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Ex-CIA: US Pentagon TERRIFIED Over New Russia Strike Plan On Ukraine

See a FREE RFK Jr movie thanks to past guest – Russia Ukraine war news update with Stephen Gardner and former CIA Ray McGovern. The Russia Ukraine war is now a humanitarian crisis. Obama warned Biden about a war between Ukraine and Russia. Ukraine is running out of fighters. Zelensky is hoping US forces and Polish forces will enter he war. Colonel Douglas Macgregor and Tony Shaffer and Scott Ritter and Ray McGovern all believe Ukraine is heading for a devastating defeat from Putin and Russia. Russia can put out 7 times as much ammunition and weapons of war as Ukraine and the west.

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Now when you talk about Ukraine my God you mentioned 500,000 cream of Ukrainian youth being told they were defending their country uh being just kind of used as Pawns of History um what it’s come to now is that despite uh the protestations of well our president himself July 13 last year

Putin has already lost this war okay a week before the head of the CIA Putin has suffered a strategic defeat the inability and weakness of his armies have been laid be for the world to see July of last year months before the head of National Intelligence a haes

Saying the Russians are running out of ammunition the Russians have no indigenous ability capability to build ammunition that they need in a Weaponry I’m very optimistic about the prospects for the spring offensive by the Ukrainian Army this year namely last year now that’s the kind of advice that

Biden was getting my God you know where were they pulling this stuff out of this is crazy so so what Colonel Larry Wilkerson and I decided to do about 10 days ago we said you know we ought to lay it out for Americans to the degree

We can to understand how all this went down and we found some stuff that is really revealing I’m not going to read so much but I want to cite one one quote that we found from from a a supporter of Obama now Obama you may remember was against sending lethal Weaponry to

Ukraine now why was that well uh Baker in the New York Times their big White House correspondent reported that uh that Obama told this AIDS look it would be a really foolish thing to give the ukrainians the idea that they could Prevail against a much more powerful Russia on their border so

For God’s sake don’t give them any lethal Weaponry okay now I remember it was about the same time when Angela merco from Germany she was the chancellor she appeared at the White House consultations then they had press conference and the Western and German press were all there you know and one of

The correspondents says to OB Mr President now we’re I understand you’re discussing giving lethal weapons to Ukraine how’s that coming along now be has a chance to answer Angela Merkel shouts out that’s a terrible idea so Obama say well we’re discussing it we haven’t decided yet and she says

Again okay so was against it he was against it and um and he warned a year later look uh Ukraine is a core interest of Russia look at the map for God’s sake okay Ukraine is not a core interest of the United States of America okay look

At the map again and so we should really be perceptive in deciding what kind of Interest we want to go to war for that’s Obama okay now back at this time in 2015 one of his am minions a deputy secretary of state said this now I want

You to listen really carefully just two two just two sentences think about who this was the deputy secretary of state if you’re playing on the military terrain of Ukraine you’re playing to Russia’s strength because Russia is right next door look look at the map it has a huge amount of military

Equipment a military force right there on the border anything we did as countries in terms of military support for Ukraine is likely to be matched and then doubled and then tripled and quadrupled by Russia period end quote remarks in Berlin 20 5 so who do you suppose said that

Stephen I’ll give you a hint he’s now secretary of state that was Tony blinkin my God why did he change his mind and where was Biden in all this wasn’t he vice president at the time didn’t he understand that there is such a thing as cor interest that there is

Such a thing as misguiding a country like Ukraine into thinking they could prevent in a war against Russia so we uncovered this and we put it in this HED and we’re getting getting a little bit more resonance than we used to uh for these things um I want to ask add one

More thing that we discovered uh after Ukraine of course everyone said that oh Russia sees Ukraine Russia seized Crimea it was unprovoked of course now for your listeners your Watchers Crimea uh hosts uh Russia’s only all year long ice free Naval Base okay it’s been there since the days of Katherine the Great

Forgot say that when a revolution occurred okay so it’s always been there it’s their it’s their key Naval base if the people who over through the duly established elected government of yanukovich in February of 2014 thought that they could take over the rest of Ukraine including sasto

Which is in in Crimea uh they were sadly misguided long story short u Putin conducted a pleite there knowing full well that most of the people would vote to to join rejoin Russia so they did so here’s uh here’s what the defense intelligence agency said at the time uh

There was a lot of lot of talk about you know puin and and was he paranoid and all this stuff so so here’s a a little two two sentences from uh something called Russian military power issued by the director uh he was a Marine Marine General uh General Stewart was his name

Uh and there was so December 2017 the defense intelligence agency concluded quote the Kremlin is convinced the US is laying the groundwork for regime change in Russia a conviction further reinforced by the events in Ukraine Moscow views the United States as the critical driver behind the crisis in

Ukraine and the Arab Spring too and believes that the overthrow of former Ukrainian president Victor yanukovich is the latest move in a long long established pattern of us orchestrated regime change efforts period end quote this is defense intelligence agency saying look all you people that think that that Putin is

Paranoid well we don’t think so we think this is the way he looks at it now a little corollary here when that intelligence Community assessment was made Dia was cut out of it they didn’t want to have anybody from DIA there and besid that the state department was cut out of that I

