east and west for me this is North this is South this is east and this is West so my compass rows will look like this really it’s going to go north

East south and west so that’s just showing the directions of my exposures my Northern Exposure is this way so this will be Northern Exposure this will be Eastern exposure right in here this is my Southern Exposure and this is my Western exposure so this is going to be

The hottest part of my Garden okay we’ve got our base plan done now we’re going to take this and we’re going to make multiple copies of it okay I just made multiple copies I’ve got about five copies here and what we’re going to do this is our base plan it’s to scale it’s

Accurate now we’re going to take this and you can do your side analysis on this you can take all the information that you gathered from your side analysis and you can use one of these and put your information on your plan and it just makes it easier to refer

Back to this during the design process you don’t have to do this you can just refer back to your notes if you want to but I always like to do a little drawing of the side analysis so this is what that would look like this will be our site analysis

Plan and on this you’re definitely going to want your compass rows which is just our shows us our exposure our eastern northern Western Southern Exposures and you might want to put on here if you have which way your winds coming from where does the wind gust

From so for us it comes from this is our Northern winds and it comes from this direction so you might draw wind like that whatever makes sense to you you might also want to put on here a sun and shade map this would good be a good place to record

Um any shaded spots or sunny spots so for me it’s all pretty much Sunny this whole garden is gets full sun this would be my morning sun my sun rises right here and this would be my morning sun all throughout here and then this over here would be the afternoon sun which is

The hottest sign so that this area will be the hottest sun right here and the rest of the day is full sun now if there was a spot on your garden plan where it was shady you might want to just come in and shade in that spot and you could put

On there like what time of day it’s Shady 400 p.m. it gets shade so you can create you a sign and shade map on this side analysis this would also be a good place to put like any kind of soil notes that you have maybe if you have uh clay

Soil or sandy soil you might want to put on here like anywhere that slopes so let’s just say this area right here has a slope to it you might want to indicate something to show that there’s a slope right here the terrain of the property changes a little bit and you could just

Write slope on it slopes down you might want to also make some notes on here like if there’s going to be a problem with deer or any kind of wildlife problems or maybe like right here is invasive uh poison oak that needs to be removed you might want to make that note

On here on your side analysis you might want to say that right in the center here it kind of Puddles water right here and that’s going to be a really wet area so put that on your side analysis because you either want to plant something here that loves water and wet

Feet or you might need to address this issue here you should have already done your side analysis to be able to determine the best location for this Garden so you’re just taking all of that those notes and you’re putting them on a plant like I said you don’t have to do

This you can just refer back to your notes I just usually like to do this now our next step is to do a bubble diagram so we’re going to take a clean cof of our base plan we’re going to put our side analysis over here because we will

Be referring to it but we’re going to take a clean copy here and we’re going to do our bubble diagram a bubble diagram is just a basic drawing using bubble shapes to determine the different spaces and the relationship between the different spaces so let me show you what

I mean now this is just going to be drawing loose bubbles just to show where certain area what the certain areas are going to be be so I know that I want this to be fruit okay I want this to be fruit aade fruit oh and I want this to be

Fruit and then I want this whole area in the middle here to be Market Garden I want this to be my entrance and I want this to be my exit remember this is the pige garden over here so I’ll need an entrance from there into here and this and this will

Be an entrance now yours may look very different than that so let’s just do another example so let’s say this is your garden space we’re going to keep it super super simple one big Square now say you want a greenhouse so where will you put the greenhouse let’s

Put it where it gets a Southern Exposure so let’s say the greenhouse will be up here okay now you’re going to want um let’s say you want a garden shed where do you want the garden shed Maybe here a garden shed okay now let’s see what about a

Compost well you want your compost near your Greenhouse so that’s going to be in relationship with each other so we’ll put our compost here and let’s see you want H garden beds so where do we want the garden beds you might want one here we might want to do raised beds here

And we might want to do the rest of the garden beds here and here and this is my home back here that’s my home and I’m going to walk out my home that’s going to be my entrance on my home I want a porch overlooking I want a porch overlooking my

Garden so all these things are in relationship to each other this will be my pathway kinda so that’s going to have to be an exit so you’re just drawing bubbles of of where you want the different spaces of your garden or your landscape or even your