Mentioned the three FBI CIA and NSA okay you know so what we have here is is some people who got it right who realized the stakes were pretty high for Russia and uh you know as uh as the current head of the CIA bill Burns reported from Moscow

When he was Ambassador there and this the last little Factor I’ll add the date was February 1 2008 so going back away the new relatively new Russian foreign minister was Sergey lavro had just been appointed he’s still the foreign minister uh he hears these rumors going around that the next NATO Summit is

Going to incorporate Ukraine and Georgia into NATO they’re going to make them members and so he calls calls Burns in get the Ambassador in here Burns goes in he says Mr Burns do you know what net Means versus yeah means no well this is a red line

For us they understand Red Line uh membership in NATO for Ukraine and Georgia is a red line yet means n if this happens in Ukraine there will probably be a Civil War and we Russians will have to determine whether we need to intervene we don’t want that to happen

So tell your people net means net now Burns at that time he played pretty straight I he even said in a comment uh hey Miss Secretary of K R you know um every country has is entitled to have their own strategic concerns and you

Know we know from this is not a only a neuralgic reaction the Russians are really afraid of the geographic strategic here so you know oh so this guy is playing it not only safe he’s playing it straight but he’s playing you know he’s even willing to get her upset because he she’s

Working for Cheney really so he knows what the game so anyhow what happens well that was the 1 of February 2008 Bush and Cheney are going out into the Western Sunset that time next year what they want to do ah we’ll get Ukraine and we’ll get Ukraine and Georgia lined up

For membership in NATO and then we’ll we’ll let somebody pick up the pieces and so they persuade Angela Merkel and Francois the French President okay look we’ll make a member we’ll say We’ll invite them but that’s going to happen forget about and they reluctantly acques and so

The Declaration at the Bucharest at the Bucharest Summit on April 3D 2008 so what February Mar two two months later said Ukraine and Georgia will become members of NATO period end quote okay so now this is this is Ambassador Bill Burns I imagine he was pretty disappointed that nobody

Took his counsel but now he’s the head of CIA and as soon as the special military operation was launched against Ukraine despite all this stuff he was told by the Russians all the stuff he Incorporated his Memoirs for God’s sake he immediately said this was unprovoked provoke came out of the blue

It’s the Russians trying to take over Ukraine and watch him just watch him as the president himself has said it’s not only Ukraine after they’ve deal with Ukraine Poland Baltic before you know it they’ll be at the English Channel I mean these guys anyhow I I may be ranting a

Little bit but it’s just so transparently obvious when you know the the realities is here and I guess there’s good and bad here Larry Wilkerson and I have I think a pretty darn good piece of the school of realism analysis based on hard fact here okay the bad news

Is your audience now knows this I hope they believe it we tried to get it placed in mainstream media we tried real hard I told you we started 10 days ago finally last Friday we said it’ll never get it will never get in there and so we we published it in which is one of the very best website and we’re proud that they took it verbatim uh and the reaction we’re getting there is is pretty good but just think if most Americans knew this background knew how Obama did something sensible knew that he knew which end was up and and cry out

For explanation as to why Biden said well no no we can we can do this and why blinking say oh yeah I changed my mind we can do this no problem you know it just begs it begs attention and if I sound a little frustrated I just ask your

Audience shop that around get a hold of it onc if you agree with it if you think you check our facts this Dia thing why was it suppressed all this other stuff has sort of been suppressed well now I won’t say any more about this unless you have well yeah the

Other thing is that simultaneously with these efforts the main stronghold preventing Russian forces from going west Beyond where they are now has fallen uh even the ukrainians have admitted that it’s called adfa in Ukraine it’s adfa but it’s the place from which the Ukrainian armed forces have been shelling the city of

Danet I don’t mean any stronghold in danet I mean the citizens in danet since 2014 so this is a major objective and Putin I think can justifiably speak to his uh his citizens and saying look your cousins the people you know or you’re related to at danet are no longer have

To put up with shelling from this particular redout and the question of course now is how far west Putin’s forces will go because they can go much farther yeah wow wow wow do you do you think most people even know that zalinski and Ukraine were bombing

Dunans and this was one of the main reasons that Putin invaded was Ukraine was bombing their own people their own country and yes a lot of them were Russian and and that’s why Putin was like we’ve got to reabsorb absorb this area I I don’t think most Americans know

That he was that he was bombing those people that’s right Stephen I’m glad you mentioned that because I didn’t know how how it went up the shelling went from see if I can remember the figures these are un figures right they’re figures from the um the office the organization for

Security and cooperation in Europe in Europe oh as c e it’s a formal body set up by the hsik Accords now they have monitors on the ground along those lines and it was from them we were getting this these reporting and all I knew at the time was yeah 14,000 since

2014 already parished now some of those of course were ukrainians but they say rule of th 12 of those 14,000 were innocent Civ millions in danet mostly in danet City okay what I didn’t know because the oecd didn’t publicize these figures is that I think it was the 13th of February