Home we do we use bubble diagrams in interior design as well the double diagram is super simple it’s just drawing loose circles just showing the different areas that you want within your garden this goes back to that list that dream big list of all the different things that you wanted in your garden

And you’re just taking those and you’re kind of finding a place for them playing with it you may have to use another clean copy and do different layouts you want to make sure that you’re connecting things together now that we’ve done our bubble diagram and we kind of know where

We want the different areas of our garden in relationship to each other now we’re going to take this and do our preliminary plan now this is where we’re getting some structure to this bubble diagram we’re going to be figuring out what our style is if we want um informal

Or formal style what shape beds we want or we’re going to be determining where our pathways are um you might even start making notes of The Hardscape materials you might want to be using uh where your plants are going to be now this isn’t actually identifying what plants that you’re

Going to be putting there you can if you already know but it’s not like making decisions that I’m going to be putting a Gayla Apple in this exact spot it’s just showing where you’re going to be putting your plants like I said if you do know already uh what you’re going to be

Putting in that spot go ahead and put it on this preliminary plan this plan is where you’ll be making notes of trellises or Arbors or pergas different structures like that that you’re going to be adding to the space your Greenhouse your garden shed your compost whatever spaces like that that you’re

Going to be adding to your garden you want to go ahead and get them on this preliminary plan this isn’t doing it to scale this is just drawing it in um Loosely at where it’ll be location where they’re going to be in the garden the f

I like to keep my bubble diagram over here here so I can see it but the first thing I like to do is I like to kind of determine my Pathways so I know this is going to be an entrance that’s going to be a gate and I’m going to have to have

An exit point and what I want to do is I want to be able to drive through right here with my um ATV and go right through here and come down this way I want this whole thing to be a road and I want to be able to exit right

Here and that takes me around the chicken cebe and down to the creek so that’s going to be a road this is my Gate entrance this will be a gate exit right there okay I figured out that main pathway now this is my pige

Garden and I need to be able to get from there to here so I want this to be an entrance from Poe to Market Garden Orchard and this to be an entrance and probably what I want to do is I want to make some arches right here like my rose Arch out

Of cattle panels in the pige garden I want to mimic that and that’s going to lead me into this area now I know that this is fruit here so this will be a fruit burm I’m going to make a burm off all the way around this Garden to put to

Grow my fruit on so it’s going to look something like this okay and then from that’s my burn so I want to come in for my burm because I want this road to actually be able to go around I want to be able to come in go

Down and actually go around around this BM with my ATV so that’s a pathway because I want to be able to drive all the way around it and be able to unload compost or different materials that I need so that kind of gives me my bed I

Can see that this is a a uh my road so this right here will be my market garden bed right there so that’s my bed this is my road this is my fruit BM let me just shade it in so I can keep up with what’s what here that’s my fruit burm

Okay this is that’s my road this whole thing is my Pathways and this is my new garden bed here so I’m just going to write on here fruit fruit fruit pathway pathway this is my main roadway and this is my new Market Garden so now that I’ve I got this

Figured out I’m going to make a few notes in here so this is my fruit I know I want to do a spal fruit right here I want this to be like an esali wall and this will be my fence wall and I know this is going to be figs

Because I’ve already got them there we already planted them there and I think I have four figs right through there this right here is going to be a fig fence that mimics this fence over here on this wall but I’m going to grow some fruit up at

This fence and I think I’m I haven’t quite decided what I’m going to do yet but I know it’s going to be fruit so I’ve wrote that down my pathways are just going to be grass I know that the next step will be our final plan now

This is where we take all of the information from our preliminary plan and we put it on paper to scale this is where we’re going to go back and we’re going to get accurate measurements we’re going to figure out exactly how wide this path is going to be how wide this

Bm’s going to be how big this Garden’s going to be we’re going to figure it all out to scale on paper the final plan is also where we’ll identify what plants we’re going to be using here we know this is figs but which fig varieties we

Know this is going to be a spade fruit but which which fruit am I going to esate here what am I going to grow on this wall um what’s going to be within my Market Garden what’s going to be on my Arbors we’re going to start um really

Getting details to this plan and getting it put on paper to scale so let me show you one of my final plans of the poe garden and the new edition it’s all to scale it has a lot of details on it you can see this is the new area over here

That we’ve been working on today this is the pige and this is coming into the new area so this is the fruit border going around that we just drew out on our preliminary plan and it has lots of details on here so that it’s easy to

Construct now you can see on this plan of the pige garden these beds here my garden beds I only have like garden bed one garden bed to I don’t have what specific plants are in here and that’s because in my pishe garden I rotate my beds every season so something is always

Going to be different in these beds I can take this bed and like blow it up onto another piece of paper and I can have the details of what I’m going to have planted in this bed like my whole companion plan um that’s going to be in

This bed also you can take it and figure out your crop rotation plan so this year this is going to be um summer squash so I’m going to make sure that summer squash is not in here on a rotation the next year this may be summer squash the

Next year this will be then this and I’m going to keep my beds rotated so that nothing’s grown in the same spot for quite a few years so once you have this final plan you can break it apart and create companion plans crop rotation plans plans um you can do a lot of

Different things once you get your final plan done so this right here is my preliminary plan of the garden space that we worked on today and this section from here over is the final plan of that same Garden space and this is what it looks like when it is put to scale and

All the details are put in there okay y’all you just got a design class oneone on how to draw a design plan and I hope that was helpful I hope you understood it it wasn’t too complicated I hope I made sense and it was easy for you to

Understand and I gave you some very applicable steps that you can take to start drawing out your garden plans and create your own pige garden like I said it all begins with a plan get all of your ideas uh play with it move things around um figure it out on paper before

You ever go out and start building your garden and it will save you a lot of time and a lot of money and it’s just fun it’s a good creative Outlet even though you don’t know how to draw you may not be an artist at all and you

Don’t think you can do it you can definitely do it um you don’t have to it doesn’t have to be perfect it doesn’t have to be beautiful it just needs to make sense to you and um I think you’ll enjoy it I think once you get started

And you get past that I can’t do it once you get past that and you start really working on it I think you’re going to find a lot of joy in this process okay y’all I hope that was helpful and I wish you the very very best in designing and

Creating your own Poe garden now as we develop this new addition to the poe Garden I will bring you guys along with me and show show you how we take it from this plan and we actually build it so y’all can walk through the whole process

Of that with us throughout this year as we’re building that and I look forward to hanging out with y’all again soon God bless you


  1. Thank you so very much for sharing and teaching garden design Tracy … this is amazing and I so appreciate this. All the best to you. God Bless.

  2. Well, this just took the guesswork out of gardening! After drawing this out, I've got a new way of looking at my space and how to pull it all together! Thanks Tracy, you're the best teacher I ever had!

  3. I love the way you make it understandable. On your square example you basically drew my existing garden and house location lol . But no porch on the garden side of the house.
    You put the garden shed exactly where I plan to build mine . Lots of love, prayers and blessings from Anna in Iowa

  4. That was very helpful!! Creating a blueprint is a great idea because you can tackle the space in increments if you have to. While never losing the overall plan.

  5. This is great, but you only have one sheet. You can use blueprint paper to copy and make changes so you don't have to redo each time. Also, you can do this very easily in Excel, Visio, or CAD. it is nice to add crops, change beds, rotate crops by saving each digital document. I don't use companies free sites because I cannot guarantee they will be there and I don't want to pay for something that I have such as Excel. Thank you for your series. Always learning a lot!

  6. Thank you thank you! I always wanted to do this in my garden and since I discovered your channel I have designed my potege garden and now my market garden, I didn’t know that is what it was called! Lol Thank you again! Hugs and love from Texas! I wished I could upload pictures of my garden so you could see what yo7 have inspired me to do! Love y’all!

  7. Thank you for sharing this!
    I’ve struggled with this whole process… I’ve known a few of the details or steps, I’ve seen so many things I’d like to have in my garden, but I’ve never been able to make the connections from start to finish. Now maybe I can make some sense of what I want for my rectangular very shaded front yard!
    These steps you provided have helped!
    I’m currently waiting on my husband to come back home from his errands, he’s bringing graph paper.😂
    I might not be able to complete my front garden this year, but I’m headed in the right direction with a plan in place very soon!

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