20122 there were 500 shellings two days later there were see if I can remember something like six or 7,000 shellings okay and that’s the way it went it stayed at that Peak until the 19th of February and there are graphs showing this now available from the oec from the uh Organization for cooperation

Security in Europe okay they I have them I can show you them so what’s that mean that mean that there’s that and there’s also the fact that the uh Ukrainian forces armed to the teeth now with NATO weapons trained over the per previous six years with NATO instruction were all

Not all but almost all assembled on the the border of danet and lugansk these two uh to to oblas provinces in that part in the in the donbas and we’re ready to pounce now that Putin knew that I mean you got you got good surveillance uh and you know exactly what’s going on

Were they about to pounce on on on the your Russian stock and the n and it seems to me they were but I didn’t know that so I was a little surprised that Putin did what he did I also didn’t know how the Chinese would react and this is

The biggie folks this is the biggie Putin was up in Beijing on the 4th of February same month now 2022 and they were launching the Winter Olympics in uh in Beijing and he had a t hot with xiin ping and long story short he said look this is what’s happening

The firing the the shelling is increasing they’re not willing to deal with us on European security they even want to use move Rockets into Ukraine what do you call you know medium range intermediate range nuclear weapons uh Biden told me that they wouldn’t do that on the 30th of December

2021 his negotiators never heard about that and so in my last conversation with Biden was on February 12th 2022 and I asked him what what about that promise that you said you wouldn’t put missiles offensive strike missiles in Ukraine he said oh you know he wouldn’t talk about it and he

Wouldn’t talk about not including Ukraine and NATO either so that’s the 12th okay so we have the we have the fourth and what did shishin Ping say to the great surprise of all my Chinese specialist friends he said well you know we don’t like people violating borders

We’re a r failure type of nation but well car out an exception for you and they did and everyone was surprised at that so I was surprised at that I was surprised because I didn’t know what was going on in Bas so I didn’t think that Putin really needed really needed to do

This and I was surprised when he did it now we understand a lot better because the truth has come out and of course you know the icing on the cake is what were his objectives his objectives in my view will scare the scare the hell out of the

Ukrainians okay invade and get them to make a deal all they wanted was some peace and quiet in Donas okay and they got it from the start first week of the the ground operation they got together in borus and then they being Russian negotiators and Ukrainian negotiators

And then they moved the talks to Turkey and not many people know this still but in Turkey They concluded an agreement where Ukraine would remain neutral there would be a distribution of forces and the the war would stop and uh the danesin Lans would remain part of Ukraine but with regional autonomy as

Was supposed to happen after the Minsk Accords now that fell through and because the US and Boris Johnson as its agent told zinski no no no no don’t do this if you do this we won’t support you uh if you if you reject this we will support you with this fancy weaponry and

All kinds of other aid for as long as it takes bottom line now the President says for as long as we can Soto voce we can any more because of that damn Congress won’t give us any money this is the way Wars end folks this is the way we ended

Vietnam this is the way we ended that terrible war in in Central America Congress our forefathers had the presence of mine to do is the H the pur strings okay if Congress cuts off money then ukrainians can’t depend on us encouraging them as Obama warned against uh to think they can Prevail

Against the much more a much more powerful Russia oh my gosh well I’m hoping and praying that this does end the war um it’s it’s a humanitarian crisis at this point and uh I just hope and pray that it will it will come to an end Ray I

Could talk to you all day you’re a you’re a walking encyclopedia I can’t believe the things that you remember um I appreciate you spending time with my community and helping us understand the truth is Ray still the best place for people to follow you online yes and if they’re on Twitter

Then at grma govern will do it


  1. lol il save you time cause you already know the west is supporting Ukraine as they are making Putin look weak and incompetent 😂lmao

  2. The elite loyalist protestant England & US are committing genocide of Catholics & Muslims and Jews…. Round the world for decades.

    German Crown Windsor secretly caring on hitlers agenda…

  3. The facts surrounding Euromaidan, along with Arab Spring and the events in Syria, prove that the Obama administration was not "sensible".

  4. CIA trying to make out that the war in Ukraine is Russia vs Ukraine. It's not, it's Americas little game. Russia is playing it. Just not in the way America would like.

  5. The government should give back all the money to its citizens that they wasted on a ridiculous war and worry about the Fn UNITED STATES PERIOD! Forget other countries right now

  6. BIDEN BORDER FAILURE has put AMERICA in a situation that we can't save any other country , but hopefully its not too late to save our own country !

  7. Can you get this broadcast on national TV? 99% of Americans do not realize it the war machine who dictate Biden how to create this stupid narrative

  8. The West couldn't just ignore the genocide of an entire country.. What message would that signal to the rest of the world and russia ffsk? Since when did you yankees become apathetic spectators?.. Your intervention in the name of justice is what defines you, so I'm sorry guys but you need to grow balls and remind yourselves about what the right thing to do is now more than ever..

  9. So Sweden and Finland are idiots for joining NATO even though they tried staying neutral. Russia invades and you all think they are the good guys. Russia was communist for 70 years and had a chance to join the world but they rejected that. FSB Putin takes power and many love him. We armed up against the Soviets and Putin is not far from that thinking. Glory days of the Soviet empire. Dominating neighboring countries.

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